2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Morning Session)

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Oh JB he did not do all of this to get her bond revoked......he could have said revoke it at any time if he did not want her in the house because of security
No way would a person be in their right mind during this. GA was desparate to find answers to get Caylee back and free ICA from any charges. When he purchased the gun that was his main focus, NOT following rules of what you can and cannot have in your home!
This is how I feel right now and I can't begin to imagine how GA feels right now.
*first time posting
Hello everyone
Just wanted to say that I had been worrying that there may have been a possibility that Casey A. had the slightest chance of getting away with this and that she would have to wait until karma would play it's part in her paying for her crime..
Seems that Mr. Baez may be helping karma do it's job

Welcome Bench

funny how karma does that
I have struggled with depression since I was a teenager due to trauma. I attempted suicide once and came dangerously close some months back. George has the symptoms.
Depression and suicidal thoughts weigh you down and make you act in ways you are not proud of, and sometimes in way you do not regcognize as being yourself.

Stuff like that is never easy. Hopefully you can continue to find peace in life.
MagpieFromHinky Pamela
FOr those asking how the jury is reacting. I can just say "How are you reacting" its most likely the exact same responses
George saying he wanted to kill himself and be with Caylee.. Casey is stone cold.. Cindy is not emotional either

ICA is pure evil. Remember, though, CA is NOT ALLOWED to display emotion in the courtroom stands.
JB..should not under estimate the power of BP meds...jmo
What I don't get is...*if* GA was a sick pedophile that had been abusing ICA for years, why on earth would he go out of his way to purposely have her taken back to jail so that she could be surrounded by LE, dets, lawyers and counselors?? EXACTLY the sort of people he would want to keep her from talking to!?!?!?!?
*first time posting
Hello everyone
Just wanted to say that I had been worrying that there may have been a possibility that Casey A. had the slightest chance of getting away with this and that she would have to wait until karma would play it's part in her paying for her crime..
Seems that Mr. Baez may be helping karma do it's job

Is this guy ever going to STOP?????????????????????????????? He just does not let up!
George did not kill Caylee..................................enough is enough
I so wish the judge could stop him............... :(
Why would she cry with a man she has accused of molesting her?

She allegedly brokedown crying when her brother L.A. was on the stand, and she has accused him of molesting her. The D.T. is trying to say that her parents suspected that L.A. was the father of Caylee.
So, why would she not cry with a man she has accused of molesting her, when she has already done so?

JB.......one can stop their heart with the combination of blood pressure medications and alcohol!!

Just ask Dr. G. She sees it all time time!
Good answers GA. It's my house everything in there is associated with me.
I have not been able to watch since GA starting testifying -- what has ICA's demeanor been while her dad has been on the stand, crying/sobbing/etc.? (As compared to her copiously flowing tears during LA's tearful testimony?)
Stone cold crazy.
So Baez is trying to make it look like george attempted suicide because of the search warrants. Cool.
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
This is what walking in quicksand looks like
What a long belabored point-- and a weak one at that. mo
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