Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 8

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New court day. Please continue to post here.

Let us remember what Juan has said about JA:

"This individual, the defendant, Jodi Ann Arias, killed Travis Alexander. And even after stabbing him over and over again, and even after slashing his throat from ear to ear, and then even after taking a gun and shooting him in the face, she will not let him rest in peace. But now, instead of a gun, instead of a knife, she uses lies. And she uses these lies in court when she testified to stage the scene for you just like she staged the scene for the police after she killed Mr. Alexander."

" This is an individual who will stop at nothing and will continue to be manipulative and to lie at every turn and at every occasion that she has."

"How horrific to be accused falsely of being a pedophile."
Please read the latest blog for dated 11/11/2014. When you see what it's titled you will understand why there is no direct link to it posted here. It relates to the DT's latest ridiculous motion. Below is a paragraph about the trojan. Mods I can't add the direct link as it has an inappropriate swear word in the link name.

"A great deal is already known about how the virus works. In almost all cases, it is downloaded onto a victim’s computer from a trojan Website such as or Upon initialization, the virus begins aggregating *advertiser censored* from the Web—either at random, or else in an algorithmic pattern based on sexual proclivities diametrically opposed to the victim’s—and deposits it in a not-especially-well-hidden folder somewhere on the victim’s machine. The virus also floods the victim’s browser histories with compromising records, sometimes in a fashion that coincidentally correlates with times the victim was necessarily alone in the apartment."

There is some misinformation in this blog.

If the hard drive was signed out for forensic examination the very first thing they would have done was run an antivirus program to eliminate anything that could effect the lab equipment.

No way.

That would be analogous to rinsing off some mucky piece of evidence before examining it for fingerprints.

Hard drives being examined forensically should never actually be mounted by the computer, only powered on and spinning so that the data can be cloned and studied. If a computer drive is writable, it's being changed—and so is evidence. That's the problem here.
Anyone remember the date that Travis sent Jodi that angry text? Was it on May 28th or the 26th?
Anyone remember the date that Travis sent Jodi that angry text? Was it on May 28th or the 26th?

May 26 at 9:11--according to the copy of texts from the trial.

Text message from Travis: " I don't want your apology, I want you to understand what I think of you. I want you to understand how evil I think you are. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me. "
There is some misinformation in this blog.

If the hard drive was signed out for forensic examination the very first thing they would have done was run an antivirus program to eliminate anything that could effect the lab equipment.

No way.

That would be analogous to rinsing off some mucky piece of evidence before examining it for fingerprints.

Hard drives being examined forensically should never actually be mounted by the computer, only powered on and spinning so that the data can be cloned and studied. If a computer drive is writable, it's being changed—and so is evidence. That's the problem here.

Agree. They most likely would have cloned the drive before any analaysis, but I do see 1 possible way where his machine may have been booted up and his machine' own antivirus or LE antivirus may have removed it.

In the very first few days of investigating and trying to find the killer. Time was of the essence. So, LE could have needed to search his PC for clues immediately and not afford to wait for the lengthy forensic analysis.

This would have been totally legal because they had an urgent need to search his PC for clues. If antivirus software caught and removed the bad files, it may not have even been notceable to a LE person that was not the computer forensic person.

At some point, the forensic LE may have become aware of the virus activity but since nothing illegal was done by LE, then they did nothing wrong. That is even if they knew it happened.

And this is all an assumption if the DT is even telling the truth in their allegations.
For all I know, the DT could be totally lying about this and maybe JA was never even successful in putting corrupted files on his PC.

I trust Juan will take care of this.
Just another huge delay tactic by DT.
The DT would have brought this up during 1st trial, but knew it was futile. Now, they are running out of ideas and throwing hail marys.
Anyone remember the date that Travis sent Jodi that angry text? Was it on May 28th or the 26th?

This one was on May 26th

May 26 at 9:11--according to the copy of texts from the trial.

Text message from Travis: " I don't want your apology, I want you to understand what I think of you. I want you to understand how evil I think you are. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me. "

Wow. Strong words.

We are all witnessing the lengths that Jodi went to in order to torment and destroy Travis.

I can just imagine how many more things she did to him that we are not aware of.

Travis only problem was being too nice and too forgiving of a person. The slashing of the tires would have been enough for most people to never let them step 1 foot inside their place ever again. If I recall correctly, I think she flattened more than 1 tire.
Didnt she puncture almost every tire on the car if I am not mistaken. Sheeeesh.
Agree. They most likely would have cloned the drive before any analaysis, but I do see 1 possible way where his machine may have been booted up and his machine' own antivirus or LE antivirus may have removed it.

In the very first few days of investigating and trying to find the killer. Time was of the essence. So, LE could have needed to search his PC for clues immediately and not afford to wait for the lengthy forensic analysis.

This would have been totally legal because they had an urgent need to search his PC for clues. If antivirus software caught and removed the bad files, it may not have even been notceable to a LE person that was not the computer forensic person.

At some point, the forensic LE may have become aware of the virus activity but since nothing illegal was done by LE, then they did nothing wrong. That is even if they knew it happened.

And this is all an assumption if the DT is even telling the truth in their allegations.
For all I know, the DT could be totally lying about this and maybe JA was never even successful in putting corrupted files on his PC.

I trust Juan will take care of this.
Just another huge delay tactic by DT.
The DT would have brought this up during 1st trial, but knew it was futile. Now, they are running out of ideas and throwing hail marys.

Yes. It's all there, on the drive. When the state or an independent computer forensics person looks at it, it will tell its story, with time stamps—that's what computers do. Whatever happened, I'm sure it's not what that motion says it is. Juan will take care of this.
Anyone remember the date that Travis sent Jodi that angry text? Was it on May 28th or the 26th?

The 28th is the day that the gun was reported stolen. I don't know if the "theft" happened that day or was discovered that day; most likely the former.
We're now into week 4 of this trial that the jurors were told will last 8 weeks - anyone want to hazard a guess when the jury will actually hear testimony again? I bet its Monday at the earlier, and even that is optimistic. They'll be lucky if they are seated for more than 5 minutes before Thanksgiving. Today and tomorrow KN will have it tied up in knots arguing for hearings on all the motions he's written up while supposedly working on the COA appeal.
I'm not concerned, if Ms Arias were to walk and I do not think she will, Travis's family would slap on a wrongful death suit as quick as a bunny and there is no way she would win that. A wrongful death suit would ensure that Ms Arias was pretty much his family's female doggy for life. Every penny earned, every artwork sold (and sales of killer's work would end as soon as her notoriety did, every interview, every event, every money making scheme would belong to them for the most part. For Ms Arias that's a fate worse than death, it's a total loss of control. Now she can control her puppets and spend oodles of time planning these stunts but if there were a wrongful death decision she'd have no control at all. If she made money, she'd lose it. If she didn't, she'd have to live off keepers for life like Casey Anthony does. For a personality like Ms Arias having ones hands tied and controlled for life would be hell.

But that's a 'what if' and I'm just waiting to see what the real story is about these files. Did this "discovery" occur during Ms Arias's play my own atty. time? who was on the registry visiting her? who got control of the items she had looked at? I'm sure the State has plenty to say, they just aren't doing it by media like the defense has.
let me add: I think the defense knows this won't float but they needed the headlines, they needed the press, they need to taint the jury and the public and they have but wise people won't buy a bag of garbage even when the defense claims it's a bag of gold. We can smell the trash Mr. Nurmi, we know it's not gold.
We're now into week 4 of this trial that the jurors were told will last 8 weeks - anyone want to hazard a guess when the jury will actually hear testimony again? I bet its Monday at the earlier, and even that is optimistic. They'll be lucky if they are seated for more than 5 minutes before Thanksgiving. Today and tomorrow KN will have it tied up in knots arguing for hearings on all the motions he's written up while supposedly working on the COA appeal.

Yea, I am afraid you are right. I am not getting my hopes up we will even hear any testimony this week. I figure if I have low expectations then I wont be as disappointed.

At this rate, 2015 and beyond before this is all over.
Yea, I am afraid you are right. I am not getting my hopes up we will even hear any testimony this week. I figure if I have low expectations then I wont be as disappointed.

At this rate, 2015 and beyond before this is all over.

I'm with you-more delay would be about what I expect. Makes me so angry to see the system abused like this.
Yea, I am afraid you are right. I am not getting my hopes up we will even hear any testimony this week. I figure if I have low expectations then I wont be as disappointed.

At this rate, 2015 and beyond before this is all over.

Maybe Jodi has a new boyfriend in jail....seems she does not want to leave. I am sure she will be in good hands at Perryville. Why all the fuss??
Does anyone else think it would be helpful to have a separate thread dedicated to timelines, key evidence, and motions? I know I do. I keep having to do redundant research......
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