jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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VERY critical points to catch her in these lies about those few days after how she described them, and said he called her over and over.

Did they not understand a phone record will show she lied. And HE loaned her money (but she does not know how much) or for what. Another lie.

Travis made a deposit for her. Travis loaned her Cars...All the things she said over the past 6 days, Juan Martinez is unearthing the truth. Something she is unfamiliar with.

JMO trials have become less about the crime and more a circus. It comes down to who can get control of the jury more, its almost like a game. I understand why the defense has went back to 1903 to current and now JM has to undo some of the lies but it is frustrating what has been allowed in this trial and in the justice system. JMO DONT SHOOT
I agree with you here. I learnt this during the trial of KC. I was floored at Beaz's showmanship, and disgusted that it worked.
JM so you were stressed during your relationship with TA, but you recall all of those details

JA the sex wasn't stressful

JM so you enjoyed the sex?

JA some of it, yeah.
What Juan has done today is to remove the mask that Jodi has been wearing throughout this trial.
Man she's a hard nut! For a while there I think she had Juan rattled, but he's got his first crack in and she had better get ready for lots more in the coming days.

Go Juan! :jail:
When Nurmi is questioning JA, she appears to be semi normal (batty & long winded, yes) but not too out there.. When Juan is questioning her, her eyes are soulless, empty and evil, even. When she's staring directly at him- I see a cold, callous, heartless being that wouldn't hesitate to viciously attack if crossed. Scary, hollow eyes.
Sorry if this has been mentioned before but when she said that if she was in Travis' position (being a pedophile) she'd want to jump off a bridge??? Like saying 'I did a favour by killing him' ???????????

And she smirked when she said it.
I'm just gonna put this out there: Jodi Arias slaughtered a defenseless man, then lied, lied, lied, then got on the stand and accused him of being probably the worst thing there is - a peadophile. She murdered him three times over, then tried to defile his memory in Court.

Juan is doing what he needs to be doing; he's trying to convict a murderer.
BBM - Exactly! People need to remember that she stabbed Travis 27 times, slit his throat from ear to ear and then shot him and left him to decompose.
She was red-faced at times, but it has clearly appeared that she's up to the challenge.

You can see that it gives her tremendous satisfaction to correct JM, which she has now done more than once.

To everyone who said that she wasn't smart or articulate -- even for a high-school dropout -- it pains me to say that I told you so.

She should enjoy her battle scars and small victories, because I still think that this is the State's war to lose, and I think it's unlikely that they will.

She might be articulate, but she's not smart. "Smart" would be shown by keeping up "the act" and not letting the mask slip.
I love the way it's playing out, he's not too tough at all, you have to be with this personality.

The minute he softened up, she went back to Scarlet O'Hara
He needs to keep Cybil on the surface at all times
Did you see that Stephanie, I'm telling you role playing to the max.
I'm just gonna put this out there: Jodi Arias slaughtered a defenseless man, then lied, lied, lied, then got on the stand and accused him of being probably the worst thing there is - a peadophile. She murdered him three times over, then tried to defile his memory in Court.

Juan is doing what he needs to be doing; he's trying to convict a murderer.

And JA laughed. She's loving the win-lose game. I'm starting to love it that she's being so hateful, as it will work against her. Heck, even Jason Young knew to be respectful in court.
Okay I'm gonna say it... aside from the obvious double standard with the genders and how different this case would be if the victim were female/the murderer were male...

If the circumstances of this case were exactly the same, but JA physical appearance had her looking like the female version of Mr. Nurmi-- NONE of the people who are expressing concern or questioning Juan Martinez's approach or aggressiveness would be doing so. Not the talking heads, not trial watchers, nobody. I think most of our sleuthers here wouldn't make that an issue, we are better than that-- we are the same good folks who are able to embrace men as victims and don't view JA as "more worthy of a victim" because of her appearance.

I'm just saying, I see and hear a lot of comments about how Juan is "treating" poor JA that feed right into the defense strategy that she's a poor, sweet, frail little woman. That he's walking a fine line or crossing the line of what's acceptable in his approach questioning her. To be honest, I'm a little disgusted by that mentality. This is part of the problem, just like JVM and NG covering this trial with the big splashy headline "BOMBSHELL BEAUTY KILLS IN FATAL ATTRACTION MURDER!".

Justice should be blind. Small "attractive" women who commit crimes like this and fictitiously accuse their murder victim of the most heinous things possible without foundation shouldn't be afforded courtesy or society's pity. IMO.

Sorry but this just ticks me off..
So I assume that attorneys are able to receive specialized training to help them know how to cross examine a psychopath and his or her never ending circle??? Is this a law school course offered?
BBM - Exactly! People need to remember that she stabbed Travis 27 times, slit his throat from ear to ear and then shot him and left him to decompose.

Given her personality today, I sure can see her doing that.

I think she played with TA really badly.
I got the "uhhh, you FN stupid" look


These pictures give me flashbacks to when my lovely DD was 15 and 16, and already knew everything and replied ' Whatever' to everything I said.

Luckily she is now 20 and has matured and become gracious and understanding with age. But Jodi, not so much.
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