2009.08.21 Motions hearing #2

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Lambchop wrote:"Was it ALyons that said something to the judge about, did I say that slow enough for you?"
I think that AL was speaking to the stenographer(recorder) ...she said something to the effect that she knows that she speaks fast....blah, blah, blah....like the recorder was might be unable to keep up with her words of "wisdom"...I thought that she was a bit too cheery for me...always smiling and chuckling...what was so funny??..
Wish she did make that remark to the judge...I am sure that he would take care of her!
The defense just drops a bomb in court. They have proof that Caylee's body was dumped while Casey was in jail. Cindy has the full attention of the media and several microphones to her face. Her daughter is facing the DP. Does she make a plea to find the real killer? Nope, it's all about how she felt at peace, the way Casey looked, how touching it was that Casey got to see her dad. Poor Casey hasn't seen her dad in such a long time. It's all about Casey and Cindy. Caylee wasn't even mentioned.

If we believe the defense, there is a baby killer on the loose. One that not only murdered Caylee but moved her body after Casey went to jail. Cindy/George have quite the nerve to set up an organization for missing children but have no interest in finding the one who killed Caylee.

Oh wait, they know who killed Caylee and she's right where she belongs.
It happened so quickly, I couldn't tell but as Whisperer pointed out, I did see Cindy's eyes do a quick scan of Casey. Cindy probably said what she said to save face if for no other reason. If there is love there though, why doesn't Cindy visit her child? It's easy to say I love you - it's harder to show it. C'mon Cindy - show some of that love you keep talking about!
I don't think that GA understands half of what he is being asked. Like when the prosecution was trying to ascertain if he believed that Padilla was safeguarding his "asset" (KC) or not...He just didn't seem to get it??? Anyone else get that impression? I think that his failure to understand certain words is what got him so hot-under-the-collar about MM's reference to "remains" as well. Someone seems to have taken the time to explain that word to him for this hearing...


I agree Pink Panther. I am sure he was being evasive but, he also appeared to not really understand what was being asked of him. When he was asked whether he could hear conversations between Tracy and Casey, he replied that he didn't and doesn't eavesdrop. He just didn't seem to understand the question. Even when she asked about the square footage of the home, he never properly answered the question.

He just didn't seem to understand that the prosecution was saying that the body guards were not there to protect the family and the family home. They were there to guard their bond investment (Casey.)

That's why he thought the fact that he had a friend that was a security guard, and that he himself was a security guard was irrelevant.
I never joined up - but it was something like $5. IIRC, there was some sort of stink about it and TP purportedly refunded all of the money. Does anybody else remember this?

Yes, it was $10
the site is still up and running...am a member there
I find it hard to believe that BC has not at least instructed the A's on the proper way to answer questions on the stand. That it is improper for a witness to question SA about relevance. Court is a serious matter and to be playing games does not reflect well on BC, I would imagine. The judge was very kind to GA yesterday but I imagine by the time of the actual trial that consideration will have worn thin.

Since GA is former LE he certainly knows better and almost appears as if he wants to be held in contempt. Generally people (jurors) expect more from a former police officer because they feel he does know better.

Example: My husband was a detective with a police department and my children were told by neighbors, etc. when they did something wrong that they should know better because "Your Dad's a cop." They still remember being singled out today. We just expect LE officers to act professionally and answer questions to the best of their ability. Does he not know he is NOT helping his daughter with such displays????

Another thing my husband always said, "Once a police officer, always a police officer." No matter how long they are out of the department people still expect them to act as if they are still connected.
I just want to say that Tony has the right to his own opinion about the Anthony's who he has personally met, whereas most, if not all, of us have NEVER met them.

Very true. I can see that G and C can be very charming and C likes to be nurturing.Remember the protestor that was screaming in C's face and C was telling her to calm down,watch her blood pressure,etc.
I'm tired of bashing the A's,but I hope they'll do the right thing for Caylee before this is over.G's testimony yesterday didn't give me much hope.
It makes me want to see the States depos with him even more now.He told the SA her question was not relevent ,in court ,in front of the Judge!
I don't understand why their attorney doesn't tell them YOU CAN'T DO THAT!
Does Cindy REALLY think KC "mouthed I love you" to Cindy? No one else saw this. Does Cindy REALLY think KC looks "healthy"? Isn't this more revisionist history by someone very well versed in seeing only what she wants to see? This was a considerate Cindy but still a deluded Cindy? Did anyone see KC make any eye contact with Cindy..let alone mouth words to her?

Ohhhhhh, I've got it now. Evidently the Anthony universal sign for "I Love You" is flipping the bird. That's how KC told her dad "I Love You"....got it:rolleyes:
I agree Pink Panther. I am sure he was being evasive but, he also appeared to not really understand what was being asked of him. When he was asked whether he could hear conversations between Tracy and Casey, he replied that he didn't and doesn't eavesdrop. He just didn't seem to understand the question. Even when she asked about the square footage of the home, he never properly answered the question.

He just didn't seem to understand that the prosecution was saying that the body guards were not there to protect the family and the family home. They were there to guard their bond investment (Casey.)

That's why he thought the fact that he had a friend that was a security guard, and that he himself was a security guard was irrelevant.

GA has selective stupidity.
I agree Pink Panther. I am sure he was being evasive but, he also appeared to not really understand what was being asked of him. When he was asked whether he could hear conversations between Tracy and Casey, he replied that he didn't and doesn't eavesdrop. He just didn't seem to understand the question. Even when she asked about the square footage of the home, he never properly answered the question.

He just didn't seem to understand that the prosecution was saying that the body guards were not there to protect the family and the family home. They were there to guard their bond investment (Casey.)

That's why he thought the fact that he had a friend that was a security guard, and that he himself was a security guard was irrelevant.
Lol that made me laugh when he smirked and said that he asked how it was relevant! Brad really needs to crank up the training on how they will need to behave in court for the trial!

Lol that made me laugh when he smirked and said that he asked how it was relevant! Brad really needs to crank up the training on how they will need to behave in court for the trial!


Don't think it will work now anymore than it worked after the Morgan depos.

If GA or CA answer a question with a question I am gonna jump through my screen and shake the begeebees right out of 'em. Screams out "I am being evasive". :razz:
Lambchop wrote:"Was it ALyons that said something to the judge about, did I say that slow enough for you?"
I think that AL was speaking to the stenographer(recorder) ...she said something to the effect that she knows that she speaks fast....blah, blah, blah....like the recorder was might be unable to keep up with her words of "wisdom"...I thought that she was a bit too cheery for me...always smiling and chuckling...what was so funny??..
Wish she did make that remark to the judge...I am sure that he would take care of her!

Thank you for clearing that up!
Lambchop wrote:"Was it ALyons that said something to the judge about, did I say that slow enough for you?"
I think that AL was speaking to the stenographer(recorder) ...she said something to the effect that she knows that she speaks fast....blah, blah, blah....like the recorder was might be unable to keep up with her words of "wisdom"...I thought that she was a bit too cheery for me...always smiling and chuckling...what was so funny??..
Wish she did make that remark to the judge...I am sure that he would take care of her!

IMHO, I think ALyons just wants to give the appearance that she is cheery and lovable and all those great things that people seems to trust. It relaxes others enough for them to put their guard down. It's kinda like a poker face - I hope she doesn't think we are buying it. I like true colors the best - at least you know what you are dealing with. I really believe she is getting ready to lose her first case.
Were we watching the same woman? I found her to be snippy, sarcastic, condescending (even to the judge) boring and arrogant.
I won't get into her personal appearance but where is Stacy London and Clinton Kelly when you need them?:twocents:
Extremely condescending! She said it was the SA's own doing that the defense couldn't handle the check fraud case right now,because they brought the DP back ,KNOWING it would generate much more work or the defenses part. Give me break! Maybe it her clients fault for stealing and murdering her baby?
I thought the States rebuttal argument was brilliant.
I totally agree with you. I felt very confused with what was posted and still don't know what to make of it. It just didn't sound like a family member to me. And the true love part about Cindy and George...:confused:

He also said he "truly loves" Nitasha (the reporter from Nancy Grace) so this might just be a "term of speech" that he uses and doesn't really give it the significance that many of us do. imo.
IMHO, I think ALyons just wants to give the appearance that she is cheery and lovable and all those great things that people seems to trust. It relaxes others enough for them to put their guard down. It's kinda like a poker face - I hope she doesn't think we are buying it. I like true colors the best - at least you know what you are dealing with. I really believe she is getting ready to lose her first case.

Hi Neighbor!
I bet she'll bail before she let's that happen,citing irreconcilible differences with JB.
ITA- I thought the same thing the first time I saw him. In fact, he has made those overly exaggerated childish expressions every time I've seen him in court. Jose is able to get under his skin and visibly agitate him too. He needs to be able to rise above all the petty facial expressions and learn a lesson from the blonde prosecutor. I know this sounds harsh but I hope they remove him from the case ASAP if he doesn't stop now.

I agree with you.

I am 100% behind what the prosecutors are trying to do. I think KC is guilty as sin. I want to like the people representing justice for Caylee.

But, I think the male prosecutor's faces and head-shaking are not appropriate. A trial isn't a football game.
I find it hard to believe that BC has not at least instructed the A's on the proper way to answer questions on the stand. That it is improper for a witness to question SA about relevance. Court is a serious matter and to be playing games does not reflect well on BC, I would imagine. The judge was very kind to GA yesterday but I imagine by the time of the actual trial that consideration will have worn thin.

Since GA is former LE he certainly knows better and almost appears as if he wants to be held in contempt. Generally people (jurors) expect more from a former police officer because they feel he does know better.

Example: My husband was a detective with a police department and my children were told by neighbors, etc. when they did something wrong that they should know better because "Your Dad's a cop." They still remember being singled out today. We just expect LE officers to act professionally and answer questions to the best of their ability. Does he not know he is NOT helping his daughter with such displays????

Another thing my husband always said, "Once a police officer, always a police officer." No matter how long they are out of the department people still expect them to act as if they are still connected.

I think the As are going to push it as far as they can on the stand. That's why the judge has to lay the law down now or it's going to result in chaos, especially when Cindy takes the stand. The minute GA said the question was irrelevant, the judge should have shut him down and told him that his lawyer has to object, not him.
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