The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #14 *ADULT CONTENT*

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going over the police reports and reading the interviews again there is still something that bothers me. She only had 30 mins from the time she killed him and one of the roomates got home. How did she move TA with the sheet, do and entire laundry cycle and stick round long enough to move the sheets from the washer to the dryer? How do you remove the sheets from the washer and not see the camera? why was the furniture moved downstairs?
If all of this has been talked about I am sorry and I missed the posts.

Be a lamby and tell Anita where you got this info? :please:

It was on 48 Hours. One of TA's closest friends told the story. He would not name the person for obvious reasons but said it did happen. It may have been on NG, too, not sure.
Wow, she's like a rat. She can get in anywhere. How the he// did she squeeze through that small hole? :what:

I don't know but if it were something she did often I could see how she could have gotten a broken finger and marks on her neck. lol jmo
OMG...I think I have a hat with a butterfly floating on a wire. I'll add some birds and an innocent looking dress (obviously I need to go shopping asap). :floorlaugh:

eBay auction

Don't kid yourself, JMO, defense is desperate in this case. They hire firms to keep up to date on forums and public opinion and ideas. They did at CA's trial from what I've heard. If they are reading here now, I hope they realize where this is all going. Jodi has to take the stand and lie like she's never lied before, and it's doubtful anyone will believe this version.

And tears. She's gonna need lots and lots of tears. It will be a real show.
When Malarchuk had his throat cut, it was the jugular that was affected. This is a vein, which transports deoxygenated blood back to the heart so it can get re-oxygenated in the lungs. Since it was "only" a vein that was cut, he still maintained a decent blood pressure to the brain and was still receiving oxygenated blood to the brain.

When the carotid artery is bilaterally severed, there will be a sharp decreased in blood pressure because... well... there is no blood flowing to the brain anymore. This will lead to an almost automatic syncope (fainting/unconsciousness), as part of the body's attempt to regain homeostasis. This is the same reason some people faint if they stand up too fast (orthostatic syncope).

The two incidents aren't really comparable.

My main point about the skater was the amount of blood that visible. It literally gushed from the goalies neck onto the ice. The same type of blood pattern we see with TA. We know by the amount of blood on the carpet that is where she cut his throat. I think the ME and LE have seen enough blood splatter in their day to tell the difference. The picture just backs it up. jmo
going over the police reports and reading the interviews again there is still something that bothers me. She only had 30 mins from the time she killed him and one of the roomates got home. How did she move TA with the sheet, do and entire laundry cycle and stick round long enough to move the sheets from the washer to the dryer? How do you remove the sheets from the washer and not see the camera? why was the furniture moved downstairs?
If all of this has been talked about I am sorry and I missed the posts.

does anyone know what was in each load? i think earlier, someone said the bed linens were in the dryer and had thought maybe travis stripped the bed and did that load and she started another load of wash. the roommate wasn't rock solid on the time he got home, as i recall. could have been a little later?
and as for furniture, that's a new one on me.
According to a post upthread (boodles, maybe?) they didn't like the way she was interfering with the financial aspect of the relationship. I haven't listened to that link, but it makes sense. But regardless, Chris Hughes is a drop out (if you believe him) who has scammed his way to the top of PPL and into his own motivational speaking boondoggle. The vid of the coveted bmw and pic of the spray tanned wifey on the ski vacay with the "perfect" family, coupled with the promo videos of his "million dollar" socal home...blech. He's as slimy as the day is long. Also, considering they were on his wife's family's "property" when the bmw scene took place, you have to wonder how the two of them hooked up. And speaking of bmw's, if the ppl exec's get one for free, why was Travis charging Jodi for trashing his free car?

I thought I read the BMW was in a repair shop. My guess is there were some bucks owed on the car to get it out. Why would TA want to pay for it? jmo
As the wicked games begin I am saying a prayer for Travis' family today.

does anyone know what was in each load? i think earlier, someone said the bed linens were in the dryer and had thought maybe travis stripped the bed and did that load and she started another load of wash. the roommate wasn't rock solid on the time he got home, as i recall. could have been a little later?
and as for furniture, that's a new one on me.

from the police report it said there was no bedding in the bedroom and they didnt find it until they went downstairs to the laundry room. The bed sheets were in the dryer. How did she slide him across the floor with the bedsheet if he started the load of laundry?
One of the roomates metioned the floor cleaner being moved and the funiture on the tile was moved and it was unlike TA to move furniture and not put it back. Why would she move furniture downstairs?
I think if we want to think about other theories we can just pick one of Jodi's. No need to tax our brains. She's got a million of them. I see one fact as very clear and outstanding. Jodi is a liar and will do anything to get out of taking responsibility for her actions. That seems to sum it all up. jmo
Their "insertions" have been ridiculously specific in an ongoing murder trial and his brother appearing on national tv this a.m. when he knew his brother was going to testify in a couple of hours calling the credibility of the witness he would be rebutting into question? Yeah, no.

Every single thing I've seen about them, from their involvement in PPL and their personal history, CH's evolving motivational speaker bullchit, their calling Travis privately aside for an hour and a half to dis Jodi while she was a guest in their home WITH Travis and had been a welcome guest in the past...just totally inappropriate and weird. You don't like her, don't invite her to your house. She does something while she's there that you don't like...if it's serious, out the door with both of them pronto....if it's not so serious have the freaking conversation on the phone after they leave. Imo, they are ALL a bunch of freaks.

Just kinda bouncing off your post.

ALL the characters "insertions" and "assertions" are quite bizarre. Let's not get into the "O Holy Night" crap, or Arpaio's opinion, or scary Donavan or the "Jodi Arias is Innocent" web site.
Seems BOTH sides have jumped on the crazy train. JA's mother even filed the jury misconduct report.

As far as GS goes, it appears that Juan already was well aware of his reputation because of GS's REPEATED calls to their office. I'm not gonna go into his reaction with him being mad or surprised or whatever. BUT, IMO, it bugged him. Being what we perceive as "ignored" would most likely bother a good number of us. IMO, maybe he felt "left out" or "why aren't they asking ME anything??" Again, him thinking "I knew TA, I knew JA....why am "I" not part of this??". All just IMO.

I KNOW I'm STILL trying to figure out where the financial info came from, and the hour and a half discussion. So, I'm ignorant of THOSE things. Please, someone, anyone get me a link or a video, or the transcript of this....Puuulease??? Bueller??? Bueller??? I keep asking for it....sorry.

NOW..."freaks""??? Involvement in PPL....motivational speaker BS....history???
That's confusing me, as well. I don't know about most people, but at some of the positions I've held, in huge world wide businesses, there's a bunch of those "cheerleader" type of people they bring in. It's for moral, boolah-boolah type of stuff. Like a pep rally. They'd come in and "teach" us how to "do better" "be better"....yada yada yada....basic BS to get the employee's to be more company oriented, increase productivity....what.ever.
And we weren't sales divisions...we were product development and chemists, etc.

As far as the whole TA being away from JA at the gathering....who knows??? Some could have been warning TA, some could have said about money, who knows??!!!

The point is, being poor hosts and showing poor etiquette, etc....has never been a form of "abuse", IMO. Being a bunch of caddy gossips, tongue wagers, nib nozers, acting like prepubescent girls, etc, shows bad manners and rudeness...freaks???

Why didn't JA ask to be driven home?? Why didn't SHE pull TA aside and ask what's up??? Why didn't SHE give TA a good tongue lashing for leaving her alone???
If SHE decided to ACCEPT all that, then SHE'S the "freak"!!!

I'm confused how RUDENESS becomes "abuse"??? How being gossiped about or warned about to TA or being concerned about their profits, etc becomes abuse???

from the police report it said there was no bedding in the bedroom and they didnt find it until they went downstairs to the laundry room. The bed sheets were in the dryer. How did she slide him across the floor with the bedsheet if he started the load of laundry?
One of the roomates metioned the floor cleaner being moved and the funiture on the tile was moved and it was unlike TA to move furniture and not put it back. Why would she move furniture downstairs?

I did not see a mattress cover. Could she have used that and taken it with her? It would have been covered in blood. jmo
from the police report it said there was no bedding in the bedroom and they didnt find it until they went downstairs to the laundry room. The bed sheets were in the dryer. How did she slide him across the floor with the bedsheet if he started the load of laundry?
One of the roomates metioned the floor cleaner being moved and the funiture on the tile was moved and it was unlike TA to move furniture and not put it back. Why would she move furniture downstairs?

i don't know that there's any evidence she used a sheet to drag him. as for the furniture, i have no idea. there are a lot of things we just won't ever know.
A woman who is abused does not travel to her abuser, does not move closer to her abuser nor seek out sex with her abuser or slip into his house to be near him.....they avoid the abuser like the plague. It seems to me she was the abuser and he didn't quite know how to get away from her as she kept offering him the three hole wonder and he wouldn't turn it down. Has there been any evidence that he followed her to CA? Did he ever just show up unannounced? I doubt it. This battered woman defense is a personal kick in the teeth for us who have been battered. I could write a book about how it really is...

I could write a book about it too and unfortunately so could so many other posters here like yourself.:(

There is no way in hell that Jodi Arias was abused. SHE fits the profile of the abuser..........not Travis who fits the profile of an abused person.

There is no gender difference when it comes to a male being an abused victim and a female who is enduring the same thing. That is why I think some just dont understand the fact that abused males indeed can be coerced or forced into sexual acts with their abuser and go through the same emotional turmoil. If he had been a female this would be understandable but because he is unfortunate to be the 'other' gender he is misunderstood by most especially those who have never suffered abuse.

We need to work harder on trying to understand males who are also abused and have the same fears/doubts/ and often think they can handle a dangerous situation when they cant. So many women have tried to go it on their own too for fear the abuser would rage tenfold if they did not and it would only get worse if the abuser was provoked. The medical/mental literature says men also endure the same things.

I understand the situation Travis found himself in. I wouldnt wish it on anyone. May he rest in peace now.:(
I have to wonder if she broke her finger trying to put the mark on her neck? jmo

did she get treatment for her 'broken finger?' i've had one and they hurt like hell. mine had to be set and splinted. you can't just diagnose yourself with a broken finger.
about the marks---i wonder when she got those?
I have. I am not claiming he was only stabbed once. I'm saying that we do not know how far along the attack was when the picture was taken. The picture is not a valid basis to surmise with any great specificity the duration of the attack or when it stopped.

No, but the timeline is. Phone calls once she left AZ. Not hard to figure out how long she was there. The photo with his neck cut pretty much sums it up because of the timestamp. He would have bleed out pretty fast. Also there were a couple of photos afterwards. We know she stabbed him while he was still alive because of the amount of blood splatter around the bathroom and as far as the toilet room. He did not bleed out on the carpet because of the amount of blood there, along the hallway, in the bathroom, in the sink and the spray on the walls and blinds of the window. They know exactly how long the attacked lasted and they don't need Dr. Lee there to tell them. jmo
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