DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Oops sorry Kimster!

Btw have you thought of attending the conference Grannie mentioned?? You could speak and catch up with your family (real and WS) whilst you are in Oz.
You would make a great speaker. Topic ' how the Internet and fora overcome previously not spoken about cases of violence and abuse within families'!

What did I miss? Kimster coming to Oz? How exciting ... Can anyone recall when she posted about this? Must have been on some of the pages I missed.
Some of the most beautiful people I have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. I am pleased to say I have met a few on this forum. You're a treasure Mani topic ..sorry Mods .

Well I am not alone MG but thank you for the compliment.

I was just adjusting a post but it has gone off into the ether so am just going to write the adjustment on yours if that's ok ma'am.

Look I would just like to say that whilst we do trawl through (thanks Min) thousands of posts -

If I had not done that I would not know my fellow members passions/dislikes, level of compassion, personalities, thoughts, inner demons and dark secrets that somehow add to this community and make it the very special place that it is.

Dunno is right - WS is a community and it does take time to be known. What I have found is that members here who would bet their house on who dunnit have been non-judgemental with my views and for that I say thank you.

So to the people who are not liking trawling - when you get to know people here you will understand the connections and be doing same Billie Connolly says on his travels - will you not come with me?
"Scientific police appear to be searching the Baden-Clay home with torches and have switched on several lights both up and downstairs."

This is when GBC was charged. Something happened during that interview and the police have then gone back to the house and I think they knew what they were looking for. They were searching for something specific.
Evening all :) Although the site would suggest I've been here all day, I have actually been busy. But the computer just stays logged in.

I've just got home, and what do I find? That Makara - bless her little cotton socks - has created a great new avatar for me. Now the image she has of me as a Jude Law character may not quite fit the reality, but her effort is really appreciated.

So I'm posting this to test out that the new avatar appears OK, and I will wear it with pride - thank you Makara :)

Now - just to stay on topic (and we gotta keep Kimster happy ;) ) - I am still puzzled by the apparent hole in the logic.

On the one hand, we have the police saying (in the charge, if I remember correctly) that Allison was murdered at their home in Brookfield. They also say that blood found in the back of ABC's car was Allison's.

So - and here's where the logical hole is - where was the blood in the house? Did they find any? Why haven't they mentioned that? Because if the blood in the car was indeed Allison's blood - eg from a nose bleed (no injuries according to the defence) then if it was bleeding out there in the car, we should expect there to be more of the same inside the house at the site of the murder (whatever the method was).

Blood in car should = blood in house (or other murder site).

So why haven't the prosecution mentioned that, but they HAVE mentioned the blood in the car?

There seems to be a gaping hole in the logic here somewhere, and the defence are going to make a meal of it, I suspect...

Thanks again Makara :)

I wondered the same re blood at the home dr w, and remembered that on the night GBC was arrested the police were reported to be back at the BC residence conducting tests with torches etc. I wondered if perhaps the scene had been cleaned thoroughly at the time of the incident, and the police has reason to return and test further? Results of such tests may still be forthcoming so thus it wasn't mentioned yet?
May I just say that some gorgeous brightly coloured dried sunflowers were added to the ones on the cross today and it looks stunning. I don't want to be stealing the thunder of the member who did this either as it is her story to tell................

Yay I did it, I managed to upload the photo :woohoo:


  • The cross with extra sunflowers.jpg
    The cross with extra sunflowers.jpg
    98.1 KB · Views: 75
Love love love naming things! Luckily I've gotten to name several racehorses in my time :)

Think I will go tomorrow if the hearing is on then.

I wondered the same re blood at the home dr w, and remembered that on the night GBC was arrested the police were reported to be back at the BC residence conducting tests with torches etc. I wondered if perhaps the scene had been cleaned thoroughly at the time of the incident, and the police has reason to return and test further? Results of such tests may still be forthcoming so thus it wasn't mentioned yet?

The Dickies had been back and cleaned prior.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do ~ Helen Keller

Couldn't agree more. You just made my day.

Thank you possumheart, the Sunflower always turns to face the sun, that is why this is such a fitting flower for Allison....I'm so happy you like this quote.


Please try and stay on the topic of Allison's case in here. I'm getting a lot of requests from people who would like this thread to be about Allison and her case. It needs to be mentioned because it is an etiquette rule on Websleuths to stay on topic. That's why we have a chat thread. You can also post personal stories in our Jury Room and you'll find there are a lot of members who will want to discuss them with you.

Here's a link to the Jury Room: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


I was going to put my story on here but when i click on that link i'm not sure which thread to go too. Can you please let me know if you wouldn't mind?? Thankyou :)
The Dickies had been back and cleaned prior.

They also did lots of testing at the home on the day she disappeared so I tend to think it's a specific item they were searching for rather than blood stains etc.
Hey all! Let's not beat each other up about "off topic". Let's fix it. In fact, Kimster has told us to do so.

WebSleuths has a "members only" area. Not viewable to the public. I'd be happy to help get you all set up with your own threads in the Jury Room. You could have threads for Domestic Violence, the conference you are all talking about, telling your personal stories, the memorial you have all created at the bridge, the sunflowers, OR you can have one thread for everything, as you do here! AND you can still stay "together" as a group, on one site! We also have the Chat Room if you wish to use this feature!

The asterisk idea is interesting, but it doesn't solve the problem of "off topic" in the thread itself.

I'm still thinking and just need to check up on some things. Give me a little while.

Please don't reply or quote this post. (It would be more off topic) :D
"Scientific police appear to be searching the Baden-Clay home with torches and have switched on several lights both up and downstairs."

This is when GBC was charged. Something happened during that interview and the police have then gone back to the house and I think they knew what they were looking for. They were searching for something specific.

Gawd! My heart just missed a beat when I read this BJS. :what: I initially took it to mean that the police were at Nigelaine's again.

Yes, this one has got me intrigued. The Scientific Police were all over that house before GBC had even been bundled off to prison. It just seems very odd, considering that the house was closed off as a crime scene and examined for five days. What did they miss? I'm thinking that perhaps the police went there to remove the bugging devices once GBC was arrested.

I just wanted to add here that someone posted a couple of weeks ago that a large clump of Allison's hair had been found by police in her bedroom. The poster (from memory) did state that it was a rumour, like so many others we've heard and should be treated as such. That post was deleted soon after but I don't know if it was by the mods or the poster themselves. Does anyone else remember this post?
May I just say that some gorgeous brightly coloured dried sunflowers were added to the ones on the cross today and it looks stunning. I don't want to be stealing the thunder of the member who did this either as it is her story to tell................

Yay I did it :woohoo:
* That is just so very beautiful.
Gawd! My heart just missed a beat when I read this BJS. :what: I initially took it to mean that the police were at Nigelaine's again.

Yes, this one has got me intrigued. The Scientific Police were all over that house before GBC had even been bundled off to prison. It just seems very odd, considering that the house was closed off as a crime scene and examined for five days. What did they miss? I'm thinking that perhaps the police went there to remove the bugging devices once GBC was arrested.

I just wanted to add here that someone posted a couple of weeks ago that a large clump of Allison's hair had been found by police in her bedroom. The poster (from memory) did state that it was a rumour, like so many others we've heard and should be treated as such. That post was deleted soon after but I don't know if it was by the mods or the poster themselves. Does anyone else remember this post?

They may have retrieved the bugs. I think there's more to it though. They wouldn't need to search for the bugs, they'd know where they had put them which leads me to think they were looking for an object of some sort.
May I just say that some gorgeous brightly coloured dried sunflowers were added to the ones on the cross today and it looks stunning. I don't want to be stealing the thunder of the member who did this either as it is her story to tell................

Yay I did it :woohoo:

Anti trallers please skip this post.

Beautiful thanks.
I am cold lying in my bed.
Wondering what it is like for GBC at Arthur Gorrie. That place would have some seriously bad vibes. Committal tomorrow and then possible reclassification from the medical ward into something more long-term. Wondering if he has any remorse.
May I just say that some gorgeous brightly coloured dried sunflowers were added to the ones on the cross today and it looks stunning. I don't want to be stealing the thunder of the member who did this either as it is her story to tell................

Yay I did it :woohoo:

That is beautiful... well done to ALL who went there. :tyou:
I am cold lying in my bed.
Wondering what it is like for GBC at Arthur Gorrie. That place would have some seriously bad vibes. Committal tomorrow and then possible reclassification from the medical ward into something more long-term. Wondering if he has any remorse.

I reckon he'd be wishing he hadn't done it... but not for the right reasons...

If you would like to compare the photos taken today with the ones you posted earlier on.


  • Approach to the bridge from the northern bank.JPG
    Approach to the bridge from the northern bank.JPG
    456.5 KB · Views: 96
  • Flattened area on north side of bridge.JPG
    Flattened area on north side of bridge.JPG
    451.4 KB · Views: 91
Gawd! My heart just missed a beat when I read this BJS. :what: I initially took it to mean that the police were at Nigelaine's again.

Yes, this one has got me intrigued. The Scientific Police were all over that house before GBC had even been bundled off to prison. It just seems very odd, considering that the house was closed off as a crime scene and examined for five days. What did they miss? I'm thinking that perhaps the police went there to remove the bugging devices once GBC was arrested.

I just wanted to add here that someone posted a couple of weeks ago that a large clump of Allison's hair had been found by police in her bedroom. The poster (from memory) did state that it was a rumour, like so many others we've heard and should be treated as such. That post was deleted soon after but I don't know if it was by the mods or the poster themselves. Does anyone else remember this post?

I think all the forensic testing would have been done throughout that crime scene time over the six days. Bugs may have been planted during that time....they "listened in"....perhaps heard about a "flight".

GBC was arrested, police went in to search for possible dodgy passport or evidence of doing a runner....bail denied...judge says "flight risk".
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