2016.02.26 Mark D. Sievers: ***ARREST*** GJ charged with Murder in the 1st Degree #2

[b said:
AmazonRain;12720947]Do we know who [CT] is? I notice the request from the attorney of MS for the testimony of [CT] and the state providing the testimony/statements.
AR, where did you see that request at? I've haven't been able to read all of the newer documents. and information. TIA ~

On July 19, 2015, Detective Downs and Sergeant Lebid met with CT at his residence in Hillsboro Missouri. The purpose for the contact was based on Curtis Wayne Wright's claim that he was working on CT's vehicle at his shop and that he would be able to provide an alibi. CT explained that Curtis Wright was commissioned to work on one of his vehicles however has not completed the work. CT stated that he owns the trailer park where Wright lives and he works on the vehicle to lower his rent. CT did confirm the aforementioned text messaging with Wright about going to Florida on June 27, 2015, however stated he had not seen him the entire weekend. CT went on to state that he had not had any contact with Wright since June 25, 2015 and that no work had been completed on his vehicle. The vehicle was un-drivable and currently being stored in his shop in Hillsboro, Missouri.


Bates 4590
Text downloaded from CWW's phone between CWW and CT – talking about the trip to Fl.
CT asks what part of FL he;s going to, asking if CWW could use some company (paraphrasing) etc.
My question is what reason would MS and his attorney have for requesting CT's testimony? It has absolutely nothing to do with MS that I think of. Working on CT's car was the first alibi given by CWW to LE on the morning of July 12, 2015, after they raided his trailer.
Anyone else have any idea why MS wants this particular interview? I just can't think of any reason whatsoever it would be of any importance to MS. What am I missing?

Here is the text that Felicity was talking about.

Chris Taylor texts Curtis and asks, You all going to Florida?? and Curtis responds_____ Chris then asks "Going tomorrow" and Curtis replies____ Chris continues, What part of Florida" to which Curtis replies____ The last part of this conversation has Chris asking, Possibly need company'? Proliy couldn't anyway but just got me daydreaming". Curtis does not respond.
Here are a few things that have always bothered me.

1. B. Sievers set the alarm again near 8:00 am,
only to disarm it again at around 4:00 pm. The alarm was left off after that due to B. Sievers having trouble entering her code.
B. Sievers stated she took care of the animals and then
reactivated the alarm at 8:01 am, on June 20l5 when she left.

B. Sievers again returned to the Siever's residence later on June 28th and deactivated the alarm at 4:13 pm but never reactivated it upon exiting the residence, telling detectives that she could not get the alarm to set properly. B. Sievers stated when the alarm would not set, she called her son, Mark Sievers in New York to advise him of the issue. B. Sievers told detectives that Mark Sievers told her to leave the alarm deactivated as his wife, Teresa Sievers, would be arriving home later on in the evening.
Why would the alarm NOT set when she was leaving Sunday afternoon? She had no problem setting/activating it at 8:01 that particular morning. She had NO problem deactivating again when she came back at 4:13 that afternoon to feed the animals. Yet for "some reason" she had trouble entering her code when she was leaving the Siever's home that very same day TS was murdered.

I had always just "assumed" it was just a coincidence in MS's favor. But since I've learned just how evil MS is, I know in my gut that this was no coincidence at all, but part of his plan. I think he put a track on BS phone using his burner phone. He knew exactly when BS was at his residence. He waited awhile, and then remotely with his burner phone put his code in and kept hitting deactivate over over and over ect...knowing his mom was trying to activate the alarm. Or, for all we know and even more disturbing, was CWW watching BS from a distance and alerting MS of her arrival?

I don't know...I'm just throwing out some random thoughts here, so please just keep an open mind. I just find it highly unlikely/suspicious that BS, who had been able to "set the code" ( her words) 7 different times with no problem, could not get the code to set that particular Sunday afternoon.
The more I've gotten to "know" MS, I am unable to buy into a coincidence.

2. From affidavit
It should be noted that a camera similar to what Lubinski had described was located within Curtis Wright's residence during execution of the search warrant within a bag containing mail addressed to the victim, Teresa Sievers. While the envelope was addressed to the victim it was
dated July 1, 2015 and did not contain any documentation
. Furthermore, there is no obvious reason of why Wright would have possession of this document.
I've always thought MS put CASH in that envelope, addressed it to TS and told CWW were he put it in the house. CWW grabbed the envelope and they did a quick tour of the home's layout, focusing on the kitchen area and the pantry. After they left the Siever's house that Sunday morning, CWW possibly took the cash out, then threw the empty envelope it in the bag with the camera. I noticed it was Sunday when the 's started using the $100.00 bills to pay for things.

Just adding
What kind of a person could take their own wife, the mother of his children...to the airport and drop her off that day knowing very well what she would walk in to?
The only thing that gives me a little comfort is knowing that the psychopath wasn't "the luckiest man in the world" for very long. You know he had to be scared $hitless everyday of his pathetic life starting from July 12th.
Faga Law is not death certified, MS moves to accept his council of choice (Faga Law), 8-23:


Motion to deny, 8-24:


Response was filed yesterday, 8-29th, 12 pages! Waiting for LC clerk to file!



My copy and paste went a bit wild, sorry. The first pdf link is MS's motion to keep his current council of choice, i.e. Faga Law.
The second pdf link is the response to MS' motion to strike the DP charges due to the State supposedly violating the 45 days time limit for filing.

We are still awaiting the disclosure of the State's response (12 pages) to MS' request to keep the non DP qualified Faga Law council. Good luck with that one..

On another note, looks like the case management is still on for tomorrow for MS and JRR.

9/1/16 8:30 am Judge Kyle Bruce
Here are a few things that have always bothered me.

1. B. Sievers set the alarm again near 8:00 am,
only to disarm it again at around 4:00 pm. The alarm was left off after that due to B. Sievers having trouble entering her code.
B. Sievers stated she took care of the animals and then
reactivated the alarm at 8:01 am, on June 20l5 when she left.

B. Sievers again returned to the Siever's residence later on June 28th and deactivated the alarm at 4:13 pm but never reactivated it upon exiting the residence, telling detectives that she could not get the alarm to set properly. B. Sievers stated when the alarm would not set, she called her son, Mark Sievers in New York to advise him of the issue. B. Sievers told detectives that Mark Sievers told her to leave the alarm deactivated as his wife, Teresa Sievers, would be arriving home later on in the evening.
Why would the alarm NOT set when she was leaving Sunday afternoon? She had no problem setting/activating it at 8:01 that particular morning. She had NO problem deactivating again when she came back at 4:13 that afternoon to feed the animals. Yet for "some reason" she had trouble entering her code when she was leaving the Siever's home that very same day TS was murdered.

I had always just "assumed" it was just a coincidence in MS's favor. But since I've learned just how evil MS is, I know in my gut that this was no coincidence at all, but part of his plan. I think he put a track on BS phone using his burner phone. He knew exactly when BS was at his residence. He waited awhile, and then remotely with his burner phone put his code in and kept hitting deactivate over over and over ect...knowing his mom was trying to activate the alarm. Or, for all we know and even more disturbing, was CWW watching BS from a distance and alerting MS of her arrival?

I don't know...I'm just throwing out some random thoughts here, so please just keep an open mind. I just find it highly unlikely/suspicious that BS, who had been able to "set the code" ( her words) 7 different times with no problem, could not get the code to set that particular Sunday afternoon.
The more I've gotten to "know" MS, I am unable to buy into a coincidence.

2. From affidavit
It should be noted that a camera similar to what Lubinski had described was located within Curtis Wright's residence during execution of the search warrant within a bag containing mail addressed to the victim, Teresa Sievers. While the envelope was addressed to the victim it was
dated July 1, 2015 and did not contain any documentation
. Furthermore, there is no obvious reason of why Wright would have possession of this document.
I've always thought MS put CASH in that envelope, addressed it to TS and told CWW were he put it in the house. CWW grabbed the envelope and they did a quick tour of the home's layout, focusing on the kitchen area and the pantry. After they left the Siever's house that Sunday morning, CWW possibly took the cash out, then threw the empty envelope it in the bag with the camera. I noticed it was Sunday when the 's started using the $100.00 bills to pay for things.

Just adding
What kind of a person could take their own wife, the mother of his children...to the airport and drop her off that day knowing very well what she would walk in to?
The only thing that gives me a little comfort is knowing that the psychopath wasn't "the luckiest man in the world" for very long. You know he had to be scared $hitless everyday of his pathetic life starting from July 12th.

My alarm system has a text messaging feature and online access for administrative control. I can see MS receiving a text that BS had entered the house at 4:13 and then he got online and changing her access code so that she would not be able to set the alarm when she left.

Thank you Nin for all your posts! Now I just need AZlawyer to explain to me what heck that attorney (nbc-2 used) was saying/meant at the end by saying the State law was problematic...and something about a losing case for the State of Florida? And what is unconstitutional?

All I see is MS choosing to keep Faga WITH the full understanding that his attorney is
NOT death penalty certified... even after the SAO announced it had filed notices of intent to seek the death penalty in June.
Faga at that time said he wasn't surprised, but a bit disappointed “our client will face the ultimate penalty for what we see is a lack of evidence.”

So is MS just stalling, or does his smug arse think he is entitled to have the DP just removed from his case since his attorney isn't DP qualified ????
My alarm system has a text messaging feature and online access for administrative control. I can see MS receiving a text that BS had entered the house at 4:13 and then he got online and changing her access code so that she would not be able to set the alarm when she left.

Thank you Ozarka! :bow:
I knew it wasn't a coincidence!
She no trouble activating it that Sunday morning when she left at 8:01 am.
She had no trouble deactivating again at 4:13 pm, to get in and feed the animals.

But she couldn't get that darn "code to set" when she was leaving that particular afternoon when "ironically" TS would be coming home late. I never thought about MS changing the code! (using the burner no doubt) Then changing it back after the "favor" was done.
OK Found it.

SAO releases more documents in Teresa Sievers murder case
August 31, 2016CCcaresadmin
Today News for #PortCharlotte:
The State Attorney’s Office has released additional documents from the Teresa Sievers murder investigation as the case against Mark Sievers moves forward in court.

More than 2,000 pages show photos and still images of videos from Mark Sievers' cell phone. Page by page shows you another look at the couple and their family in the years leading up to Teresa's death.

My alarm system has a text messaging feature and online access for administrative control. I can see MS receiving a text that BS had entered the house at 4:13 and then he got online and changing her access code so that she would not be able to set the alarm when she left.

AGREE.... this got tossed around here near the beginning as we pondered the alarm "mess ups". Always suspect but nothing shown as 'for sure' in any released docs/evidence. Wouldn't you just love seeing cell evidence showing what & when MS entered data controlling the house alarm. The last home my husband built in our local home builders Parade of Homes, all lighting, HVAC, home security system, etc was tech controlled---that was years ago. All systems these days have these capabilities although they vary depending. Heck, you adjust your thermostat, lock/unlock your doors, pluck you eyebrows & make KoolAid---all from a device while miles away at work! I always felt the alarm at Jarvis house was being controlled remotely because what happened with BS trying to set it upon leaving---just didn't add up. I was also a little suspicious of her as well at the time---ya never know. It all comes out in the wash though---we shall see what really happened with The Alarm in due time.
:gaah:Reading thru this Motion & my blood pressure is rising. The games people play---people & their attorneys! MS knew damn good & well Faga was not DP qualified AND so did Faga----games, games, games. Legal jargon is "out of my scope" but I'll read on. Seems to almost state that everything is violating MS's Constitutional rights. Like TS had no rights, Constitutionally or otherwise?!

AND if the SAO filing the DP (first leaving out those specifics for the DP) has a negative impact it will be hard to take---just pray.

Motion states MS's rights are violated over the fact the judge cancelled future hearings because his defense council isn't DP qualified. ALSO his rights are violated if he can't have the council of his choice that he can also afford. So I need to get on the Attorney thread and ask AZ.... does FL state law require a DP qualified in these cases?
Thank you Nin for all your posts! Now I just need AZlawyer to explain to me what heck that attorney (nbc-2 used) was saying/meant at the end by saying the State law was problematic...and something about a losing case for the State of Florida? And what is unconstitutional?

All I see is MS choosing to keep Faga WITH the full understanding that his attorney is
NOT death penalty certified... even after the SAO announced it had filed notices of intent to seek the death penalty in June.
Faga at that time said he wasn't surprised, but a bit disappointed “our client will face the ultimate penalty for what we see is a lack of evidence.”

So is MS just stalling, or does his smug arse think he is entitled to have the DP just removed from his case since his attorney isn't DP qualified ????

Looking forward to AZlawyer's thoughts as well!

As far as I recall MS was declared indigent by the court, was appointed one or two public councils with the help of two governmental agencies, and yet chose to get two private lawyers, have his family pay for some of it and have the taxpayer cover the rest. Once MS was declared indigent, the court was supposed to appoint a public council. Well, MS played his own game and even if the court accepted his choice then (Faga Law), the court "appointed based on MS's suggestion" (my own words) IMO. So to me, the grounds for acting is on behalf the court now, not MS. The court - this court- will not accept a not DP qualified council. And that's to that. All my opinion only.

Looking forward to AZlawyer's thoughts as well!

As far as I recall MS was declared indigent by the court, was appointed one or two public councils with the help of two governmental agencies, and yet chose to get two private lawyers, have his family pay for some of it and have the taxpayer cover the rest. Once MS was declared indigent, the court was supposed to appoint a public council. Well, MS played his own game and even if the court accepted his choice then (Faga Law), the court "appointed based on MS's suggestion" (my own words) IMO. So to me, the grounds for acting is on behalf the court now, not MS. The court - this court- will not accept a not DP qualified council. And that's to that. All my opinion only.


Thanks, NIN.... you stated it much better. And as Dmacky mentioned about that attorney saying "state law was problematic". I've also seen it stated that state laws were "conflicting".

I also worry about a mistrial..... Mark AGENDA Sievers smiling at the judge---actually laughing in the court's face---as 'he wants what he wants' in his choice of a non-qualified DP attorney. THEN after found guilty whining "I wasn't fairly and properly represented". Is that WHY or part the the reason the judge cancelled MS, with Faga as his defense, upcoming scheduled court appearances?

I conflicted and confused.
On another note, looks like the case management is still on for tomorrow for MS and JRR.

9/1/16 8:30 am Judge Kyle Bruce

Good morning everyone! Anyone hear if court is still a go today?
Naples Daily News has short video clip .... Gest of it is .... Judge asking MS questions understanding his attornies are not DP and therefore MS has no recourse to claim he was not represented fairly nor can it be said his attorney 'did not know'' how to file correctly nor know the correct DP law....clip stops no decision

I am on ipad and cannot link....clip was about a minute long, posted Sept 1, 2016 on Naples Daily News...can some one pist please...

(Hubby decided to clean carpets at 7 am and I cannot get to computer...he should know:gaah: better)
I noticed the following

1). Media is not following all the hearings in this murder case....not like in Anthony, Arias and other trials. It may be hard for defense to say this case was tried in the media, cannot find jurors, etc.....I really have to search to find updates.

2). Reported in Wink and Naples and I believe NBC news 2, that some picture not released involved the case and were sexual in content. With the sexual pictures.....I hope MS never gets the girls.....that is just sick and dangerous for them espicially if they use his phone,,what have they over heard, seen on the phone or seen elsewhere.....

3) MS really believes he will not be facing DP since he does not care if Figa Law is DP, MS thinks he will be free
What happens if he fires his attorney during trial? A 'do over', a mistrial, or continue on as is and to bad for MS?
Wonder what deal MS and Figa has going....besides the millions he thinks he will get?

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