jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Maybe she put his camera through the wash as like 'here's how much I care about your precious camera' statement .. I think she thought deleting pics and washing it was enough to destroy those.

That's pretty believable. Out of all the scenarios I came up with for why that camera was there w/ the pictures deleted, I never even thought to add the Jodi-rage/spite factor.

I bet he told her he bought the camera for Cancun, it was new and just taken out of the box.

The whole murder was because of rejection rage, IMO
Since there was not any blood from his neck being sliced from ear to ear, I doubt there was any saliva and she washed it off in the shower

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What I was saying is Jodi claims that when she "dropped" the camera Travis was so made he started yelling at her and spitting and then she adds "or it was water" as an afterthought. My thought is it was blood. Jodi claims she was showing him the pictures and I believe she may have handed him the camera and then stabbed him in the chest and he dropped the camera. He was probably yelling and was spitting blood at that point. The picture we see of the ceiling may be from Travis dropping the camera.

I was caught by Jodi having to put that afterthought of maybe it was water. She said he was spitting at her why would it matter to redefine what she thought it was. She thought it was spit, she thought it was water, but it was blood. Bet he spit it in her face and she did not expect that. It obviously left an impression. We can see the blood on the sink so we know he was either spitting it out or it was from spray. Good case for Dr. Lee. jmo
That I wouldn't know but I find answers to puzzles are often much simpler then imagined once all the facts are put together. There is always some logic behind everything depending on the conditions. I really think JA knows her life is a waste now but she is going to get her thrills by talking nonsense the entire way. She enjoys this more then sex by far.

I think the sex was also a manifestation of the same thing. Thrill seeking and getting off on the manipulation of this Mormon man on the end of the rope she was twisting. I believe she became a Mormon simply to better understand how to manipulate him.
I think Jodi made up a random date in that January to claim that TA attacked her -kicked her with his boot on- broke her finger-- due to the random other date- two days before when she made up that she caught him in that act.
I think JM had the diary and all the phone logs ( none of that happened )and is now using JA's testimony /perjury- against her. While Jodi was going on for days and days lying and fabricating her defense and smear campaign against TA - JM and his team have been pouring over the dates in all the evidence. I think they have a whole lot more ( including salon receipts for dye job) Through this whole cross examination JM is going to discredit every expert and witness the defense has lined up. By proving in advance everything is a lie and she has lied to everyone along the way- everyone's expert opinion is and will prove to be erroneous.

If everything is a lie- the only thing we do know- once all the BS is presented is that JA by her own admission stabbed TA 27 times, cut his head off ( nearly) and shot him in the head. She planned many parts of the road-trip- visit and get away.

also i know i keep bringing this up- anyone else think she got the knife from MM? isnt that the guy she learned the knife martial arts with?( did she see him before and after her trip?) ( could he have the murder weapon in his dishwasher>>??? :waitasec:


That was one of the weirdest lines from the trial. :what:

Wow - I was checking out the alanis M. video for "You Oughta Know" and decided to watch some of her other ones. The video for "Isn't it Ironic" is interesting. It shows "Alanis" driving in her car randomly and then other personalities/people (all played by Alanis) show up in the car. The one in the backseat has braids - weird!

Wow! That's ironic. :giggle:

I really wish someone here can help me understand what she has described in their relationship is abuse. I lived it for 18 years and the abuse I suffered was much worse and truly physical and emotionally abusive yet I didn't kill my ex.
What this woman describes is like a walk in the park for me. Is there really anyone that can believe she "suffered" enough "abuse" to warrant killing TA in such an extreme extent?
I'm sorry but I just can't get "self-defense" from what teeny tiny amounts of "abuse" (if you could even agree to call it that) that she claims happened. I guess what I'm trying to say is she is not a battered woman. She is not an abuse victim. MOO simply because I have lived it, walked it, survived it...I can not SEE her as the battered, abused woman... MOO ... Maybe she is the pizzed off, jealous, revengeful type woman but really....can someone tell me that even a small part of her story is believable to some? It's hard for me to fathom that there could be someone that gullible? As to believe her.

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She is making a mockery of real DV. I hate to say this, because I don't want anyone to go through DV. I do hope there is a juror who's been through DV or knows someone close who did. JMO
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone ever gone to a mall and ever seen phamplets about pedophilia? I'm supposing she got several since she said (I gave him another phamplet). I mean was there some sort of pedophlia kiosk?

The closest thing I've come to is fingerprinting your child and the risks of being kidnapped. But I've never seen a help-line for pedophilia.

Did she really say she got these at a shopping mall?



A. Long time ago I vaguely remember something like a littlexhole in the wall promoting STD and mental healtth issues. But pedophilla. No
That's pretty believable. Out of all the scenarios I came up with for why that camera was there w/ the pictures deleted, I never even thought to add the Jodi-rage/spite factor.

I bet he told her he bought the camera for Cancun, it was new and just taken out of the box.

The whole murder was because of rejection rage, IMO

I truly believe that as well!
In JA's psychopathic mind, picture taking while vacationing was hers and travis'.

Travis simply had to get himself a nice new camera to show how easy it is to travel with someone else and take pictures without JA or her camera.
I'm re-watching part 1 (cross) where she said August is a slow season for restaurants? Do folks not eat out in August?

I don't work in the restaurant business, but this sounds SO odd to me. Is anyone buying this BS?


I truly believe that as well!
In JA's psychopathic mind, picture taking while vacationing was hers and travis'.

Travis simply had to get himself a nice new camera to show how easy it is to travel with someone else and take pictures without JA or her camera.

In looking over some of her photos...she was not that skilled of a photographer..IMO.
I would guess that the finger issue could be resolved with an x-ray to determine if the bent finger is the result of a cut tendon due to sliding across the blade of the knife during her attack on Travis (resulting in boutonniere deformity) or a break as Jodi claims. If the prosecution can't make Jodi get an x-ray, maybe an orthopedic surgeon could testify about a boutonniere deformity to inform the jury. I wasn't aware that a cut to your finger could result in that deformity until this case.

An MRI would be more helpful. The deformity is also known as "Button finger", when the tendon snaps off the joint. The tendon will grow back, but unless it is treated properly, it will cause the finger to look like hers does. She pointed out to Flores the cut was in the crease of her finger meeting the palm. Typically this occurs when you grab something.. Like a sharp knife. IMO. The chances of only her finger being injured like that from a kick ( as she claims) are pretty slim to none.
Did she journal before meeting Travis? ??? I'm thinking she started after meeting him. Again foreshadowing his behavior
She and her defense team have to try and fit every square, pyramid , triangle, rectangle, octagon, Rubik's cube shape in to a round hole wonder. So to speak. So they've crafted a ridiculous fairytale that no one believes. Including them.

According to her, the camera fell on the softer bathmat and rolled onto the tile (incurring no damage). I wonder if she is describing a real event here and Travis made a taunting remark to her but instead of picking up the camera she stood up and pulled out the concealed 25 caliber at this point.

The camera did fall to the ground after all and Jodi has tried to weave a story of self-defense around it.
An MRI would be more helpful. The deformity is also known as "Button finger", when the tendon snaps off the joint. The tendon will grow back, but unless it is treated properly, it will cause the finger to look like hers does. She pointed out to Flores the cut was in the crease of her finger meeting the palm. Typically this occurs when you grab something.. Like a sharp knife. IMO. The chances of only her finger being injured like that from a kick ( as she claims) are pretty slim to none.

All this body slamming and spinning her around Travis did to her...and all she has to show for it is that one finger injury. I do believe that injury occurred while stabbing TA.
Another chilling article that resembles JA's actions.
While most of us have strong inhibitions about physically injuring others, psychopaths typically do not. For them, violence and threats are handy tools to be used when they are angered, defied or frustrated, and they give little thought to the pain and humiliation experienced by the victims. Their violence is callous and instrumental—used to satisfy a simple need, such as sex, or to obtain something he or she wants—and the psychopath's reactions to the event are much more likely to be indifference, a sense of power, pleasure, or smug satisfaction than regret at the damage done. Certainly nothing to lose any sleep over."*

I wonder if Mr Martinez will ask Jodi if she lost any sleep after the murder?
Seems she slept just fine at Mr Burns house, in fact, she did a little bump and grind before going home.
Interesting that Matt is now being linked to the forged letters. This is the ONLY "witness" who claims that Jodi confided in him about Travis's physical abuse before the murder. This will crush any credibility he had.

He also claimed that Jodi was so harmless that she would rescue drowning bugs from her bathtub water!
According to her, the camera fell on the softer bathmat and rolled onto the tile (incurring no damage). I wonder if she is describing a real event here and Travis made a taunting remark to her but instead of picking up the camera she stood up and pulled out the concealed 25 caliber at this point.

The camera did fall to the ground after all and Jodi has tried to weave a story of self-defense around it.

Yep there is a grain of truth in every Liar's story. I also think she destroyed his car on purpose so I could also see her throwing it on the ground hard enough for it to bounce as easily as dropping it. I,pretty much think everything she was doing at that point was pretty choreographed and not impulsive. I think she played it over and over in her head on the long drive there.

I think we'd see more signs of a struggle on HER if she hadn't planned this out so carefully.
All this body slamming and spinning her around Travis did to her...and all she has to show for it is that one finger injury. I do believe that injury occurred while stabbing TA.

No injuries at all to show for it according her. Even the cut fingers to the "right" hand on the night of the murder came from something else (broken glass).

Travis, 200 pound man = 27 stab wounds, near decapitation, bullet to the brain.

Jodi, 125 pound woman = not even a scratch.

Jodi should have competed in the UFC.
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