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I really don't believe much of what she says

..... and a very 'interesting' witness for the Prosecution. So far, her Statements do not appear to contain information which would point to GBC's involvement in Allison's murder ... as per the charges.

..... wonder if there is any contact between the two of them now while he is being held at Arthur Gorrie. May be they are now managing to 'lie low' as suggested by GBC in the first days after Allison's 'disappearance' ... or maybe not!
Yes that's making sense. Good work MM!

I am a bit puzzled about a couple of things? GBC states that ABC went for her walk at 10pm. I am a married mum of the same age in Brisbane, and there is no way I would go out for a walk at that time. I run regularly (usually 5 days a week for an hour each time), but always at first light. At that time of year, the sun is probably just fully up and the light reasonable at about 6am, so that's when I routinely go. Its also quite cool and I am not exhausted from a full day at work. I always carry my mobile in one hand and a set of house keys in the other (no pockets, but I dont need them).
And I would never go after a hair appointment, just to get all hot and sweaty...and wasnt it rainy as well that evening?? Dont know about anyone else, but for me rain and a new hairdo do not mix!

If GBC tells us that ABC went for a walk at 10pm, he goes off to sleep and then he wakes at 6am and she is not in the he not madly concerned where she is? She has been gone for 8 hours! If that scenario was played out in our house, there is no way my husband would be sending cheerful cute text messages after 6am asking me where I was. He would be now dreadfully alarmed that I had been gone since 10pm the night before, and not be TEXTING me, but RINGING me. FRANTICALLY! Not casually having a SSS, making kids lunches etc, getting them ready for school. He would be fearing the worst, calling me repeatedly and ringing 000. (But then there is no way he would think going out for a walk at 10pm at night alone is a sensible idea either!)

So then what about if GBC really means she must have gone for a walk early AM? Then he wouldn't have known what she was wearing. He might have if she had gone the night before, as he said he went to bed leaving her on the couch. And if he thinks she went for a walk at 6am, then its too early to raise an alarm at 6:30am?? But as above, it just doesn't make sense that she was heading out for a walk at that hour. Especially as she planned to be leaving for an inner city conference in the traffic from Brookfield.

I also don't believe the girls were home, it was more likely that they were staying at the grandparents in Kenmore along with their cousins. Most likely pre-arranged so ABC could get going early to the conference the next day. And that OW bought them home from EBC's house early at 6am where OW was staying as well. I think NBC was definitely involved with all the vehicle sightings at the roundabout/Kholo Ck bridge/early at the Brookfield house. Why on earth would he be at GBC at that hour...vacuuming rental/houses for sale properties? That just does not sit right with me. Having had many dealings as an owner of both our own properties and rental properties, that sort of stuff is usually contracted out to an external cleaning company if required.

I am just curious about all the court documents being posted online on WS? Yes I have read them and they are fascinating. Is this all legal? If I wanted to (which I dont), I could post them on any website now as they are downloadable. I would hate to see them on social media. There is a whole bunch of information in them, including the daughters full names, multiple phone numbers etc etc. Just quietly worrying...I am sure the mods/administrators could put my mind at ease?

Good post especially from one one who does go out exercising. In your second paragraph, whilst all this supposed casual or frantic activity is happening, he also has time to dress beautifully in business attire including cufflinks.
If he appeared dishevelled he might have a bit more credence. But cufflinks?
Vacuum cleaning and garden hose included.
(I know another poster has said her husband wears cufflinks regularly.) But I personally felt that cufflinks and looking immaculate at such a time as this was way OFF. All IMO.
I am just curious about all the court documents being posted online on WS? Yes I have read them and they are fascinating. Is this all legal? If I wanted to (which I dont), I could post them on any website now as they are downloadable. I would hate to see them on social media. There is a whole bunch of information in them, including the daughters full names, multiple phone numbers etc etc. Just quietly worrying...I am sure the mods/administrators could put my mind at ease?

No need to worry about the documents, they're available to all members of the public for purchase from the courts. WS admin had them checked prior to posting on this forum.
Was just backing up my previous comments, Maigret. I wouldn't want anyone to think my comments were being plucked out of a hat. :peace:

Sorry MM - I wasn't having a go - I really don't believe much that she says is the truth - her 4th statement elaborates and addresses things she had previously stated in a statement ( always thought if you gave a Statement it was supposed to be true)

She also states that she deleted data from her iPhone in April 2012 - hope they did some forensic testing on that
I really don't believe much of what she says

Neither do I. I think they were both very well accustomed to telling lies & keeping secrets to protect their affair for however many years.

I guess the question now is...would she still lie for him to protect him.
If he really didn't care why did he have an alias? Why did he call from pay phones? Why did he have a secret email? Why did he break up with tm when allison found out? Why didn't he just kept it going? Why keep it a secret if he didn't care. It seems he never called her from his phone before abc when missing but the next day it was open season. I don't see any other plausible explanation. He said the affair was over. He was desperately concerned about his wife and devastated so naturally he calls his ex mistress for sympathy? When they supposedly had a nasty break up the prior year?

Not. Buying. It.

Eta: sorry that has come across very antagonistic. I didn't mean for that! I just feel a sense of anger and disappointment that a husband can show his wife such disrespect regardless of the state of their marriage. And particularly as at the time she was missing and there were grave fears for her welfare. There's no excuse.

All good points, Champers. And I agree. It really does look very suspicious that he started calling his mistress just after reporting his wife missing.

I guess the point I was trying to make - although not very well - was that while you and I and the others on here find that behaviour very suspicious, it's not really PROOF in itself. As I said above, if it looks like a duck,...... etc. But although I don't have the legal brain of someone like Alioop, I'm not sure that the prosecution could use this as proof that he knew Allison was no longer a problem to him.

Hah! Little did he know....
Good post especially from one one who does go out exercising. In your second paragraph, whilst all this supposed casual or frantic activity is happening, he also has time to dress beautifully in business attire including cufflinks.
If he appeared dishevelled he might have a bit more credence. But cufflinks?
Vacuum cleaning and garden hose included.
(I know another poster has said her husband wears cufflinks regularly.) But I personally felt that cufflinks and looking immaculate at such a time as this was way OFF. All IMO.

Totally agree! I actually asked hubs about this whole GBC story - and he reckons it has more holes than swiss cheese. Says the last thought on his mind if I was missing would have been what to wear at work, find the cufflinks (!) or even to get the kids ready for school. Our children are a little older in their mid teens, so they would have been more acutely aware of the distress - and would have refused to go to school anyway with all this going on.

If the BC children were brought home at around 7am, then they wouldnt have really much idea of what had happened or was happening. Which I think is why OW whisked them out of the house again pretty quickly on seeing the QPS arrive.

I know...vacuum cleaner and garden hose - What on earth is normal about that?!

GBC - "Hi my wife is missing. I just have to dash off and do some vacuuming of a property for sale. Yes I know I am the owner of the business. I do all these things myself. Well I would have done it earlier, but I was washing my wifes car early this morning. Yes, sorry...did I mention that my wife has been missing since 10pm last night? But her car was quite dirty."

Going back to that LinkedIn thing with OW Independent Internet Professional
I think it's a bit like putting domestic goddess or similar it's all spin
On Aussie criminals a poster put a run down of a posters experience in the courtroom OMG so interesting!!
Marley I'm not sure if I'm out of line here but it's vital to see.

Is OW. Going to be a witness and if how can she be so arrogant towards our judicial system? She was blatantly there speaking worth GBC but ran out when the judge came in. Our WS reported this. Surely the judge should know about this? This family seems to have a law unto themselves. Like the bikes are running roughshod over our law WRONG!!

.... Is it possible that whatever conversation transpired between OW and GBC, it would be recorded in a listening device close to where they were?
.... Is it possible that whatever conversation transpired between OW and GBC, it would be recorded in a listening device close to where they were?

You would hope so but then that would also record anything GBC said to his solicitor and I think that wouldn't be allowed
Going back to that LinkedIn thing with OW Independent Internet Professional
I think it's a bit like putting domestic goddess or similar it's all spin

I wonder what that job entails??

I found this quote from OW quite cold really...
"At his parents' house, sister Olivia Walton told waiting media to leave them alone: "Just let us be normal. Allison still has not been found. So we are just desperate for her to be returned to us as soon as possible. That is our primary focus at the moment.""

Let us be normal?? There isnt anything normal about this.
Re: GBC's texts to Allison that morning. They seem very well 'crafted'. You can almost hear his mind ticking over..... Right now before I phone the police I'd better send some text messages to her phone.... Now what can I write so that it doesn't look like I murdered her last night? I know.... 'Hope you slept well' What can I write so it looks like I was home with the girls all night? I know... 'None of the girls are up yet.' What can I write to make it look like I'm a concerned husband? I know.... 'Where are you? The app doesn't say either.' What can I write to make it look like I'm just going about my usual morning routine? I know.... 'I'm dressed and about to make lunches' what can I write to make it look like everything is fine between us and we weren't fighting? I know... Love G. Phew! Got it all covered .... There's NO way they'll suspect me now!
All good points, Champers. And I agree. It really does look very suspicious that he started calling his mistress just after reporting his wife missing.

I guess the point I was trying to make - although not very well - was that while you and I and the others on here find that behaviour very suspicious, it's not really PROOF in itself. As I said above, if it looks like a duck,...... etc. But although I don't have the legal brain of someone like Alioop, I'm not sure that the prosecution could use this as proof that he knew Allison was no longer a problem to him.

Hah! Little did he know....

Yes, take your point. It's not being caught in the act I guess but adds a bit more weight to the circumstantial case. Pokes a few more holes in his story and makes it seem like he's let his guard down. Any concerned husband would have been frantic in that case. If he had an affair but was innocent of murder, I think calling his (ex?) mistress wouldn't be on the top of the list. He'd either be keeping up the can't-let-her-see-me-contact-mistress pretense expecting her to walk in any moment or... Actually what else would there be?
Hi there, been reading all your posts for a while now, great sleuthing btw, but this is my first post. so hi everyone. :)
So from my view, reading all your posts, the media articles& the transcripts it seems Crystal clear that gbc knew his lovely wife was deceased. so many of his behaviors point to this. he stopped trying to call or text her after the police came, he didn't engage in the search, he wanted life to return to business as usual etc etc.. even ow stated to the girls mum may have fallen down a hole (a bridge?) And may not return. Sadly it seems that the whole Baden clay family had concluded abc was not returning from the earliest point on the morn of the 20th.. so, they all knew she had passed (bless her soul) & collectively went into damage control to, in my opinion, save the reputation of the bc name (which they apparently, as stated in one of the witness statements, legally changed their name to after emigrating) I don't have a clue as to what transpired that night, but I believe they all played a part. I have suspicions that either gbc or maybe even another family member delivered the fatal blow, hence ow's statement, the truth will come out.. the family appears to be having daily debriefs, very "us and them" attitude from the start. whether it's gbc or another bc. someone is brainwashing/controlling the family to mitigate risk to the family name. I suspect whoever is controlling the family is the one who sadly killed Allison. so very very sad.
Please excuse my rant, but I am passionate about this case because, justice must prevail over ego, money, power , position and acting. If GBC gets away with M....r , then , we have no Justice. It's just a money making , ego driven, lying, machine.
I'm a divorced B'field wife and mother,(who was raised there and was my stomping ground :( .... who had to remove herself and children from the area , permanently) to get away from a wannabe millonaire, wannabe church owner through tax deductible contributions, a member of same mens club, screwed everyone he did business with, spent lots of money & went on expensive overseas business trips, family ignored what he did to them and me, even managed to get $ 1000,s of gov funding for a business that no one could work out its use or meaning, and he is a walking , functioning, mirror image of GBC .

My ex, when I escaped from him, ($?) employed a barrister, who was not yet sworn in , but soon to be , a newly appointed family court Judge. ( oh yes folks, and guess what happened to me? I ended up with a judgement that was a copy and paste of another judgement and I was given nothing. I suspect someone was desperate to make sure his last case showed and proved how good he was.
I would hate to think how low this person stooped behind chambers to get what he wanted, for ego sake. ( This same person, I have heard, has taken children off their mothers to reside with their fathers, where no proof was required)
I appealed,3 Judges heard it, and I was successful, and was awarded $5,000 compensation . This was money to help me have it reheard again. Meanwhile my ex owned the house, cars, businesses, rental properties etc. i needed $30,000 plus to have it reheard, and $ 25,000 to pay for my appeal fees. I had to walk away with nothing, and an ex who believed he was awarded it all because I was worthless.
Power, money and lies prevailed. A mother and her 2 children had nothing. I fought to keep my children, and that is a whole other story. Heartbreaking, but in the end, a female Magistrate had heard about my case, and helped my child get heard and get help.

Justice? No , but he told me he would make sure I had nothing, and he got what he wanted.
He still owns the 1mill family home on the park, best block there, but rents it out whilst he screws another woman who he lives with, who has new money , house, small kids sadly, from her dead husbands estate . Oh yes, he did his homework on this one.
But lucky for my children, and me, his plan to murder me, didnt work. He tried to have my friend charged with assult, when he stood in front of me and took the manic punches and blows one late dark night in Brookfield, and he went to the doctors to have his bruised hands documented as wounds of the assult.
The doctor didnt buy it, but he still used it as his evidence,to have my friend charged, because he said it was proof.... Eventually the police did nothing.

They lie, and Lie, and believe people will always believe them. so long as they have said it. Their words are uttered from God and they are 1 step from god, closer than You or I , or their children or any church or any other man.
It doesn't matter if its true, they have said it, so it is True.

Very disturbing stuff.

I am still a defendant to his dillusional court applications, 10 yrs now , and the youngest is 16. He loves the power to have me appear before him to defend his Applications.
I now just say,when I appear , now via phone link, as never in the B'bane court, that he is just here to annoy me and waste the courts time, and the magistrate always agrees , and dismisses his application. The magistrate never, does anything to stop him from doing it again. His secret is to go to different cities to lodge his applications. He is black listed here in B'bane.
So... being a defendant is my job. People have no idea what I mean when I say, Im a professional defendant.
Anyway, what I am saying is, " if GBC gets away with murder, then, what hope in hell have we got, if these types have also got away with taking our homes, pushing us out of our communities, away from our friends, our clubs, affecting our health, our dignity, our truth , our word, and also slapping our childrens faces, when they ask to be heard, beg for a say, and are ignored as hearsay, till they are 16, and then ignored again , as adults, because its all over.

I hate the way the mother victim is silenced by either murder or a system who supports the man with the money and big time lawyers, who god help you, are rubbing shoulders with the Judges.

Whatever GBC says or does, always look at it in a mirror, because it will be the exact opposite to the truth. His left is our right. his up is our down. his in is our out.
And don't be fooled by his lovers acting. She loves him because she is just like him. He is all that she wants to be and more. She wants to show him how good she is, and will do anything to keep him. I'm not convinced by her crocodile tears and acting. Too many lies there already. 2 narcissists in action.

Again, sorry for my rant..... Justice must be done ... The truth must be found... Just this once... just for Allison and her babies. :blushing:

I have tears in my eyes Aunty. I wish I could give you a big hug - I could not imagine what you have been through. You are a strong woman.
Does anyone know if other text message to Allison from GBC were signed "G" it seems so staged to me. Yes, we already believe the texts sent that morning were staged but could the change in the way he would "sign off" be evidence of some kind? I personally never sign my name or initial on a text to someone I have regular text communication with.

Another holiday for the girls without the mum, and the Dickies without their daughter.

My heart really breaks for them.
Does anyone know if other text message to Allison from GBC were signed "G" it seems so staged to me. Yes, we already believe the texts sent that morning were staged but could the change in the way he would "sign off" be evidence of some kind? I personally never sign my name or initial on a text to someone I have regular text communication with.

Gerard Baden-Clay's affidavits handed to court claim he sent text ...

If the link doesn't work, then copy and paste in your browser. Pictures are included.

Gerard Baden-Clay's morning texts to dead wife |

Gerard Baden-Clay's morning texts to dead wife | Herald Sun

Gerard Baden-Clay's affidavits handed to court claim he sent text ...
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