Has Your Opinions of Ron's Involvement Changed?***POLL ADDED***

Has your opinion of Ron's involvement changed? August 2010

  • Yes, I think he is involved and I didn't before

    Votes: 13 5.0%
  • Yes, I no longer think he is involved like I thought before

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Yes, I am on the fence now and gave up my old opinion

    Votes: 14 5.4%
  • No, I've always thought he was involved

    Votes: 167 64.2%
  • No, I've always thought he wasn't involved

    Votes: 56 21.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 3.1%

  • Total voters
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Could Misty and Tommy being trying to force JO into telling what happened? What if Ron and JO are the ones who know what happened, TN would know that, hence her not wanting to cast suspicion on JO. What if the fight over the gun, where ever it was, wounded up with Haleigh being shot. It freaked em both out and hence the madness. Maybe Misty and Tommy only know bits and pieces. Or maybe I have finally gone off the deep end...lol.

I've taken the plunge with you, but I do agree that could be what happened...JMO
That is what I had heard (NG) but correct me if wrong. I looked it up but could get no definitive answer. Revolked, reinstated, etc. Maybe because MC was a minor. tia

Hey mck, Misty would have to be charged with a crime that carries a death penalty first. The drug cases don't. If her or anyone else is ever charged with murder, that does carry a death penalty, it's not a given, but the State can ask for it. Hope that helps.
Hey mck, Misty would have to be charged with a crime that carries a death penalty first. The drug cases don't. If her or anyone else is ever charged with murder, that does carry a death penalty, it's not a given, but the State can ask for it. Hope that helps.

Thank you and I understand that. My point was she is facing 100 years for drugs so what does she have to lose now. She may as well confess. but that statement was based on apparently incorrect information. (no death penalty in FL.) And I think that indirectly she has confessed.

I think that if RC was involved she would have burned him long ago for what he's done to her. Not implicating RC makes no sense to me if he was involved especially since she has pointed the finger at her brother and cousin. jmo
Thanks everyone for your insightful posts and for listening to my opinions on this. I am now going to watch the Rangers hopefully beat Baltimore. Have a great afternoon everyone.
That is what I had heard (NG) but correct me if wrong. I looked it up but could get no definitive answer. Revolked, reinstated, etc. Maybe because MC was a minor. tia
I wasn't trying to be rude, but Florida is a kill em state, just like Texas.
Thank you and I understand that. My point was she is facing 100 years for drugs so what does she have to lose now. She may as well confess. but that statement was based on apparently incorrect information. (no death penalty in FL.) And I think that indirectly she has confessed.

I think that if RC was involved she would have burned him long ago for what he's done to her. Not implicating RC makes no sense to me if he was involved especially since she has pointed the finger at her brother and cousin. jmo
well, I can see her not snitching on Ron-he's a manipulative one-but, I can't see Tommy not snitching on him. That guy is pretty desperate, so it looks like, (but I could be wrong), that Ron isn't directly responsible. But, you made me think of something...early on, Misty DID point her finger at Tommy, but in an unsure kind of way. I wonder what made her join forces with him? If what they are now claiming happened, really did happen, (good grief), then why didn't Tommy, at the time of Misty's finger pointing, have a fit, proclaim his innocence, due to fear of Joe, (good grief), & demand to NOT have his name sullied? Why not just say, 'you were there too, & I'm no more guilty than you." But no, he instead just sat by, while she accused him of messing with her, called him a crackhead, talked about how he knew all of the good hiding spots...weirder & weirder...
No, I never thought Ron hurt her from an accident, drugs, or in a rage murdered Haleigh.
LE has said he didn't and they have the true facts in this case.
Haleigh's mother Crystal
is also supportive of Ron and stated a long prison sentence would hurt their son.

Many of the so called facts in this case that seem to cause such anger and judgement of Ron, have come from questionable journalists, people in town who say they know LE and what they are saying, and others with quite a record with LE themselves. Ron has made poor choices, but how can anyone say what he feels, or how we might have behaved with the same parenting in the same town? He and Crystal are both victims of whoever took Haleigh, human beings who feel pain,anger, and more whether they show it in what you consider a proper way or not. LE has said they are not suspects.


I'm not aware of LE saying this. I do recall one authority (dont recall if it was a detective or who) who said that they knew Ron was at work from X time to X time, but given that, they did not know what time whatever happened to Haleigh actually occurred. Maybe someone has the link handy.

Many of the so-called facts that I and others have referred to regarding Ron are actual facts that are verifiable by documents such as police reports and/ or other court papers which to me are indicators of character and judgment among other things. Additional impressions of Ron have been formed by observing him directly as in his actions and his own words verifiable by video tape.

Not on my worst day would I be afraid of Mr. Cummings. As you have pointed out, his less than imposing stature is not reasonably intimidating. This makes another aspect of Tommy and Misty's story that much harder to believe.

According to Mr. Cummings, even he's bigger than Joe Overstreet and feels he could "break him in half".

Until his recent weight loss, Tommy was bigger than Ronald and even took a fight to GGM's house. How in the heck is he supposed to be so afraid of JO that he didn't tell anyone about his and Misty's latest version of the "Joe done it" story for a solid year?

I disagree. I would be very afraid of Ronald Cummings. His temper and his ego makes him very dangerous. Ron sees himself as the King who deserves whatever he wants and no one has the right to refuse him anything. If anyone dares to refuse Ron or do anything that Ron considers is a slight, no matter how little, even just telling him no, Ron feels humiliated. That humiliation feeds his anger and he gets angrier and angrier and angrier.

What really makes him "dangerous" is that he is smart enough to know that he is not man enough to "fight" fair. He fights dirty in every way. Not only uses "weapons" but he does sneak attacks. He catches the person completely off guard so by the chance you realize that there is a problem, he has the upperhand. Thatis the only way there is no chance of him losing and having to face more humiliation.

All this is my opinion but based on Ron reminding me of several guys I knew including one family member.
well, I can see her not snitching on Ron-he's a manipulative one-but, I can't see Tommy not snitching on him. That guy is pretty desperate, so it looks like, (but I could be wrong), that Ron isn't directly responsible. But, you made me think of something...early on, Misty DID point her finger at Tommy, but in an unsure kind of way. I wonder what made her join forces with him? If what they are now claiming happened, really did happen, (good grief), then why didn't Tommy, at the time of Misty's finger pointing, have a fit, proclaim his innocence, due to fear of Joe, (good grief), & demand to NOT have his name sullied? Why not just say, 'you were there too, & I'm no more guilty than you." But no, he instead just sat by, while she accused him of messing with her, called him a crackhead, talked about how he knew all of the good hiding spots...weirder & weirder...
Yes, this is another reason my opinion of Ron hasnt changed. Im not buying the current rendition of the series of events. Also, it seems to me (IIRC) that a guilty or involved individual wouldnt choose to place themselves at a crime scene and Tommy (was it him? I get them confused) volunteered the bit about going to the home and knocking on the door. IDK.

It's still my contention that Ron is lying and has been lying since the 911 call. I dont know what he's lying about exactly, but to me, he's lying -- and there are only so many relevant reasons for doing so imo.

I wasn't trying to be rude, but Florida is a kill em state, just like Texas.

Just a reminder: Misty could not get the death penalty for anything Haleigh related. She was a minor when that crime occurred.
I wasn't trying to be rude, but Florida is a kill em state, just like Texas.

Well I guess you could put SD on that list also, since we have the death penalty here. We just don't execute that many, but there's one 19 year old that's due to go to trial here soon and I hope like heck they give him the needle. His girlfriend had called the sheriff's department here and asked them to do a well-being check on her boyfriend but she forgot to tell them that he said he'd kill any LE that showed up and when the deputy showed up to check on him the kid opened up on the deputy and killed him with the first or second shot and then continued to riddle his body with bullets. I believe the deputy left behind a wife and two young kids. My son has dealt with that kid in the county jail and he says that kid doesn't have one ounce of remorse and just stares at you with a cold blank stare. My son describes this kid as heartless and even though my son deals with a lot of criminals in the penitentiary here he still says that kid is the worst he's seen in a long time.
LE has given us absolutely nothing and IMHO that is hinky in itself, but people have come forth and given us bits and pieces of information and in reference to myself I have put a scenario together..Am I right in ALL my assumptions? I doubt it, but who knows. One thing I do know I am not an idiot and am capable of thinking logically..I know Misty and the Croslins aren't capable of masterminding any of this...Much of what they have revealed as the truth doesn't even make any sense..No way could they have pulled this off w/o help from The Cummings/ Sykes clan...
To me it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Ronald Cummings and his family are involved considering their inconsistencies, actions and their evasiveness since day one...
And since LE is saying he isn't a suspect, I have no other choice than to believe someone in LE for some reason is protecting he and his family...

Also the fact that the Cummings Clan was too quick to "believe" the WORST case scenario that Haleigh was long gone from the MH so no need to look for her.

Seriously, our brains are wired to fight the worst case scenario even when it is slapping us in the face. We never give up the HOPE for the best case scenario. Yet the Cummings Clan immediately "believed" Haleigh was "stolen" when Misty's story was that she NEVER saw anyone take Haleigh.

The only way that makes sense is if Misty "privately" told Ron and/or TN what happened that night and Ron decided he wanted to handle it himself. But we know that NEVER happened because Ron NEVER went after anyone.

I'm not aware of LE saying this. I do recall one authority (dont recall if it was a detective or who) who said that they knew Ron was at work from X time to X time, but given that, they did not know what time whatever happened to Haleigh actually occurred. Maybe someone has the link handy.

Many of the so-called facts that I and others have referred to regarding Ron are actual facts that are verifiable by documents such as police reports and/ or other court papers which to me are indicators of character and judgment among other things. Additional impressions of Ron have been formed by observing him directly as in his actions and his own words verifiable by video tape.


Mr Cummings' minister stated that he had worked an eight hour shift that night and he mentioned that at the very beginning of this case.
The State has sent a message that they do not believe ron is directly involved with Haleigh's demise. What they learned from misty and tommy completely ruled out ron.

I will say that if this is over drugs and guns that another wanted, then ron is morally responsible but legally he can't be touched. They are looking for the person whose hands took Haleigh's life. They are ignoring anything that led up to it, like ron's criminal activity and lifestyle.

So in effect they are saying they believe a couple of two-bit dopers who have both failed their LDT??? Does their story match the known evidence or have they been out in the swamps too long?

BBM - If from what I've seen and heard, LE has seen and heard the same things from Misty and Tommy, I don't know how they have learned anything that was credible to rule out Ron.

Yes, they are looking for the hands that took Haleigh's life but there shouldn't be any way they should ignore anything that led up to it. It may be that with the drugs and guns involved, there are bigger fish they want to fry all in one fell swoop. Those items didn't just fall out of the sky so someone was supplying them from the top on down. JO is/was obviously involved in the same things so it could be at that time, it was coming from Tennessee.

If Tommy "held the door" then he is as guilty as whoever committed the act, in the eyes of the law.

Sadly there is no Good Samaritan law in FL, but if Misty was gone traipsing around or if she was there when Haleigh was murdered & she saw/heard something - she was the one responsible for keeping Haleigh safe, does that apply?

These are a few aggravating factors that will get someone the DP in FL :

4. § 921.141(5)(d): The capital felony was committed while the defendant was engaged, or was an accomplice, in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit , any robbery; sexual battery; aggravated child abuse....

<<the gun or groping MC or assaulting Haleigh?>>

8. § 921.141(5)(h): The capital felony was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel ("HAC").

<<If the murder was part of a rape of a five year old little girl, does this apply?>>

9. § 921.141(5)(i): The capital felony was a homicide and was committed in cold, calculated and premeditated manner without any pretense of moral or legal justification ("CCP").

<<If (for example Tommy came knocking) with a pocket full of dope knowing MC needed something to help her over the hump of her busy weekend - hoping MC would hand over Haleigh in exchange for the dope - the murder wasn't premeditated but the sexual assault would have been.>>??

12. § 921.141(5)(l): The victim of the capital felony was a person less than 12 years of age ("child under 12").

13. § 921.141(5)(m): The victim of the capital felony was particularly vulnerable due to advanced age or disability, or because the defendant stood in a position of familial or custodial authority over the victim ("advanced age or disability").

I'm asking, not stating - possible things to concider.

The idea that poor Misty and Tommy would be capable of naming a possibly innocent individual (JO) as the one who placed a screaming HaLeigh in a black bag in the MH where they placed themselves in order to protect Ron, makes both of them much more dangerous to me than visibly crazy-azz Ron. Just MO.
Originally Posted by Bathbuddys
~Respectfully Snipped~

Note: Do I think people down in Putnam are araid of Ron? would you be afraid of a 5ft 10 man that is probably all of 150 pounds......
There are serial and other killers who are not physically imposing. Arohn Kee is just one example. At 5'8" he is not physically large. (However, in contrast, Kee is intelligent, reasonably articulate, and seemingly personable, which aided his murderous endeavors.) And no, I am not comparing Ron to a serial killer. I'm saying that, imo, a man does not have to be physically imposing to be dangerous.

Mr Cummings' minister stated that he had worked an eight hour shift that night and he mentioned that at the very beginning of this case.
Yes, I recall too the interview with the minister in which the work shift times were discussed. IIRC the minister was repeating what he had been told by Ron, who I dont find necessarily truthful.

And I also recall the interview with LE who said that they did not know what time Haleigh actually "went missing."
Well I guess you could put SD on that list also, since we have the death penalty here. We just don't execute that many, but there's one 19 year old that's due to go to trial here soon and I hope like heck they give him the needle. His girlfriend had called the sheriff's department here and asked them to do a well-being check on her boyfriend but she forgot to tell them that he said he'd kill any LE that showed up and when the deputy showed up to check on him the kid opened up on the deputy and killed him with the first or second shot and then continued to riddle his body with bullets. I believe the deputy left behind a wife and two young kids. My son has dealt with that kid in the county jail and he says that kid doesn't have one ounce of remorse and just stares at you with a cold blank stare. My son describes this kid as heartless and even though my son deals with a lot of criminals in the penitentiary here he still says that kid is the worst he's seen in a long time.
that's a horrible story. I used to not believe in the death penalty, so much, because the whole set-up is unfair. Some states have it, some don't, people DO get railroaded, politicians use it for leverage, minorities are unfairly targeted, money talks, imates are left on death row for decades, & some DO change, just to be killed anyway, etc...I just don't like it. But sometimes, some monster comes along who's just pure evil, & I think they're better off dead. I don't think I feel that way about any of these people, & when the death penalty gets brought up in this case, I just get kind of queasy. If Ron did have something to do with this, I think it was an accident, Misty IMO, was just a kid, & I'm a little more on the fence about the others. I want some proof. So yes, my opinion of Ron has changed, but so have my opinions of the others. Now, I see how immature & not based in reality, they all are. & that makes me feel really sorry for them, because I don't think they 'get' the severity of their situations. except for Ron.
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