Jose Baez threatens legal action over DC's claims he swapped sex for represention

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Mrs G Norris

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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I thought this story was now thread worthy since it could wind up in court ...

[h=1]Attorney threatens lawsuit over claims he had sex with Casey Anthony, said she killed daughter[/h]Jose Baez, the Florida attorney who represented Casey Anthony in her 2011 murder trial, threatened to take legal action Wednesday over a private investigator's claims that the lawyer had sex with his client and said she killed her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Baez's response ...


An earlier article which includes Dominick Casey's more outrageous claims:

[h=1]Casey Anthony's lawyer admits she killed daughter Caylee, investigator says

"The investigator claimed attorney Jose Baez hired him days after police arrested the mom in July 2008. He said, "Baez had told me that Casey had murdered Caylee and dumped the body somewhere and, he needed all the help he could get to find the body before anyone else did."

"Dominic Casey claimed, in addition, that the defendant and her attorney were having sex because she couldn't pay him. "I arrived at Baez’s office unexpectedly one day and once again, witnessed a naked Casey. This time she ran from his private office, through the conference room to the hallway. That night I told her that she cannot allow him to continue engaging in this behavior. Casey told me she had to do what Jose said because she had no money for her defense."[/h]

BBM .. sounds legit ...


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I thought this story was now thread worthy since it could wind up in court ...

[h=1]Attorney threatens lawsuit over claims he had sex with Casey Anthony, said she killed daughter[/h]Jose Baez, the Florida attorney who represented Casey Anthony in her 2011 murder trial, threatened to take legal action Wednesday over a private investigator's claims that the lawyer had sex with his client and said she killed her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.

Baez's response ...


An earlier article which includes Dominick Casey's more outrageous claims:

[h=1]Casey Anthony's lawyer admits she killed daughter Caylee, investigator says

"The investigator claimed attorney Jose Baez hired him days after police arrested the mom in July 2008. He said, "Baez had told me that Casey had murdered Caylee and dumped the body somewhere and, he needed all the help he could get to find the body before anyone else did."

"Dominic Casey claimed, in addition, that the defendant and her attorney were having sex because she couldn't pay him. "I arrived at Baez’s office unexpectedly one day and once again, witnessed a naked Casey. This time she ran from his private office, through the conference room to the hallway. That night I told her that she cannot allow him to continue engaging in this behavior. Casey told me she had to do what Jose said because she had no money for her defense."[/h]

BBM .. sounds legit ...

Nothing would surprise me about this case. Whether it is true or not I don't know but it is damaging to his reputation. I'm not surprised he is intending to sue it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Goodness knows what his wife thinks privately.
How great would it be if George came forward as a witness to say that it was true that Baez was having sex with casey? lol
How great would it be if George came forward as a witness to say that it was true that Baez was having sex with casey? lol

Or if George came forward to testify that he asked Baez about it and Baez hung his head in shame and didn't immediately deny it.
Wonder "when" this legal action will be forthcoming? :waiting:

Thanks for posting this Mrs G Norris!

Or if George came forward to testify that he asked Baez about it and Baez hung his head in shame and didn't immediately deny it.

Ha! That would be gold! If only George had the balls to do that :)
Wonder "when" this legal action will be forthcoming? :waiting:

Thanks for posting this Mrs G Norris!


I'm shocked he didn't do a press conference with a denial "I did not have sexual relations with this woman" and have her standing there pointing at her. If it does go to trial maybe she will take the stand.
I'm shocked he didn't do a press conference with a denial "I did not have sexual relations with this woman" and have her standing there pointing at her. If it does go to trial maybe she will take the stand.

That would be disastrous.
PDF of Dominic Casey's affidavit:

Fair bit of to-ing and fro-ing to arrange a time and place for it at the beginning, but here are some key points he makes.

Casey Anthony knew Kronk had reported finding Caylee's remains before December 11, 2008 as she was privy to calls.


She was looking to put Kronk in the frame before Caylee's remains were even found.


Baez and Casey were both involved in attempting to frame Kronk for murder.



Jose told DC that Casey had killed Caylee and he needed help finding the body (no explanation as to why the location wasn't accurate).


... to be continued ..


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In exchange for legal feels Casey had signed over her 'life rights'.


DC also says HE approached Baez with the idea to search near Casey's home for Caylee .. not the other way around, as was suggested leading up to trial.


Then he takes full credit with coming up the 'Caylee drowned in the pool and Casey fled in panic because her brother and father had been molesting her' scenario.



Way to let Baez off the hook there DC!!!


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The El Chapo connection ...


This is where DC starts to go really loopy.


^^ First example of sexual misconduct.


Rumours like this were rife leading up to trail, can someone remind me who Laura Bucannan was, I feel like I should know that name.


Ha .. that is the best and soooooooo credible (NOT) .. I love how Casey apologises for swapping sexual favours for representation TO Dominic!


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OKaY, SO maybe this explains why Casey never paid JB the money she supposedly owed him?
Baez is going on Fox & Friends tomorrow at 7am to discuss according to his Facebook.
I never knew what to and what not to believe during the trial and now I have to decipher this mess?! Cut me a break! :gaah:
Baez is going on Fox & Friends tomorrow at 7am to discuss according to his Facebook.

Swell. I applaud you for being able to check his facebook without vomiting.

I won't be watching. Looks like the egomaniac blob has a new target to destroy. In between sniffing out high profile murderers who have already been convicted and going after movie theaters in Colorado for not having enough exits, security guards and exit alarms when some maniac dressed as the joker pulls out a gun and starts shooting. Because, you know, they should have somehow anticipated that.

The sound of his voice and the sight of him make me physically ill.
During the publicity of the missing child case, Casey became aware of calls made to law enforcement by Roy Kronk and asked "has that guy found anything yet?"

So far, I can't find anything to prove that Casey was aware of Kronk's tips. A lot of the links have been taken down, etc. Is it impossible that she would have known? IMO, no. If she had heard about someone calling the police over to Suburban, it would have stuck out to her, since she obviously knew exactly where Caylee was. Attention had also been drawn to the area because Kiomarie had brought it up to detectives as a possible place where Casey would have dumped Caylee's body.

Of course this is speculation, but that she COULDN'T HAVE known is also speculation. It does seem more likely that she wouldn't have known, but either way, it's speculation.

DC also says HE approached Baez with the idea to search near Casey's home for Caylee .. not the other way around, as was suggested leading up to trial.

Correct. He said that Baez then suggested that he search Suburban Drive after they pulled up a map and discussed possible places Caylee could be found.

Then he takes full credit with coming up the 'Caylee drowned in the pool and Casey fled in panic because her brother and father had been molesting her' scenario.

Yeah, thanks Dominic. :rolleyes: This was however, way back in the beginning, before Caylee's remains were even discovered.

Rumours like this were rife leading up to trail, can someone remind me who Laura Bucannan was, I feel like I should know that name.

Right. Her.

Dominic Casey alleged that Baez kept harassing him and Brad Conway to pick up the tampered documents for a period of 10 months. He wouldn't get them himself for some reason, DC insinuates that he does so to distance himself from them. Conway had to stop representing the Anthonys due to Baez's machinations.

“With regret, I am forced to resign as George and Cindy Anthony’s attorney. The defense motion filed on Aug. 9, 2010, contains allegations that are not, in fact, true. As an officer of the court, I cannot stand idly by knowing allegations involving me have been misstated. I am now a witness to an inaccurate legal pleading filed in our court system. As such, I cannot continue in good conscience as a legal representative. George and Cindy Anthony have done nothing improper, it is the failure of the defense to verify the facts alleged in their motion that forces my withdrawal. I will continue to support the Anthonys, will continue to attend hearings and the eventual trial, and most importantly, I will continue to search for the full truth regarding the killing of Caylee Marie Anthony.”


Conway went on to say that Baez also claimed that Conway had information that would corroborate the defense claim that Caylee's remains were not at the location where they were ultimately found in December 2008 during a brief period when Casey Anthony was out of jail.

"And that was not true," Conway told the investigators.

Mr. Baez was then investigated for evidence tampering regarding the forged documents.!/page38

First example of sexual misconduct. Baez hangs up his phone after canceling an interview that he had scheduled for Casey that night and remarks "you know owe me three *advertiser censored*."

Dominic was in fact driving the car, as evidenced in this jailhouse letter:

Subject: RE: 08129 Gregory ... Update
Still observing subject and all "appears" normal which of course makes me suspicious - we are going to stay on this until my "gut feeling" is answered.
This morning was as you may imagine a circus picking up Casey at the Jail and bringing her home. The media had trap cars at all intersections but I managed to get around them, they were all over us on 1-4 and the East West Expressway, I had a couple of chase vehicles blocking them, as you may imagine, quite a bloody mess but all was well and security is tight at the Anthony's home. I was a very tearful reunion and Casey's body language reinforces to me that she so desperately seeking to get Caylee home. (LOL, yeah right.)
I am somewhat disillusioned with Baez and had to bite my tongue. He has me at the point of telling him to go fly a kite, all he did on the drive was call media 20/20, Geraldo, Greta and playing them. His conduct towards me is far from acceptable. I have to re-think whether to just go solo on this . .

Whether Baez did in fact say that or not is not one hundred percent for certain. Dominic was obviously annoyed with him, and I can think of a billion reasons why. But IMO, it's not impossible that Baez made that remark. There were also rumors that Casey was supposed to be interviewed by 20/20 that night.

But then he does something interesting. He lists two witnesses as having been in the car and having heard the remark: Rob Haney of McDonald Bail Bonds and Ed Phlager (paralegal at the Baez Law Firm.)

To be continued at a later time. This is hard, mainly because most of the links that used to be available are down.
Whoops, I meant email, not jailhouse letter.

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