Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

I would really like to know the real motivation behind filing this motion. Is it because of the OS asking for the unsealing of the depos? Is it because it creates yet another hurdle in their appeal on the lying charges? Does it create a problem for one of the civil suits? There is a real issue, at least in their minds, that they are asking for this. I would love to know what it is. The DT always had a self-serving reason for every motion they filed. What is the reason for this? :waitasec:
They need to just let the lying charges appeal go...its a waste of time, A HUGE waste ! I do appreciate Ashton's book and find it very amusing that theres no cash rolling in for OCA and company. I'm actually quite amazed that no one has put her on yet...morally its just wrong but from a ratings standpoint, it'd be huge.....
I guess JVM isn't paying "legal expert" JB enough to cover his overhead.
Overhead = wigs, make up, designer sunglasses, ball caps, room & board for guests ....

ETA: Push up bras :floorlaugh:
Well, I guess this means Chaney Mason is out of the hospital and back to his former bumptious health: "Whether this violation was purposeful or simply a result of Imperfect Memory, an objective violation of this Court's Order has occurred."

Italics from original. He is such a middle-finger-thinking type of person. :rolleyes:
I would really like to know the real motivation behind filing this motion. Is it because of the OS asking for the unsealing of the depos? Is it because it creates yet another hurdle in their appeal on the lying charges? Does it create a problem for one of the civil suits? There is a real issue, at least in their minds, that they are asking for this. I would love to know what it is. The DT always had a self-serving reason for every motion they filed. What is the reason for this? :waitasec:

I think they got tired of OCA's fisties since she read it.
Well, I guess this means Chaney Mason is out of the hospital and back to his former bumptious health: "Whether this violation was purposeful or simply a result of Imperfect Memory, an objective violation of this Court's Order has occurred."

Italics from original. He is such a middle-finger-thinking type of person. :rolleyes:

Perfect title for OCA's book! :giggle:

Imperfect Memory... or Just Lies...
I would really like to know the real motivation behind filing this motion. Is it because of the OS asking for the unsealing of the depos? Is it because it creates yet another hurdle in their appeal on the lying charges? Does it create a problem for one of the civil suits? There is a real issue, at least in their minds, that they are asking for this. I would love to know what it is. The DT always had a self-serving reason for every motion they filed. What is the reason for this? :waitasec:

Sounds like sour grapes because JA is going to be getting some profit off the book. Wasn't it hinted in the book that CM at times seemed like he wanted no part of this DT (tried to get her admitted for insanity)?

Not sure why he cares enough about it now.
I would really like to know the real motivation behind filing this motion. Is it because of the OS asking for the unsealing of the depos? Is it because it creates yet another hurdle in their appeal on the lying charges? Does it create a problem for one of the civil suits? There is a real issue, at least in their minds, that they are asking for this. I would love to know what it is. The DT always had a self-serving reason for every motion they filed. What is the reason for this? :waitasec:

I would think those depos would be damaging to her appeal. It's on paper, two legal depositions, a completely different scenario than what she told the police of what happened. It shows that she is a prolific liar, and that can't look good for her appeal. I think the DT is scared of those depos being unsealed. And as usual, they're trying to distract, saying hey, this guy talked about them! That's not fair! After all, Jeff Aston talking about them (even though he made sure he could do so legally) did bring about the motion to unseal them. Maybe they're hoping that bringing up this controversy will keep those depos sealed.

I'm also sure we're about due for another Post-It Note Bandit assassination attempt so that they can say Casey is still in danger, too. I'm sure that's going to play in them begging for the depos to remain sealed. Just you wait.
Well, I guess this means Chaney Mason is out of the hospital and back to his former bumptious health: "Whether this violation was purposeful or simply a result of Imperfect Memory, an objective violation of this Court's Order has occurred."

Italics from original. He is such a middle-finger-thinking type of person. :rolleyes:

I have to admit that IS kind of funny. He capitalized it too. I didn't catch the snark myself...very subtle.
".....Not so busy reflecting." :floorlaugh:

Yes, clearly a response to OS requesting the evals be unsealed.
wouldn't this be a good time for HHJP to go after JB for all the stuff he pulled during trial? or has that ship sailed?
Let 'em go for it Jeff. Then counter attack. Wonder how the DT would fair in front of aaw I dunno, HHJP, on questions of let's say, ethics and behaviour?
I would think those depos would be damaging to her appeal. It's on paper, two legal depositions, a completely different scenario than what she told the police of what happened. It shows that she is a prolific liar, and that can't look good for her appeal. I think the DT is scared of those depos being unsealed. And as usual, they're trying to distract, saying hey, this guy talked about them! That's not fair! After all, Jeff Aston talking about them (even though he made sure he could do so legally) did bring about the motion to unseal them. Maybe they're hoping that bringing up this controversy will keep those depos sealed.

I'm also sure we're about due for another Post-It Note Bandit assassination attempt so that they can say Casey is still in danger, too. I'm sure that's going to play in them begging for the depos to remain sealed. Just you wait.


Or a ticking present, perhaps?

I don't believe for one SECOND that Mason didn't read the book.

Not... one... second...
I have to wonder if Ashton wasn't using the back door (his book) to reveal that there are documents in evidence (albeit sealed) that could be used in further prosecutions against Anthony.
I have to wonder if Ashton wasn't using the back door (his book) to reveal that there are documents in evidence (albeit sealed) that could be used in further prosecutions against Anthony.

What further prosecutions? I hate to say it, but I think Ashton could be in trouble here.
OMG......way to keep the ball rolling, CM.
Just wondering though, why haven't you sued the good Dr. ... you know, the psychiatrist who has appeared on National Television giving his opinion about how Ms. Amphony doesn't fit any criteria for being crazazzy???? Hmmmmmmm? I mean, that is straight from the horses mouth? Or is it only because Jeff's reminiscing shows exactly what a lying, evil person your client is?
I would really like to know the real motivation behind filing this motion. Is it because of the OS asking for the unsealing of the depos? Is it because it creates yet another hurdle in their appeal on the lying charges? Does it create a problem for one of the civil suits? There is a real issue, at least in their minds, that they are asking for this. I would love to know what it is. The DT always had a self-serving reason for every motion they filed. What is the reason for this? :waitasec:
I know what it isn't. The justice for Caylee they themselves insisted it was all about.
wouldn't this be a good time for HHJP to go after JB for all the stuff he pulled during trial? or has that ship sailed?

It would be a good time indeed. But don't count on it. If HHJP goes after JB it will be for effect rather than affect.


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