2009.04.09 Cindy's Deposition #2

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One Lost Girl....you are amazing!

How DID Shirley turn out someone like Cindy?.....makes me wonder.
Ok, I'm with ya on that, to a point but would just like to toss this out there, see whatcha think?

My mom, (who's just like Cindy, as we have discussed) hides things from her mother because her mother is much like HER and is often very very critical (to the point of having made my mom cry before) by putting her down about the type of food she'd buy us when I was a child- my grandmother didn't like that we were on welfare and told my mother so ALL THE TIME. When my Bio father left us, my mom went to her parents for help and though my grandmother helped her with some money, 36 years later it is STILL thrown in my mothers face, as a way to tell her what she turned out to be.. without ever SAYING it, ya know?

My grandmother SEEMS like a loving and wonderful woman, and she is- really, but not when it comes to my mom... though sometimes she is.

I don't know, Shrley seems nice so I'm not saying that I think this is the case with her but I just thought I'd bring it up as a possible?? Just tell me to shut up if I'm out of line! LOL
OLG - Not so far out of line...maybe...After all, CA came from somewhere, didn't she? I find it odd that the brothers and sister hardly speak...Just a couple of times in a year...Sounds to me like both families (GA's and CA's) have their fair share of chite...Don't think that KC is an anomaly here in the soup of dysfunction. It's a minestrone soup for sure!

Ok, I'm with ya on that, to a point but would just like to toss this out there, see whatcha think?

My mom, (who's just like Cindy, as we have discussed) hides things from her mother because her mother is much like HER and is often very very critical (to the point of having made my mom cry before) by putting her down about the type of food she'd buy us when I was a child- my grandmother didn't like that we were on welfare and told my mother so ALL THE TIME. When my Bio father left us, my mom went to her parents for help and though my grandmother helped her with some money, 36 years later it is STILL thrown in my mothers face, as a way to tell her what she turned out to be.. without ever SAYING it, ya know?

My grandmother SEEMS like a loving and wonderful woman, and she is- really, but not when it comes to my mom... though sometimes she is.

I don't know, Shrley seems nice so I'm not saying that I think this is the case with her but I just thought I'd bring it up as a possible?? Just tell me to shut up if I'm out of line! LOL

Her brother seems to be among the normal ones. He has tried to tell her and she let him have it big time!
Yep, and although she had the numbers and addresses when Casey wouldn't take her to Zanny's apartment Cindy instead drove to the police station. Now then, if she had the address and phone number please explain why she didn't just call or go over herself?


EXCELLENT POINT! I think the address and phone number thing was a new lie. She thought it made her look good, but in hind site it makes her look very bad.
One Lost Girl....you are amazing!

How DID Shirley turn out someone like Cindy?.....makes me wonder.
There are Momma's out there who don't have a clue what they've done or how they've done it. I have one of those. She's cute. Everyone thinks so. They haven't a clue as to what she's done...Or rather, what she never did.

One Lost Girl....you are amazing!

How DID Shirley turn out someone like Cindy?.....makes me wonder.

Good, good question. Shirley seems so sensible and BASED IN REALITY.

Casey and Cindy are two shoes in the same box, two nuts in the same peanut shell, and I can't see that it came from Shirley.
EXCELLENT POINT! I think the address and phone number thing was a new lie. She thought it made her look good, but in hind site it makes her look very bad.
She was really stoopid when she threw that one out there! I mean really! They're searching for your KIDNAPPED grand-daughter and 9 months later you decide to mention that you had the babysitter's phone number and address. Might as well just say that you're a stoopid cow or a liar. Take your pick.

She was really stoopid when she threw that one out there! I mean really! They're searching for your KIDNAPPED grand-daughter and 9 months later you decide to mention that you had the babysitter's phone number and address. Might as well just say that you're a stoopid cow or a liar. Take your pick.


How about BOTH?
Happy Easter, Friday! LOL! LOVE the 'good ol' boy' reference above. I think you may be right.

I have to go digging through my links to read it again myself, but there is something else I think is in that post worthy of discussion in relation to CA's depo, but I have to find it again first.

Anyone still have a link handy to CA's July 3rd MySpace post? TYVM

Page 36:

:sleuth: :smile:
Did you notice how angry she was when they played a piece from an interview she had with LE? She was really angry. She stated it was "because she didn't know she was being videotaped by LE" and "that was a very painful time" for her. That's a lie. Anyone with any common sense or who has any affiliation with LE who is going to give a statement to LE for a missing person's investigation should know that they are possibly going to be videotaped particularly if their relative is incarcerated and has been giving false statements to police.

After watching her deposition this week, it is really interesting to go back and watch her previous interviews with OSCO and the FBI (now knowing truly what kind of person she is). In her first interview with OSCO, she takes off her shoe and plays with it with her foot under the table as she is answering questions, shifts around in her seat until she is sitting on one leg, then she has the other leg leaning over like a young girl will do. She knows that the detectives (EE and YM, who are very goodlooking) are studying her intently, however, they are doing this on a very professional level. Later on in the interview, she stretches her arms out across the table as she is talking (and she is doing the majority of the talking). (Makes me think to myself "Hmmmm...") In part 2 of the interview, she has moved her chair and is sitting right next to EE with her leg crossed and is sitting so close to him that he accidently touches her and apologizes. She is constantly rubbing her leg. YM comes in to go over his material with her and he has to interrupt her saying "I've listened to you talk for awhile." In the FBI interview, she crosses her leg and is constantly rubbing her leg. As she is incessently talking she raises her arms and runs her hands through her hair.

These are all signs of being totally at ease with these men and craving their attention. In my opinion, she is so much like KC it's unreal.

Perhaps when she saw herself on video it was embarrassing and humiliating for her to realize that the detectives were not watching her for personal interest but studying her (and videotaping her) for professional reasons and to incriminate her KC? JMO

I agree completely that CA seems to have some sort of view of herself as a "looker" or an ingenue or something. I am relatively new to Cindy watching but that "dangling shoe" and her very relaxed gestures during the police interview were not lost on me. The hair fluffing and posing has a degree of self awareness and flirti-ness that is difficult to understand. She seems very fidget-y just like KC.
Oh, and I forgot what poster brought up Brad's "comforting" stroking hand (seen during the deposition)..YES I saw that and it just seemed so fake. All these people seem a lot like bad actors....pretending to care about eachother when they really do not..those fakey-y stroking strokes seem so disingenuous. Pretense describes the entire situation.
One Lost Girl....you are amazing!

How DID Shirley turn out someone like Cindy?.....makes me wonder.
I have read that people like CA (who can be labeled as narcissists) usually come from abusive (either physically or verbally) homes. I've surmised that KC is also narcissistic, and I would bet on an easy dollar that CA is extremely abusive (verbally - not sure about physically). I have also read that narcissistic personalities also will become "enmeshed" with a personality of which they can dominate or control (i.e. CA with GA). IMO, even though these are "labels", these "personality disorders" still can receive therapy and change if they so desire.
You are very welcome, I thought he said it well too. I have even wondered about Kathi's last question, will the Anthony's behavior cause the jury to sympathize with Casey ? There have been times, I admit, that I have looked at Cindy and George and felt sorry for Casey. Would I allow that same sympathy to affect a decision regarding Caylee's murder, I don't think so...I hope the jurors don't either.

You got it!! But even with the worst of parents, I still think Casey's problems are primarily her own. Casey is just a case all her own, and I doubt anyone will ever crack her psychology one-hundred percent. I don't think even as wacky as C and G are, that they are the reason for Casey's criminal insanity. She belongs in jail with the Joker and the Penguin.

My other bet, with the way kids are now adays, with the drugs and the lack of self-control and lack of self-discipline or direction, in this society that they're growing up in, expect to see more like her in the very near future.
She was really stoopid when she threw that one out there! I mean really! They're searching for your KIDNAPPED grand-daughter and 9 months later you decide to mention that you had the babysitter's phone number and address. Might as well just say that you're a stoopid cow or a liar. Take your pick.


Didn't Cindy state very early on that she did NOT have an address or phone number for ZG? I swear this is the premise we've gone on from Day 31.

Based on that premise, you have to ask yourself why she would lie about having addresses/phone numbers for ZG.

Is she covering for *herself*? She's heard/read people saying it's odd, irresponsible, uncaring, whatever for her not to have gotten an address or phone number for the 'nanny', and saying this to make herself look better?

Or is she, as with the odd 'if Caylee said the dog was Zanny's then there *must* be a Zanny', fabricating the addresses/phone number to try to 'make' the nanny 'real'?

In either case, it's so odd that she was so intent on whatever her purpose was, that she failed to look at the consequences of saying it, since saying it just makes so much look even worse, and since it is such an obvious lie.

But what's interesting is, we can see this same severe shortsightedness in KC. Act on impulse in the moment, deal with the snowballing consequences later. (Or is it that they just *never* expect consequences to happen to them?)

Strange stuff.
Didn't Cindy state very early on that she did NOT have an address or phone number for ZG? I swear this is the premise we've gone on from Day 31.

Based on that premise, you have to ask yourself why she would lie about having addresses/phone numbers for ZG.

Is she covering for *herself*? She's heard/read people saying it's odd, irresponsible, uncaring, whatever for her not to have gotten an address or phone number for the 'nanny', and saying this to make herself look better?

Or is she, as with the odd 'if Caylee said the dog was Zanny's then there *must* be a Zanny', fabricating the addresses/phone number to try to 'make' the nanny 'real'?

In either case, it's so odd that she was so intent on whatever her purpose was, that she failed to look at the consequences of saying it, since saying it just makes so much look even worse, and since it is such an obvious lie.

But what's interesting is, we can see this same severe shortsightedness in KC. Act on impulse in the moment, deal with the snowballing consequences later. (Or is it that they just *never* expect consequences to happen to them?)

Strange stuff.
~bolded by me ~

It's simply that Cindy hasn't "run out of hallway" yet. :rolleyes:
Sorry, that was a "zinger" question that JM asked. It was rude and "cute" and sarcastic. Totally uncalled for. Very tabloid. He should have been above asking such things.

You all know what I think of the attorneys' performances. I made comments about the deponents CA and GA without having seen the depo videos, having only quickly read the first draft transcripts. I was WRONG in those comments about CA's testimony and behavior. (I haven't done GA's yet, so I don't know)

I admit when I am wrong and I am apologizing to everyone here for telling you my opinion before I had done my homework. To go line by line through the depo and explain everything would take days, so please understand that I will not do that unless someone is paying me. (lol) So, take it for what it is worth to you.

CA you did great. Your behavior was not outrageous under the circumstances and your aggravation with the poorly prepared and worded questions was understandable.

I gotta say, after watching the depo, it made me want to go down to Orlando and offer my services for free. I am thinking of writing a letter to CA to apologize, even though she doesn't know that I judged her before seeing or hearing the evidence.

I can't beleive I was so slack as to make a comment without having witnessed the event. Shame on me.

If you thought like I do that Cindy is purpetuating a lie to cover up for the murderer of her granddaughter, would you still say that she did great? Would you really feel like her behavior was appropriate?
BeanE, quite frankly I think the new revelation that Yes! she had a phone number and address for zanny all along! places CA in the complete NUT CASE class. Look at this website...there are hundreds and hundreds of people on it 24 hours a day sifting over every word that woman has ever spoken since day one. How in God's green earth does she honestly think she can make this "new revelation" fly?? Seriously, she has crossed over into a complete loss of reality. Next thing she is going to be hearing voices and wearing a beanie on her head made from aluminum. I am serious. She is losing it!
Didn't Cindy state very early on that she did NOT have an address or phone number for ZG? I swear this is the premise we've gone on from Day 31.

Based on that premise, you have to ask yourself why she would lie about having addresses/phone numbers for ZG.

Is she covering for *herself*? She's heard/read people saying it's odd, irresponsible, uncaring, whatever for her not to have gotten an address or phone number for the 'nanny', and saying this to make herself look better?

Or is she, as with the odd 'if Caylee said the dog was Zanny's then there *must* be a Zanny', fabricating the addresses/phone number to try to 'make' the nanny 'real'?

In either case, it's so odd that she was so intent on whatever her purpose was, that she failed to look at the consequences of saying it, since saying it just makes so much look even worse, and since it is such an obvious lie.

But what's interesting is, we can see this same severe shortsightedness in KC. Act on impulse in the moment, deal with the snowballing consequences later. (Or is it that they just *never* expect consequences to happen to them?)

Strange stuff.

Well said...I totally agree. Why in the world would she bring this up now. You have to wonder if she regrets saying this. Does she have anything to back up her statement. Why didn't she say this months ago?
Isn't this lawsuit supposed to be between ZG and KC? Why then, does JM burst forth in a triumphant manner at the end of the depo and try to get CA to admit that it was she who defamed ZG, as if the whole point of the torturous exercise was to wear CA down so that he could hit her with that accusation at the end! Is it normal to have a person deposed as a witness in the claim but then twist it around so that the witness gets blamed for the alleged harm caused to the Claimant?
Didn't Cindy state very early on that she did NOT have an address or phone number for ZG? I swear this is the premise we've gone on from Day 31.

Based on that premise, you have to ask yourself why she would lie about having addresses/phone numbers for ZG.

Is she covering for *herself*? She's heard/read people saying it's odd, irresponsible, uncaring, whatever for her not to have gotten an address or phone number for the 'nanny', and saying this to make herself look better?

Or is she, as with the odd 'if Caylee said the dog was Zanny's then there *must* be a Zanny', fabricating the addresses/phone number to try to 'make' the nanny 'real'?

In either case, it's so odd that she was so intent on whatever her purpose was, that she failed to look at the consequences of saying it, since saying it just makes so much look even worse, and since it is such an obvious lie.

But what's interesting is, we can see this same severe shortsightedness in KC. Act on impulse in the moment, deal with the snowballing consequences later. (Or is it that they just *never* expect consequences to happen to them?)

Strange stuff.

It's worse than not expecting consequences, they act like how dare you insinuate there are consequences!!

I think you nailed it as far as the address goes. Pls, if she had the address and KC said Caylee was with Zany, why did she need KC to take her to Zany/Caylee? Only makes sense in Cindyville... They must think that (a) all people are stoopid/gullible. (b) no one questions us. (period) (c) they don't think, words just fall out of their mouths, they'll figure out what those words were later.
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