jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I love how when Arias gives vague answers like "I think so" or "It seems like it" Juan will make her re-listen to a tape or show her whatever paper it is again so she can give a definitive answer. That corners her into giving a proper answer because she doesn't want the evidence shoved in her face, so to speak, again and again...HA HA. What fun to see her squirm in her seat. She's being humiliated for everyone to see.
Don't call me stupid, and I'll tell you a true story.

I was very proud I was making daily blueberry almond milk shakes. I liked using my blender too. One day, I left a metal spoon inside the glass blender jar and turned it on with my hand braced on the jar. Sure it made a loud noise, but I wasn't fast enough. The glass jar exploded with my hand there. It cut me so close to the tendon, but luckily not deep enough, and it eventually healed. My finger looked similar to Boutonniere while healing.

What a messy accident with Blueberries all over the place. So, don't leave spoons in blenders.

Okay, you can call me stupid now.

My oldest son, an auto mechanic, stuck his hand in a running car engine and almost cut off two fingers with a fan blade. Scariest damn thing ever. So in the stupid stakes, CuriousMe, he has you beat! :groucho:

He, obviously, went to a doctor, had lots of physical therapy, all of which Jodi says she didn't have. He can straighten his finger out but can't bend it all the way. I thought it was interesting in her taped interrogation by Det. Flores that she mentions not being able to bend it all the way.

I don't believe her story that her finger got that way from Travis kicking her. Seems obvious to me that some kind of slicing went on. Whether she got that injury on June 4, 2008, or some other time almost seems immaterial to me -- she lied about how she got the injury and made up a story to bolster her "battered woman" defense. She could have injured herself when she was 12. She could have done it in jail. Doesn't matter -- it's all a lie.
Motion to compel is a way of saying "we need your answers/documents/etc"

Husband and I are involved in a lawsuit and the other party NEVER answers anything. Our attorney has filed a few Motion to compel.
That kind of describes JA on the stand with Juan Martinez. You sure he wasn't a full blow sociopath? Or isn't?

No, I'm not sure. But he is an attentive father, very good at his job (programmer), musical, charming, and dresses well. He is always kind and loving to our kids, and the opposite to me. Even before things got bad. The better he got at his job and the more recognition and promotions he got--the worse his treatment of me. Go figure. My step father was a psychopath/sociopath/criminal. It makes sense I would choose one for a partner. Live and learn.
Interesting that Matt is now being linked to the forged letters. This is the ONLY "witness" who claims that Jodi confided in him about Travis's physical abuse before the murder. This will crush any credibility he had.

He also claimed that Jodi was so harmless that she would rescue drowning bugs from her bathtub water!

It would not surprise me in the least if Jodi did rescue bugs from her bathtub water. I know a woman who lacks empathy for others. She did not go to see her own grandmother when she was terminally ill but will cry her eyes out at a deathbed scene in a movie. I don't know how to describe this but it's kind of a sentimentality that lacks real feeling.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone ever gone to a mall and ever seen phamplets about pedophilia? I'm supposing she got several since she said (I gave him another phamplet). I mean was there some sort of pedophlia kiosk?

The closest thing I've come to is fingerprinting your child and the risks of being kidnapped. But I've never seen a help-line for pedophilia.

Did she really say she got these at a shopping mall?



I believe they're found in a kiosk outside Toys R Us.
Interesting that Matt is now being linked to the forged letters. This is the ONLY "witness" who claims that Jodi confided in him about Travis's physical abuse before the murder. This will crush any credibility he had.

He also claimed that Jodi was so harmless that she would rescue drowning bugs from her bathtub water!

Yes, making room for the bodies she would put in there
Yep there is a grain of truth in every Liar's story. I also think she destroyed his car on purpose so I could also see her throwing it on the ground hard enough for it to bounce as easily as dropping it. I,pretty much think everything she was doing at that point was pretty choreographed and not impulsive. I think she played it over and over in her head on the long drive there.

I think we'd see more signs of a struggle on HER if she hadn't planned this out so carefully.

Katy, someone said that Darryl was in the gallery on Thursday. Is this true?

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No, I'm not sure. But he is an attentive father, very good at his job (programmer), musical, charming, and dresses well. He is always kind and loving to our kids, and the opposite to me. Even before things got bad. The better he got at his job and the more recognition and promotions he got--the worse his treatment of me. Go figure. My step father was a psychopath/sociopath/criminal. It makes sense I would choose one for a partner. Live and learn.

I think these types feed off other people's energy. I bet you were exhausted by the time you escaped this draining situation.

I'd take one into the courtroom if I wouldn't get in trouble. LOL!

Yes, she will get a last meal.

Here are some last meals of death row inmates who were executed here in Arizona.


Good grief, one guy had:
Three grilled pork chops with gravy, a quarter pound of bacon, six fried breaded shrimp, beef Rice-a-Roni, two to three slices of French bread with butter, applesauce, two cans of Canada Dry Ginger Ale with ice, one slice of coconut cream pie, one pint orange juice, one can of chicken noodle soup with crackers, one can of pear halves with syrup and Maxwell House coffee with cream and sugar.

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Katy, someone said that Darryl was in the gallery on Thursday. Is this true?

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I didn't see him at all...I wasn't looking much over there though ..only at Anita. ;). Lets ask her!
Motion to compel is a way of saying "we need your answers/documents/etc"

Husband and I are involved in a lawsuit and the other party NEVER answers anything. Our attorney has filed a few Motion to compel.

Why was it the defendant's Motion to Compel and not the State's? TIA
I love how when Arias gives vague answers like "I think so" or "It seems like it" Juan will make her re-listen to a tape or show her whatever paper it is again so she can give a definitive answer. That corners her into giving a proper answer because she doesn't want the evidence shoved in her face, so to speak, again and again...HA HA. What fun to see her squirm in her seat. She's being humiliated for everyone to see.

she's been lying her whole life, IMO. so nothing can be a simple 'yes' or 'no.' she seems almost incapable of not qualifying every single word she says. it's maddening.
" I love Travis victor Alexander so completely that I don't know any other way to be." She wrote this when they were broken up. I think the second part is true and goes to her motive. She didnt know any other way to be so her life depended on him either being with her or not on the planet.

Good grief, one guy had:
Three grilled pork chops with gravy, a quarter pound of bacon, six fried breaded shrimp, beef Rice-a-Roni, two to three slices of French bread with butter, applesauce, two cans of Canada Dry Ginger Ale with ice, one slice of coconut cream pie, one pint orange juice, one can of chicken noodle soup with crackers, one can of pear halves with syrup and Maxwell House coffee with cream and sugar.

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That's a lot of food!!
I've read sometimes, they order all that food and don't eat a bite.

This one is kinda funny too...
Last words: A Department of Corrections spokesman said Clark's final words were, ''I would like to have my wife to be the first person to touch me (after death)."

The spokesman said the department's director responded, ''That's not possible, but we will record it as your last statement.''

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I admit to being slightly bored this morning. I've been 'googling too much'

but wow...JA is a textbook sociopath with possible hints of psychopathy.
"Breaking up with a sociopath"
You may think you owe him nothing, but the relationship matters to the sociopath in ways you cannot guess or understand. You may think the sociopath respects your boundaries, but the sociopath will not be sympathetic to your assertions of your needs. The sociopath does not have or respect boundaries. The sociopath has his needs, too, and will fight to make sure that they are met. You do not want to get into an all-out fight with a sociopath when the sociopath feels like his survival is threatened. You will lose.
Another chilling article that resembles JA's actions.

I wonder if Mr Martinez will ask Jodi if she lost any sleep after the murder?
Seems she slept just fine at Mr Burns house, in fact, she did a little bump and grind before going home.

I've spent a lot of time on the Lovefraud site. For anyone who is interested, the site was started by a woman who was the victim of a sociopath. She was a psychiatrist who started a methadone clinic. She met a "wonderful" man, she lost everything including her right to practice. Oh, and she discovered the deceit and recognized he was a sociopath AFTER she gave birth to his child.

Her story is on the site. It is, um, compelling.
Yep there is a grain of truth in every Liar's story. I also think she destroyed his car on purpose so I could also see her throwing it on the ground hard enough for it to bounce as easily as dropping it. I,pretty much think everything she was doing at that point was pretty choreographed and not impulsive. I think she played it over and over in her head on the long drive there.

I think we'd see more signs of a struggle on HER if she hadn't planned this out so carefully.

But then I've compared the ceiling photo to the more detailed pics of that shower area, and it looks to me like that picture was taken 5 feet or more off the ground (and not 3 feet like Melendez claimed). That's not consistent with her story, as she was kneeling down beside Travis when this supposedly happened, not standing.

Perhaps after taking the final living pic of Travis, she stood up and messed with the new and unfamiliar camera controls and accidently made that ceiling shot with her right hand (trying to delete the rest of the pictures?). She places the camera on the sink to attend to later and that's where she pulls out a concealed 25 caliber. We know that Travis made it to the sink at some point after the initial attack and perhaps that is how the camera fell to the ground. Travis knocked it over.
Hi. I have finally gotten a chance to catch up on the posts here and wanted to post something that really sticks with me. I hope at least one juror gets the same vibe and expresses it during deliberation.
After killing Travis I think Jodi got a thirst for murder. According to Jodi (yeah, I know she lies, but sometimes there is hidden truth in the lies) shortly after killing Travis she goes out and purchases a more lethal gun. The 9mm. She then says that she bought it for protection for her camping trip with several guys she barely knows. By her own words she was willing to put herself in a dangerous situation, but it was ok because if things didn't go her way, no worry because she had a solution, and giving her a reason to kill again. Even if the reason is only in her mind. I don't know that I even believe that there was a camping trip. I just think that she bought the gun with the idea in mind and thirst for killing again. Maybe it was to go after unfinished business with friends and family of Travis, or someone she barely knows. I don't know. I just believe she was already prepared to kill again. I think that she has no remorse for the murder. I think it is just the opposite, that she feels powerful for what she has accomplished.
I don't know if I am explaining it very well. I just believe that if she is ever free again she will become a serial killer because of her whole explanation of why she bought the gun, and has maybe had thoughts for years of killing, and now that she knows she can, she feels powerful by it.
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