Websleuths Radio Sun. 3-4-12 *Long Island Serial Killer*

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Dwntwnslim - doesn't understand why LE wasn't able to establish a link with people who had made contact with the victim(s) via craigslist or (backpage?) In 2008 craigslist was manually checking each post. First post in 2007 . . . other 3 in 2008.

Inspector Gadget asks how many craigslist responses (hits) per day does Dwntwnslim thinks these ads get. Dwntwnslim doesn't have that information.

Dwntwnslim asks how Truthspider thinks one person before it was mentioned in MSM

Truthspider claims he heard/saw it on CBS(?) and News 12(?) check the dates - his name was in MSM - Truthspider is not a psychic.

The Doctor that made phone call to Shannon Gilbert's Mother, denies making that initial phone call but admits making subsequent calls. Tricia reiterates no sleuthing of anyone unless name is MSM. Truthspider adamant his name was in MSM.

Tricia plans for all getting together to sing *advertiser censored*-by-ah (sic?)

Everyone was using go phones, maybe?

Also the cyber-stalker aspect fails in that at least three of the four GB4 used their bf/pimp/drivers phones or in some cases the dates were even set up through the driver/pimp/bf.
Truthspider asks InspectorGadget . . . what he said in the PM's early on . . . 2 or 3 things summed up in PM. InspectorGadget doesn't know/remember.

Truthspider feels InspectorGadget is missing the point . . . if he cannot remember this information wondering if this is really InspectorGadget or not.

Which specific message?

<modsnip>. The KU theory was discussed on the forum.

cpcp time for me, slim your texas accent needs work, gadget you long island accent needs work.
it's been real.
Dang modem needed to be reset. When will it be up to re-listen to the show from tonight?
Lera, it's usually online about an hour or so after the original airing.
Hi Shadowraiths, I thought I read in a post here that it is believed the SK has a strong NY accent, not that it means anything.

Slim, You will do wonderfully. If you get nervous take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then smile. Yea Yea

ETA: I can't register for some reason to post on the radio blog :waitasec: but I would be there if I could lol

Hi Scandi

No, no NY accent in the LISK case killer phonecalls, it was me who posted that Hugh Auslander stated that he acceced Kim Raffo's voicemail, after she was killer (he claimed he knew her code to the phone hmmm) and that there was a voicemail from a man with a NY accent.
I accused IG of being CPH (half jokingly), this was the meeting ground for our conversations and what we was talked about in our Private Messages.... The KU theory was discussed on the forum.

cpcp time for me, slim your texas accent needs work, gadget you long island accent needs work.
it's been real.

I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. There isn't just one Texas accent but many.
My parents and extended family don't drawl either. But, I'm sure my family will appreciate you telling them I was not born and raised in the place they witnessed said birth and raising.

Btw, where was your accent?
Peter Brandt - 2 killers -

Shannon Gilbert case she was found in brush, purse flung, sloppy job, (she called and said help me . . . she was found in place with 4 other bodies). Truckers coming into NY, only LI or one other area to dump bodies. Odds are pretty good there are more than one area. If someone runs in drug party and it goes bad . . . calls police - whether accident or not. A drug party going bad, bad trip, delusion, bad things can happen. Phone call to police Shannon Gilbert was badly under the influence at night, people in panic with a bad trip, bad things happen when swamp around or people run into it. Then people got in a panic. Not the work of experienced "in control" serial killer. More like panic.

They are different are than the 4 on the beach.

Hi, I thought Peter's 2 killer theory was a vicious murderer for the Manorville killings w/ dismemberment and then a more collected and tech savy killer for the GB4 killings.

I really enjoyed the show tonight, and the only thing I wish they had addressed is why has LE been so very quiet?
Well, well, well that was very informative. I agree that GB4 is not the same as Manorville but not that the killer/killers in either is Black. A duck hunter could work but so could anyone who has reason to go unnoticed stopping along the OP. (Road crews, animal management, Wildlife & Fisheries, official vehicles of any kind, etc.)

GB4, has all the makings of someone who stalked, groomed and gained the confidence of his victims. We know that mostly because of first hand comments from the Bfs/drivers/roommates of three of the four victims. But, to go as far as to say he hacked into their accounts, it seems that that is not the case. Re: the killer being a stalker, one can stalk someone psychologically, physically or technologically. Either way it is still a stalker.

I do believe there is a woman who has suspicions about a close relative but can not bring herself to believe that someone she thought she knew could be capable of such horror....even so far as to try every possible logical theory to erase her doubts about the man she is involved with.
Hi Scandi

No, no NY accent in the LISK case killer phonecalls, it was me who posted that Hugh Auslander stated that he acceced Kim Raffo's voicemail, after she was killer (he claimed he knew her code to the phone hmmm) and that there was a voicemail from a man with a NY accent.

Thanks Foreigner, If WS ever does another show about LISK I hope you will be on the panel. Our panel was rockin' tonight and WOW, Inspector, you have this very sexy voice. For sure :seeya:
Hi Scandi

No, no NY accent in the LISK case killer phonecalls, it was me who posted that Hugh Auslander stated that he acceced Kim Raffo's voicemail, after she was killer (he claimed he knew her code to the phone hmmm) and that there was a voicemail from a man with a NY accent.

Yes, but Shannon and Melissa are from NY so if the caller was from NY they would think that the caller had no accent or that it was the same as theirs.
Everyone was using go phones, maybe?

Also the cyber-stalker aspect fails in that at least three of the four GB4 used their bf/pimp/drivers phones or in some cases the dates were even set up through the driver/pimp/bf.

Hi JustK

If the killer is intelligent, and I belive he is, and good at what he does, hacking etc, he can easely get info on the girls even though they use boyfriends/pimps phones. There is no doubt personal info on the girls in the boyfrineds/pimps phones.

I know how much information I can find, in a 100% legal way, just by reseaching in my own, through many years developd technic, on people who just post under a nickname and nothing more, like finding out their real identity and from there a lot about them and their lives (this is what I do when researching possible suspects).
So imagin what a person who can hack etc can find out.
You totaly underestimate a good hacker IMHO.
Yes, but Shannon and Melissa are from NY so if the caller was from NY they would think that the caller had no accent or that it was the same as theirs.

Excellent point!
I want to know what were in those private messages?!?!?!?! Sounds like an interesting read

But it was a very informative session. I have alot to learn, some of you guys have this stuff down very well.
Thanks Foreigner, If WS ever does another show about LISK I hope you will be on the panel. Our panel was rockin' tonight and WOW, Inspector, you have this very sexy voice. For sure :seeya:

Thanks for that Scandi, actually, some weeks ago, I was invited to be on the show, but I respectfully declined due to I prefere to research and post , and due to that english is not my first languish etc.
And YEP! I agree totaly on inspectors voice, the kind of voice you fall in love with ;)
Hi JustK

If the killer is intelligent, and I belive he is, and good at what he does, hacking etc, he can easely get info on the girls even though they use boyfriends/pimps phones. There is no doubt personal info on the girls in the boyfrineds/pimps phones.

I know how much information I can find, in a 100% legal way, just by reseaching in my own, through many years developd technic, on people who just post under a nickname and nothing more, like finding out their real identity and from there a lot about them and their lives (this is what I do when researching possible suspects).
So imagin what a person who can hack etc can find out.
You totaly underestimate a good hacker IMHO.

No, I'm saying he didn't need to be a hacker to get the info that he got on the victims. Believe me I know what hackers are capable of and I understand a lot of the technology but I feel this killer could get what he got without needing techno knowledge.
Yes, but Shannon and Melissa are from NY so if the caller was from NY they would think that the caller had no accent or that it was the same as theirs.

I don´t agree. I´m pretty sure that some kind of specialsts, from LE, possibly FBI, have gone through the voice of the caller with those who recived calls.
And that thise specialist have made sure to pinpoint wheter this caller had an accent or not NY accent or otherwise.
Belive me LE knows a LOT more about this case than we know, including the calls and the voice etc of the killer.
Just my opinion of course.
Depends where in NY they are. People from upstate do not talk like people from downstate.

I know. And, the accents can change from county to county or even within a county or hamlet depending on where a person was originally raised. Generally, people will more readily notice an accent in someone who's accent is markedly different from their own. And, some may not notice if a person has an accent if that person speaks with a similar accent.

I live near Manorville, in fact I looked at places to buy there a couple years ago. Instead, I chose to live just a few miles away.

Welcome to Websleuths!
No, I'm saying he didn't need to be a hacker to get the info that he got on the victims. Believe me I know what hackers are capable of and I understand a lot of the technology but I feel this killer could get what he got without needing techno knowledge.

But we don´t know what kind of info he had on the victims AND their relatives right? we only know what has been released to the media.
One thing which is a big mystery is HOW did he get his victims to meet him on outcall, alone without their phones?
Did he fex. know somthing about them, some weeknesses, soft spots etc, that he could use psychologicaly in persuade them to brake some of their most basic and important security ruels? I think he did and I think he got them through his tech skills.
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