10/28/11 Private Investigator Returns, Baby Lisas Family Leaves

I have bile in my mouth as well. I am sick to my stomach to think a mother who was given the gift of that beautiful little girl cares only about herself. When asked if she was drunk, she gives an indignant, "yeah"....like no biggie. Furthermore, she only admitted she was drunk when she got caught. LE knew that wine was there and they knew how much had been consumed - they just didn't know when the wine was bought until the surveillance video came out. Saving her own butt was more important to her than telling the truth - truth that would have helped with the time line when information about the last time she saw her baby was most important. She lied about the time she put her to bed and checked on her and she lied about what time she went to bed.

She just couldn't check the back yard because she didn't know what she would find....please...if your baby is missing you deal with what you find later, the important thing is not YOUR feelings, the important thing is finding a helpless and sick 11 month old. ALL of this causes bile in my mouth.

Human decency is finding a baby who has no voice. Human decency is fighting for her when her own parents will not. God, imagine if you were a missing child and you saw your parents doing nothing to find you - not just sad, it's inhumane to watch. Human decency is NOT dodging the police behind the infamous Tacapino who represented Joran Van Der Sloot (who JT says killed the woman in Peru because he was driven to it by public opinion in the Natalie Hollaway case)......MORE bile in my mouth.

I agree with you on Terry Porter - she should have tried to arrange a meeting. Seeing this, and how little the parents are doing for Lisa, and how much they are doing to protect themselves, must drive her crazy....but she should have called.

The other children, IMO, should be taken away until there are answers. No one knows what happened to Lisa - no one knows whether she was kidnapped or killed in the house (cadaver dogs are 90% accurate). Until there are answers from the parents, they should be removed. I'd hate to think those little boys do know something and are terrified living with her, afraid of her. Not saying she did this, but it's a possibility.

The pictures were blurred. Here's one....oh look, there's DB, preoccupied with something in her hand, not paying attention to where the boys are at all. They could have walked beside them, with the boys in between. All about Deborah though....she can't be bothered.

ITA, that was insane.

BEM: Exactly! I agree, and as far as proof of neglect....her baby is missing and she was passed out drunk when she was taken. Tanked up and snot-slinging drunk - taking care of three children under the age of 7 - ABSOLUTE neglect - Stilletto provided a link up thread, neglect is explained. Would you allow her to babysit your little ones? I wouldn't, my baby was too precious to me - why aren't these boys afforded the same protection?

I respect your opinion, and I admire those who want absolute proof before making judgments. I feel like I've seen proof of neglect and self-preserving antics on the part of DB, and in a way, JI. We just see it differently :)

Great Post ... Best Post ever ... I absolutely agree with you on everything 1000% . It just breaks my heart about baby Lisa and the little boys .I just don't understand the parent's or what is really going on .Or how some parent's can murder their children ... tape and bag them and throw them away like trash .So many missing babies that probably will never be found . :(
have they not called tim miller? that always surprises me. I guess if I wanted to believe my child was definitely still living I might not even consider TES. I would really want answers though. I think.
Who is Tim Miller? I am not a "sleuther" by nature, I don't usually follow cases beyond a "general idea" in the news, I normally stay in my bubble... so I sincerely don't know who this is and what he does for families with missing persons.
would you let him run ahead of you if his baby sister had just gone missing?

I'm not being snarky - I honestly want to know. from you or anyone. I'm quite paranoid by nature - if one of mine went missing, I'd have a very difficult time letting the other out of my immediate reach for a very long time.

I don't suspect some baby snatcher is gonna pop out of a bush and grab a 5 or 8 year old with their parents a few steps behind and media under foot.

I'm shocked that this is even being discussed -- that the boys were a few steps ahead of mom. Have we sunk that low? Do we expect them to have a child on each hip? On a leash?

I expect nothing more from the Bradley/Irwins other than to talk to LE to help find baby Lisa. Should they choose not to, I'm confident that LE is methodically working with information already obtained.

But what these 2 do in public, or if they allow their 2 boys to walk in their own front yard, is their bidness.


The Bobo family version of what happened the morning Holly disappeared changed 3 or more times. Does that mean they're guilty?

That is an excellent question, I completely forgot about that. Thanks for reminding everyone.
Who is Tim Miller? I am not a "sleuther" by nature, I don't usually follow cases beyond a "general idea" in the news, I normally stay in my bubble... so I sincerely don't know who this is and what he does for families with missing persons.

His daughter was murdered. He is with Texas Equusearch aka TES.
Who is Tim Miller? I am not a "sleuther" by nature, I don't usually follow cases beyond a "general idea" in the news, I normally stay in my bubble... so I sincerely don't know who this is and what he does for families with missing persons.

Tim Miller is head of Texas Equisearch a group he founded after his own daughter was kidnapped and murdered. It is actually quite amazing that his name is brought up by those who criticize everything the family does/doesn't do/ says/ doesn't say/ how they WALK/ how LONG they speak to someone and every other breath they take.

Tim Miller, for those who know him, is the FIRST person to tell you that what he did in the wake of his daughter's disappearance was so very WRONG in many ways. What he said, who he blamed, his disagreements with LE, his attacks and accusations against the wrong person----he admits it all. If there had been media scrutiny and internet boards at that time, he would have been condemned and attacked and accused just like these family members have been. I heard him do an interview just recently where he admits how many mistakes he made. PROOF positive that even the most kind-hearted and INNOCENT dad ever had NO IDEA how to do things the RIGHT way in the face of his own crisis!

Please know....I still reach for my 16 year old in busy areas. lol My neighborhood is not very busy. We have visited DC several times.... hold both my kids' hands much to their dismay. lol

My kids hold my hand too, voluntarily, but that doesn't mean they ALWAYS ARE- even right in front of our house after school. All people are saying is that this is something of a stretch to presume that means the are self-indulgent, detached, and unconcerned with their children.
Tim Miller is head of Texas Equisearch a group he founded after his own daughter was kidnapped and murdered. It is actually quite amazing that his name is brought up by those who criticize everything the family does/doesn't do/ says/ doesn't say/ how they WALK/ how LONG they speak to someone and every other breath they take.

Tim Miller, for those who know him, is the FIRST person to tell you that what he did in the wake of his daughter's disappearance was so very WRONG in many ways. What he said, who he blamed, his disagreements with LE, his attacks and accusations against the wrong person----he admits it all. If there had been media scrutiny and internet boards at that time, he would have been condemned and attacked and accused just like these family members have been. I heard him do an interview just recently where he admits how many mistakes he made. PROOF positive that even the most kind-hearted and INNOCENT dad ever had NO IDEA how to do things the RIGHT way in the face of his own crisis!


Brilliant. Thank you for sharing! If Lisa's parents are innocent, it would be wonderful connection to make. Now I see why you would suggest it. Thanks for sharing.
You may want to go view the footage. She walked up to the door on her own and they slammed it.

They called the police because they knew they were getting ready to pull a sneaky... Porter did nothing wrong. Calling in advance probably would have been better, but this woman didn't harass them.

Quick references are probably NOT a good idea. I would cite your source before accusation. IMVHO.

:waitasec: They slammed it? Really? Unless I missed it, I certainly didn't see or hear any door slam. I saw a door shut.

I 100% disagree. Porter did something wrong. She went to a home not owned by the Bradley/Irwins in the dead of night (10:00 ish when most people are tucked away in bed) and knocked on the door. She was turned away. Then she chose to knock on the door AGAIN! Who does that?

Show of hands if anyone thinks Marc Klaas or Mr. Walsh would show up like that.

I question Tina's motives and what her real intent was. The person with her already posted they feel the someone in the family is guilty. So why was she there? That's what I'd like to know. Because in my heart I believe it had nothing to do with helping this family and more to do with getting a scoop for the media.


Here's the link for Tim Miller's organization. So many people do not know about it, and just in case the family has internet connection and is reading, there is a "contact us" button at the top if you choose. I know the family has BS looking and LE, but it does not hurt to put in Mr. Miller's name if all roads lead to nowhere. All information should all be on the website. And, TES does not contact you, you have to contact them first.

Further, the boys do have two parents and the other one is right behind them, not preoccupied. **I do believe DB has always been too concerned with herself in interviews however, to me, this is totally different.**
No, she didn't walk up to the door on her own. She was with indepmo, as mentalsolstice correctly stated. Indepmo even posted about how he went to the house with her. Post 219: MSM coverage of Baby Lisa 10/28/11 - Page 9 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I just tend to prefer to have the proof sitting in front of me of what was said and why. It's probably a good idea to cite sources and specifics rather than just put general post #'s. In fact, the post that I was led to was an entirely different post than this one above.
If their leaving had nothing to do with BS and JT I don't understand why BS was there. They don't need a PI to relocate for the weekend as a family.

I agree, Donjeta. Maybe BS is changing directions and becoming somewhat of a bodyguard. I just think that sort of drama has a negative effect on two very young boys already afraid that their little sister was taken at night by some sort of bogeyman. So what do they do? Drag then out at night with high drama.

Makes no sense to me!
I agree, Donjeta. Maybe BS is changing directions and becoming somewhat of a bodyguard. I just think that sort of drama has a negative effect on two very young boys already afraid that their little sister was taken at night by some sort of bogeyman. So what do they do? Drag then out at night with high drama.

Makes no sense to me!

I keep wondering if Bill Stanton has changed employers.
I think with TP knocking on the door and the reaction that came after shows that DB is at her breaking point. I do believe anything that goes on she is on the phone with her attorney. She is a basket case right now, on the edge and she is about to go over. Just wait until her attorney does something that goes against DB train of thought!
If they did it in the day time, people would say the same thing. This family just keeps getting bashed over and over.

What drama? I saw a family getting into a car. I must've missed the drama.

The drama was captured. It was done at night and with drama. I think a 'convoy' was drama.

Honestly, I would not have thought it so dramatic had it happened during daylight hours.

Okay, I have my opinion and I truly do respect other opinions. I just see things differently.
I just tend to prefer to have the proof sitting in front of me of what was said and why. It's probably a good idea to cite sources and specifics rather than just put general post #'s. In fact, the post that I was led to was an entirely different post than this one above.

Actually, I think both posts #167 and #219 say all I need to know. And I apologize to you for my inexperience with posting links and using multi-quotes, <modsnip>
Actually, I think both posts #167 and #219 say all I need to know. And I apologize to you for my inexperience with posting links and using multi-quotes, but thanks for making a newbie like me feel welcomed here. :seeya:

Welcome!! (It took me 20 minutes to find the right emoticons. I'm not such an oldster myself:))
So if your child was kidnapped at night, and a man and woman you've never met came to your door at night, you would ask the person answering to please let them in?

Alternatively, if your child had died in the night, and a man and woman you've never met came to your door at night, you would ask the person answering to please let them in?

Alternatively again, assuming they knew who she was, if you child were "missing" and people suspected you of being a child murderer (guilty or innocent) and someone who had both of their children murdered came to your door at night with a man you didn't know, you would welcome them in?

Whatever you presume about their guilt or circumstance, I can't imagine why ANYONE would have invited them in. JMO

ETA- and then of course they saw her walk away, talk to reporters in an upset manner and return. It certainly would appear to be a "situation" IMO.

I didn't make any statement of the kind. The only thing I said was they could have been nicer. The families repeated arrogance is unbelievable.

This family lost my respect long ago.

THIS behavior was no surprise to me. Nor did I imply that it was appropriate that she show up at this hour.

I will say, I have more respect for a mistake of a "stranger" (who is no stranger to anyone in KC unless you live under a rock, on the rock or in a bottle) of showing up at the wrong time or unannounced to fight for this little girl, than the respect I have for the parents mounting "mistakes".

<Mod Snip> (This contained a statement that I have more respect for Porters mistake of showing up with poor timing, than the mounting parents mistakes.

This baby girl, her name is Lisa BTW; is GONE.

The person responsible, better yet, the parents have made it obvious they don't care. :maddening:

I'm so sad for Lisa for this reason the most. :cry:

Then again, as I said, I guess my standards are pretty high and I would expect the people who have been gifted Lisa, as her caretakers, would show a bit more "adult" attitudes about the situation. I certainly did not act like this as a 25 year old mother for sure.

I, personally, am not going to continue to offer narcissistic supply to this case, be it the parents, or media. I feel no sympathy for the parents whatsoever. Ridiculous thought.

That's the problem with this world.... there is a HUGE difference between excuse and reason. The actions of this mother have consistently been unreasonable from the gate.
Bill is former LE and now, in addition to being a private investigator, he's a personal bodyguard.

From reading some of the comments on the internet toward the family, I think it's a good idea he's with them .

I pray poor Lisa is being taking care of and getting lots of love and attention, too. She is the VICTIM!

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