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CALL ME CYNICAL AND WHISTLE DIXIE, but anyone else feel this was set up to take the focus off CAYLEE today and back on the felon?

I completely agree, and I will not click these links, and be content to just read what everyone writes here. I refuse to support OCA, and any publication that wastes space on OCA. The day that this self-serving propaganda does not pay off is the day OCA slithers back to the dark where she belongs.
She looks really creepy in the an evil morticia. I also looked up the guy she was dining with...Pat Mckenna a private detective who worked for the defense team...kind of a greasy looking older man. Sounds like a fun Friday night
I too remember that day
I watched the local breaking news about skeletal remains of a small child found close to the Anthony home
It Rained that day... the sun did not shine that was dark, grey skies.

My mom always had this saying.....

Happy is the corpse when the rain falls.
Yes, it is indeed amazing that Cindy didn't take action before the day the smelly car was found. I really do get what you are saying. Yes, most of us would never let a child be in danger without taking drastic action.

However, I believe there is more to the story than confusion and denial. IMO there are deep dark secrets in that family -- treachery and evil -- and there are reasons why for instance, Cindy didn't simply report that car stolen right away, or at least prior to "31 days" in order to locate her grandbaby who was with someone she knew to be a thief, liar, sociopath, spiteful b*tch, and unfit mother.

I'm not saying she knew Caylee was deceased prior to July 15, but IMO she feared for her safety and wellbeing all that time ... and she DID know (IMO) once the car turned up smelling like death.

And totally agree about not admitting anything incriminating or ugly to others, even if it's obvious to all... she shares that crazy trait with her killer daughter IMO.


I agree completely. She knew what she was smelling when she found that car. And she had to know that she was tampering with evidence and trying to "save" Casey when she cleaned that car. Why else would she say to Amy "We have to find Casey now, she may be in trouble and could go to jail." Go to jail for what exactly? A grown adult cannot go to jail for not sleeping at home for 31 days.

That is what I am fascinated by. "It's the pizza right George?" You can hear the doubt in the question. She is basically saying to him: Tell me that this is not what I know it to be so that I can continue to lie to myself and everyone around me.

Her co-workers were horrified that she came back to work and they made her go home. WTH?
Hey Spice I havent seen you in a while, missed you and wanted you to show up over at the DD Moore trial. She got convicted I dont know if you are familar with that case . I wanted to know what made this chick tick, we thought perhaps narssist personality disorder. I read an article that said her mother told the cops when she was a child she made her drop her off down the street everywhere she went so her friends would not see they had an old car. She was around early teens years. She grew up to buy a Lincoln Navigator she coulndt afford and when it was about to be re-possessed she called the cops and said she was carjacked by 2 mexicans raped and they took the car. Really she had rented a storge unit and hid it out. LOL Ofcourse cops found out the truth and she went to jail but got only probation that was in 2001 by 2009 she had met Abraham Shakespere who won the lotto in 2006 to the tune of 12 million. She took his remaining 1.9 million and spent almost all of it in 4 months then killed him. You should hear the stories LOl She needed lessons from Casey Anthony LOL

What is your diagnosis good doctor?

Hi! And :hug:

Just want to make sure that I clarify that I am not a doctor by an means. I am in Social Work and will be pursuing my Masters in it. Psychologists and Social workers often work closely together as the discipline/profession is basically what would happen if psychology and sociology had a baby. I have the worlds most depressing and interesting homework. lol!

For example, my last internship was at an agency where the clinical staff was made up of basically 8 Psychologists and 5 social workers. They all split the clients (at risk juveniles) and worked together as a team. I am in no way qualified to diagnose anyone and could only really armchair if I read a lot more about this person, her background, crimes, and life experiences.

Her embarrassment about the car as a teenager could have been pressure that she felt to fit in. Teenagers entire developmental stage is struggling with their identity and who they are, which peer group the want to belong to,etc. Peers become all important and almost replace the family for them for a short time. (and then they come back) :smile: She may have had just regular old normal feelings of inadequacy regarding her socioeconomic status especially if she was in a school where kids came from a range of financial backgrounds.

I will definitely google the case though and read up on her. Good to see you!
Regarding the photo.
I have an el cheapo phone and it take's better pic's then the one we see here tonight.
In my personal opinion I think it's all bunk as usual. Grainy, looks as if she is doing her court stare and if she was seen out in public there would be more then one person trying to sell photo's of her not to mention there would be a rude word or three spat in her direction which would draw more attention in her direction. Sorry, but I think it's photoshopped or whatever it is they do these days.
I saw the best response posted to this KC pic.

It was over at daily mail. It has to be the alltime best post I've ever seen on the internet.

The person said: "hopefully that basket of chicken wings comes with a side of remorse."

So much to say, but since I don't know how to multiquote, I'll just put all my thoughts here.

That is definately FCA in the picture, and it is disgusting that she can sit in a public place in peace. I agree that the timing of the pic was to steal the spotlight from Caylee once again. It is infuriating.

I also share the sentiments that Caylee's murder was planned. Up until the fool proof suffocation searches were revealed, I thought Caylee was either murdered in a fit of rage or accidentally overdosed, but now i have no doubt that it was cold and calculated.

I used to be a firm believer in nurture over nature, however, several family situations have led me to believe otherwise. I don't understand how 2 people raised in the same house by the same parents can be so completely different. I have a sibling who always saw the world in a totally different way then myself, and reacted to things very inappropriatly by never taking responsibility and always blaming. He could twist and turn a story and make you believe that something you witnessed with your very own eyes wasn't true. I never understood how we could be so different. How can one sibling have good coping skills with life's most difficult situations, and the other one can barely cope with the simpliest of problems? Many siblings are night and day and are very different with how they handle and react to the same situations, even though they are taught the same principals and coping mechanisms.
I do believe that nurture can help shape and mold an already existent personality, however, I also think there are all sorts of disorders that are inherited and nurturing does very little to change them. But as far as FCA and CA, I can't even begin to debate the nature vs nurture because they are a whole lot of crazy and dysfunction mixed together.
Sorry Soccermom, I was responding to you and quoted your post but lost it somehow. Your words are bolded right below.

I used to be a firm believer in nurture over nature, however, several family situations have led me to believe otherwise. I don't understand how 2 people raised in the same house by the same parents can be so completely different.

Most believe it is because every person is so different and possess their own unique and innate qualities. Every person will react with their environment differently in some ways. It is the same reason why one child raised in the same house with the same parents as the other will react differently to discipline. One child may become compliant and rank and file, while the other may lash out. I see that all of the time with siblings. It doesn't mean that the one that lashes out is disordered, it just means that that one approach will not necessarily work with two different personalities.

Again, this is all just my opinion and armchair two cents, and I do believe that deviant behavior can be either a mixture of genetic traits and socialization or the result of just socialization. I just do not believe that it is ever only genetically determined.
Just saw the restaurant photo, and I have to state or ask the obvious....

Trotting/prancing around all loud and proud, It's me, it's me, the great Casey.
Does she not realize the number of well placed loogies that are and will be hiding in her food each time she is recognized while eating out?
What a dope.
Of course that's OCA in the photo. She even picked an "Irish" restaurant. The article says she didn't speak to any of the wait staff. I'm assuming that's because she still hasn't learned to speak or understand the Irish language. :giggle:
The only ones who will hang out with Casey are ones who are just like her. She will never have an authentic, deep, meaningful relationship. She will never have that true loving connection that makes life worthwhile. Never ever. What a living hell that is.
She will have to watch her back for the rest of her sorry days.

What goes up must come down. You made your bed, now lie in it, Casey Marie Anthony.

Looks like she is trying to get the innocent look back for her upcoming civil trial. Notice the hair!! I think it's her!

I don't know. It's awfully grainy. It looks like Bigfoot to me. :waitasec:

CALL ME CYNICAL AND WHISTLE DIXIE, but anyone else feel this was set up to take the focus off CAYLEE today and back on the felon?

I never thought of that. Very good observation.

No mistaking her! My 16 year old wore a beret just like that to a concert this weekend. Excuse me while I go burn it.

I think you'd just have to show the picture of KC to her and she'd burn it herself. JMO

Cindy knew at the very least that Casey was being neglected while they were gone - otherwise why put that message on the internet "who is looking after her now?" - of course any normal mother would be looking after her child, but Cindy KNEW that Casey was not one, never had been. You don't threaten your daughter with taking custody of your grandchild unless there were some serious neglect/abuse issues.


Let me add that those were most likely idle threats. I can't see Cindy opening up their lives for scrutiny in a court of law.

Just saw the restaurant photo, and I have to state or ask the obvious....

Trotting/prancing around all loud and proud, It's me, it's me, the great Casey.
Does she not realize the number of well placed loogies that are and will be hiding in her food each time she is recognized while eating out?
What a dope.

I would never spit on her food. I have too much respect for my spit.

Of course that's OCA in the photo. She even picked an "Irish" restaurant. The article says she didn't speak to any of the wait staff. I'm assuming that's because she still hasn't learned to speak or understand the Irish language. :giggle:


She's taking lessons from the Irish Spring soap packages.
I very seriously doubt that is Casey Anthony. There would be more than just the one grainy pic surfacing.

Gossip Extra’s $1,000-bounty for irrefutable proof that Casey Anthony lives in Palm Beach County stands!

Not to mention Lake Worth is two and a half hours from Cape Canaveral where it's rumored she's living.

And why are there no pics of the man identified as Pat McKenna?
She looks really creepy in the an evil morticia. I also looked up the guy she was dining with...Pat Mckenna a private detective who worked for the defense team...kind of a greasy looking older man. Sounds like a fun Friday night

Love what you have said!

Poor lass has no-one to share her inane thoughts, no best bud and no close family - that we know of. :great:
Just saw the restaurant photo, and I have to state or ask the obvious....

Trotting/prancing around all loud and proud, It's me, it's me, the great Casey.
Does she not realize the number of well placed loogies that are and will be hiding in her food each time she is recognized while eating out?
What a dope.

OH I do like this thought!
JMHO but too bad she didn't go to eat in Jeff Ruby's restaurant (loved what he did to OJ).
JMHO but too bad she didn't go to eat in Jeff Ruby's restaurant (loved what he did to OJ).

And Drew Petersen. I follow him on Twitter. He is something.

Also, where are you all seeing this picture? When I click on the ROL I only see the article.
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