2011.06.28 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty)

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he actually said morally BANKRUPT, even worse, imo. and i agree, that was a low blow.

Oh yeah! thanks, you are right. Bankrupt sounds even worse! Geesh. JB is morally bankrupt for saying this about this guy (who I hope all the jury relates to!)
I had to get out as soon as court was over. I am completely disgusted with the way CM badgered RK, and asked the same questions over and again! This is the 1st time I have been this fed up. Also, was the prosecution allowed to cross JG? If so, why didn't they? The only thing he said was that ICA told him LA groped her and that he felt uncomfortable around LA! What about ICA??? Did JG have no ill feelings toward ICA, then or now? The whole mess today was EXTREMELY draining!
When the DT gets home and thinks about where they are with their case, they will realize that to plant the seed of abuse of Caylee herself (to establish a motive for George) - by George, and then they have to explain away Casey's 31 days of partying and likewise reverse George's completely believable reactions, actions, and testimony days 32-120 as he searched for his baby granddaughter - such that it is clear that he knew where he'd hidden Caylee (near his house in a laundry bag) the entire time.

And then, they will do this: :banghead:

And a little of this: :drink:

And some of this: :boohoo:

And lots of this: :doh:

And end with this: :cry:

And I'll be here with :cow: :praying: for justice for Caylee

You forgot this:




Lots of TH's are talking about George's demeanor today and I admit, there was a certain 'hink-factor' to it all but specifically where he called things "funny", perhaps I am reading more into it than I should, but both of those instances, JB's questions specifically, I sensed more of a tone of 'how 'funny' YOU should ask about inappropriate behavior' in his response than 'over-doing-it' in his response/attempt to look innocent, as some of the TH's have suggested.

Anyone follow me? Buehler?

I thought his statements sounded contrived. The way he said, that was funny was forced, as if to make a point. He came across to me as very insincere and as if he were hiding something. Then on top of that the whole sob story of how he was comforting a cancer patient just didn't fit with who we know him to be. IDK, I'm probably being over critical, but I just didn't buy it.
No I did not see the looks she was giving him, I was at work and trying ever so hard to watch it.
I give him alot of credit and again agree, How do you like me now Mom!

I totally agree. I guess that's why Cindy and ICA left him out of the loop because he has a lot of honest tendencies...
Me too! That's what I'm afraid of. They haven't been mulling it over and hearing as much about it as we have the last three years (presumably). They have so very much to digest, to sort through what's pertinent in making their decision, what's not, etc.

The jury hasn't been privy to all of the nonsense that we have. That will help them sort through this without becoming sidetracked by minutia, imo. This trial seems to me to be an abbreviated version of the last 3 years. I think the jury knows what happened here and they will do the right thing. :seeya:
I hope when this circus is over we get to hear more about this families history. Other than Cindy's brother and a tad from Holly G,we really don't know much about them.
Where are their friends that they hung out with? Where are all of ICA's friends that supposedly were always at the A's house? Where are the teachers who dealt with ICA and her parents?
Did ICA date in HS? Did Lee? Are there any old friends who will stick up for Lee?
Why does George lose so many jobs?
What do neighbors really think?

We just haven't heard enough to satisfy my inquiring mind. I hope we will,either during the penalty phase or after her sentence.

Grandma Shirley should write a book and supplement her income IMO. :innocent:

Well, I don't know MissJames - I know you all love Ms Shirley, but on one had we are saying ICA is a product of CA, so on the other hand, shouldn't we also be saying CA is the product of Shirley? Didn't her brother Rick say CA was the darling of the family?

Not trying to be disrespectful here - you know I love you, but following the logical thought process...
Most of the day I found to be the most difficult I have every watched. By the end of the trial I was extremely tired and very grumpy!

But my one highlight was Lee testifying. He plainly said to his mother, CA, you may be prepared to lie for ICA even though she killed your grandchild, but I am not. And in fact, I am okay with coming to the stand and let everyone know you are lying because I now know you sent Dominic to look for a dead Caylee.

For months CA strung him along believing the family including him should be going against all odds and looking for a live Caylee. Then he overhears a conversation at the beginning of the trial that CA was looking for a dead Caylee in November and all this denial has been an act, which he was excluded from?

When Lee was talking to ICA in one of the jail videos, he seemed pretty clear to me that he didn't believe what ICA was telling him. But clearly CA convinced him to stand by ICA. I would have felt a tremendous sense of betrayal if I was him, knowing that not only were they twisting information to others, they were twisting it to him also.

Looks like Lee has a little SPITE in him too!
The guard behind Casey is great. She's so livid she's there that every shot they show of her I crack up now. I hope the guard is there for the duration.
I can't find many here who are supporters of JB but let's face facts. He is a Newbie Lawyer who stumbled into this case. When he took KC on, he had no idea this would be the case of the Decade, a DP case, and have a defendant who is truly a citizen of LaLa Land. I believe he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Do you think YOU could do any better?

It is clear he now realizes she is mentally unstable and since the Incompetency Motion failed, he has to come up with some way of showing the jury how unbalanced she is. WE WS'ers KNOW SHE IS WACKO BECAUSE WE HAVE FOLLOWED THIS CASE SO CLOSELY! The jury does not know.

As much as I dislike KC (based on what I know about this case), I would have a hard time voting for the DP simply because I believe she is a victim of the Anthony's (especially CA) sick family dynamic just as Lee is. INHO, LWOP is the appropriate punishment.

I'm no JB fan, but I agree with some of your points. He DID get in too deep. But then, I wonder, why does he have all the other seasoned team members, if not for guidance and advice? When people are called "inexperienced" I feel for them, because at one time, we are all, regardless of our profession, inexperienced. I get the impression though that JB feels privileged, that he has no need for manners and social graces, and does not need to abide by the rules. His lack of deference and decorum rub me the wrong way. (I HOPE this is OK to say, as I am trying to explain... it is in the scope of this topic!)
I thought his statements sounded contrived. The way he said, that was funny was forced, as if to make a point. He came across to me as very insincere and as if he were hiding something. Then on top of that the whole sob story of how he was comforting a cancer patient just didn't fit with who we know him to be. IDK, I'm probably being over critical, but I just didn't buy it.

He was lying.
What part of 'just consoling someone with cancer' is sending a text msg that says "I need you in my life".
I still just have to shake my head when I hear that JB in OS..."Kronk is a morally corrupt individual"
So bad. And I feel so sorry for Kronk for this accusation.

I don't know what Roy Kronk is doing now, but if I were in the position to give that man a job with a nice salary I'd be calling him tonight and offering him an interview because I like him and I appreciate his work ethic and truthfulness (regardless of any personal problems with ex-wives, etc.). I appreciate his efforts to report what he found and I applaud him for standing up to the Defense. He's the kind of employee I'd want.
Good evening all, after getting home and MISSING today's testimony, we did catch the recaps. Watching GA on the stand boy o boy he had to be lying. In his earlier testimonies he was so matter of fact. Yes Sir, Yes Mamm No Sir you get my drift. Today, nothing like that. Wow on Lee contradicting CA what was the general consensus here?
Darn, wish I didn't have to work today!!!
Also I am now glad to see that they have a guard posted behind Casay and she sure don't like it. It is one more reminder to the jurors. She had way to much freedon behind that defense table for my likeing. She is after all facing the DP. And I think they should bring her in shackled too. Oh and maybe wearing a little duct tape?????

snipped by me - I noticed that. Was the guard there all day? I'm sure the jury noticed that too. Do you think the DT asked for that to protect them from their client?[/QUOTE]

Every time I glanced at the screen she was.Some think it is because of her mean face thing on Friday which looks like it was toward Baez but I really do not know why. Maybe someone said something to HHJP but there is a reason because she was a free bird back there and would give the guards dirty looks when they came to bring her to the holding cell like she belonged at that table and no where else. Does anyone else have any reasoning as to why?
Did LA have immunity and could this be why he answered the way he did, if the state caught him lying they would charge? Do you think when GA was ask if he BORROWED money from RC/KH that he was really thinking "she gave it to me" I didnt' borrow anything? I also wonder if RC/KH could have been the Joy and Crystal that were in DC and LP's emails? Any thoughts?
:dunno: I still go back to the TL/LA secret tapes in TL's car. I always felt Lee knew the truth at that the entire time.

I've quit trying to figure Lee out. I really don't think we can :waitasec:
I thought his statements sounded contrived. The way he said, that was funny was forced, as if to make a point. He came across to me as very insincere and as if he were hiding something. Then on top of that the whole sob story of how he was comforting a cancer patient just didn't fit with who we know him to be. IDK, I'm probably being over critical, but I just didn't buy it.

I buy it. GA has known these questions were coming for quite a while. I am sure he as thought long and hard about how he will answer. I am sure any answer he would give might seem contrived because he has gone over it so many times in his head.
I can totally see GA trying to help someone when he couldn't, at the time, do anything for his daughter or granddaughter. I think GA is nowhere near the liar that his wife and daughter are. jmo and all that jazz :seeya:
After I heard LA's testimony today, I have changed my mind about him. I believe now he was "out of the Anthony loop" once again. I believe he was still holding hope that Caylee was alive, and obviously his mother knew (or suspected) Caylee was not going to be found alive. Why was she so carpy to TES when they wanted to search? So DC could find the body and she could move it before the LE had a chance to examine it? Why would she lie about sendin DC and JH to search if there was nothing to hide about it???

Because she didn't want TES finding Caylee and she couldn't control Tim.
Today was IT for me. I SWEAR I'm going to the pool tomorrow! Six more witnesses, and I'm sure they are going to badger RK again and I CAN NOT sit through that again.... So Who? CW/RC, JG (but that's all heresay), RK's wife, LE, CA, GA? Any ideas who else? DARE I say they will be done tomorrow or early thursday, the states takes thurs and fri and closing statements are Saturday? A verdict for the fourth of July???
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