NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 2

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I would like to know a bit more about the conversation with his Mom. Did she express her disappointment in Steven? Was she pressuring him to come home? Was anything said that may have pushed him over the edge?

Great question Fairy. Maybe Naegle can answer that. Another question to add to that would be if he has had an recent altercations/arguments with anyone in the days leading up to his disappearence.
I didn't now what to think. I posted the link several times, and you were saying "Wish we had a timeline!" ;)

OK. Sorry to be grumpy. I think I gave myself a headache working on it.

I'M SO SORRY! I truly didn't see your link. I was practically BEGGING for a timeline and I didn't realize you had already put one together! I really am so sorry. Your timeline is awesome. In fact, I'm going to print it out and keep it by my side.

Thank you!
I'm really leaning towards Steven being lured there as well. I seriously doubt that a lot of people knew that one house had security cameras. I also believe he had been to that neighborhood before as well as in the vid he seemed to know where he was going and didn't seem to be concerned that he was leaving his vehicle away from his actual destination.

Nothing may have been nefarious on his part...but I think someone else had ulterior motives, unfortunately.

ETA: Luring - meaning with the hopes of a job or job lead (something of that nature)
Steven's sister spoke to him on the 9th and 10th she just posted that on FB! His mother also spoke to him on the 10th.

I had the Mom conv on the 10th; I've added the sister's FB commens to the timeline.
I am sticking by my assertion: He was lured there and whoever did it had bad motives.


I agree with most of what you said. My initial thought was that Steven had gone to see a therapist (counsellor) that works out of an Evening Lights address. Simple.

But then the phone pings in Vegas after that. Is Steven with the phone at that point? If he isn't, he got into trouble near Evening Lights. If he is with the phone in Vegas he got into trouble there. But how did he get to Vegas? Takes me back to Evening Lights, and really, people on that street aren't saying much.

I can't stay on much longer tonight. Was hoping to see Naegle before I left.

Naegle if you make it here tonight, here are a few questions I had that I thought you might have an answer to:

1.) Did/Does Steven have a history of taking off for periods of time?

2.) Are his Birth Certificate, Passport, other pieces of identification missing?

3.) Was he taking any medication? Was he ever treated in the past for mental\nervous type issues? Drugs, Alcoholism, etc? I know this information is not our business in the normal sense, but could play a factor in his disappearence.

4.) Do we know of any arguments/altercations with family or friends he may have had in the days/weeks before his disappearence?

5.) Has anything happened recently that may have caused humiliation or embarrassment?
I'M SO SORRY! I truly didn't see your link. I was practically BEGGING for a timeline and I didn't realize you had already put one together! I really am so sorry. Your timeline is awesome. In fact, I'm going to print it out and keep it by my side.

Thank you!

You're welcome!
My apologies, too.
A little gin and tonic, and a headache fades ;)

Don't print it out -- it's already changed three times in the last hour. ;)

BOOKMARK it! (Put it in your favorites)
That way, you can click on it in a new window, and look at the newest version.

Nothing's more valuable in your browser, than an organized list of favorites and 6 windows (NOT tabs) open at the same time.
I can't stay on much longer tonight. Was hoping to see Naegle before I left.

Naegle if you make it here tonight, here are a few questions I had that I thought you might have an answer to:

1.) Did/Does Steven have a history of taking off for periods of time?

2.) Are his Birth Certificate, Passport, other pieces of identification missing?

3.) Was he taking any medication? Was he ever treated in the past for mental\nervous type issues? Drugs, Alcoholism, etc? I know this information is not our business in the normal sense, but could play a factor in his disappearence.

4.) Do we know of any arguments/altercations with family or friends he may have had in the days/weeks before his disappearence?

5.) Has anything happened recently that may have caused humiliation or embarrassment?

Do we need a question and answer page, to collect all of these permanently?
I am going to repeat a question, and direct it to Naegle in the event the info can be shared:

Did the person who caught Steven on surveillance turn over additional tapes to LE in the event that Steven was in that area before?

Yes. I'm not sure what time frame of video WE have, the owner gave us a bunch of dvds. I'd love to parcel them out to you all, but I'd probably have to send you one each through snail mail. From what we've watched, his car wasn't in the area before.
A bit of clarification: "Northern Utah" isn't Salt Lake City. It's the the northern half of Davis County, and up from there (ie, the "panhandle" part).
Being a Utahn, I get a bit excited that there's maybe new news regarding that area.

We know he was using his phone on the 13th, and that messages were checked on the 14th.

Do we know if Steven was a texter?
I ask that, because I know lots of people detest texting OR it's not included in their plan, so they avoid it. I don't like it one bit ;)

I'm not a big texter myself, but the one time I did text him he replied like a shot. Maybe that's because I offered to set him up on a date... This was in probably October.
Playing devil's advocate here for a sec. IF Steven had been in that neighborhood before maybe he had parked his car in a different location?
Hi, all

I need a bit of help with the timeline.

Believe09 or anyone:
The first posts in each thread say that the "last financial transaction" was at K-Mart in St George on 12 Dec.
BUT....that would mean he'd driven to Mesquite and purchased fuel and snacks, then driven back to St George, because the Mesquite purchase is also on 12 Dec.
I've left the timeline in that order (because I try to omit assumptions)...but it just seems blasted-ackwards.

Naegle or anyone:
Does anyone know, if the 11:10am time on the Dec 13th Paul Doxey call is the time when Doxey made the call, or when Steven received it? (It makes a huge difference in the logic of the phone calls, since we're dealing with two time zones).

If there's anyone else you see that looks wrong, please ask!
Good post.

I think you're completely correct on #7....and there's another clue, which came from Naegle today.

After Webb called him on Sunday, Dec 13, Seth Aboud called and also asked him to do something at church that day (announce a trip to a basketball game), and Steve said he couldn't.....AND, Steven also told Seth that he wouldn't be at the basketball game (which wasn't until Wed, Dec 16th -- three days later).

I think that's THE clue that Steven wasn't planning to go back to St George, even though he didn't have his computer or other personal items with him.

I think that is an important observation, but to my limited knowledge basketball wasn't his favorite sport. We're a volleball family. Maybe he just didn't want to play. It would be nice to know if he usually went to play. I'll ask.
Great idea. If you want, I can try to start on that tomorrow, since you did all of the work on the timeline today!!

Can you put it online, so the fresh version is always a click away?
If you're a google member, you can upload things. It took me about an hour to figure out that it was easier than I thought it was.

Or...once you've done all the hard work, I can upload it and give you the credit for YOUR hard work.
I think that is an important observation, but to my limited knowledge basketball wasn't his favorite sport. We're a volleball family. Maybe he just didn't want to play. It would be nice to know if he usually went to play. I'll ask.

PLAY basketball!

I thought they were planning a trip to see the Utah Jazz or one of the local teams play...and I thought maybe Steven couldn't afford the price of the tickets.

See...this is why I leave my own assumptions out of the timeline.
Read some of the replies today so far:

-I don't think he met up with someone on Evening Lights and left with them. . .as in he was running away from his life to start a new one. Would that not mean that somebody else would also be missing? Girl, guy, woman, man, etc. . .somebody else would be missing. And I have checked missing persons reports for Las Vegas. . .nothing that really jumps out at me. I guess it could be somebody from outside the area but once again. . .why meet on THAT street? If it's somebody from out of town, they could meet in a casino parking garage. I guess somebody could have picked Steven up and are helping him secretly. . .but for a month? That might work for a week but when you have all of these people looking for Steven eventually somebody's conscience is going to kick in. I think. And I can't think of a situation off the top of my head where somebody hid somebody in those kind of circumstances. On top of that, a person can get in serious trouble doing that. . .especially if Steven is eventually declared dead. This idea that Steven met with someone and they went off together to start anew just does not fly to me and it would be the first of its kind.

-People who fake their own deaths and disappearances rarely get away with it. Most people who disappear vanish because of a crime committed against them. People with much better contacts, means, financial situations, etc. have tried to disappear and got caught. I suppose Steven could get "lucky" but the odds are very, very, very low that he could craft his own disappearance and get away with it given his situations. . .financial and otherwise.

-I did a search on Google with the words "Las Vegas" and "car was found" and "2009" and "disappeared". There was not one. . .not one!. . .disappearance like this in Vegas in 2009. I was surprised. Whereas, Steven's case popped up several hundred times. In fact, in my research the only recent case that comes close to the circumstances of Steven's was Trevor Morse. He got dropped off in a shopping mall by a taxi. Told the taxi driver he was waiting for someone. He stood out in front of a store for a while like he was waiting for someone. Then walked off camera and was never heard from again. Where he disappeared was not near Evening Lights but it happened, once again, in a very similar place. . .an upper middle class part of Vegas. So, Steven's particular circumstances are unique to Las Vegas.

-I am trying to wonder what we would all think if the video cameras did not catch Steven on tape. I don't believe Steven knew the cameras were there, especially camera #1. Would we not think that someone besides him dropped that car off there now that we know he disappeared? Probably. In fact, I think we are all surprised given the circumstances that Steven was proven to leave his own car there. In addition, the only reason we would know that Steven was there would be because of the white SUV. But, without the cameras, the police would have probably not known the white SUV was there, on top of the issue of whethere the driver of the SUV would have remembered Steven on the street or not. Just going through some mental gymnastics here. . .

-I know this may be a given but I really believe Steven stopped on Evening Lights. Nobody saw him walking down that other street that is at the end of Evening Lights, right? And it's noon on a Sunday! People going places. Going to church. Even in that minute of a tape we see the white SUV. So, there had to be more cars riding around that neighborhood at the time and I guess nobody else saw him walking. So, his walking journey ended on Evening Lights, that day, at that time. That may sound simplistic but no one saw him on any other street and that is a long. . .the long way. . .walk up to Anthem if he was looking to catch a bus and leave his life.

I am sticking by my assertion: He was lured there and whoever did it had bad motives.

Well said. There isn't one thing hat you posted here that I disagree with. I'm sad to say that this is the only senario that has ever made sense to me. My first post on here is a very rough version of what you have laid out. I believe in my heart of hearts that the missing clue is on Evening Lights. Someone there knows something.

Thank you for showin up on here and helping us out. We are all on here trying to help figure out what has happened to your loved one. I can't imagine getting on here and reading about what we "think" may have happened. Keep strong and know that we are trying to help. If I had the time and money I would love for nothing more than to get in a car and drive down to St. George and then on to Evening Lights. I can't imagine what you and the family are going through. Be strong.
Yes. I'm not sure what time frame of video WE have, the owner gave us a bunch of dvds. I'd love to parcel them out to you all, but I'd probably have to send you one each through snail mail. From what we've watched, his car wasn't in the area before.

Wow. That guy *really* had security, because they usually over-write the DVDs automatically after 48 or 72 hours.

But even IF a car like Steven's showed up on that security video, there'd be no way to tell if it was his car for sure, unless he got out and walked...which is probably what you've already scanned for.
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