2011.01.14 Hearing: Jury Selection Expected To Be Main Topic

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I feel like there was a lot more going on in that hearing than we know about...

I think so too. One thing I noted, just the overall tone, is that both JB and CM are trying to toe the line, there's no snide remarks by JB - he's being as gracious as he can be. CM is being overly gracious.......I half expected CM to give the HHMP an apple.
They are saying four days to select the jury. INSesson is speaking about it...
Can they get that done in that time? TIA.

Perry said he will give them two weeks but would like to get it done in one week. He also said he will limit lunch to an hour if "things go slow". Normally, lunch is 1 1/2 hours.
Sooo.... are we at the part where the security guard at the gate is telling the nice officers that they don't know KC as an employee? Or are we walking down the hallway yet?

(If we are about to see a plea, what happens to the taxpayers' deposit on the hotel rooms?)
Both sides are still in the room off to the side of the court room. HHJP went in for a few moments then came out, but both sides are in there.
So..I would imagine it's past the point of no return..with hotels booked already there is too much invested in a trial to just cop a plea....IT'S ON!

On the one hand I don't think there's a plea in the works but on the other hand I doubt the judge would have a problem canceling the hotel rooms if that were so. :)
If a plea deal is coming, I sure hope that all the discovery that was given to the defense, but not to us, the public, will get released before she pleas and it is shut down. I will be sadly disappointed if this doesn't go to trial, tho.
Video is still up, no audio on myfoxorlando. Bailiffs there along with JB's gal.
The defense is mot turning their mics on at all?

the invisable casey is there with invisable nanny. Can't dare be heard.:maddening::maddening: I couldn't hear but a few words here and there. uggggghhhhh!
CM and Lichtenstein communicate non-verbally as they're walking out. Call me!

So the defense is tied into Cindy's BFF media guy.

The Media Coach?
Maybe he's going to coach ICA? Imagine trying to make her palatable to the public, to improve her image.:innocent:
Didn't work on CA....
cheaper to lose the deposit on hotel rooms then house, feed and keep all the jury for 8 weeks
HHJP may need "closed captioning" for CM! lol
Both sides were offered something similar- a live feed of the transcipts or something at the last hearing, during the trial and he declined. I don't believe he actually heard or understood what he heard but yeah and BP just looked at him with that look.
Looks like State and Defense are going to a private room to have a little chit chat!

It seems as if they might be going to discuss the cheque Baez had to give Mr Aston (ha ha :) ) or this could be talk of a plea. Something was definitely up today.
Both sides are still in the room off to the side of the court room. HHJP went in for a few moments then came out, but both sides are in there.

Maybe they're choosing Hotels and caterers?
That is what I am thinking...something is going on today, I can feel it. That hearing was just weird.

Yes ... it was important, Jury selection ... but at the same time deflated and lame ... as if just buying some more time. Going through the motions ... but not even that.
Is it just me, or did both the defense and prosecution seem...distracted during the hearing, like they were just going through with it but weren't "into" it, so to speak?
I agree. It seems like the interesting stuff was in the parts we weren't privy to.

Not responding to you in particular Shear, just bouncing off your post.

Sorry, but it seems to me that EVERYTHING should be privy to the public, since they are paying for this whole thing now. IMO, there shouldn't be sidebars when the people of FL are paying for an indigent person's trial.
Part of the reason it felt so strange I think is because I could hear very little. I heard nothing coming from the defense table. And I'm not talking about the sidebar. I could NOT hear the defense at all.
Maybe CM has opted to represent the new child murderer because he knows his calendar will be empty in May?
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