Another New Lawyer for Casey - Dorothy Sims

Originally Posted by Kentjbkent
Maybe it is finally time to start a thread about the past projects of Jim L, his connection to a few "players" who have instigated themselves in this case, as well as his current professional relationship with WESH anchor Martha S...
(This all seems to be coming together for me...will start that thread when I get home this evening)

Has this been posted yet??
Not to my knowledge. Looking forward to reading it.

Because they know she's not innocent (just as Cindy and George know) and the defense have NOTHING else, nada, zilch..Big Fat 0. Everything points to ICA and no matter how hard they have tried to throw anyone and everyone else in the mix, they know the jurors will never buy it.

Aedrys, I just can't wait until trial when JB makes us all see the light. :floorlaugh:..What was the exact phrase that he used once upon a time? Something about it would all become clear when the case went to trial? Yeah, OK...:floorlaugh:..

BBM-How many lawyers does it take to make it clear? Is it really that complicated that Jose can't just read it from some index cards to the jury. Better yet, just tell the judge now so his girl can go home.

I just KNOW I'm gonna have one of those "doh" moments after I ask this....but who is Jim L. ??
Thanks so much in advance!!
Doesn't that Jim have something to do with tv or movies or something like that? I remember people saying that he comes to court and sits by Cindy because he will probably make a movie out of this case.
Not to my knowledge. Looking forward to reading it.

Sorry for the helping out with caretaking for very sick friend so have been unavailable during the day and fall exhausted into bed at night...will get it up this evening however!
Sorry for the helping out with caretaking for very sick friend so have been unavailable during the day and fall exhausted into bed at night...will get it up this evening however!
(OT: Kudos for caring for your sick friend. Remember to take care of yourself as well).
to me Cindy was like an annoying and clumsy bumblebee buzzing and bumping around ICA.

Respectfully snipped

I literally LOL'ed at that. Oh my...Thank you for that visual, and great analogy!
Originally Posted by watcher9
Well, maybe I jumped the gun.
A new NOA was filed today but MM was unable to get a copy of it because of the holiday. In my mind I figured it was R Gabriel but I don't think it has been backed up as fact.
My mistake.

MuzikMan looked at both documents at the courthouse ... and they are both for Dorothy Sims.

I asked RHornsby about the filings on his blog and this was his repsonse:

Richard Hornsby says:
September 9, 2010 at 11:23 pm
I don’t know why she filed her amended Notice of Appearance today, but I suspect it is because there is no such thing as a Limited Notice of Appearance in a criminal case, either you are an attorney of record, or you are not. The only time a Limited Notice of Appearance is allowed is in family law cases.
It just still gets me that no matter how much they say she's innocent, the defense keeps padding up the mitigating phase with tons of people. So if she's so innocent, why is the only thing the defense is worried about mitigation? Why make sure that's got all of your efforts and the actual defense itself? This is going to be a very short trial and a very long mitigating phase, I'm afraid.

I think if we look at it from the defense POV - there is much less prep to be done, if there are only 5 well documented case in points - any which would be capable of getting ICA off or at the very least saving her sorry life.

1) The defendant has no significant history of prior criminal activity.

- Aside from that which CA had always taken care of in the past.

2) The capital felony was committed while the defendant was under the influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance.

- CA - trauma from the choke hold and fear of being tossed out on her rear, without her child!

3) The defendant acted under extreme duress or under the substantial domination of another person.

- CA - there was undoubtably a steep price every time CA cleaned up behind ICA, causing extreme duress and severe stress. (think hammer time) - CA is a force to be reckoned with when she gets mad.

4) The capacity of the defendant to appreciate the criminality of his or her conduct or to conform his or her conduct to the requirements of law was substantially impaired.

- Thanks to CA always fixing 'every little thing', the line most of us can steer our ship by, in the dark and with our eyes covered, has been pushed, stretched thin and all but erased for ICA!

5) The existence of any other factors in the defendant’s background that would mitigate against imposition of the death penalty.

- Thanks again to CA for doing nothing in the face of ICA c/o GA and/or LA sexually abusing her. She had no job, no money and no means to support her daughter, she knew if push came to shove she would lose Caylee to Cindy (Cindy always reminded her of this too)! She couldn't leave Caylee behind in that house of abuse, so instead she freed Caylee from what she had been thru at their hands. Thereby absolving herself from any guilt!

When they are thru with these tall tales, they will sit around singing "The Wheels on the bus go bump, bump, bump! Bump, bump, bump!! Bump, bump, bump!! The wheels on the bus go bump, bump, bump. When we throw Cindy down!!
No 1 - I'll give you that one because I don't know if the cheque kiting and resulting felony record can be admitted.

No 2 - No not going to work because I believe the State can prove the crime was cold, calculating and premeditated.

No 3 - under extreme duress or domination of another. And example of extreme duress is often used in a mercy killing case - when a terminally ill loved one begs for their life to be ended. Domination of another usually applies when there are two defendants and one is substantially older than the other. The extreme duress applies to external provocations such as imprisonment or the use of force or threats. In extreme duress, the defendant is allowed to introduce evidence seized from the co-defendant, such as weapons, ammunition, sniper books, etc. Somehow a statement from Lee saying he witnessed Cindy choking ICA doesn't sound like it would wow a jury, because it wasn't Cindy ICA killed. C'mon - think about it - my mother tried to choke me so I killed my child? Um - no.

No 4 - The capacity to appreciate, etc. Yes, she knew very well what she did was wrong, resulting in her hiding Caylee's body, lying for 31 days about her whereabouts, and lying to the police in the early days about who and where she left her child, and continues to lie to this day. She has the capacity to appreciate the seriousness of her crime - absolutely.

No 5 - any other mitigating factors - yes, attending the same schools during her school years, her middle class parents providing for her and her child, giving her a car to drive, providing money and child care, her active social life, etc., etc., should go a long way to proving additional mitigating factors - not. Bringing up some kind of diminished mental capacity isn't going to fly either because it did not cause her to commit any other crime before this one and she was not incapacitated during her day to day life. Renting the video and spending the evening with her latest true love the evening Casey went missing pretty much rules out a psychotic break.

So I can't agree with you - the Defense may be singing the wheels of the bus, but the jury will not be singing Kumbyah!
If Baez introduces those five points,

LDK will be doing this - :rotfl:

Jeff Ashton will be doing this - :floorlaugh:

And HHJP will be doing this - :laugh::gavel:

IMO of course.
No 1 - I'll give you that one because I don't know if the cheque kiting and resulting felony record can be admitted.

No 2 - No not going to work because I believe the State can prove the crime was cold, calculating and premeditated.

No 3 - under extreme duress or domination of another. And example of extreme duress is often used in a mercy killing case - when a terminally ill loved one begs for their life to be ended. Domination of another usually applies when there are two defendants and one is substantially older than the other. The extreme duress applies to external provocations such as imprisonment or the use of force or threats. In extreme duress, the defendant is allowed to introduce evidence seized from the co-defendant, such as weapons, ammunition, sniper books, etc. Somehow a statement from Lee saying he witnessed Cindy choking ICA doesn't sound like it would wow a jury, because it wasn't Cindy ICA killed. C'mon - think about it - my mother tried to choke me so I killed my child? Um - no.

No 4 - The capacity to appreciate, etc. Yes, she knew very well what she did was wrong, resulting in her hiding Caylee's body, lying for 31 days about her whereabouts, and lying to the police in the early days about who and where she left her child, and continues to lie to this day. She has the capacity to appreciate the seriousness of her crime - absolutely.

No 5 - any other mitigating factors - yes, attending the same schools during her school years, her middle class parents providing for her and her child, giving her a car to drive, providing money and child care, her active social life, etc., etc., should go a long way to proving additional mitigating factors - not. Bringing up some kind of diminished mental capacity isn't going to fly either because it did not cause her to commit any other crime before this one and she was not incapacitated during her day to day life. Renting the video and spending the evening with her latest true love the evening Casey went missing pretty much rules out a psychotic break.

So I can't agree with you - the Defense may be singing the wheels of the bus, but the jury will not be singing Kumbyah!
If Baez introduces those five points,

LDK will be doing this - :rotfl:

Jeff Ashton will be doing this - :floorlaugh:

And HHJP will be doing this - :laugh::gavel:

IMO of course.

Oh Heck I didn't say I believe it!! :slap: I'm making excuses for what little I have seen her defense team do! :angel:

They could put together an amazing defense, but it will ultimately fail - they know this too, so they aren't even trying! They are looking to put on the "easiest" display (note, not a defense!) they can get away with - :crazy:

They have made rude, childish remarks about the lead detective and anyone else involved with searching for Caylee and the case against ICA. (Not to mention the press and all the citizens for miles around who have not found the alive Caylee!!) :doh:

They have made rude, inflammatory remarks against the SA and other attorneys, not involved with ICA's defense! MN, BC (the list will grow!) :croc:

They dumped the fairest judge in the land and now they have HHJPerry, who is going to irritate them like a hemorrhoid in a 52 Chevy! :butthead: :butthead:

MC has already put down JB! :snooty: And said ICA is guilty! :loser: How in heck do you move on from there? (Oh, that's right you say you're going to stroll arm in arm! That's it!!! :rolleyes:

If I thought I could sit thru hearing JB object to every point the SA makes, :waitasec: then have a have a law student whisper in his ear why he is objecting :deal: I would buy a ticket to be there next May! I'm pretty sure I'd end up being tossed out on my rear for either LOL :silenced: or :razz: !!

Oh but I sure do love reading why whatever they try isn't going to work!! :dance: And for that I thank you!! :blowkiss:

Oh Heck I didn't say I believe it!! :slap: I'm making excuses for what little I have seen her defense team do! :angel:

They could put together an amazing defense, but it will ultimately fail - they know this too, so they aren't even trying! They are looking to put on the "easiest" display (note, not a defense!) they can get away with - :crazy:

They have made rude, childish remarks about the lead detective and anyone else involved with searching for Caylee and the case against ICA. (Not to mention the press and all the citizens for miles around who have not found the alive Caylee!!) :doh

snipped for space

Oh but I sure do love reading why whatever they try isn't going to work!! :dance: And for that I thank you!! :blowkiss:


LOL - I more than half expected you were writing tongue in cheek, especially after I pushed the reply button. :blushing:

I should feel badly for Mason, :loser: who has everything to lose in this case after a long career - it is so clear he has nothing and can only resort to personal attacks, and poor attempts at that, to the likes of Melich - but I don't.
Let's face it - Baez has nothing to lose because he didn't have it in the first place. However, any gains he could have made toward a legal career have crash landed, been ground to a powder and blown away in wind carried along by his blah blah blah at every chance he gets. I can't picture any way he could resuscitate his career after the no work pre-trial, disastrous media work plus what looks like will be a god help me trial performance.:loser::loser:

I hope they do try the mitigating points you've suggested.:woohoo: All the faster to get us to LWOP or the DP.
EU. I am sooooo thankful your husband is ok.My son died.We had him at Clevelands Metro Health,didnt know a stroke when they saw it.Neurosurgeons!!! We kept begging them to believe him,til he could no longer speak or move.I hate that hospital!.Blessings to your husband.

I'm so sorry Nore, I hate them for you too.

From the link Nums provided.....

Attorneys Jose Baez and Cheney Mason will hold a news conference Tuesday morning to introduce three new lawyers who've joined the Casey Anthony defense team.

A new death penalty specialist will try and keep Anthony off death row, while an Ocala lawyer will help with expert witness depositions.

The third is a pro-bono attorney who will take over the civil case brought by Zenaida Gonzalez, the woman who is suing Anthony for defamation.

I'd forgotten about the civil lawsuit...Why did he replace the other attorney? Oh yeah, ICA developed a CRUSH on him....LMAO....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
From the link Nums provided.....

I'd forgotten about the civil lawsuit...Why did he replace the other attorney? Oh yeah, ICA developed a CRUSH on him....LMAO....JMHO

Justice for Caylee

The civil attorney was Jonathan Kasen. He never showed up at anything anyway (like the Morgan depos), so I am not surprised he is being replaced.

I believe the attorney she developed a crush on was Jose Garcia, formerly of the Baez Law Firm.....
I was just looking at Dorothy on Twitter, does anyone else find it odd
that out of the 21 people she follows includes Britney Spears & Brooke Burke?

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