CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #1

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Do any of you remember the missing student Jack Culolias case? His body didn't surface until two weeks after divers had searched the lake. I really think he could still be in the lake since the trained searched dogs got his last scent at the edge of the lake.

Yes, I'm aware of this case. I didn't know about it at the time but read about it afterwards on here.

There's certainly a chance he is in the lake and has just been missed on the searches, but without knowing full details of the searches it's difficult to speculate on how likely that is.
Sorry to say and it may just be me and too many cases, etc...but I cannot think of a reasonable scenario where Bryce is okay someplace. Anyone? Nine days, no expenditures, no sightings, no contact. Why would he not contact his mother if he is okay? And how is he surviving without using his cards?

Can anyone come up with a realistic scenario in which he might be alive? I know some have suggested that he might be in a facility of some sort. But I don't think that is likely. I think police can obtain info about missing people in jail or hospitals, despite privacy laws. There was a link recently posted, I believe pertaining to the Robert Mayer case, including such an exemption.

I haven't read all the posts here yet, so please forgive me if this idea can not be applicable in this situation, but just a thought, as I am reminded of the Tanya Rider case. Tanya was missing for 8 or 9 days after leaving work in her vehicle. Her husband was frantic. LE was of no help, and would not take the husband's missing person report for various reasons (she didn't have any disabilities, the circumstances of her disappearance weren't suspicious, etc.). The husband called 911 on several occasions begging for help, went to various police stations, and nobody would help. Finally, LE started interrogating the husband, and he was in the middle of taking a polygraph when it was announced they had found Tanya...She had been in an awful car accident. Her car had rolled off the freeway and out of sight from main view...she was pinned under the car the whole time...and she was ALIVE (barely, a few more hours and she would have been dead).

The point of this story is that Cluciano, could Bryce have been injured in this accident, and has wandered off somewhere with a fairly serious injury, and is lying out there somewhere, perhaps unconscious, and he just hasn't been found yet? He could still be alive, like Tanya was, so time is of essence, and hopefully every nook and cranny in the area is being searched with thermal detection, dogs, ground searchers, etc. Maybe under a tree out of the sun, or by a creek with water?

Tanya Rider's case was featured on ID's "Disappeared", Season 2, Episode 4, "No Exit". Her case is a great example of how its not always as easy as one might think to file a missing persons report. (And no MSM could feature his story without a police report!)

Again, sorry if this theory doesn't work due to information I've missed by not having yet read every post, MSM here. Trying to get caught up today!

Dragracerz, hoping for your nephew's safe return.

Also, nice to see all the new members here, and input from around the globe!
Has the sonar equipment been used? According to one of dive articles it is needed in Castaic lake to recover bodies. I'm sorry if hat sounds bad. I don't mean to be insensitive.

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The only scenerio that I can come up with that is not nefarious in nature, is that Bryce reached a breaking point when he wrecked. (I do believe we all have one). It is apparent something had been bothering him in the days/perhaps weeks prior, he told Mom that he had lots to tell her. (he was acting a bit off, the text to his roomie was odd). I think maybe it was the last straw to him... (this is my hope). If that is the case, he may surface later down the line and explain what happened, and hopefully be given support and love to come back from it.

Drawing off life experience as we so often do here. I was only eighteen when I reached that point. It was triggered by a piece of hair left on soap on Christmas eve. I had gone home to visit my Mom, and showered upon arriving home. My sister examined the soap after my bath and complained I left a piece of hair on it. Now to you all this may sound very silly. But to me, it was the "breaking point". I shoved a few articles of clothing into a duffel and walked out my her home into a storm on foot. All thought I would return in about an hour. Well, long story short, two years later I called home to a family who thought I had been long dead in a ditch somewhere. I did not use my credit card, I went off the grid literally. So, I am hoping this young man just reached that point and will surface alive and well down the line. I am so sorry for the suffering his family must be going through, and hope this has a "happy" outcome. They are in my thoughts and prayers...
I do recall the Ryder case and her surviving was extraordinary. I do wonder about the protection of the vehicle as far as her not becoming a victim of exposure. Not sure if the temps in the area Bryce went missing have been extreme?
Has the sonar equipment been used? According to one of dive articles it is needed in Castaic lake to recover bodies. I'm sorry if hat sounds bad. I don't mean to be insensitive.

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Has TES been contacted or their presence requested?
"IF" that was his scent followed to the lake's edge, we have nothing to say he didn't turn around and go back. Nothing to say he didn't get on a boat. We don't know!
For some reason I thought the "saved my soul" text had been sent closer to the time of the crash. If the timestamps are right the last time BL texted Sean was Wednesday afternoon

Now it makes sense why SD said it was day 3 on friday, if he hadn't heard from BL since Wed afternoon

I did as well but I don't remember where I got that idea! I had noticed the time but not that it was the 28th. Strange!! I really thought he said they were texting on Friday night. But either way, it is telling for sure. Shows even on Wednesday something was wrong or bothering Bryce.
I do recall the Ryder case and her surviving was extraordinary. I do wonder about the protection of the vehicle as far as her not becoming a victim of exposure. Not sure if the temps in the area Bryce went missing have been extreme?
Yes, that area is usually always hot, and this week/weekend California has been suffering a heat wave.
A reasonable explanation could be that they are building a case, possibly watching a suspect or suspects, and releasing the details of the body would jeopardize the investigation (even if they just tell the family.) I know that the family is in desperate need of knowing however I am certain that they would agree that more important than knowing in a timely manner would be that, if the body is their loved one, the person responsible is caught, charged and convicted. MOO

Yes ... thank you ... that is a reasonable explanation ...
The only scenerio that I can come up with that is not nefarious in nature, is that Bryce reached a breaking point when he wrecked. (I do believe we all have one). It is apparent something had been bothering him in the days/perhaps weeks prior, he told Mom that he had lots to tell her. (he was acting a bit off, the text to his roomie was odd). I think maybe it was the last straw to him... (this is my hope). If that is the case, he may surface later down the line and explain what happened, and hopefully be given support and love to come back from it.

Drawing off life experience as we so often do here. I was only eighteen when I reached that point. It was triggered by a piece of hair left on soap on Christmas eve. I had gone home to visit my Mom, and showered upon arriving home. My sister examined the soap after my bath and complained I left a piece of hair on it. Now to you all this may sound very silly. But to me, it was the "breaking point". I shoved a few articles of clothing into a duffel and walked out my her home into a storm on foot. All thought I would return in about an hour. Well, long story short, two years later I called home to a family who thought I had been long dead in a ditch somewhere. I did not use my credit card, I went off the grid literally. So, I am hoping this young man just reached that point and will surface alive and well down the line. I am so sorry for the suffering his family must be going through, and hope this has a "happy" outcome. They are in my thoughts and prayers...

I haven't read all the posts here yet, so please forgive me if this idea can not be applicable in this situation, but just a thought, as I am reminded of the Tanya Rider case. Tanya was missing for 8 or 9 days after leaving work in her vehicle. Her husband was frantic. LE was of no help, and would not take the husband's missing person report for various reasons (she didn't have any disabilities, the circumstances of her disappearance weren't suspicious, etc.). The husband called 911 on several occasions begging for help, went to various police stations, and nobody would help. Finally, LE started interrogating the husband, and he was in the middle of taking a polygraph when it was announced they had found Tanya...She had been in an awful car accident. Her car had rolled off the freeway and out of sight from main view...she was pinned under the car the whole time...and she was ALIVE (barely, a few more hours and she would have been dead).

The point of this story is that Cluciano, could Bryce have been injured in this accident, and has wandered off somewhere with a fairly serious injury, and is lying out there somewhere, perhaps unconscious, and he just hasn't been found yet? He could still be alive, like Tanya was, so time is of essence, and hopefully every nook and cranny in the area is being searched with thermal detection, dogs, ground searchers, etc. Maybe under a tree out of the sun, or by a creek with water?

Tanya Rider's case was featured on ID's "Disappeared", Season 2, Episode 4, "No Exit". Her case is a great example of how its not always as easy as one might think to file a missing persons report. (And no MSM could feature his story without a police report!)

Again, sorry if this theory doesn't work due to information I've missed by not having yet read every post, MSM here. Trying to get caught up today!

Dragracerz, hoping for your nephew's safe return.

Also, nice to see all the new members here, and input from around the globe!

I see zero reason to give up hope. These alternatives ate certainly possible. Is it stupid to assume Bryce didn't make it? No. Given the circumstances, that's a logical assumption. But there are and have been various cases that prove there are reasonable scenarios that involve Bryce surviving.

What I want to know is if there are active searches occurring right now, in the brush and near the crash. If neither the family not LE is conducting searches for a live human being, then my feeling is they have reason to believe Bryce did not survive.

But until we hear something definitive, there are enough cases out there that allow for hope for Bryce. No doubt about that.
Portabella, HUGE HUGS! I'm so happy you were able to make it on your own, and your family knows you're OK now!!! Yes I also believe we all have a breaking point.

There was another case where a married man left work, was suppose to stop and get sugar to make cookies with his daughter on the way home. He never came home. None of his family knew where he was or why he left. He showed up in another state living with a man, and was fine. He didn't want to be found, and didn't want to come back home.

So there's been multiple cases were things like that happen. The possibilities of Bryce being alive are just as convincing as the other possibilities! Until proof, keep believing, hoping, and praying. As my screen name says... 2 Hope 4... it's all most of us have. HOPE!
I do recall the Ryder case and her surviving was extraordinary. I do wonder about the protection of the vehicle as far as her not becoming a victim of exposure. Not sure if the temps in the area Bryce went missing have been extreme?

It has been into the 100's in the area. But, there is also a huge lake near where he crashed so there is water and the opportunity to cool down.

I did as well but I don't remember where I got that idea! I had noticed the time but not that it was the 28th. Strange!! I really thought he said they were texting on Friday night. But either way, it is telling for sure. Shows even on Wednesday something was wrong or bothering Bryce.

Yeah. Sounds like his friend was encouraging him not to give up. The fact that something was clearly going on with Bryce yet there has been utter silence from pretty much everyone about Bryce's possible mental state has me a bit baffled. There are major gaps in the case as a result and such information could prove vitally important to finding him- his motivations, his current, possible state, people he could be associating with or actually with right now, his appearance, possible amnesia, etc.

I mean he could have voluntarily left it all, staged a crash and hitched his way out with help from a trucker long in another state who has no idea about the case. Maybe that's why he was waiting so long in Buttonwillow - trying to hitch a ride. Maybe he's delusional and hiding his identity from people he met at Castaic who were camping and took him along. Remember the case of the woman who abandoned her kids taking off to Florida wih some transients who was just found after 15 years or whatever?

Maybe he thinks he's someone else or doesn't know who he is but somehow got a ride out of the area.

Or maybe he is injured or aimlessly wandering near the lake.

Truckers should be apprised of this case and should be passing on info via CB across the country. Flyers should be posted at multiple campgrounds and transient areas like homeless shelters, around So Cal.

Is this the incident you were referring to, PoirotsGirlFriday?

I'm not exactly sure. It could be. The two articles I found citing burning bodies from 2009 and 2010 just both said the bodies were discovered in the Castaic area and mentioned a "remote access road" off of or near Templin Highway. I have looked at the maps some of y'all have posted but I can't find Templin Highway so I don't know where it is at in connection to where this current body was found. Perhaps a local CA person knows?
In the interview with the current roommate he stated Bryce was concerned about the pressure of making good grades even though he had always done well, and concerned about not finding a job. As I stated much earlier, the stress young people feel is real to them. It might seem trivial to us, but they are younger, don't have the life experiences, and don't have the same coping mechanisms. Those two concerns alone might be what he wanted to talk to his parents about. Maybe he wanted to ask for an increase in his allowance so he wouldn't have to worry so much about the job? Who knows. But whatever was bothering him, he wanted to talk face to face instead of over the phone or computer about.
Is there a case map here for Bryce? TIA. (I didn't see one on page 1)
I'm not exactly sure. It could be. The two articles I found citing burning bodies from 2009 and 2010 just both said the bodies were discovered in the Castaic area and mentioned a "remote access road" off of or near Templin Highway. I have looked at the maps some of y'all have posted but I can't find Templin Highway so I don't know where it is at in connection to where this current body was found. Perhaps a local CA person knows?

Hmm. Templin Hwy is pretty close. It's not much of a highway though. Only goes a few miles and then disappears into nature. It would be west of the northwestern flank of the lake called Elderberry Forebay.

It is west of the lake and has an offramp from I-5.!3d34.5754766!3m2!1i1213!2i758!4f13.1
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