2008.10.14 - Casey's statement to police AFTER indicted

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I think what she meant when she said "if I'm innocent" was that she'd be open to talk to them but, as far as if she's innocent...that yes she is and that's as far as she'll go with that question.
I hope this made sence??! lol

I agree with ya here..
I am not at all surprised with KC's demeanor, it is merely indicative of what I believe to be her latent sociopathic tendencies. I made the mistake about reading more about persons who exhibit this particular personality disorder and it chilled me to the bone.
That's what stood out to me too. My gosh, I can't even imagine being arrested but if I were, and for murder no less, I'd be a nut case. Yet it's like a walk in the park to her, no big deal.[/QUOTE]

Bold mine.

These 2 posts are precisely the reasons I can't stop watching & reading about this case. It's what brought me here in the first place, & also why I believe we are seeing more people, especially young ones exhibit this "no fear" attitude. It's like sensory depravation. I would be a puddle on the ground, at the thought of an arrest for anything let alone Murder of my child!

I just can't comprehend how she is so young & can be so stoic in this situation. It defies logic.

Growing up in that home, being raised by that woman.. my guess is that Casey learned how to appear stoic from a pretty young age. mo
once again, with only reading this, not hearing how it was said. If I were in that car I would've wanted to smack the carp right out of her smug little face. I'll hand it to OCSD for their professionalism.

I admire the OCSD's professionalism also, but isn't this interview in the car with the FBI? (whom I admire also) Just trying to keep all the LE folks straight.
I took the "IF' quite a bit differently. Remember, by this point, she's had a fair bit of coaching by JB already. In the same interview she references her Constitutional rights.

So, I took the 'IF' to be, "If I am presumed innocent." OR "If I want to be found innocent at trial."

Still reviewing to see which feels like the right fit.

She knows darn well she's guilty, no if's, and's, but's, or's. She's just working the system as JB is guiding her to.

Yeah, she's a working girl allright!:eek:

Growing up in that home, being raised by that woman.. my guess is that Casey learned how to appear stoic from a pretty young age. mo

I think you just like saying stoic!:D
I have noticed that all of the A's talk in round-a-bout ways. They try to structure their sentences to sound as though they are very intelligent, but half of the time, nothing they say makes any sense or fits with the conversation going on. They all do this, and in my opinion, it just makes them look unintelligent.

The only sense I have made of the way they structure is because this is the way they control the conversation. They sway the conversation the way they want it. CA was doing it 90 miles an hr when the FBI had her.
I admire the OCSD's professionalism also, but isn't this interview in the car with the FBI? (whom I admire also) Just trying to keep all the LE folks straight.

yeah and isn't it ironic that the Anthony's the ones who got the FBI involved in the first place..thought the FBI would fall for their crap when local LE obviously wasn't. The morons hung themselves.
Just reminded me of OJ..."IF I did it...."

You know I had completely forgotten that! See! That word IF just does not belong in the entire episode. It should have been I am innocent and will do whatever it takes to prove that. Not IF I am innocent...
That's what stood out to me too. My gosh, I can't even imagine being arrested but if I were, and for murder no less, I'd be a nut case. Yet it's like a walk in the park to her, no big deal.

Well, this is her third time around with being arrested in this case isn't it?

She's been interviewed by LE before, she's been to jail, she has a lawyer, LP bailed her out, her father's been before the grand jury recently, it's all over the news-- it shouldn't be a huge surprise to her that this was coming.

She knows the drill. Fear comes from anticipation of what's coming next, not from things you already know.
What stuns me is the fact that she has just been indicted by a Grand Jury for 1st Degree Murder of her own child, was just being pursued by car by media and police, knows without a doubt she is on her way back to incarceration, is again being questioned by police and being read her rights...

and, SHE IS STILL CALM, COOL AND COLLECTED! I know I would be a sobbing, inconsolable mess- whether I was guilty or innocent.

This chick must have ice water in her veins, instead of blood.

The Detective interviewing her seems more shook up than she does. He even mentions the hot Florida sun, as causing him discomfort.

Yet, nothing seems to faze her a sociopathic bit.

My opinion only, of course.

YES! Her demeanor stunned me as well. However, it might be different if we heard the audio of this rather than reading the transcript. :confused:
Growing up in that home, being raised by that woman.. my guess is that Casey learned how to appear stoic from a pretty young age. mo

I guess I'm surprised when she is so calm and cool in contrast to the little hissy fit she had in the August visit with her family. When I think of how their home life must have been together, I think of a lot of yelling and fighting, not quiet stoicism. So to me the quiet is surprising, especially since she is apparently used to getting her way.

Well, this is her third time around with being arrested in this case isn't it?

She's been interviewed by LE before, she's been to jail, she has a lawyer, LP bailed her out, her father's been before the grand jury recently, it's all over the news-- it shouldn't be a huge surprise to her that this was coming.

She knows the drill. Fear comes from anticipation of what's coming next, not from things you already know.

She was so calm though even when she was first questioned. She gave them all the lies about dropping Caylee off at Sawgrass without the slightest hitch in her voice. Same with when the police were confronting her about her lies at the offices at Universal. Even when they were saying lady, we know you're lying, now we're starting to think you just don't care about your daughter...she sounded cool. I would have been sweating bullets whether or not I did it.

What I don't get about the statement in question is what does she mean about open minded? SHE is open minded? About what?
That's what stood out to me too. My gosh, I can't even imagine being arrested but if I were, and for murder no less, I'd be a nut case. Yet it's like a walk in the park to her, no big deal.

Exactly! I get nervous when a cop is behind me, and I know I am doing nothing wrong. Getting pulled over makes me sweat, I cannot fathom actually getting arrested for a crime!! She just thinks mommy, daddy, and jose will make the boo boo go away.
Exactly! I get nervous when a cop is behind me, and I know I am doing nothing wrong. Getting pulled over makes me sweat, I cannot fathom actually getting arrested for a crime!! She just thinks mommy, daddy, and jose will make the boo boo go away.

Me too! My hands are so tight on the steering wheel trying to keep the car straight and in-between the lines!

I've thought this about KC since day one. She definitely has ice running through those veins.
She was so calm though even when she was first questioned. She gave them all the lies about dropping Caylee off at Sawgrass without the slightest hitch in her voice. Same with when the police were confronting her about her lies at the offices at Universal. Even when they were saying lady, we know you're lying, now we're starting to think you just don't care about your daughter...she sounded cool. I would have been sweating bullets whether or not I did it.

Not to belittle her calmness, but again she had 31 days to prepare these lies and knew that LE was coming when CA made the 911 call.

Not that Casey is a particularly good liar, but calmness, and control, delaying tactics and telling people what they want to hear are usually good tactics for lying to family members and friends-- not so much for LE.

I think the problem is people who aren't criminals or murderers or sociopaths try to put themselves in their shoes, and are surprised that they don't think, feel or act as they would. It's the wrong response to the wrong question--they should be relieved.

What I don't get about the statement in question is what does she mean about open minded? SHE is open minded? About what?

I read this as being open-minded with speaking with LE, as long as JB is present, and "if" it serves to "prove" her innocence.

Code I think for I'm not remaining silent, "but don't worry I [won't] [say] anything." And possibly implied, "I'll listen to any really sweet plea-agreement offers."
I have noticed that all of the A's talk in round-a-bout ways. They try to structure their sentences to sound as though they are very intelligent, but half of the time, nothing they say makes any sense or fits with the conversation going on. They all do this, and in my opinion, it just makes them look unintelligent.

I'm embarrassed for the A's when I read what they've said or when I hear them. Makes me wince, they're such an ignorant bunch who try so painfully hard to sound educated and intelligent-its like nails on a chalkboard to me! Yikes! Ouch!
What stuns me is the fact that she has just been indicted by a Grand Jury for 1st Degree Murder of her own child, was just being pursued by car by media and police, knows without a doubt she is on her way back to incarceration, is again being questioned by police and being read her rights...

and, SHE IS STILL CALM, COOL AND COLLECTED! I know I would be a sobbing, inconsolable mess- whether I was guilty or innocent.

This chick must have ice water in her veins, instead of blood.

The Detective interviewing her seems more shook up than she does. He even mentions the hot Florida sun, as causing him discomfort.

Yet, nothing seems to faze her a sociopathic bit.

My opinion only, of course.

When I read her statement my first thought was boy she is one cold cookie! Remember, she is only 22! My god, when I was 22 I would be shaking if I got pulled over for a speeding ticket! She was just indicted for first degree murder of her child and was going back to jail and she is talking to these officers as if they were all talking about the weather. I'm so glad she got caught now and not 10 years from now when there would be many more victims.
I'm resurrecting this thread since Nancy Grace covered the arrest on her program tonight. Complete audio and videotape interview between LE and Casey took up the entire hour of her show.

Here's the thread, MAMABEAR! :)
I'm resurrecting this thread since Nancy Grace covered the arrest on her program tonight. Complete audio and videotape interview between LE and Casey took up the entire hour of her show.

Here's the thread, MAMABEAR! :)

Thanks panthera! I was watching how KC keeps fixing herself when nobody is in the room. Looks more like an addiction. Probably should say habit, but seems more than a habit to me.
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