2010.05.21 Tommy Jailhouse phone calls released: General Discussion

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Misty crying about being robbed and how she coulda died. OMG!! What about the little five year old girl who died!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is Hank suicidal? I've noticed it in a lot of the tapes. Things he says but I don't know if he is being dramatic or ????
Hank: "Tell the truth (just make sure it doesn't involve Tommy)" :snooty:
The hair follicle drug test that is used in court tests the hair strands accurately for up to 6mos. and actually the length of hair does NOT matter. It can be a "buzz" cut or it can be chemically processed(bleach, hair color, perm, relaxer, etc)The length nor the chemical process will deter or interfere with getting an accurate up to 6mo drug screen. And they actually do not just take the hair from the scalp... They take from multiple areas on entire scalp, along with arm and leg hair, etc.( approximate size/amt of hair collected from EACH area is about the same size in diameter of a standard #2 pencil eraser)

Thanks Jessiegirl. I learned something new from this....but....I doubt this crew we are speaking of had a clue. I suspect it was one of the older Cummings that thought about the hair and traces of drugs IF Misty's statements about their knowledge of RC and heavy drug use are true.
Gosh, they sure got themselves into big trouble. Hank, is the Dad I assume (Misty's Dad)?
Is Hank suicidal? I've noticed it in a lot of the tapes. Things he says but I don't know if he is being dramatic or ????

I think he's being sincere describing how fragile his state of mind is at present. Because of the situation his kids are in, being in physical pain and not able to find work, he may as well be in jail himself, as he so stated in the tape. I believe him.
I have not been reading here too much but I was not aware that Hank Sr. was on drugs too!
Right after she said calling him and calling him, she adds then he was right there at the door?

Yup.....you are right! Is her time off or was she up and calling him and calling him.......before 3:15. good catch there with that one/.

Today’s audio file is not the first time we have heard Misty say she called Ronald “over and over” prior to his arrival at the trailer.

Listen to what she says beginning at the 29:04 mark in her hypnosis evaluation:

- "I woke up and noticed the kitchen light was on"

- "I got up and went to the kitchen and seen the back door was open..."

- "I RUN into my bedroom and grabbed my phone and then I tried to call Ronald and he didn't answer.....I was trying to call him over and over"

Misty crying about being robbed and how she coulda died. OMG!! What about the little five year old girl who died!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a guess on my part, but..I think Misty was trying to accentuate the seriousness of Ron's involvement with drugs/drug people. The lengths they will go to get what they want.
I have not been reading here too much but I was not aware that Hank Sr. was on drugs too!

Wasn't there some issue of Hank going to the hospital after buying some bad Oxycontin from Ron?

Drugs seem to be deeply involved with every single individual involved with this case. Each and every one of them. The only possible exception is TN, and even then you sometimes wonder.
Misty's self pity party melodrama reminds me so much of Casey Anthony.

It is all about poor "me". (gag) :innocent:

TAPE 8: ToC and HC, Sr.
LC in background

In this tape, HC explains to ToC that Linds said the cops told her that ToC helped dispose of the body, and that is why she is mad. LC tells ToC that Linds is filing for divorce.

Some of ToC's responses to HC, Sr.:

- that's BS
- u know better, think about it, Dad
- that's what i'm tryin to do, tryin to get myself home
- u need to think...thinkin down in your heart...i gotta do what i gotta do
- i can't explain it to you right now cause it will mess everything up, and i just can't do it
- i have to do what i have to do, man
- i need to explain things to my wife. she should know, too
- i need to talk to her (Linds) badly
- she needs to talk to my f'n lawyer

Towards the end of Tape 8, according to HC, SBrown told him that ToC's going to be fine:

HC: SBrown told me that he thinks that you going to be all right
ToC: i'm going to, i didn't do s---wrong...

HC: ...it's M (on the line) and she can't call back, so...
ToC: ...tell her i love her
Am I the only one that feels that Tommy is being the "squealer" on purpose here? He tries and tries to tell his family that none of this is true. And he keeps telling them to talk to his lawyer. He especially wants Lindsy to talk to his lawyer. And it explains why he's saying "yeah whatever" about the bones. I have a feeling that this is the man LE is making a deal with--not RC. I think the search was all a set up to get someone to make some type of move. I have no idea who they're looking at, but I do NOT think it's Tommy.
He's doing "what he has to do to go home". They may be double crossing him a bit by not telling Lindsy what's going on, but I think that's part of their strategy. Making it clear this is JMO :)
Tape 15

Hank: " Joe told me (when I was up there) that he's gonna smash Misty's face in for implicating him. I said, 'No you're not, Joe.' Joe said, 'Yeah, I am', and he pulled out his .38."

Hank tells Tommy that some think Haleigh OD'd and he and Joe went down there to help. Once again, Tommy adamantly denies it. "They're outta their minds. That's crazy as f^&k!"

Lisa said Misty told her she was sitting on the couch with Tommy... Tommy stops her. "I can't talk about nothing".
Tommy sounds deflated and a little drowsy. His optimism is gone.

This just sounds weird. To me. Why would misty be telling lisa about sitting on the couch w/ tommy? Just the fact that it's important enough for misty to bring it up and then for tommy to just be like "can't talk bout nothing". There's something all right. I don't mean to sound so jaded but of course the first thing I thought was jr. supposedly saying something about the bouncing couch (iirc). ick. eww. I don't think misty'd be saying to lisa 'yea we were just chilling on the couch" ok then what or so what and what would that have to do w/ the story of Haleigh missing?
This and the mention of the magnolia address stood out so far.
I can not listen to the videos, my computer won't let me....

Can someone please tell me about the phone convo between TiC and Tommy. TiC mentioned something about Jowles(sp?) said he was protecting his family (I think meaning TiC's family) and Tommy broke down crying???
This just sounds weird. To me. Why would misty be telling lisa about sitting on the couch w/ tommy? Just the fact that it's important enough for misty to bring it up and then for tommy to just be like "can't talk bout nothing". There's something all right. I don't mean to sound so jaded but of course the first thing I thought was jr. supposedly saying something about the bouncing couch (iirc). ick. eww. I don't think misty'd be saying to lisa 'yea we were just chilling on the couch" ok then what or so what and what would that have to do w/ the story of Haleigh missing?
This and the mention of the magnolia address stood out so far.

I thought maybe the "she" Lisa was talking about was HaLeigh.

Is it possible that Misty told Lisa that HaLeigh was on the couch with Tommy?

crap. I can't get the recordings.

Was there a strong negative reaction from Tommy about this, or was it his normal (B.S or I didn't do it) reaction?
The Misty/Hank tapes are so much more interesting than those of Tommy. Tommy's tapes consist pretty much of:
- I didn’t do nothing wrong
- That’s BS
- I want to talk to my lawyer

whereas Misty and her father have an actual conversation, and now that Misty has finally clued in that she was being used by Ron and his family, there is a possibility that something might change, and she will start "remembering" things about that night. I hope we get to hear more of these tapes.

Hank said he heard Crystal was in rehab, I guess that's a good thing, but wonder if she was ordered to take it, or risk losing her kids.
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