2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Morning Session)

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Why would anyone even care if George had an affair. Makes no difference to me since it is Casey Anthony on trial and not George Anthony!
she feels like a woman smited

JA is chomping at the bit this morning
Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame River. Or should I say your extending 15 minutes of fame. Please let them show the video of you and the unbalanced fan O'Casey who cried like a girl and wailed for the media to leave him alone to grieve. The jury will love that.

I don't care if GA did a thing with you. IMO he's in a different league than you and this is the trial for the murder of a 2yo. What are you doing and why????

This is what I scream at my monitor except I swear.....alot. :(

Before I get bashed..in a different league meaning until today River has always dressed like a slob. Thank you for dressing with respect for Caylee River. You look nice but I'm still pizzzzed off at you for feminist reasons. :)
I'm back to believing again that is was all planned by the defense, the Anthony's, and RC/CH to get Casey off. George is appearing very calm. If I didn't know any better, this is reasonable doubt. (This testimony helps Casey immensely, sad to say.) But I do know better. Hope there are no more 'surprises' today from the Anthony's. MOO.

This lends credence to the defense's 'accident' theory.
Defense said they would be resting today - If Casey was taking the stand, they wouldn't have made that comment because there is no way they would be resting today if she was...... she would be up there for days.
JA doing cross 'cause he just objected. Oh boy this will be interesting.
Ok, dumb question. other than GA saying he didn't have a sexual affair with kh and she saying they did, is there actual proof? Writing, letters, texts, photographs, IOU's?

thanks! And yes, my shift button is broken!


A text from GA to her saying "I need you in my life" was mentioned while GA was on the stand.
What man, who is trying to have an affair with a woman, would say that he thinks his daughter is a murderer ?
I think people who try to get close to families in crisis like the A's were are creepy. Who does that?
I agree. So what if he had an affair? It means nothing unless she can give them details about what happened to Caylee that no one else knows. If GA said it was an accident....didn't mean that HE had anything to do with it.

If he's lying about the affair, what else is he lying about?
This may sound weird but I REALLY DON'T want ICA to testify. I truly couldn't bear hearing the lies and knowing she cared nothing about little Caylee but discard her like garbage. I think there would be more emotion on this board if she did than when GA testified yesterday. JMO

oh, i do. doubt if she will though, for the same reason i wish to gawd she would: the state will rip her story to smithereens. it's not pretty i guess but i think i would pay money to see her confronted on all her lies, one after the other after the other after the other....
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