2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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To tell you the truth, I don’t remember exactly what Pete’s jet looked like but dang if that limo doesn’t look EXACTLY like the one from December 11, 2008


You remember that one don’t you, George?

That’s the one you had take you and Cindy to the Ritz Carlton for some of those crab puffs while your granddaughter’s remains were pulled out of a couple of garbage bags 300’ from your front door!

Didn’t think it would take you too long to recover your true colors.


Is there something special that connects this stretch limo to the Ritz one? I've missed it. I've seen many and rode in a few.
Did anyone see a picture of George at the airport? I am so jaded about this group...
~Respectfully Snipped For Comment~

I think their disposal of her remains was proper in every way.

I saw nothing proper and everything improper on December 11, 2008 with the Anthony's having a limo take them to the Ritz for crab puffs the night this child's remains were found a few hundred feet from their own front door.

I saw nothing proper and everything improper in leaving this child's remains, FOR MONTHS, in a cardboard box at a funeral home until the Anthony's could orchestrate their brand of "memorial".

I saw nothing proper and everything improper in their "memorial" for Caylee being more about support for Casey than the child.

IMO, their treatment of this child's remains was all about "disposal" and NOT about honoring her memory.
They disgust me with their constant need for attention. Get over yourselves You too Lippman. All of us poor people who bust our butts day by freaking day just have food to feed our kids -- and here they are out getting out of a limo. And the poor poster (starts with a C) who spent their vacation money searching for Caylee -may God bless you and your family. Do you think George and Cindy would give a rats hat if they knew?? Lippman- would they??? Would you? Reading that mad me so mad. I hope they get double of what I keep hoping will happen to them. Their spawn too. Making money and living off your murdered granddaughter that you couldn't bother to tell the truth for. If they were on fire I wouldn't pee on them. They don't deserve it.
This is probably not going to be a popular opinion but whatever. I'm so sick of seeing people flip back and forth on Cindy and George. One minute everyone hates them, the next there is a support thread and people feel bad for them and then at the drop of a hat it's back to hating them again.

There are many things they have done that I don't agree with (The foundations are one example) but even though I don't like some of the things they do and have done they have been though more in 3 years then most people go through in their life.

I agree with the poster who said they think people are misdirecting their anger. They did not ask to be brought into all of this. To me (before caylee died) it seems they were trying their best to get by despite all the problems Casey brought them.

I don't doubt for a second that they loved Caylee. The emotion we all feel from Caylee's death, a sweet little girl none of us even knew has to be incomparable to what they feel. Add the fact that it was caused by your own daughter? I can't even imagine how that would feel.

I honestly feel for George. It was clear to me from the beginning that he was always the pushover in the house and nothing from him since then has made me feel different. He does as Cindy tells him, it's what he's always done. Then he gets thrown under the bus by Casey when he already seemed so broken. Most of us here know that what was said about George isn't true, but I've talked to people who watched the trial but haven't followed it from the beginning and thought that the defense theory about George was possible. Even the Jury said it was in their mind.

First George has to live as the lady of the house, constantly told to stay out of it. Then he loses his granddaughter. Then after believing his daughters nonsense kidnapping story even going as far as getting a gun to try to get info about Caylee he gets accused by his own daughter of not only molesting her, but also being a part of Caylee's death. All the while your every move being recorded by media. How much more can a person take? IMO George needs a vacation, I sure would.
Proverbs 15:17
Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

I would not want to be on that private jet, or in that limo, or in a hotel in Nassau with those Judases, and I don't believe most of you would either. They can choke on their thirty pieces of silver for all I care. They have shown the world who they are, now let them live out their lives in the world and see how little genuine consolation is to be found in luxury.
This is probably not going to be a popular opinion but whatever. I'm so sick of seeing people flip back and forth on Cindy and George. One minute everyone hates them, the next there is a support thread and people feel bad for them and then at the drop of a hat it's back to hating them again.

There are many things they have done that I don't agree with (The foundations are one example) but even though I don't like some of the things they do and have done they have been though more in 3 years then most people go through in their life.

I agree with the poster who said they think people are misdirecting their anger. They did not ask to be brought into all of this. To me (before caylee died) it seems they were trying their best to get by despite all the problems Casey brought them.

I don't doubt for a second that they loved Caylee. The emotion we all feel from Caylee's death, a sweet little girl none of us even knew has to be incomparable to what they feel. Add the fact that it was caused by your own daughter? I can't even imagine how that would feel.

I honestly feel for George. It was clear to me from the beginning that he was always the pushover in the house and nothing from him since then has made me feel different. He does as Cindy tells him, it's what he's always done. Then he gets thrown under the bus by Casey when he already seemed so broken. Most of us here know that what was said about George isn't true, but I've talked to people who watched the trial but haven't followed it from the beginning and thought that the defense theory about George was possible. Even the Jury said it was in their mind.

First George has to live as the lady of the house, constantly told to stay out of it. Then he loses his granddaughter. Then after believing his daughters nonsense kidnapping story even going as far as getting a gun to try to get info about Caylee he gets accused by his own daughter of not only molesting her, but also being a part of Caylee's death. All the while your every move being recorded by media. How much more can a person take? IMO George needs a vacation, I sure would.

I am of the opinion that this whole case from the beginning was carefully orchestrated to be a lucrative long term media event commencing shortly after July 16, 2008.
Most of the entourage around the Anthonys, with their approval, had also a heavy hand in promoting it. There are way too many hinky things that point in that direction. I even think that the drowning/sexual abuse defense was orchestrated with full approval of the Anthonies.
The prospect of getting in the money, possibly lots of it, can do funny things to a person's ethics, especially if you did not have a lot of ethics to begin with.
We all have been fooled, many times over, just like the jurors.
There is right and wrong in this world. None of that is decided by a jury. GA and CA are profiting off of a dead child. The child was either murdered or died accidentally. I believe she was murdered. If they are profiting off of a murdered child, then I hope they suffer immensely. If they are profiting off of an accidentally dead child, that is hideous and I still oppose it vigorously.

This is wrong. It's either grotesquely wrong or just wrong depending on how Caylee died. So I "care" to oppose it on here and by not buying or watching anything Anthony related, and to advise those in my social circle to do the same.

Don't make the mistake of assuming that because I "care" about this issue, I am not living a productive and fulfilling life. I am, and I will continue to do so regardless of what happens to these people. But to the extent I can oppose something wrong, I will do so.

Why won't you?



  • FireShot capture #323 - 'home' - www_quincoelectrical_com_home_html.jpg
    FireShot capture #323 - 'home' - www_quincoelectrical_com_home_html.jpg
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The freebie Anthony vacation with the perks of a limo and private jet just makes them look bad PR wise. But I doubt that GA and CA could do anything at this point to rehabilitate their image although their attorney Mark Lippman keeps on trying.

It certainly would make sense that the Anthonys would go to the Bahamas to set up a tax shelter to shield their income if they are expecting a windfall from a book deal -- especially if they end up or think they will end up being added as defendants to any of the civil lawsuits involving Casey.

I would expect that if Cindy is on any kind of disability right now, it would likely be SSDI because her 2 year long term disability would have run out at the end of 2010 or January 2011.
This is probably not going to be a popular opinion but whatever. I'm so sick of seeing people flip back and forth on Cindy and George. One minute everyone hates them, the next there is a support thread and people feel bad for them and then at the drop of a hat it's back to hating them again.

There are many things they have done that I don't agree with (The foundations are one example) but even though I don't like some of the things they do and have done they have been though more in 3 years then most people go through in their life.

I agree with the poster who said they think people are misdirecting their anger. They did not ask to be brought into all of this. To me (before caylee died) it seems they were trying their best to get by despite all the problems Casey brought them.

I don't doubt for a second that they loved Caylee. The emotion we all feel from Caylee's death, a sweet little girl none of us even knew has to be incomparable to what they feel. Add the fact that it was caused by your own daughter? I can't even imagine how that would feel.

I honestly feel for George. It was clear to me from the beginning that he was always the pushover in the house and nothing from him since then has made me feel different. He does as Cindy tells him, it's what he's always done. Then he gets thrown under the bus by Casey when he already seemed so broken. Most of us here know that what was said about George isn't true, but I've talked to people who watched the trial but haven't followed it from the beginning and thought that the defense theory about George was possible. Even the Jury said it was in their mind.

First George has to live as the lady of the house, constantly told to stay out of it. Then he loses his granddaughter. Then after believing his daughters nonsense kidnapping story even going as far as getting a gun to try to get info about Caylee he gets accused by his own daughter of not only molesting her, but also being a part of Caylee's death. All the while your every move being recorded by media. How much more can a person take? IMO George needs a vacation, I sure would.

I'll bet Cindy and George would rather have Caylee's sweet face back more than they want hand over fist money. Cindy loved that little girl and knew the only way to keep her in her life was to enable Casey so she wouldn't take Caylee away from her. The Anthony''s bought and built Caylees play house, a place for her to be when she wantd to just be. Casey didn't lift a finger to help them.

The Anthony's would drop it all to have Caylee back again. They have to live their lives. I wish people would ease up.
I am of the opinion that this whole case from the beginning was carefully orchestrated to be a lucrative long term media event commencing shortly after July 16, 2008.
Most of the entourage around the Anthonys, with their approval, had also a heavy hand in promoting it. There are way too many hinky things that point in that direction. I even think that the drowning/sexual abuse defense was orchestrated with full approval of the Anthonies.
The prospect of getting in the money, possibly lots of it, can do funny things to a person's ethics, especially if you did not have a lot of ethics to begin with.
We all have been fooled, many times over, just like the jurors.


The fact that this has been orchestrated, with the A's full approval, did not dawn on me until a couple of days after the verdict.

This whole thing with the A's not speaking with KC forever, I believe now, is all a part of it. They went along with it/JB before the verdict to save her from the DP.
Now they must continue the deception. In reality, they probably are safer not to speak/be with her.

Sin-D has been cleaning up for KC every step of the way since that 911 call, which were the last honest words concerning KC coming out of her mouth.

I would like to see a list of all the covering up that she has done for her. Not that I expect anything to ever be done about it, but I do believe that if any book ever be written about this, that this list should be and entire chapter about evidence being tampered with and or hidden or thrown out. I am surprised she missed the Caylee picture collage that was filmed during the Greta tour of the A's home. You know, the Caylee picture collage in the bedroom with those heart stickers all over it!!! BIG MISS!
Wish I could go on vacation. Maybe to the north pole to get away from this heat.
I agree with you. Knowing from personal experience that I was kicked out the door when I asked for my disability (after paying 20 years into the system). I broke my ankle, have (and still have) neuropathy from my diabetes, and can harldy walk - truly! I was told to get get a flippin job that didn't involve walking or carrying items.

I've been lucky enough to stay home, and my husband supports us. But yah, I felt really screwed by the system. Seeing Cindy get disability for the last 3 years for what appears to be a stress illness is beyond my imagination.

Maybe if I said I was stressed out it would work in my favor. I guess 10 pins, 2 metal plates, and nerve damage isn't doing me any favours.



Ok, how did I miss this? I had no idea about her being on SSDI???

I do suppose if I had a hunch that one of my children were involved in something such as this that I too would end up with a stress illness, but I had no idea that a person could receive SSDI for that? Also I thought if you were on SSDI that you could not have an income over a certain amount or they would cut your benefit???

I had a few people tell me their benefits would be cut if they made over $12,000 a year.
There is absolutely nothing anyone in the Anthony family could do right now that would not get criticized and ridiculed. If they stayed locked up in their house, they'd be criticized for that. If they went somewhere to stay with extended family, they'd be criticized for that. It's going to take a long, long time for that to stop, but eventually it will. The media and the viewers who eat this stuff up will find something new to entertain themselves with.

Sure, I can believe that. I've seen the same thing happen enough in my own life, when an individual or a group of people footed the bill for someone to just get away for a while. It's really not that unusual.

And the whole 'limo' criticism doesn't make any sense to me. People around here take limos to the airport all the time, and I don't mean filthy rich people. It's just the best way to get to the airport and not have to deal with parking. Often it's the cheapest way to go.


I don't either, and I was surprised at how even that has been ridiculed. It wouldn't be my choice, but I think that's up to the individual.

That's not true. Many many many people take trips after the death of a child or parent or other relative. It happens all the time. And I think it can be a very good thing.

Somehow it doesn't seem right to me when the people of the state of Florida are footing so many of this family's bills


Hey Thinaire!

Still keeping late hours I see! How is it up there tonight? Pretty nice down here just east of the Flatirons! In fact it is so nice out there that I thought I would take one of the Labs for a short walk, but just heard some really strange noises outside!!! :nerves:

Anyway, see you at the Kangaroo . . . oh yeah, and Signal 64C :cow:!

Somehow it doesn't seem right to me when the people of the state of Florida are footing so many of this family's bills

What bills are Floridians paying for George and Cindy?
I'll bet Cindy and George would rather have Caylee's sweet face back more than they want hand over fist money. Cindy loved that little girl and knew the only way to keep her in her life was to enable Casey so she wouldn't take Caylee away from her. The Anthony''s bought and built Caylees play house, a place for her to be when she wantd to just be. Casey didn't lift a finger to help them.

The Anthony's would drop it all to have Caylee back again. They have to live their lives. I wish people would ease up.

Before the final days of the trial I would have agreed with this (with some reservations) but since they weren't even prepared to give frank testimony under oath so Caylee could receive justice, forgive me if I've become deeply cynical about what they would or would not do.
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