2010.05.21 Tommy Jailhouse phone calls released: General Discussion

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I just don't get it. I am feeling like she wishes she knew the truth but don't but like i said maybe I am being fooled. IDK

I don't know if there's any point in my listening to the Misty tapes unless I'm seeking to be even more baffled--I know she is capable of fooling me and has fooled me.
My heart is breaking for Mr. Croslin. I also wish he could know, not all people are judging him (for his children's doings), some are, but, not all.

It tore me to pieces where he said something like this "we Croslin's might be stupid, but we are no killers" - that was in a tape (somewhere on this site). This was the icing on the cake for me.

It seems like he knows, in his heart, they are both involved.

ITA and it sounds as if he also was embarrassed by his wife (re going back to MI) and yet stayed with her. Sounds like he is a flawed and now broken man. I really believe he loves his children, did the best he knew how and is living a life of hell. I also believe he wants his kids to tell the truth as he REALLY wants the right thing for Haleigh no matter who it implicates. I think he suspects Misty is involved for certain and maybe Tommy too.
On tape 13, Tommy almost giggles when Hank says bones were found in the river. Tommy knows the river search was a joke. He should be made to work the rest of his life to help pay off that bill!
On tape 13, Tommy almost giggles when Hank says bones were found in the river. Tommy knows the river search was a joke. He should be made to work the rest of his life to help pay off that bill!

I understand why this frustrates you. However, we don't know what LE was told by ToC that would cause them to do this search. Maybe he was telling them something else, other than a body, was in the river. Possibly the murder weapon or something of that nature. Laughing about a child's bones being found is by no means funny but possibly he was laughing because based on what he told them, it was so ridiculous for people to be saying such a thing.
Just want to say "thanks" to elle and others who have transcribed these jailhouse phone visits. I appreciate the time and effort that you have put into this for those of us who prefer not to (or can't) listen/watch the videos. :rose:
Just want to say "thanks" to elle and others who have transcribed these jailhouse phone visits. I appreciate the time and effort that you have put into this for those of us who prefer not to (or can't) listen/watch the videos. :rose:

Was just about to post the same thing!

I probably wouldn't understand most of it even if I could listen, so yeah, thanks everyone for the transcriptions!

I'm not sure whether I believe that Tommy was saying the story was a lie when he talked to Hank or, is he trying to say because he was brought to the dock it doesn't mean he had any involvement.

It appears that LE is playing them saying one said something the other did not according to them. So the LE tactics are going strong. Putting them in the car together being another.

In that the tapes of Misty are older than the Dock Scene, I don't know what to think about those. At least she is being realistic that Ronald and his family was a bad move for her. Yet she still says she doesn't know anything more. Could that be true? I really don't know unless we hear something from Misty after that search. Could she just be one of those people that are never wrong?

What I don't understand is what happened those days at Shell Harbor. These tapes while probably redacted don't tell that story.

I'm more frustrated with this case than ever before is what I do know. What a tangled weave.
Hey guys, could someone tell me what number audio has a conversation with Misty and Hank?? I could have swore I listened to every single recording into the wee hours of this morning, but didn't hear Misty on a single one. So i have some how managed to completely miss it. So anyone know offhand which number it is??:help:
Thanks so much in advance:)
Hey guys, could someone tell me what number audio has a conversation with Misty and Hank?? I could have swore I listened to every single recording into the wee hours of this morning, but didn't hear Misty on a single one. So i have some how managed to completely miss it. So anyone know offhand which number it is??:help:
Thanks so much in advance:)

Tape 1 & 2 at this link:

I'm waiting for the tapes where Hank Sr. tells Tommy and Misty about Ron's pending "deal."
Hey guys, could someone tell me what number audio has a conversation with Misty and Hank?? I could have swore I listened to every single recording into the wee hours of this morning, but didn't hear Misty on a single one. So i have some how managed to completely miss it. So anyone know offhand which number it is??:help:
Thanks so much in advance:)

There's two new ones put up today at the same site as the others. Both are Misty/Hank Sr. conversations. I would give you the link, but I'm not sure if it's still allowed.

Look for the new article.
Links to vids and audios on that site are allowed. No articles or discussion topics, comments etc. or the weekly show though :)

I'm going to put the links in the first post. That should help. They weren't uploaded until today. If anyone sees new ones let me know and I will add them to the first post with the other link. :biggrin:
I'm not sure whether I believe that Tommy was saying the story was a lie when he talked to Hank or, is he trying to say because he was brought to the dock it doesn't mean he had any involvement.

It appears that LE is playing them saying one said something the other did not according to them. So the LE tactics are going strong. Putting them in the car together being another.

In that the tapes of Misty are older than the Dock Scene, I don't know what to think about those. At least she is being realistic that Ronald and his family was a bad move for her. Yet she still says she doesn't know anything more. Could that be true? I really don't know unless we hear something from Misty after that search. Could she just be one of those people that are never wrong?

What I don't understand is what happened those days at Shell Harbor. These tapes while probably redacted don't tell that story.

I'm more frustrated with this case than ever before is what I do know. What a tangled weave.

Then why all of the failed lie detector tests?
I think if she tells on Ronald, she tells on herself.

To clarify:

I think Ronald could be DIRECTLY involved IF he drugged his own child/directed Misty to, which I think is entirely possible because of Butterbeans very close haircut right after Haleigh went missing. Very hinky thing to do, IMO.
The hair follicle drug test that is used in court tests the hair strands accurately for up to 6mos. and actually the length of hair does NOT matter. It can be a "buzz" cut or it can be chemically processed(bleach, hair color, perm, relaxer, etc)The length nor the chemical process will deter or interfere with getting an accurate up to 6mo drug screen. And they actually do not just take the hair from the scalp... They take from multiple areas on entire scalp, along with arm and leg hair, etc.( approximate size/amt of hair collected from EACH area is about the same size in diameter of a standard #2 pencil eraser)
Thanks to Elle and whoever else is transcribing the tapes. I have an ear infection so it's hard for me to wear the ear buds to listen. My speakers are bad.

Just a thought, but when Misty says she wishes she would have stayed in TN, could she be talking about the first time she lived with her granny, back before this all happened, before she ever knew Ronald??
2010.05.22 Misty Croslin Audio's of Jail Visits with Hank Sr. before St. Johns River Search.

What stuck out the most to me:
Misty says that she is not sure if Joe had anything to do with Haleigh.
Misty mentioners she didn't do pills until she met Ronald.
Misty mentions that Ronald shoots up.
Misty mentions that she tried calling Ronald the night Haleigh went missing over and over and he didn't answer.
Hank mentioned that Tommy (Hank Jr. Croslin) PASSED HIS POLY!
Hank Sr. mentions that rumor has it he sneaked out of work that night
Hank Sr. tells Misty that he heard some stuff that is not good for her.

I found the Conversation between Misty and her father very telling, more so that all the tapes released from Tommy's calls yesterday.
It sounds like the date of this visit was before the search of the St Johns river.

In these audios Hank Sr. tells Misty that he heard some stuff that is not good for her, she asked but he told her he couldn't tell her at the time. Hank tells Misty that Lindsey is mad a her and didn't want to talk to her, Misty goes off and tells him to go pick up her clothe from Lindsey and the she is probably out getting high. Hank also said that Tommy is mad at her as well.

Misty talks about how Ronald and Family used her as a babysitter and once Haleigh went missing they didn't need her anymore. She now claims that she is going to stick up for herself. Mentions TN saying that Misty is to blame for Ron's drug charges, Misty mentioners she didn't do pills until she met Ronald, that she only smoked pot. She also mentions that Ronald shoots up. She also mentions that she tried calling Ronald the night Haleigh went missing over and over and he didn't answer. Hank Sr. mentions that rumor has it he sneaked out of work that night.
Misty also says that she is not sure if Joe had anything to do with Haleigh, she says that cops/people tell her so many things and it kind of gets to the point where she starts believing what they tell her. Something to that effect.

Much More at link below, worth the listen.
Listen here: http://www..net/124593
WARNING to guests that haven't started listening yet. The family uses the F bomb as...

transitive verb
intransitive verb
part as an adverb

ALA George Carlin description.

Yeah real Christains they are (NOT!). ToC, Misty, Lisa and Hank better keep reading that Bible.
Is there a link to the call(s) from Misty and her Dad or Mom AFTER she went to the dock?
If there is can someone link me to them? Thanks.
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