2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Originally Posted by LongtimeMedic
I'll look... and respond asap, but I've heard it said many times by all of the TH's.


This does drive me crazy about the broadcast media. One TH hears another TH make a comment, does not check out for him/herself the validity of the comment, passes it on as fact and away we go.
I'm thinking maybe CM just isn't feeling well....:(

But HHJP said it was a legal matter not pertaining to what was discussed this morning.

If it would have been cause someone is ill, he would have said the same as he did when JB had to leave cause his wife was having a baby.
Something has come up I believe is what he said that day.

And then the other thing the court reporter went into chambers also. Wouldn't need that if CM was ill.

I still think the DT has screwed up on something.
I just finished watching today's proceedings for the second time and this is what I am predicting...

I think Monday is going to ANTI-CLIMATIC with us not finding out exactly what transpired today.

I find it interesting that HHJP sealed the ex parte...it is the weekend, not as if media could get copy of transcript before court on Monday morning and "break" the story before HHJP makes statement for court record. I don't think that record will EVER be unsealed.

It appears to me that Cheney Mason is leaving the defense team. I think the TRUE reasons were discussed during the ex parte, and I also think Mason is having some health issues which were discussed.

I think Monday morning is going to find us hearing HHJP announcing for the record that Cheney Mason has stepped down from the Defense Team due to health reasons, that Mr. Baez, Ms. Sims and Ms. Finnell will continue as Attys of Record, and that an instruction will be read to the jury....

I think when both sides conceded to this change in attorneys (Finnell will take over presenting defense witnesses Mason was scheduled to question) HHJP agreed to recess court for the remainder of the weekend in order to give Ann Finnell time to review depos, etc so she can continue with scheduled witnesses from today on Monday. Basically, HHJP negotiated giving up today's "work day" in an attempt to stay on schedule as much as possible next week.

I also find it interesting that Mrs. Mason attended court on Friday...first time it has EVER been mentioned she was in courtroom....perhaps to offer her husband support, but this morning was last straw for Mason?

I think we will hear announcement that Mason is out....Finnell will now be a regular attendee until deliberations...and that is all we will know.....until the first defense team member gets their book published!!!
I'm sitting here drinking coffee, and suddenly I'm thinking of butyric acid. Why? Because I'm recalling that Dr. Vass stated that he took actual carpet fibers and looked at them to see what compounds might have been stuck to the fibers of the carpet. He found butyric acid, which is one of the first volitile fatty acids that escape from the body during decomposition. That makes me think of Dr. Haskell's testimony that the entomological evidence found from the trunk of the sunfire, suggests to him that the body was placed in the trunk very early in the decomp process, and remained there for 3-5 days. 3-5 days from June 16 would be sometime between June 16 and June 21. Casey Anthony borrowed the shovel from the neighbor on June 18. So what does all that tell me? It tells me Caylee had to have been in the trunk of the car, sans the bags, for 2 days (hence the stain on carpet, butyric acid found on carpet fibers, and the hair with post mortem banding), bagged while in the trunk on the 18th (hence the borrowing of the shovel), and probably kept in the trunk of the car for another few days before being dumped.

And so...those are the kinds of things I now contemplate while drinking coffee, I guess. Bizarre.

ETA: Oh yeah, and what prompted these thoughts today was Lee and Cindy's testimony about htere being stains in the sunfire when it was purchased. Maybe there was...but obviously ICA added a new stain. JMO
This family definitely puts the "fun" in dysfunction! :sick:
I believe Casey gets the "lying" from her mama - the Cindyisms!!!
I'm thinking maybe CM just isn't feeling well....:(

That's probably what it is. CM is sick and Casey didn't want to continue without him. I bet that's it and it makes me so mad, just another stall tactic even if he's really not feeling well. That is exactly what happened last time, but it was Baez who stalled. GAH!!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Okay, I haven't posted much today but have been reading (am supposed to be working... lol) but I DID watch at the 25:00 mark the huddle of atty's. To me, they look solemn. It looked like JA was taken aback at when CM first started taking. They all looked serious and shock-ish. FG's face was as solemn as one can get. It did look to me that CM wiped both eyes, under his glasses, first right, then left, while talking to them. Looked like a CM bombshell to me...

And it was JA who pointed to the door then requested the court reporter.
no offense to Sims....but, she doesn't seem like someone who would be DP qualified, she doesn't really seem to appear to be someone that would be a criminal defense lawyer. She just appears very mild and meek.....but, I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover I guess. I think she looks more like a counselor or thereabouts...kwim??? jmho
July 25, 2002

UPDATED: 6:51 pm PDT July 25, 2002

He testified in the trial of Mendum Paul Corvin but I can't find a non pay per view link for it.

Non testimonial article:


No article available without pay per view but he id'ed remains of a 12 yr old girl that had been missing for 12 years.

That was a very quick and simple search. To be honest, I've been up now for 9 hours (have to get up here at 3 AM to catch the trial that didnt happen today! hah).

I think that the dr. referenced is the same doc. JMHO double check to make sure.

In these cases if I am correct he is testifying for the prosecution which would be the government. I can't find any case where he is testifying for the defense.
In these cases if I am correct he is testifying for the prosecution which would be the government. I can't find any case where he is testifying for the defense.

DOD is Federal not State... are you insinuating that the DOD will only let him testify for a prosecutor and not for the defendant?? Just curious.
Okay sorry about that Wescott.
I'm going to take a nap see you all Monday AM :) :seeya:
What do you think that the Sheriff's Deputies were talking to G-n-C about? Around the 22:03 mark. I can see the woman in front of them straining to see the deputy's face but it appears that he is actually looking at the Anthony's.


WOW, thanks...I wish some of our body language experts would take a look at this whole thing. I study it for fun, no expert, but starting at the point CM approaches the judge about "another matter, and going forward there is a lot of tension in that group of people. From what I could see the tension was more on the side of the DT. It appeared that it centered around ICA, JMHO. It truly appears that things were stressed to the max. :waitasec:
Didn't it look like GA bent down and then handed her the paper? Then she took it and went outside for a minute and then came back?

looked to me like CA was reading something, maybe on her phone (just guessing here) GA pulled out a piece of paper and compared it to what ever CA was reading, agreed, then CA left...maybe it was the name of a new atty...LOL
Just a reminder of our TOS....

We do not allow the posting of "rumors" or the instigating of rumors.

While we are allowing some speculation as to whether or not Mr. Mason appears to be feeling unwell, it is not appropriate to attempt to diagnose or pass along rumors.

Let's not give HLN their "breaking news" for tomorrow, okay?

I just finished watching today's proceedings for the second time and this is what I am predicting...

I think Monday is going to ANTI-CLIMATIC with us not finding out exactly what transpired today.

I find it interesting that HHJP sealed the ex parte...it is the weekend, not as if media could get copy of transcript before court on Monday morning and "break" the story before HHJP makes statement for court record. I don't think that record will EVER be unsealed.

It appears to me that Cheney Mason is leaving the defense team. I think the TRUE reasons were discussed during the ex parte, and I also think Mason is having some health issues which were discussed.

I think Monday morning is going to find us hearing HHJP announcing for the record that Cheney Mason has stepped down from the Defense Team due to health reasons, that Mr. Baez, Ms. Sims and Ms. Finnell will continue as Attys of Record, and that an instruction will be read to the jury....

I think when both sides conceded to this change in attorneys (Finnell will take over presenting defense witnesses Mason was scheduled to question) HHJP agreed to recess court for the remainder of the weekend in order to give Ann Finnell time to review depos, etc so she can continue with scheduled witnesses from today on Monday. Basically, HHJP negotiated giving up today's "work day" in an attempt to stay on schedule as much as possible next week.

I also find it interesting that Mrs. Mason attended court on Friday...first time it has EVER been mentioned she was in courtroom....perhaps to offer her husband support, but this morning was last straw for Mason?

I think we will hear announcement that Mason is out....Finnell will now be a regular attendee until deliberations...and that is all we will know.....until the first defense team member gets their book published!!!

No disagreeing with any of your post except the Mrs. Mason part - there was a day last week when Mr. Mason did a large cross or something and she was there in a peach coloured suit. For some reason the camera was over to the side of her when ICA left the room and she gave a funny sort of a tight smile to ICA who smlled back and then shortly afterward, Mason went over and gave her a hug hello. But that was the first time I've seen her so today must be the second.
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