FL - 17-yo Teen Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #4

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In one of the links you will find that TM wal coming closer to GZ - maybe just to see who was following him?.
So while TM was walking faster some of the time. It seems it was not the entire story.
I wish he did listen to his GF.

Per my recollection of the phone call to police, He (GZ) tells the dispatcher that Trayvon is coming to "check him out" or something like that is what he says, then he says that Trayvon is now running away. No where in that call does he talk about TM getting close to him or feeling threatned by TM. He just gets all anxious because "these *()#holes always get away" and he proceeds to follow him.

GZ did not call 911. He called the non-emergency number. If he was so concerned about this suspicious person, his choice of call the non-emergency number versus 911 sure seems odd to me.
As a Floridian, I am not personally worried about the Black Panther's threats causing any kind of violent outcome. I have watched the gatherings, the protests, the children walking out of school, and watching all the mixture of races involved proves to me that people do respect what this is all about. It's about Justice for Trayvon. I don't see black people grabbing white people out of cars and beating them, do you?

On the other hand, if people are concerned about the threats by the Black Panthers you really should contact who you think could do something about it. If you're that concerned, you shouldn't wait for a statement by anyone just because they are in a form of power? You should be calling your White lawmakers too? Why don't they stand up for George Zimmerman against these threats? Or better yet, Latino lawmakers? He's Latino?

I have read or heard absolutely nothing that gives me the impression, even remotely, that Trayvon did one single thing to escalate this situation. The responsibility for what happened lies squarely on GZ's shoulders.

Not turning and politely inquiring when a stranger is making you nervous and scared (I get that from what his gf has stated about how their conversation went when Trayvon mentioned GZ following him) should not escalate a situation to the point of physical altercation and deadly force. That is absurd.

At some point (911 call) TM was coming closer to GZ not wy from him (GZ as in the car at the time.
When the police arived GZ did have a blody nose and blood behind his head.
I do not know what happend nobody does.
There is also a strong possibility that a call was never made...Just saying..
Not accusing....

Why would that be a strong possibility. Or any possibility at all, for that matter?

I doubt the father is going to say something like this at this point in the investigation since it can be easily verified with looking at his own phone records. An outgoing call will prove or disprove it.

There is also a strong possibility that a call was never made...Just saying..
Not accusing....

Just saying something is a "strong possibility" especially in the face of a grieving father's statement that he did call, doesn't actually make it a strong possibility...just saying...
If my phone is off my calls still go into voicemail and show calls that were missed.

<modsnip>. Just saying....

Sadly I think so much time has gone by they all can tweek thier story. :(
I did say All.
All information comes directly from GZ about what happened. This is a man who always blamed the domestic complaints filed against him on the other person. TM can't speak for himself so what makes GZ so credible. Because TM can't defend himself that makes it difficult to determine who started the allocation only that GZ was the one pursuing. That much we know. Anything about why GZ shot TM is speculation.

T. Dooley was in the news on Feb. 23rd while in court regarding his stand your ground defense. Three days later GZ shoots TM and claims stand your ground defense. Makes you wonder, does it not????? jmo
GZ wanted to be a hero = police wanabe
TM was not going to be a sisi, so he showd him....
Al Sharpton needed a photo op.
Florida LE needs a compleat make over

Like I said before, if it wasn't for Sharpton nobody would have even heard about this, Trayvon's family would never have gotten a chance at justice, there wouldn't have been any type of investigation. So like him or not, Sharpton was needed in this case.

And how can to say Trayvon was going to show Zimmerman? He was trying to get away from Zimmerman. It is shameful all of the victim blaming that is going on.
At some point (911 call) TM was coming closer to GZ not wy from him (GZ as in the car at the time.
When the police arived GZ did have a blody nose and blood behind his head.
I do not know what happend nobody does.

Then I don't think you should be making statements like "TM wasn't going to be a sissy and showed him."
At some point (911 call) TM was coming closer to GZ not wy from him (GZ as in the car at the time.
When the police arived GZ did have a blody nose and blood behind his head.
I do not know what happend nobody does.

That is true, that he was headed his direction. I heard that on the nonemergency call GZ made. It was not a 911 call. GZ did not call 911 that evening. He called the non-emergency number.

It was after he was headed to GZ, that he turned and ran. That is also in the same police recording of this same phone call. So where some are saying he escalated the situation by coming at GZ while GZ was in his car, I'm simply pointing out that the same people should also recognize and hear that GZ says after that, that TM is running away. To me, that is not an escalation but an avoidance. GZ then escalated it by getting out of his car and following TM.

Why would that be a strong possibility. Or any possibility at all, for that matter?

I doubt the father is going to say something like this at this point in the investigation since it can be easily verified with looking at his own phone records. An outgoing call will prove or disprove it.


I was just wondering why they would not give permission for the police to access the phone.
So I wondered WHY the only reason in my mind was that possibility.

However a couple of posts up someone said that they had seen a show, that the parents had been so put off by the way the police handled this that they did not want to make it easy and told them to go get a warrant.

Which answers why they did not give access.
Why would that be a strong possibility. Or any possibility at all, for that matter?

I doubt the father is going to say something like this at this point in the investigation since it can be easily verified with looking at his own phone records. An outgoing call will prove or disprove it.


My questions/thoughts exactly.
At some point (911 call) TM was coming closer to GZ not wy from him (GZ as in the car at the time.
When the police arived GZ did have a blody nose and blood behind his head.
I do not know what happend nobody does.

And on the same call Zimmerman says that he is running away. This shows that Trayvon was not being aggressive. So stop trying to say he was. If Zimmerman had any injuries they came from Trayvon defending himself after Zimmerman gave chase.
Weren't we all having issues with Casey's phone records at one point? Didn't most of our information come from the records of her friends phone logs? Maybe I am remembering wrong?
May I ask how you know there was no investigation? Zimmerman was taken to the police department. CSI investigates every crime scene, without exception. Where is this coming from besides the media? If the answer is, there are no documents, which specifically have you searched for a where?

"Thorough investigation"? NO investigation! :maddening:

Zimmerman admitted he had shot Trayvon Martin. There is no doubt that he is the killer of Trayvon Martin.

The major problem is that the Sanford PD did no investigation at all to determine whether GZ's statement of self defense was credible. They simply accepted his statement at face value.

Certainly the SPD did not have enough evidence to support a conviction - they didn't make any effort to collect any evidence. How convenient, both for GZ and for the SPD. GZ gets to walk away from killing and the SPD avoids going to the effort of actually investigating the death of a young black man. :banghead:
Like I said before, if it wasn't for Sharpton nobody would have even heard about this, Trayvon's family would never have gotten a chance at justice, there wouldn't have been any type of investigation. So like him or not, Sharpton was needed in this case.

And how can to say Trayvon was going to show Zimmerman? He was trying to get away from Zimmerman. It is shameful all of the victim blaming that is going on.

a) I didn't hear about from Al Sharpton.
b) Who cares if I had?
c) Would it be better somehow if nobody had even heard about this?
AND if the boys phine does not show parents looking for him it does not look very good. Just saying....

Sadly I think so much time has gone by they all can tweek thier story. :(
I did say All.

"Does not look good" for who?

I have no reason not to believe Mr. Martin about him calling Trayvon, but even if he lied, what possible relevance does it have to the circumstances of Trayvon's death?
a) I didn't hear about from Al Sharpton.
b) Who cares if I had?
c) Would it be better somehow if nobody had even heard about this?

I didn't hear anything about Al Sharpton getting involved until the rally was scheduled? I believe I've been on this case since the day it broke in the news and the only issue at that time was getting the 911 calls so the family could have some answers?
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