jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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IMO, I think JM has to say "right" all the time because JA seems to always leave her answers "open ended"....if that makes sense....she seems to have a NEED to be so contrary, I believe JM has to "verify" what she "kinda" admitted.

ETA: By the time I get to press the "post" button, when my post actually seems logical, and "fits" the discussion, when it DOES get posted, it's almost the next page and irrelevant!!! LOL
There's nothing scheduled on the court calendar after today. I wonder what the plan is.
Hello all!

Hope everyone is armed with snacks, drinks, Advil and tissues (if we hear about the murder today) and is all set to watch JA get burned on cross today!!

Hope the jury realizes the immense responsibility that has been placed before them and that they do what they need to do.

As for the talking heads....I'm embarrassed for them(who have way less experience and success than JM) and still feel obliged to criticize what he does best.

Correct. They are almost as annoying as Jodi, only BK has any sense. Of course he has to bring in the journal. I actually heard one DA last night say it was not relevant. Of course it is. Juan needs to show the pedophilia and battered woman allegations are not documented. And of course she didn't record TA's rejection, she wouldn't have recorded anything which challenged her narcissism. And whatever else she is, it is not stupid, so she would not have documented her plan to kill TA. (the only reason the woman thought it would be relevant)
He has the same two objections: "argumentative" and "ask and answer".

If she ever actually answered the question he might get them sustained too! :slap:
T minus 5 min!?!

[Borrowing Steely's frying pan and handing it to JM!]
More than likely this is a stupid question, but it's puzzling me as I'm listening to the trial. When Nurmi follows his objection with "ask and answer," what exactly does that mean?
The BF has been following this in the afternoon with me. Yesterday afternoon he was asking way too many questions while I was trying to read here.

I had to tell him to stop he was scrambling my brain. He just thought that was so funny. He had not heard about it in the courtroom.
I don't doubt JM; I doubt the jury, who, according to tweets, were bored yesterday. Bored people generally tune out. No matter how brilliant Martinez is being in questioning Jodi, if the 12 people who matter are tuning out, there is a problem.

The jury should pay attention, but if they aren't, the prosecutor or any lawyer facing a jury, needs to bring forth the information in a more engaging way. It shouldn't be like that, but I think it is and a lawyer can either adapt or lose the jury.

The last couple of days of direct, the jury were becoming restless and there were reports from fellow sleuthers that the jury was bored, which, IMO, meant they were starting to tune out. Nurmi didn't recover, thank God. But if the same is happening during cross, I want Martinez to recover.

Mr Martinez is brilliant and I would never, ever tell him how to do his job, just like I'd never tell Nora Roberts how to write a book; she could write it technically perfect, but if she were boring her readers, I'd say so and that would be her problem to fix. If and I stress *if* the jury is tuning out, it's a problem Martinez needs to fix.

Just IMO
Aittle mystery - she borrowed two gas cans.

Why did she purchase a third one (I think the same place she bought 2 of the sunscreens, another "2")

For extra gas so she could burn evidence?

Likely she burned a pile of stuff...her clothes and shoes, the car mats...
:waitasec:JA and 2: 2 gas cans, 2 in and out burgers, 2 pedo pamphlets, 2 gas fill ups ummmm.....she said another yesterday but I forgot--she even stressed saying "2" in response to Juan..... hth

maybe some one can address that in the psych thread..... it seems really odd...
Hi all!

Ready for the day! Sending strength and peace to Travis's family and friends.

Ha ha.. On IS Vinnie just announced that Joey and Mike have migraines and won't be in!
Thoughts and prayers for the Alexander family and Juan today.
My heart breaks for Travis's loved ones, and Juan will insure they get the measure of justice afforded them.
Did I miss today's Xanax handout? Should I start the line?
More than likely this is a stupid question, but it's puzzling me as I'm listening to the trial. When Nurmi follows his objection with "ask and answer," what exactly does that mean?

That he's objecting to the question because it has already been asked and answered.
I don't doubt JM; I doubt the jury, who, according to tweets, were bored yesterday. Bored people generally tune out. No matter how brilliant Martinez is being in questioning Jodi, if the 12 people who matter are tuning out, there is a problem.

The jury should pay attention, but if they aren't, the prosecutor or any lawyer facing a jury, needs to bring forth the information in a more engaging way. It shouldn't be like that, but I think it is and a lawyer can either adapt or lose the jury.

The last couple of days of direct, the jury were becoming restless and there were reports from fellow sleuthers that the jury was bored, which, IMO, meant they were starting to tune out. Nurmi didn't recover, thank God. But if the same is happening during cross, I want Martinez to recover.

Mr Martinez is brilliant and I would never, ever tell him how to do his job, just like I'd never tell Nora Roberts how to write a book; she could write it technically perfect, but if she were boring her readers, I'd say so and that would be her problem to fix. If and I stress *if* the jury is tuning out, it's a problem Martinez needs to fix.

Just IMO

I think they are "bored" and not taking notes etc, because they are sick of the murderers lies, they see right through her and I believe they are ready to convict.
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