2009.04.23 Baez WESH Interview

BeanE, your post has moved me to tears...thank you for expressing yourself this way.
I'm trying to make sense of the purpose of this interview - I cannot think of a single compelling reason for this...one of the first things a defense attorney worth their weight in salt advises their client to do is keep their bloody mouth SHUT...welp, JB, what's good for the goose.....................
Oh no, I wasn't correcting you. I had said it in an earlier post so was trying to correct myself. I guess I should not have quoted your post. So sorry!

I completely agree with you that Jose would be singing a different tune if the Oak Ridge report said there was NO compatibility with human decomp. It is hard listening to him but I think he did a lot better in this latest interview than previous ones and it does have me a little nervous. Although I think when the prosecution lays out their case step by step, in chronological order, with testimony and forensics to back up every assertion, it will be bad news for Jose and Casey.

Jose' might have been able to successfully challenge the findings of human decomp in the trunk if Caylee's body had never been found.
It's pointless to argue with the findings when Caylee was found not far away .
I think the only possibility of any doubt [though not reasonable] would be somebody else did it and placed her in the trunk.He's wasting his time on anything else.And even if ONE juror bought that,it would just be a hung jury. No way will 12 people ever conclude KC's not guilty.
RE: Claiming ineffective counsel as part of an appeal after conviction for murder

Isn't this pretty much a standard of ANY appeal? Isn't pretty much every lawyer who defends someone who then gets found guilty of murder charged with this as part of the appeal?
OMG how exciting!!!!! NOT. So basically Baez is going to create doubts in jurors minds. Well done Baez. Thats what you get paid for.

I just dont think this guy actually knows the scale of the task ahead.

The problem he has is that the finger doesnt point anywhere else other than to his client.

The prosecution have just announced that they are going for the death penalty. This is not without good reason, they would not do this without making sure that they have the evidence to back it up. The police have never had any other suspects, there was no amber alert, no one is on the hunt for the "babysitter" killer that is free to run around and murder other little children. Baez will probably say that they have the wrong person and the police thought she was guilty from day one. But thats what they all say.
This guy is a tool! Watch the one on "outrage". He tries to explain why he hasn't been hunting for the "real killer". :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The outrage one cracks me up!

JB: I've been persausive enough to convince others to assist me and we MIGHT just be able to mount a strong defense.(not an exact quote but close) LOL might?? Even if you doubt yourself in this situation shouldn't you at least appear convinced that you have a strong defense to present? LOL

Something tells me that ole JB is starting to realize his goose is cooked! jmo
RE: Claiming ineffective counsel as part of an appeal after conviction for murder

Isn't this pretty much a standard of ANY appeal? Isn't pretty much every lawyer who defends someone who then gets found guilty of murder charged with this as part of the appeal?

And yet, Casey has not only verbally stated she is satisfied with JB and there is no conflict, she wrote a very terse note IN HER OWN HAND to that point, further indicating she believes that the State is only doing it to pi$$ her off. She is thrilled with JB and has legally given him permission to run her case the way she feels he should. She's not uninformed. She's just arrogant enough to say no one will tell her who to have in her corner. Okay, Casey. Enjoy.
Ok, two things in the Baez interviews really jumped out at me

First, as to why he hasn’t shown outrage that the wrong woman was arrested and in jail for the murder of Caylee, he said:. “I apologize if I haven’t shown that previously,” “I’ve pulled out all the stops to try to get her the best defense possible,” “That’s what I’m mostly concerned with. I have to stay focused. I can’t get emotional.”

Well, he wouldn't need to prepare for a defense at all, if he could find the "real killer," would he? But instead he is working vigorously ... and rather ineptly, I might add, to provide Casey with the best possible defense. So, he knows that there is no one but Casey to blame for this crime ... and it would benefit him more, professionally, to try this case and win it ... versus taking a plea bargain. Even if he goes to trial and loses it would reflect better on him as a defense attorney than a plea bargain. Every client wants a lawyer that is willing to go to the mat for them ... but not one that is going to give up when the going gets tough! I tell ya, instead of visions of sugar plums dancing in his head at night, he is having visions of $$$$$$! I think that he is heady with excitement over his new found pseudo-celebrity! I honestly believe that he is putting his best interest above that of his client. If he is not careful he is going to buy himself a claim of "Ineffective Assistance of Counsel" when this is all said and done. Talk about a career killer!

Also, I have been thinking a lot lately about a possible reason that the State chose to seek the DP at this particular time ... If the State is worried that Casey might have a legitimate claim of IAC ... then it is in their best interest and the interest of justice, to try and have JB removed or have his role lessened and more experienced attorneys take the lead. They tried to achieve this by bringing into question the potential conflict of interest but the judge shot that down ... the only other way that the State could make certain that JB would not be lead counsel is to seek the death penalty. The SAO does NOT want there to be ANY chance for a successful appeal and retrial! I think that they are so confident of the case they have built that they want make sure that a well seasoned, well qualified and legitimate lawyer represents the defense ... they know what they have (we don't - but they do) ... and IMO they know that they can prove KC's guilt ten ways to Sunday!!

The second thing that jumped out at me was when he was talking about the odor of decomp. He said he read that Dr. Vass had once compared the smell of decomp to rotten potatoes (enter the rotten potato theory -- more credible than the rotten pizza theory and the dead squirrel theory, I guess.) But here again, he just doesn't get it ... like with the 17 hairs found by HL and none showed the banding ... this too, is irrelevant, since there were never any potatoes in the trunk of the car ... but there was fluid in the car that was found to be consistent with human decomp, a hair belonging to Caylee that also shows decomp, as well as a cadaver dog indicating human decomp. Furthermore, the fact that Dr. Vass thinks that human decomp smells similar to rotten potatoes is also irrelevant -- because -- the tests run at the Oak Ridge Lab did not consist of Dr. Vass sniffing the carpet samples and concluding, "Well, this is either gotta be rotten potatoes or a dead body" ... No, a highly technical test was performed, by highly skilled scientists, in a well controlled environment ... and a piece of lab equipment decided that it "smelled" like human decomp ... and while the machine may have never smelled a rotten potato ... "its" findings were not consistent with decomposing plant matter or pizza matter or squirrel matter!!

It's almost like he is proceeding as if the body was never found -- CONFIRMING that Caylee was deceased thus proving the accuracy of the lab tests!! These ideas of his would not be a bad strategy if the body had not been found ... he could argue junk science all he wanted ... and bring in expert after expert to say that the tests were inconclusive or that the science was too new to be trusted, when someone's life is at stake. But with the discovery of Caylee's remains (sorry GA) and all the other corroborating evidence, the "rotten potato" and "17 hairs" strategies just make him look foolish and ridiculous!

I too wondered why the state suddenly put the DP back on OHW. I think the reason you listed is a good one, to get JB out of lead atty position and to lessen the chance for appeal down the road.

Another reason I thought about is to even out the quality between state and defense. I know that if I were a SA who had to try a DP case, I would want to know that the human being I am seeking to put to death had a vigorous defense. I would think the SA's conscience and morals would dictate that they make sure the accused did not have ineffective counsel but rather an experienced, intelligent, skillful attorney representing them. I know if I were in the SA position thats what I would want = a fair fight - if I am seeking to put a human being to death. :cow:
Thanks for the correction. I guess the point I was making though is that no matter what he considers the quality of science to be at Oak Ridge, if the evidence fell in the defense's favor, he would likely have a totally different take on it. Of course it is his job to defend Casey, someone has to do it I guess. It's just a little hard listening to him give his defense spin when the crime was so heinous and the evidence pointing to Casey's guilt, IMO, is so overwhelming.

Agreed. For me, it's one thing to watch an attorney present his/her defense *in a courtroom*, and quite another animal to watch these attorneys who spin *in the media*. Most especially because the prosecution does not have the same opportunity, or equal time, *in the media*.

I really wish that gag order had been put in effect. :mad:
I member from the first that JB started throwing around that Lee found 17 hairs. This has been so "misconstrued". He is as big a lair as some of the other peeps in this mess. I don't know where to find this info but DR LEE found O_N_E hair that day. The other guy (not on the defense team but the peeps who examine the cars n such) found the others.

I had read here about Lee messing with evidence in other cases. The minute I heard about the hairs found in KC's car, I thought that Lee had probably planted the hairs. That isn't a "fact"----was a thought of mine. BUT, I do know, for a fact, that day Lee found one hair. I heard Lee say that on NG, out of Lee's own mouth. I also read it on one of the news sites.

Seems like the job of the defense is to "misconstrue", the facts-----then they scream that e-body else is the "misconstruer". Was it KC who started the use of that word in this case?-----"MISCONSTRUE"

Do any of ya'll member the finding of the "17 hairs"? Dr. Lee found one hair. JB says Lee found 17 hairs.

in all honesty when i heard that dr. lee was to go and examine the car...my first thought was oh oh...with him involved..what if some evidence just happens to show up...! and so it did...kind of like the finger nail tip with the spector case that the police foresics overlooked but the defense found....unbeleivable...i hope they throw out dr. lees find as i dont think he is as credible a defense specialist as he is made out to be...perhaps he is effective for the defense...but i dont think he has the same morals and values and integrity that others out there do.
I just watched JB's interview again. Honestly it is a whole lot of hot air. I can't even think of one point he made that I feel won't be seen through or that even needs to be countered. Waste, a hugh waste. jmo

yet the dogs, the decomp smell...the texts.the 31 days..the no one seeing caylee during that time, even on surviellance,..those i suppose jose just plans to sweep under the carpet..out of sight out of mind..

Thanks so much for the link to this article, treeseeker! It just so happens that I saw a show on I.D. tv today about the searches at Barker Ranch. I have been fascinated by the Manson murders since they occurred in the 60's so I was intrigued that they are still searching for missing bodies. I didn't realize until reading your link that Dr. Vass was involved in both cases - Manson recent search and Caylee's murder case. Thanks again, :blowkiss:
And yet, Casey has not only verbally stated she is satisfied with JB and there is no conflict, she wrote a very terse note IN HER OWN HAND to that point, further indicating she believes that the State is only doing it to pi$$ her off. She is thrilled with JB and has legally given him permission to run her case the way she feels he should. She's not uninformed. She's just arrogant enough to say no one will tell her who to have in her corner. Okay, Casey. Enjoy.

The problem I see with this relationship is that KC isn't thinking clearly about Baez. He's not just her lawyer and she's not merely a 22 year old alone, probably incapable of evaluating the competency of his performance in representing her, but he is the only person on the outside, so to speak, with whom she has contact. She's not taking advise or getting counsel from anyone else. My theory is that she doesn't just look to him as her lawyer, but as her adopted parent, her best friend, her would be lover. I believe he's the new man she's become obsessed with and with whom she hopes to have a bright future after he saves her from everything, from her family, from her disloyal friends, from these charges against her brought only on a whim. She seems to have shut out everyone else and appears to trust only Jose. I think he's her everything, her man-gawd, her current target. I think he's playing her for his own purposes and not particularly concened with her best interests. I think he sees this as his ticket to some big show. Likely, in my opinion, after she's convicted and Baez goes away, back to his beautiful wife, little KC's going to be making all kinds of accusations trying to get the conviction overturned. I predict she's going to say Baez duped her, used her and betrayed her. By then, with Jose out of the picture, good chance Cindy, Lee and George will be back in, beating the drum that poor little KC was the victim of legal malpractice. Good luck with all that. Who knows what appeals judges will think, but I bet we'll see the accusations some day.
in all honesty when i heard that dr. lee was to go and examine the car...my first thought was oh oh...with him involved..what if some evidence just happens to show up...! and so it did...kind of like the finger nail tip with the spector case that the police foresics overlooked but the defense found....unbeleivable...i hope they throw out dr. lees find as i dont think he is as credible a defense specialist as he is made out to be...perhaps he is effective for the defense...but i dont think he has the same morals and values and integrity that others out there do.
The thing with the fingernail and the Spector case is that Lee found the fingernail, put it in a vial, and never turned it over to the prosecution. The judge ruled that Lee withheld evidence from the prosecution that would have been damaging to Spector's defense. It's no wonder, in light of the judge's ruling, that he wasn't allowed at the crime scene at Suburban Drive. Just the same, if he'll withhold damaging evidence I wouldn't put it past him to plant it.

Lee himself has been quoted as saying "I think my reputation is severely damaged." in regards to the judge's ruling.
I too wondered why the state suddenly put the DP back on OHW. I think the reason you listed is a good one, to get JB out of lead atty position and to lessen the chance for appeal down the road.

Another reason I thought about is to even out the quality between state and defense. I know that if I were a SA who had to try a DP case, I would want to know that the human being I am seeking to put to death had a vigorous defense. I would think the SA's conscience and morals would dictate that they make sure the accused did not have ineffective counsel but rather an experienced, intelligent, skillful attorney representing them. I know if I were in the SA position thats what I would want = a fair fight - if I am seeking to put a human being to death. :cow:
I agree that could be part of it. We all know it would be much easier to win this case at trial with JB as lead counsel ... with all of his sophomoric mistakes the SA would make quick work of him! This shows that they aren't afraid to try this case with the best defense money or notoriety can buy ... they have it locked down tight!!
thank you for all these :)
I'd love to see a link that FOLLOWS THE MONEY.
do we have a thread on that issue?
I did read somewhere that caylees Dad is an older man Rich
and hooked to the drug industry. I do not know if I can bring a link here.
But they seem to be afraid to mention his name. hmmm.
and GA (Mr. LE) would take money from such a man???? :waitasec:

I thnk there should be a thread--->FOLLOW THE MONEY
And yet, Casey has not only verbally stated she is satisfied with JB and there is no conflict, she wrote a very terse note IN HER OWN HAND to that point, further indicating she believes that the State is only doing it to pi$$ her off. She is thrilled with JB and has legally given him permission to run her case the way she feels he should. She's not uninformed. She's just arrogant enough to say no one will tell her who to have in her corner. Okay, Casey. Enjoy.

Exactly! Nobody but Jose, puts KC-baby in the corner! :crazy:
I am absolutely stunned that the strategy of the defense is to attack the forensic evidence. I see some experts trying to (seemingly) earn their money in this case, all to the detriment of the accused. Surely, surely this is not the whole defense strategy!

The statement JB made about "they don't give too many women the death penalty in Florida" (or something to that affect) keeps coming back to me. Is he simply trying to get her LWOP? He could have done that much earlier in the case.

Forget about the scientific evidence. IMO the jury will weigh KC's actions, lies, the opportunity and the dead body of Caylee in this case.
The problem I see with this relationship is that KC isn't thinking clearly about Baez. He's not just her lawyer and she's not merely a 22 year old alone, probably incapable of evaluating the competency of his performance in representing her, but he is the only person on the outside, so to speak, with whom she has contact. She's not taking advise or getting counsel from anyone else. My theory is that she doesn't just look to him as her lawyer, but as her adopted parent, her best friend, her would be lover. I believe he's the new man she's become obsessed with and with whom she hopes to have a bright future after he saves her from everything, from her family, from her disloyal friends, from these charges against her brought only on a whim. She seems to have shut out everyone else and appears to trust only Jose. I think he's her everything, her man-gawd, her current target. I think he's playing her for his own purposes and not particularly concened with her best interests. I think he sees this as his ticket to some big show. Likely, in my opinion, after she's convicted and Baez goes away, back to his beautiful wife, little KC's going to be making all kinds of accusations trying to get the conviction overturned. I predict she's going to say Baez duped her, used her and betrayed her. By then, with Jose out of the picture, good chance Cindy, Lee and George will be back in, beating the drum that poor little KC was the victim of legal malpractice. Good luck with all that. Who knows what appeals judges will think, but I bet we'll see the accusations some day.

The State tried to demonstrate that she could be an isolated individual not getting the fullest representation, who has a lawyer whose self-interests SHOULD pose a conflict in defending her to the best of his ability. She likes him, she really really likes him. Whether this is the last time the State attempts to demonstrate a defect in the defense of Casey will be seen in time. However, in the attempts already made, Casey has adamantly asserted her rights as a citizen of the US to choose who she wants to defend her, and her choice is Jose. When she answers the questions about it in court, she is outright snotty, as though with a nasty taste on her tongue for even being questioned about such a thing. Like mother, like daughter.

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