ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - #11

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Good catch

I find it hard to believe ALE would let him drive home for a nap if he was "drunk"

Perhaps Mr.Silva meant they haven't spoken to him yet officially about what he witnessed?

Thats a possibility of course

And I agree, if that drunk, its a wonder someone from LE didn't take GG home
Lambchop:I guess I'm more inclined to believe 3 or 4 people who said GG and RG left in their rental car than I am to believe that they were there all the time on the beach as GG has stated.

Lambchop:When it comes to LE I don't think most people would volunteer a statement (and it appears they did all came forward voluntarily) and then lie about it.

You stated that 3 to 4 people saw GG and RG leave in the rental car and i am still trying to figure out who else saw this besides Mr.Silva? I think there is confusion on the multiple reports about this same person who many do not name "Mr Silva" Lets please stick to the facts as he is the only person who says this.

Yes he would be a crucial witness if he is indeed telling the truth.

Can you please tell me what you meant by "and then lie about it"? Thank you

The link is up in the Facts and Rumors thread. It has been provided many, many times. The fisherman from the boat is not Mr. Silva and the link to both Mr. Silva and the fisherman in boat were provided earlier in this thread. Also there was a report from the dive shop owner. These are facts reported by the MSM. Anything reported by MSM is acceptable here for discussion. If someone chooses to consider Mr. Silva's testimony only because they heard him state it that is their choice. But discussions on what was reported from witnesses discussed by MSM is permitted. According to T. Stein and GMA a number of witnesses came forward and GMA was permitted to review them. I have never heard JB dispute the fact that there were no witnesses or that he had never seen witness statements claiming his client left the area. However, if someone has a link to dispute TS, LE and GMA claim then I'd be happy to read it.

And while this is not directed to anyone in particular let's do try to keep our comments to just the posts specifically and not personally to posters. jmo
The link is up in the Facts and Rumors thread. It has been provided many, many times. The fisherman from the boat is not Mr. Silva and the link to both Mr. Silva and the fisherman in boat were provided earlier in this thread. Also there was a report from the dive shop owner. These are facts reported by the MSM. Anything reported by MSM is acceptable here for discussion. If someone chooses to consider Mr. Silva's testimony only because they heard him state it that is their choice. But discussions on what was reported from witnesses discussed by MSM is permitted. According to T. Stein and GMA a number of witnesses came forward and GMA was permitted to review them. I have never heard JB dispute the fact that there were no witnesses or that he had never seen witness statements claiming his client left the area. However, if someone has a link to dispute TS, LE and GMA claim then I'd be happy to read it.

And while this is not directed to anyone in particular let's do try to keep our comments to just the posts specifically and not personally to posters. jmo

I don't recall the dive shop owner saying he saw them leave, but i could be wrong about that.

The last person to see Robyn Gardner and Gary Giordano together was the owner of a dive shop on Aruba who noticed their car far out on a rocky point of the island which he thought was an unlikely place to be snorkeling.
One thing about the Silva interview...

He says police told him GG was drunk and then later in the video it is said that police haven't spoken to him yet and he is surprised

I take that as meaning that he didn't give an official police statement and surprised that police didn't take an official statement from him.

Someone in LE saying to him on the beach that GG was drunk isn't the same as giving a police statement to investigators.

I take that as meaning that he didn't give an official police statement and surprised that police didn't take an official statement from him.

Someone in LE saying to him on the beach that GG was drunk isn't the same as giving a police statement to investigators.


And at the time of the GMA interview he had not talked with LE according to his statement. Hopefully LE spoke with him afterwards but we don't know that for sure. jmo
The link is up in the Facts and Rumors thread. It has been provided many, many times. The fisherman from the boat is not Mr. Silva and the link to both Mr. Silva and the fisherman in boat were provided earlier in this thread. Also there was a report from the dive shop owner. These are facts reported by the MSM. Anything reported by MSM is acceptable here for discussion. If someone chooses to consider Mr. Silva's testimony only because they heard him state it that is their choice. But discussions on what was reported from witnesses discussed by MSM is permitted. According to T. Stein and GMA a number of witnesses came forward and GMA was permitted to review them. I have never heard JB dispute the fact that there were no witnesses or that he had never seen witness statements claiming his client left the area. However, if someone has a link to dispute TS, LE and GMA claim then I'd be happy to read it.

And while this is not directed to anyone in particular let's do try to keep our comments to just the posts specifically and not personally to posters. jmo

Lambchops,I asked you a specific question three times now and I think you are not understanding at all what I am saying. I am very aware what all the other witnesses have said and I am not asking about what the dive owner,waitress or what the other witnesses have stated.. Mr.Silva is still the only person who said he saw them leave in the car away from the area not 3 to 4 people. Its a fact.

You need to be careful what you are posting as fact because you are way off on several issues and insinuating that Max De Vries is alive in South America and Buddy Larson drowned while Wind Surfing is very upsetting to me and their families.

I also asked you twice about your statement about the witnesses that I was curious about that you failed to aknowledge. TIA

Lambchop:When it comes to LE I don't think most people would volunteer a statement (and it appears they did all came forward voluntarily) and then lie about it.
Lambchops,I asked you a specific question three times now and I think you are not understanding at all what I am saying. I am very aware what all the other witnesses have said and I am not asking about what the dive owner,waitress or what the other witnesses have stated.. Mr.Silva is still the only person who said he saw them leave in the car away from the area not 3 to 4 people. Its a fact.

You need to be careful what you are posting as fact because you are way off on several issues and insinuating that Max De Vries is alive in South America and Buddy Larson drowned while Wind Surfing is very upsetting to me and their families.
I also asked you twice about your statement about the witnesses that I was curious about that you failed to aknowledge. TIA

Lambchop:When it comes to LE I don't think most people would volunteer a statement (and it appears they did all came forward voluntarily) and then lie about it.

I don't know anything about Max Devries, nor Buddy Larson and it really is off topic here to discuss their cases.

This is a forum and possibilities are permitted to be discussed. I have provided the link regarding the statement the fisherman in the boat gave to LE as reported by MSM. The report is a fact, it exists in the form of a video which was reported by ABC. It is permitted to discuss it here just was it was presented to us. Mr. Silva is the only person we heard state they left but other witnesses were reported by LE to have stated the same thing. Believe it, or don't believe it, but there is no proof to date that these witness statement were not given to LE, only that we have not seen them. It standard procedures not to release witness statements to the media and I am surprised LE let GMA view them. GMA claims to have seen them and they are reporting it as a fact.

Again, the fisherman's report is linked above.

This is the only comment I can find after searching that I made about the case you mention bolded above:

"Could LE have declared him dead and not missing because they had to rescue the man? The man's story does not sound right to me. Who goes out that far with a jet ski. You're suppose to stay close to the coastline. If you are out too long they go after you. It's not as if they unintentionally wandered off. Something is just not right with this man's story. jmo"

I do not know anything about this case other than what was provided in the links. How my statement above evolves into your comments I don't know???? But comments to me personally need to stop. jmo
iirc silva's statement about the couple he saw was a different day. So it was not GG and RG that he saw. I am thinking that is why LE never talked to him. jmo
iirc silva's statement about the couple he saw was a different day. So it was not GG and RG that he saw. I am thinking that is why LE never talked to him. jmo

Mr. Silva talked about walking over to where GG was sitting on the rock and had a conversation with LE about them questioning him and that he appeared drunk so that sounds like the same day. The link is above. jmo
iirc silva's statement about the couple he saw was a different day. So it was not GG and RG that he saw. I am thinking that is why LE never talked to him. jmo

GG and RG were in the same location two days in a row..
I guess it is quite possible that he or one of the other fishermen got the dates mixed up

I know there was talk about a fisherman being debunked

The one thing about Silva is if he did indeed speak to LE about a drunk GG, he had to have the day right
I don't know anything about Max Devries, nor Buddy Larson and it really is off topic here to discuss their cases.

This is a forum and possibilities are permitted to be discussed. I have provided the link regarding the statement the fisherman in the boat gave to LE as reported by MSM. The report is a fact, it exists in the form of a video which was reported by ABC. It is permitted to discuss it here just was it was presented to us. Mr. Silva is the only person we heard state they left but other witnesses were reported by LE to have stated the same thing. Believe it, or don't believe it, but there is no proof to date that these witness statement were not given to LE, only that we have not seen them. It standard procedures not to release witness statements to the media and I am surprised LE let GMA view them. GMA claims to have seen them and they are reporting it as a fact.

Again, the fisherman's report is linked above.

This is the only comment I can find after searching that I made about the case you mention bolded above:

"Could LE have declared him dead and not missing because they had to rescue the man? The man's story does not sound right to me. Who goes out that far with a jet ski. You're suppose to stay close to the coastline. If you are out too long they go after you. It's not as if they unintentionally wandered off. Something is just not right with this man's story. jmo"

I do not know anything about this case other than what was provided in the links. How my statement above evolves into your comments I don't know???? But comments to me personally need to stop. jmo

I agree, as it is to go into long posts and discussions about several other cases JMO
I said before second and third hand info is not my cup of tea.
You know it's the little stuff that reporters say and LE sometimes for that matter that really get under my skin. Like some have said that GG is lying about them not buying alcohol at the restaurant when in fact they or he bought liquor had it at the room and brought it with them in cups. How is he lying when he says they did not buy drinks at the restaurant. That is what I watch for and that is what asleigh bancroft does. They take the truth and make it like the "suspect" is lying when they are telling the truth. Sometimes it's all in the way you ask a ? as to the answer you will receive. idk sometimes things are not always as they seem, this is a strange one
Ok, I finally found this, and this witness does not really look like Silva, imo. Not the same video anyway, as Silva was wearing a hat.

Aruba Mystery: Witness Surfaces
Two weeks after Robyn Gardner disappeared, new evidence comes to light.

Matt Guttman reports that this fisherman saw GG and RG around 4pm. He noticed them walking and that they never got into the water. After a short time they left in their rental car. jmo
I don't know anything about Max Devries, nor Buddy Larson and it really is off topic here to discuss their cases.

This is a forum and possibilities are permitted to be discussed. I have provided the link regarding the statement the fisherman in the boat gave to LE as reported by MSM. The report is a fact, it exists in the form of a video which was reported by ABC. It is permitted to discuss it here just was it was presented to us. Mr. Silva is the only person we heard state they left but other witnesses were reported by LE to have stated the same thing. Believe it, or don't believe it, but there is no proof to date that these witness statement were not given to LE, only that we have not seen them. It standard procedures not to release witness statements to the media and I am surprised LE let GMA view them. GMA claims to have seen them and they are reporting it as a fact.

Again, the fisherman's report is linked above.

This is the only comment I can find after searching that I made about the case you mention bolded above:

"Could LE have declared him dead and not missing because they had to rescue the man? The man's story does not sound right to me. Who goes out that far with a jet ski. You're suppose to stay close to the coastline. If you are out too long they go after you. It's not as if they unintentionally wandered off. Something is just not right with this man's story. jmo"

I do not know anything about this case other than what was provided in the links. How my statement above evolves into your comments I don't know???? But comments to me personally need to stop. jmo

Other witnesses did not report the same thing as Mr.Silva because if they had they would have never concentrated their searches in the ocean..Cmon Lambchops if 3-4 people saw GG and RG leave in the car away from baby beach that would be huge news. They would of never concentrated the search efforts in the ocean if that were the case. No matter how much you and I want Mr.Silva's statements to be true there is no one else that corroborates his statements about seeing them leaving in the car away from nanki/baby beach.

Earlier you made this statement in regards to those Americans that vanished in Aruba: Lambchop: "one man was seen at Windsurf and was suspected as being blown out to sea, another man disappeared and the belief was he was snorkeling (and he certainly was way too old for trafficing), and another man is suspected as living in South America. How do these missing people equal human trafficing? It is very deceiving when it's reported that people are missing and not followed up with what their actual stories are and the belief about what happened to them"

MD ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 August 2011 - #10 - Page 41 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

When Natalee went missing the ATA/AHATA/Strategic task force were in full force putting out vicious horrible lies about Max De Vries being found alive in South America(Brazil) and his mother being part of a insurance scam. You may not of even known what you were talking about when you stated "another man is suspected of living in South America" in regards to the americans who have gone missing in Aruba. Since Max was the only one suspected of that then it could of only been him you were talking about.

Take it from someone who has followed up on these actual stories and spoke to Ms.De Vries about what happened to her son. Even after all these years she is still devastated and she fully believes he was the victim of foul play by two pedophiles and her son never had the privlage of any sort of investigation. She hasn't seen her son since that day and its unbelievable someone would accuse her of being part of a insurance scam and hiding her son in South America.

Buddy Larson was last seen having a major arguement at the Windsurf place over equipment he had already payed for but was not available to him. That was the last place he was seen not being blown out to sea in the ocean as he never even had any equipment. He too never had the privlage of a "investigation" into his dissapearance. Family didn't even know he was missing until the hotel called them

These two statements remind me of those that said Natalee was drunk,irresponsible and was suspected of killing herself by a drug overdose. Very deceiving and hurtful to those families who never had a honest investigation,no investigation and strongly feel they lost a loved one to foul play on then island of Aruba. It's all vicious lies and rumors with a purpose to protect tourism/aruba and it's far from the truth. I'M not saying you are doing anything of the sort but you are contradicting your own statements in bold above about how it's deceiving about people not following up on the actual stories and what really happened. Again if the ALE would have investigated either of these cases perhaps these families would have had a chance for justice or a chance to find out the fate of their loved one. Perhaps even be able to lay them to rest back home..Where they belong.
The man suspected of living in SA disappeared in 1995 and is the last person on the list of the missing. I never said MD as living in SA. How would I know that???? I will tell you one thing, and it is my opinion only, that was my first thought about the pedophiles and I'm shocked LE let this man go home in Max's case. All I reported was what was listed on the site and it's speculation even on this site, they are missing. If we knew where they were they wouldn't be missing. You read articles and some speculate a person was blown out to sea. I certainly don't know if it's true but it's worth considering even if it's to have someone come forward and say it's not true. lol But, again, this subject is way off topic. I'm sorry for what Max's mom has had to endure.

As for my comment about the man snorkeling I was referring to GG's statement on GMA about human trafficing being the #1 money maker in Aruba. That was my point only. jmo
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