SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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I missed my daughter's talent show this week. I didn't know she was performing in it, and she stole the show. That doesn't make me a bad mom nor should it reflect poorly on me if something happened in the same week.

And I'm really not trying to defend Terri, I'm just not convinced she's the POI. But I see this nitpicking on her (not in relation to the post above). Am I really the only mom on WS that *gasp* yells at my daughter sometimes? There are times I have "gotten in her face", and there are times that corrections come out much sharper than I intended. There are tons of hugs and kisses and snuggles that are both seen and unseen by others.

I post hilariously funny comments on FB about her antics, and I've long called her "Dennis the menace in drag" but anyone who knows us face to face knows she's the beat in my heart.

I think some of the scrutinizing is so out of line, ...I have no idea what has happened, and I seriously hope it wasn't Terri, but if it turns out to be - she deserves all that the law can throw at her. If it turns out not to be, I hope there's some serious mea culpas here.

THANK have skillfully stated exactly the way I think. I too acknowledge that the SM could be involved, but see no reason at this time to assume that. The pain that she is experiencing with all of this vehemence must be excruciating. If she is innocent, how dare anyone do that to her without thought of the damage? Far better to reserve ones vitriol than to owe an immense apology that could never begin to repair the damage one has done.

Yikes, I just said something to my husband about the baseball game we are watching and then ended with, that's just my opinion.

Who are this reporter's sources?

I am not finished reading this and the entire scenario regarding Kaine, Desiree, and Terri is so convoluted that it appears obvious that we are not meant to know the truth.

I am feeling like I am being fed a huge "storybook" description of people's lives that in no way resembles reality.

Was Desiree consulted for this story? If not, that really makes me upset.

This sounds like an opinion piece. This reporter saw a united front at the press conference and is pushing that agenda. Many of us saw something else, entirely.

I look forward to the other investigative journalists and the other people in Kyron's life coming out with some more details. What in the world would cause the Horman's to allow an article like this, at this time?

I agree. This "news" article definitely reads more like an opinion piece. I can see a writer taking this exact same biographical information and slanting it to make either or both mom's look bad... or to paint a family that is far from "united".
Yikes, I just said something to my husband about the baseball game we are watching and then ended with, that's just my opinion.

Ok - carefully push the keyboard away from you.
THANK have skillfully stated exactly the way I think. I too acknowledge that the SM could be involved, but see no reason at this time to assume that. The pain that she is experiencing with all of this vehemence must be excruciating. If she is innocent, how dare anyone do that to her without thought of the damage? Far better to reserve ones vitriol than to owe an immense apology that could never begin to repair the damage one has done.

I do feel differently Raeann, The info we have learned about her and the tactic LE is using now to glean more info gives me good reason to believe where there's smoke there's fire. If she had been honest with LE so that her story matched where LE discovered she had been it would make all the difference to how I feel now about the situation. She had opportunity, means and possibly a motive and was the last person to see Kyron before he disappeared acc to LE. That speaks volumes IMO.

I hope she had nothing to do with this. Until LE learns more she will have to sit in the hot seat. xox IMO
I have not yet seen this posted and when I was watching, it was just simply too deja vu for me to not post.

CSI Season 5 Episode 3 - Harvest

Woman (with lots of red hair, actually) goes to school to pick up her child.
Very impatiently waiting, honking the horn.

Teacher comes over and asks if something is wrong.

Mother asks what is taking the child so long as they have a doctor's appointment.

Teacher says child is not at school.

Mother says she has to be there, she saw her leave for school that morning.

Teacher says she hasn't been in any of her classes that day.

It is alleged that the child was abducted from outside a convenience store while she was with her sister.

They find the child's body and determine she was dead before she was reported kidnapped.

They are suspicious of the mother apparently liking the other children more than the murdered child. Possibly only using the murdered child to help save her favorite child, the son who had a terminal illness.

The blanket she was wrapped in match fibers in the house. The boot prints match the father's boots.

It ended up being the brother, then the parents covered it up while the sister faked the kidnapping.

I tried to find this somewhere else, but couldn't. I was really only looking for a clip, but this is the whole episode. The first few minutes covers the school and reported abduction part.

It is: CSI Season 5 Episode 3 - Harvest if anyone finds it somewhere that will play faster than this link...or has a shorter clip.
She may have resented/disliked or even hated him from the beginning. Probably deep down and probably secretly. :cow:

I have a hard time beleiving she did hate or resent him. How could she, that sweet little child? And if this is true, wouldn;t she have unloaded Kyron back on his mom aas soon as his mom was back on her feet again?
OT but I had a BF before I married my current husband (15 yrs ago) who had 2 kids from previous marriage. We lived together unfortunately for almost 2 years, one of my stupid moments where I gave up my own house and we blended our belongsings and I was financially "stuck" with him for awhile. He absolutely HATED my kids and was really horrible to them. I started trying to dig myself financially out of the relationship shortly after we moved in together. He had 2 boys from a previous marriage that he would bring to our home every other weekend for his visitation. I didn't like his kids much either but treated them with kindness. The rules I had laid down for my kids all their lives didn;t apply to his kids and it made for some very very uncomfortable weekends. Example, my kids had to eat their dinner and no dessert if they didn't finisih their meal. His kids could eat NADA and get dessert anyway. Of course my kids would protest. Another example, no jumping up and down from the dinner table, you stayed seated and asked to be excused, his kids were all over the place. It was a real nightmare. TO PEOPLE ON THE OUTSIDE, IT APPEARED WE HAD FUNCTIONAL BLENDED FAMILY. When in reality it was a living nightmare. I got out as quick as I could with my sanity intact, My kids are in their 30's now and still talk about how much they hated him. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

To CathyinTexas:

Cell pings are evidence, whereas polygraphs are simply tools and cannot be used in court. Cell evidence cannot be questioned, as far as I know, except to as who had the phone perhaps.

First time poster, long time lurker... (says "hello's")

Have these pings been released in the media? Or is this information also close to LE chest?

I feel like most of you, like we all as a collective have to find this boy and know what happened, so I spend hours here trying to put the "puzzle" together, but I am afraid I am no superwoman.

I am as frustrated as I was the day I heard he just "disappeared" from school.

-Praying for Kyron-
well I know many made comments about desiree being cold to terri.

OH man. If my "friend" moved in with my ex to care for my child and then married him, it would bother me.
I wonder if she needed a place for her and her son to stay when she moved in. If they were just friends then she could have watched Kyron during the day until the his dad came home from work.

Why was her oldest son's dad still paying child support if her second husband adopted him? I thought adoption negated anything with the bio dad. :waitasec:
I have to respectfully disagree with you, raanne. Who are the sources of this information and what biases do they have?Until we know these things to be completly true, it sounds like a P.R. campaign.

No offense meant, but how do we know that Desiree and Terri are, and have always been close? It appears that Terri somehow ended up with Desiree's man and her child. And that is just your first point. Sure "facts" can be verified but not people's feelings about them. We don't know how Terri' son views his own life.

This is obviously a story put out to engender good will for Terri. I have to better look at this article to say any more.

All my opinion

I would assume that the sources of the information are the people whose names are clearly quoted in the article. These people's knowledge of the family must be far greater than anyone posting here on WS, as I have only seen one poster here that claims to have had even a small connection to the family. The newspaper located these various people at different places and times and is consistent information from one person to another. Her teaching experience and college education is easy to verify by official records, as are dates of marriage and divorce. I see no justification to believe these people or the news source are conspiring to lie to the public.

Just a random thought:

Has anyone considered the possibility that Terri drove Kyron to Sauvie's Island, not to dump a body but to meet up with an unknown 'someone' to drop him off with? It's a far-flung theory, but something that just popped into my head.

Yes, considering POrtland, Or is #1 in nation for trafficing of children, should be easy to "sell" a kid in OR
I could see something coming up about attachment issues.
Someone mentioned it before.

She has been married 3 times, having one of the men adopt her child, then she divorced him. She had her young son go through two divorces.
Of all men, she chose her friend's ex.
She had her child live somewhere else.
Of course the fact she was adopted may also cause her issues.

IDK, but I just find these things to be a little beyond the norm, so I could see her losing interest or attachment to kyron.

BBM Do you have a link showing Terri was adopted? I seem to have missed it. TIA

Ok - carefully push the keyboard away from you.

My hubby and I were talking one night and I actually said "JMO" at the end of my sentence. Yeah, I am MB addicted.
He MADE me make a sign to hang over the washing machine downstairs because I kept forgetting to check the stupid drain screen before doing each load, which made the laundry sink overflow. He told me constantly for years and I still forgot to check that &^#$%^ drain. So he got poster board and MADE me write "CHECK DRAIN BEFORE USING WASHER" which made me mad, to be treated like a moron and have to write it, so at the the end of that, I added "FGS".. :) He doesn't know what FGS means, and it drives him nuts. haha.
Sorry, OT.
You are right! Not necessarily the DUI - BUT the child endangerment could seriously jeopardize her "license, certificate, whatever they call it out there". Even if she kept her license - potential principals would have that info available to them.

Just sayin' and IMO.

I have no way of knowing for positive. but I would be quite surprised where acharge of child endangerment would not show up on a background check and immediately end the ability for a teacher to teach.

In some states, a student who has a DUI charge cannot even get a teaching license. But I don't think that is true once a teacher is teaching. I don't know what happens then.

The "child endangerment" is the key here.
Yes, considering POrtland, Or is #1 in nation for trafficing of children, should be easy to "sell" a kid in OR

Is this true? And if so, can I please have a link since I was planning on moving there in the not so distant future.
Well, now we have all this new data from news reports, but it does not help me at all. I am just as confused as I was before. So am taking a break for a while to read and watch TV, and hope that LE has something more to say soon. And hoping they find him this weekend.
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