jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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WOW!! Somebody posted this link and I'm just now reading it:

(I apologize profusely to whoever posted it originally and want you all to know that they deserve the credit!)

Here's some snippets:

In trying to answer “How to cross-examine a sociopath?” I’m aiming at jarring the sociopath into revealing their true self.

All sociopaths are in a state of arrested development. Try to figure out where personality development stopped (from 8 to 12, I suppose) for that individual. Target your approach for that age.

I concluded that the self control of a sociopath is only relative, that it is difficult for them and can slip at any time under the right pressure.

Show as much disrespect as you can get away with.

Sociopaths are very elemental. Such simplistic tactics as having someone stare at them can be very unsettling for them.

Find a way to call out a sociopathic party or witness for fake tears and grief.

Definitely worth the read.

ETA: Be sure and read the comments after the article. One talks about getting a sociopath to blow up on the stand by calling them stupid, and another suggests laughing/sneering at them.
Jodi Arias is no martyr. She isn't throwing herself on the proverbial blade that is lwop or a death sentence. if there was someone else, she would have served them up on a platter a long time ago. She is a murdering soulless nutter. Moo

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Not true. If she admitted that someone like Matt (we're not talking about anyone else here, some random person I mean) participated in the murder then she would be completely admitting PREMEDITATION. Wouldn't she?

Jodi thinks she can fool these jurors and be acquitted... at the very least get LWP or LWOP- the one thing Jodi doesn't want (we know this by her plea agreement and defense motions) is to be sentenced to death.

If she admitted to an accomplice she would be admitting to this being premeditated and she CAN'T risk that. she thinks she will snow the jury, just like her parents, bosses, friends, boyfriends, journalists etc. Why wouldn't she? She's done it her ENTIRE life.

I mean really, why would Matt be going with Jodi to visit Travis on the down low? The only reason would be to help kill him- right? What other plausible explanation could there be?
Hey guys...have some thoughts regarding what another poster said.
I agree that Jodee (!) probably had some gig with the sex industry all
up and down Calif, Mesa, and Vegas. The webcam Travis mentions in
his blog is telling. I bet anything she is engaged in that.

She is the scarlet *advertiser censored* of Babylon. I detest her vapid dark and
evil soul.
ok, i'm done, had to get it all off my chest. love you guys~

Respectfully Snipped:

BBM: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: OMG ... some of the things and info that came out in this trial would make a sailor :blushing: !

Interesting theory about the sex industry -- but wouldn't LE have found this out :waitasec: or maybe not ?

Please can someone tell me how Mr. Brewer is involved with this case? I noticed in the last few minutes of court that on her way down to Travis' she stayed overnight at Matt's then she went to see Mr. Brewer. According to Jodi, she left from Mr. Brewer's place to go to Salinas to get her nails done. JM questions her twice the name of the place (making me believe he knows the name of it), and if they did hair. Of course she cann't remember. Then JM goes into how she went back to Mr. Brewers to return something (which is about a 1/2 hour drive) of course again she cann't remember if she went back to return something. Is it possible that she did get her hair done in Salinas (not her nails) and oops Mr. Brewer noticed the changed hair color? Also is it possible that she mentioned the name of the place it was done, and the prosecution has gotten records from the place proving it was hair that was done, not nails?

It took me a few seconds to realize I did not know who mister B is. What is the first name? my mind is getting so confused! And no 1 is yelling at me. Lol

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Don't know if any of you remember a post I made about a man I've received unwanted attention from in the last few months. I have an update (which pertains to stalking behavior).

Last contact I made with him was after 6 weeks of unreturned emails and attempts to contact me. I finally made it abundantly clear in a brief email telling him I wished no further contact on any level, no relationship on any level, no friendship and I found his behavior highly inappropriate for a married man. I'd not for one second been attracted to him so any attraction going on was completely one sided. I met him at a workshop and he wanted to be "friends" afterward. I did a few things with him for about 3 weeks until I realized he was a married man with a crush, never wearing a wedding ring and this girl don't play that way.

A week after that final email, he showed up at a concert I was running late in to with my family and he was standing at the door "coincidentally" rushing to the door at the same pace i was to meet me at the same moment. I literally started nearly running and rushed in ahead of him and found my seat.

So...last week when I was working out of town at a seminar (part of the teaching team), he showed up. I suspected he might. So I was ready to ignore him completely . I told all my other instructors I would not be interacting with him and they all had my back. There were over 100 people there so it wouldn't be too hard.

First break he approaches me calling me "katie". That is my nickname and you all know me as that but my real name is "Kathy" and it's what he called me until I started backing away. He knew "katiecoolady" is my sister's nickname for me so started adopting this once he knew I was cutting him off. Sick and manipulative. I never asked him to call me that.

He had overheard me saying our family had recently bought a house in Sedona. This creep literally approaches me with his little wholesome looking persona, calling me "katie" and asking me WHERE our house is. I politely(in front of other students) just said "West Sedona" and turned my head and he literally said "ok so if I get down the hill I turn to the left, then where do I go?". He thought I would give him directions? My co instructor was SHOCKED to hear that. I ignored him completely. He caught me off guard with the first question, not the second.

I teach a side class one evening. So was behind with one other volunteer helping me prepare the room. He left, then came back and went in the bathroom for a long time, came out, approached me again calling me "katie" and asked if he could help. I didn't look up, just said "nope all set". Then I did look up and directly said (this probably wasn't good but I was so incensed at him taking liberties with this private nickname he'd not called me before ) and said sternly, "you know that's not my name right?" he laughed a creepy laugh and said "I know but it's what I like to call you....katiecoolady and all". Me: "it's not my name" Him: "so are you saying you would prefer kathy instead of katie?" Me: Yes, my name is Kathy (head down, stern voice). Him: laughing "ok well I'll try..if I don't forget"

I got up and walked away. I never addressed him again. He kept trying to approach me over the next two days and I would literally turn on my heel and walk away. I have never been so rude to someone in my life so consistently

This man is a married LDS man who looks on the surface as someone who's very wholesome and just wants to learn, wants to help, wants to be of service. He's also very wealthy so I'm sure he is used to usually getting his way.

If he ever contacts me again, I've decided to get a restraining order. I doubt our paths will naturally cross again as we don't have mutual interests other than the workshop I met him in. They have told me they will never allow him back because of his predatory behavior.

It's so insidious how they go about it.

And to ALL of us, let this case be our cautionary tale to NEVER ignore these warning signs and act on them immediately and let ourselves have full permission to be "rude" and set firm boundaries with this kind of entitled, disrespectful, dangerous kind of person.

Thank you for sharing this. I made my daughters read this post as I am always worried about their safety. This is really scary. Please stay safe. Hugs
It took me a few seconds to realize I did not know who mister B is. What is the first name? my mind is getting so confused! And no 1 is yelling at me. Lol

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Darryl Brewer is the man that Jodi bought a house with. They had a 4 yr relationship, he has a son and when he was on the stand we couldn't see his face.....only his hands (at his request).
Interesting that Matt is now being linked to the forged letters. This is the ONLY "witness" who claims that Jodi confided in him about Travis's physical abuse before the murder. This will crush any credibility he had.

He also claimed that Jodi was so harmless that she would rescue drowning bugs from her bathtub water!

The jury won't know this, though, will they? Since Juan doesn't get to question him?
WOW!! Somebody posted this link and I'm just now reading it:

(I apologize profusely to whoever posted it originally and want you all to know that they deserve the credit!)

Here's some snippets:

In trying to answer “How to cross-examine a sociopath?” I’m aiming at jarring the sociopath into revealing their true self.

All sociopaths are in a state of arrested development. Try to figure out where personality development stopped (from 8 to 12, I suppose) for that individual. Target your approach for that age.

I concluded that the self control of a sociopath is only relative, that it is difficult for them and can slip at any time under the right pressure.

Show as much disrespect as you can get away with.

Sociopaths are very elemental. Such simplistic tactics as having someone stare at them can be very unsettling for them.

Find a way to call out a sociopathic party or witness for fake tears and grief.

Definitely worth the read.
I wonder if for Jodi that would be around age 7 when she said her life started to change?
Originally Posted by SusieD
That's pretty believable. Out of all the scenarios I came up with for why that camera was there w/ the pictures deleted, I never even thought to add the Jodi-rage/spite factor.

I bet he told her he bought the camera for Cancun, it was new and just taken out of the box.

The whole murder was because of rejection rage, IMO

Ouch! SusieD and 'bunny. I never thought about what an insult that was for her.

What a slap in the face to Arias the professional photographer. A very nice camera -- brand new, just in time for Cancun, as you say -- Unh-unh, don't be ugly to Jodi about what SHE knows so much about, and has worked ever so hard to become really good at doing. "You do not do this to me." That may have been just the thing to set her off -- he didn't even (as far as we know or have been told) ask her to help him select one or to make a recommendation for which one to buy. "What a lot of nerve. I'll show him and that goody-two-shoes Mimi. Neither one of them will go to Cancun -- I'll make sure of that!"

Thanks for that idea. Ouch! again...

... and don't forget that he had lost weight, and had been working out for over a year to get in shape for this trip.

With her own vanity issues, that must have infuriated the heck out of her.

Not to mention the thought of him sharing that hard body with another woman!
so we now know that Flores has one or some of TA's journals.....can't wait to see what they bring to this case....
If anyone thinks Jodi could not have handled this alone think once more. Haven't you heard of stories how in an instant the adrenaline gets flowing and someone can out of nowhere have super human strength to even lift a car off someone? Jodi is strong.

I have a tiny sister, five feet four, weighs about 105 and she could take down a man in an instant. I am five feet seven, 170 pounds and cannot do squat. My sister always said dynamite comes in small packages. Rage can give you that strength. I get so sick of people thinking a poor little woman cannot slaughter someone.

And Jodi didn't just get mad and decide to kill him in a moment, She PLANNED this, maybe even thought of it a year before but never carried it out until she was sure he was finished with her. She had no help. How could she ask Matt or Gus to help and then say, uh sorry, I am going to dry hump Ryan now? No way!

I looked last night at Matt's post on another site I won't mention and then looked at the comments. There were about five comments saying Jodi just couldn't have done this alone. That type of ignorance will get you killed folks. Beware.

Of course a petite woman wouldn't normally be able to take on a big man but Arias was armed. She had a gun and a knife. Travis was naked in a slippery shower stall. What more does one need to murder? Even the strongest man in the world can do almost nothing in that sort of situation. Considering we can, with the help of guns, even certain handguns, kill or atleast significantly injure large animals who weigh 300 pounds +and whose hides are much tougher why is it difficult to accept that Arias murdered Travis all by herself?
Perhaps she had the two weapons because the two ninjas was prepackaged and she wanted it to appear as tho more than one person was there, giving her double the alibi. Not only was she not in mesa but two people committed the killing. So why even consider her.

Luckily Travis' friends and det Flores didn't fall for it.

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I think so too. First she wanted it to look like two people so as to add to the reasons why they wouldn't immediately suspect her, and if that failed, she had already dreamt up the two ninja story as a backup plan.
Don't know if any of you remember a post I made about a man I've received unwanted attention from in the last few months. I have an update (which pertains to stalking behavior).

Last contact I made with him was after 6 weeks of unreturned emails and attempts to contact me. I finally made it abundantly clear in a brief email telling him I wished no further contact on any level, no relationship on any level, no friendship and I found his behavior highly inappropriate for a married man. I'd not for one second been attracted to him so any attraction going on was completely one sided. I met him at a workshop and he wanted to be "friends" afterward. I did a few things with him for about 3 weeks until I realized he was a married man with a crush, never wearing a wedding ring and this girl don't play that way.

A week after that final email, he showed up at a concert I was running late in to with my family and he was standing at the door "coincidentally" rushing to the door at the same pace i was to meet me at the same moment. I literally started nearly running and rushed in ahead of him and found my seat.

So...last week when I was working out of town at a seminar (part of the teaching team), he showed up. I suspected he might. So I was ready to ignore him completely . I told all my other instructors I would not be interacting with him and they all had my back. There were over 100 people there so it wouldn't be too hard.

First break he approaches me calling me "katie". That is my nickname and you all know me as that but my real name is "Kathy" and it's what he called me until I started backing away. He knew "katiecoolady" is my sister's nickname for me so started adopting this once he knew I was cutting him off. Sick and manipulative. I never asked him to call me that.

He had overheard me saying our family had recently bought a house in Sedona. This creep literally approaches me with his little wholesome looking persona, calling me "katie" and asking me WHERE our house is. I politely(in front of other students) just said "West Sedona" and turned my head and he literally said "ok so if I get down the hill I turn to the left, then where do I go?". He thought I would give him directions? My co instructor was SHOCKED to hear that. I ignored him completely. He caught me off guard with the first question, not the second.

I teach a side class one evening. So was behind with one other volunteer helping me prepare the room. He left, then came back and went in the bathroom for a long time, came out, approached me again calling me "katie" and asked if he could help. I didn't look up, just said "nope all set". Then I did look up and directly said (this probably wasn't good but I was so incensed at him taking liberties with this private nickname he'd not called me before ) and said sternly, "you know that's not my name right?" he laughed a creepy laugh and said "I know but it's what I like to call you....katiecoolady and all". Me: "it's not my name" Him: "so are you saying you would prefer kathy instead of katie?" Me: Yes, my name is Kathy (head down, stern voice). Him: laughing "ok well I'll try..if I don't forget"

I got up and walked away. I never addressed him again. He kept trying to approach me over the next two days and I would literally turn on my heel and walk away. I have never been so rude to someone in my life so consistently

This man is a married LDS man who looks on the surface as someone who's very wholesome and just wants to learn, wants to help, wants to be of service. He's also very wealthy so I'm sure he is used to usually getting his way.

If he ever contacts me again, I've decided to get a restraining order. I doubt our paths will naturally cross again as we don't have mutual interests other than the workshop I met him in. They have told me they will never allow him back because of his predatory behavior.

It's so insidious how they go about it.

And to ALL of us, let this case be our cautionary tale to NEVER ignore these warning signs and act on them immediately and let ourselves have full permission to be "rude" and set firm boundaries with this kind of entitled, disrespectful, dangerous kind of person.

Edited to add: ALL OF YOU can call me Katie because that's how you've "met" me. That wasn't the case here, he met me in person, called me by my real name, found out my nickname then started using liberties with it once boundaries were set. Creepy!

:what::what::what: OMG! What a creep!! I can't believe he actually thought you would give him directions to your family's new place. That just blows my mind! I really really hope he gets the picture and stays away from you!
Thank you for sharing this. I made my daughters read this post as I am always worried about their safety. This is really scary. Please stay safe. Hugs

I'm glad it could be helpful! We are so conditioned to be "polite" to everyone. It's good to learn and practice behaviors that are "impolite" but appropriate.

The difference with my situation and Travis is that this man had nothing I wanted. But she had so early on sized up Travis' weakness (sex) and exploited it for so long, including I believe some kind of "blackmail" about exposing him that he was in way far trying to manage it.

Please have your daughters read GAvin DeBecker's book The Gift of Fear. Every person on the planet should read this book, especially women, the younger the better (although it is kind of graphic in places about dangerous situations that can happen, but it's real).

Thank you.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone ever gone to a mall and ever seen phamplets about pedophilia? I'm supposing she got several since she said (I gave him another phamplet). I mean was there some sort of pedophlia kiosk?

The closest thing I've come to is fingerprinting your child and the risks of being kidnapped. But I've never seen a help-line for pedophilia.

Did she really say she got these at a shopping mall?



Good point ... I have NEVER seen pamphlets on pedo's at a mall !

This is just another one of Jodi's gazillion LIES !

Can late to the party, so this is the first time I'm seelng this, thanks.

Question for folks who are using tapa talk. if I am 2 hours behind and do a reply like this, it shoots me to the end of everything instead of going back to where I was. How do I make it go back to where I was reading?

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THAT'S one I DID figure out!!
When your post shows, you can see who you're quoting, and there is a little arrow after their name. Click on that button, and it will go back to the post that quote came from.

I'm SO proud of myself - I got at least THAT button figured out!

OH Tap talk - disregard - sorry.
Don't know if any of you remember a post I made about a man I've received unwanted attention from in the last few months. I have an update (which pertains to stalking behavior).

Last contact I made with him was after 6 weeks of unreturned emails and attempts to contact me. I finally made it abundantly clear in a brief email telling him I wished no further contact on any level, no relationship on any level, no friendship and I found his behavior highly inappropriate for a married man. I'd not for one second been attracted to him so any attraction going on was completely one sided. I met him at a workshop and he wanted to be "friends" afterward. I did a few things with him for about 3 weeks until I realized he was a married man with a crush, never wearing a wedding ring and this girl don't play that way.

A week after that final email, he showed up at a concert I was running late in to with my family and he was standing at the door "coincidentally" rushing to the door at the same pace i was to meet me at the same moment. I literally started nearly running and rushed in ahead of him and found my seat.

So...last week when I was working out of town at a seminar (part of the teaching team), he showed up. I suspected he might. So I was ready to ignore him completely . I told all my other instructors I would not be interacting with him and they all had my back. There were over 100 people there so it wouldn't be too hard.

First break he approaches me calling me "katie". That is my nickname and you all know me as that but my real name is "Kathy" and it's what he called me until I started backing away. He knew "katiecoolady" is my sister's nickname for me so started adopting this once he knew I was cutting him off. Sick and manipulative. I never asked him to call me that.

He had overheard me saying our family had recently bought a house in Sedona. This creep literally approaches me with his little wholesome looking persona, calling me "katie" and asking me WHERE our house is. I politely(in front of other students) just said "West Sedona" and turned my head and he literally said "ok so if I get down the hill I turn to the left, then where do I go?". He thought I would give him directions? My co instructor was SHOCKED to hear that. I ignored him completely. He caught me off guard with the first question, not the second.

I teach a side class one evening. So was behind with one other volunteer helping me prepare the room. He left, then came back and went in the bathroom for a long time, came out, approached me again calling me "katie" and asked if he could help. I didn't look up, just said "nope all set". Then I did look up and directly said (this probably wasn't good but I was so incensed at him taking liberties with this private nickname he'd not called me before ) and said sternly, "you know that's not my name right?" he laughed a creepy laugh and said "I know but it's what I like to call you....katiecoolady and all". Me: "it's not my name" Him: "so are you saying you would prefer kathy instead of katie?" Me: Yes, my name is Kathy (head down, stern voice). Him: laughing "ok well I'll try..if I don't forget"

I got up and walked away. I never addressed him again. He kept trying to approach me over the next two days and I would literally turn on my heel and walk away. I have never been so rude to someone in my life so consistently

This man is a married LDS man who looks on the surface as someone who's very wholesome and just wants to learn, wants to help, wants to be of service. He's also very wealthy so I'm sure he is used to usually getting his way.

If he ever contacts me again, I've decided to get a restraining order. I doubt our paths will naturally cross again as we don't have mutual interests other than the workshop I met him in. They have told me they will never allow him back because of his predatory behavior.

It's so insidious how they go about it.

And to ALL of us, let this case be our cautionary tale to NEVER ignore these warning signs and act on them immediately and let ourselves have full permission to be "rude" and set firm boundaries with this kind of entitled, disrespectful, dangerous kind of person.

You need to be careful and maybe let your local police department know he is as a potential stalker. They really do like to know these things. Patrol would be aware of it and possibly they could have his plate number to keep a watch for him. It's possible they may already know who he is.

This is scary. jmo
Please can someone tell me how Mr. Brewer is involved with this case? I noticed in the last few minutes of court that on her way down to Travis' she stayed overnight at Matt's then she went to see Mr. Brewer. According to Jodi, she left from Mr. Brewer's place to go to Salinas to get her nails done. JM questions her twice the name of the place (making me believe he knows the name of it), and if they did hair. Of course she cann't remember. Then JM goes into how she went back to Mr. Brewers to return something (which is about a 1/2 hour drive) of course again she cann't remember if she went back to return something. Is it possible that she did get her hair done in Salinas (not her nails) and oops Mr. Brewer noticed the changed hair color? Also is it possible that she mentioned the name of the place it was done, and the prosecution has gotten records from the place proving it was hair that was done, not nails?

also, she kept every receipt possible to show her whereabouts the entire trip (save arizona) ..if she did get her nails done, where is the receipt?

I'm almost certain it was her hair that was done.
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