AR - Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager - #2

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The interview last night was sickening. If TLC gives them their gravy train back all hell is going to break loose!

And now Jessa and Jill are speaking on Friday, DEFENDING their brother?!?! That is the stupidest decision, they are opening themselves up for all the world to question what REALLY went on. You can defend Josh all you want, but any sane person does not want to see you, your sisters, or your family paraded on TV again.

All this family is concerned about is the almighty dollar! If TLC does a spin-off with these two I'm going to freak the *** OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im only going to comment about my feelings about what happened and the interview.

I am not about bashing people or tearing them down.
I watched the interview last night and plan to watch the one with the girls on Friday.

What I saw is parents who did what they thought was best to protect all their children.

His age, his acts, all play into this for me and I don't see a child predator. I see a kid curious about sexual things and probably with no real outlet to discuss or act on it in an appropriate way he explored in the wrong way.
I don't see a rapist or a criminal. I see a boy who made mistakes and owned up to them and did everything he was supposed to do. He went to his parents who got everyone counseling, who sent him to a place to help him see the problem and fix it AND they went to the police.

I think this is more about smearing them then it is about the truth of what happened.
If the girls who were touched have forgiven him, If there is no criminal charges, if this happened only as a juvenile.

This never should have been released. Maybe if he had done something as an adult, or if there were current charges but this was indeed dug up just to hurt people. Something that should have been destroyed years ago.

Im done talking about this until the girls appear on Friday.

Being a parent of the offender and the victims would have to be a horrible position and I think they did what they knew best and it seems completely on board to me.
Im only going to comment about my feelings about what happened and the interview.

I am not about bashing people or tearing them down.
I watched the interview last night and plan to watch the one with the girls on Friday.

What I saw is parents who did what they thought was best to protect all their children.

His age, his acts, all play into this for me and I don't see a child predator. I see a kid curious about sexual things and probably with no real outlet to discuss or act on it in an appropriate way he explored in the wrong way.
I don't see a rapist or a criminal. I see a boy who made mistakes and owned up to them and did everything he was supposed to do. He went to his parents who got everyone counseling, who sent him to a place to help him see the problem and fix it AND they went to the police.

I think this is more about smearing them then it is about the truth of what happened.
If the girls who were touched have forgiven him, If there is no criminal charges, if this happened only as a juvenile.

This never should have been released. Maybe if he had done something as an adult, or if there were current charges but this was indeed dug up just to hurt people. Something that should have been destroyed years ago.

Im done talking about this until the girls appear on Friday.

Being a parent of the offender and the victims would have to be a horrible position and I think they did what they knew best and it seems completely on board to me.

The molestation continued for 16 months and the PARENTS KNEW ABOUT IT AND DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some nights Josh went from bed to bed touching and fondling his sisters. He at 15 years old, his youngest victim being only 5 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe it wasn't until the babysitter (an outsider) was violated that they felt pressure to go to the police - and JB conveniently went to a trooper who was a short time later convicted of child *advertiser censored* and sentenced to OVER 50 YEARS IN PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im only going to comment about my feelings about what happened and the interview.

I am not about bashing people or tearing them down.
I watched the interview last night and plan to watch the one with the girls on Friday.

What I saw is parents who did what they thought was best to protect all their children.

His age, his acts, all play into this for me and I don't see a child predator. I see a kid curious about sexual things and probably with no real outlet to discuss or act on it in an appropriate way he explored in the wrong way.
I don't see a rapist or a criminal. I see a boy who made mistakes and owned up to them and did everything he was supposed to do. He went to his parents who got everyone counseling, who sent him to a place to help him see the problem and fix it AND they went to the police.

I think this is more about smearing them then it is about the truth of what happened.
If the girls who were touched have forgiven him, If there is no criminal charges, if this happened only as a juvenile.

This never should have been released. Maybe if he had done something as an adult, or if there were current charges but this was indeed dug up just to hurt people. Something that should have been destroyed years ago.

Im done talking about this until the girls appear on Friday.

Being a parent of the offender and the victims would have to be a horrible position and I think they did what they knew best and it seems completely on board to me.

I agree with this whole heartedly. I have one son and 3 yrs younger, one daughter. I have thought what a horrible, heart breaking and devastating position it would be.
The molestation continued for 16 months and the PARENTS DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some nights Josh went from bed to bed touching and fondling his sisters. He at 15 years old, his youngest victim being only 5 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe it wasn't until the babysitter (an outsider) was violated that they felt pressure to go to the police - and JB conveniently went to a trooper who was a short time later convicted of child *advertiser censored* and sentenced to OVER 50 YEARS IN PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are going on what the media said and not the facts. They went into the state police and that man was someone jimbob knew but they went in and made Josh confess at the time he got back from treatment. WELL WITHIN the statute of limitations. That trooper was a mandatory reporter and HE dropped the ball.

They tried to help their son in the way they knew how. Would you throw your 14yr old son away right away? Would you just hand him off to police without trying to help him first yourself? I wouldn't.

I don't care if people don't like what I think about it. Show me somewhere where he continued to offend and I am there with you to call for his arrest and prosecution. But I won't go back with hindsight and try and say what I would do because no one does in this circumstance. People always know best what others would do until it happens to you.


Show me something that happened when he was 16 17 18 OR NOW. Other than that, this is a dead issue to me.
I really don't know the particulars with the whole show cancellation thingy, but I kind of have to give Oprah a big fat WTH? For cutting the show over the molestation but not reporting it, or even pulling the already reported molestation out from the cover of lies.

Oprah was a victim of incestual rape as a girl. Why wouldn't she use her fame to show this pig man for what he really is? His poor daughters. I hope a doctor (not a fundie doctor) has examined them for signs of rape.

One thing I learned here is that pedophiles never rehab. They just don't.

1. Her staff DID report it to authorities, cancelled the Duggar's appearance, and they were asked by (their) local police department to return home and bring their son in for questioning.

2. She could not "out" them until there was more than an accusation based upon a letter found in a book.

3. It was not "reported" until AFTER the family arrived to do her show. Check the dates. I suspect if there had been an actual police investigation dropped in her lap, she WOULD have made a point to bring the information out.

4. She never had them on her show... then or after. I do not know if this is because SHE did not want the hypocrites on her stage or because THEY did not want to have to answer the questions she might ask about the results of the investigation.
I will probably be told I am wrong, but if the victims, victims only, not the parents and not josh, was to sue the state I would support them for releasing that report to the public.

there was no way to protect the victims with releasing the report, we the public failed those girls.

that is why rape victims don't come forward because they are afraid it will be released.

Part of the problem is that even girls in secular households are made to feel dirty and/or guilty. There is no shame in being a VICTIM! Especially when you are a small child and don't really understand what just happened or why it made you feel "icky". We (as a society) need to make the PERPETRATORS bear 100% of the shame and blame. Victims should not fear being "outed", and as far as I can tell, the general public feels great sympathy for these girls. Nobody is calling them "*advertiser censored*" or "promiscuous" so where is the "damage" to them from the tabloids coming from? From the perception that they are no longer "pure"???
I just think that if he, God forbid, or someone else in that family, continued to offend, it would likely be within family. Knowing that the family whitewashed and covered up his previous child molestations and the only real crime in their minds is that the records were brought to light it is kind of relevant IMO because a family with such a mindset might cover things up again even if the offender is an adult now.

They would want to protect their reputation and their income from the TV show or because the victims were defrauding or because it only lasted for a few seconds and the victim didn't even understand it was wrong, or because everyone makes mistakes and God forgives them, or because the ATI guidelines say you should talk to the church elders and set fire to your house standing on your head before going to the police, or because we love all our children equally and we did the best we could, or because it's just an outrageous lie to say that a person who molests children is a child molester, and it's inexcusable but not unforgivable and who are we to report child abuse if God forgave etc...

Everything the family says proves that there's no shortage of reasons that people can come up with to make child abuse OK.
Michelle Duggar on Josh's Molestation Allegations: ''As Parents We Felt Like Failures''—Watch!

"There was so much grief in our hearts. I think as parents we felt like failures," she told Kelly. "Here we tried to raise our kids to do what's right, to know what's right. And yet, one of our children made some really bad choices and I think, as a parent, we were just devastated." ...

For the record, DH and I had a lovely dinner-date night and will not be watching the Fox non-interrogation of the Duggar parents. Even though our Red Wings didn't make it to the the Stanley Cup Finals, we'd rather watch the hockey game than Duggar drivel. Enjoy!

Felt like failures? With a good reason. Maybe they shouldn't have gone on TV and pretended to be a perfect family.
Sister of reality TV star Josh Duggar says he victimized her

2 hours ago

NEW YORK (AP) — Reality TV star Jessa Duggar told Fox News Channel on Wednesday that she was a victim of her older brother Josh Duggar, who fondled five girls when he was a teenager.

Jessa Duggar, featured like her brother in the family's TLC series, "19 Kids and Counting," told Fox in an interview conducted in Arkansas on Wednesday that she wanted to defend him. She said allegations he's a child molester or pedophile are "so overboard and a lie," Fox reported.

The Associated Press generally does not identify victims of sexual mistreatment. But Jessa Duggar is speaking publicly, in an interview that Fox's Megyn Kelly also conducted with her parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. While Fox distributed Jessa Duggar's quote Wednesday, it didn't show it during the one-hour special about the case, with Kelly instead saying Fox would air the interviews with Jessa Duggar and her sister Jill Duggar on Friday...
Who knows why they needed a Sitter but they do seem to Travel quite a bit. Perhaps the Older Girls were off with Parents?

Dad, Mom, and Grandpa went out to dinner. I guess by this point they knew enough not to leave Josh home with the other kids alone, and got this sitter to come in case one of the girls needed a diaper change or a bath (which would have lit the fire of lust in Josh if he had to attend to it). I believe this was the LAST offense but am not sure.
Preach it, Lisa Bloom! (on CNN)

<paraphasing> To this day the whole family is continuing to protect Josh Duggar. He's a grown man now fully capable of speaking for himself. That is what should be happening. Yet his parents are speaking for him.

I think they are giving the interview they SHOULD have given in 2006. At that time, it might have been appropriate to speak on behalf of their (then) minor son. I think this has escaped them and they think they can do now what they should have done then.
Can anyone tell me what the older Duggar daughter (don't know if it was Jill or Jessa - I couldn't tell them apart) was saying at the end, during her cameo-type thing?
Why does this freak me out?

Over the years I have wondered why there is so much child sexual abuse. I think there is something like ONE MILLION hits on child *advertiser censored* a month.

I saw a detective in Oprah years ago state that the worst one he had seen was sex abuse of an infant with the bit of cord still visible.

Why why why?

Niw I have seen one answer. It is a crime that is covered uo and forgiven with some people.

I hold the Duggars responsible for providing a cover for parents who will protect their children while they abuse Parents who use the Duggars as role,models of what to do in that kind of a situation.

I always thought at least with child sex abuse, that was a crime no one accepts. That we as a species do not acceot it and would be willing to work on treating the causes of child sexual abuse.

Color me astounded and sad for our world.
Megyn Kelly with FOX did a great job with the interview. She didn't avoid the tough questions but was fair in allowing JB & M to answer. I think people are mostly upset with her because she wasn't holding a pitchfork and torch.

The interview with the Duggar girls will be the heartbreaking one. As they said - they should be allowed to tell their story not the tabloids. They are being victimized all over again. So sad for them.

These young ladies are being victimized because of their parents. No one else to blame. Why turn this into a two part mini series, whose idea was that... Imo ratings, exploiting these girl's experience fox news is a for profit co. Serve the girls up but no Josh. Are they hoping for spinoff shows... This whole Duggar mess needs to fade from view so that they can take care of the mental health of their family. Jmo

So that makes it all right then...

They recognize that he was preying on children though, so that's something, right?

Not that preying for children is any cause for alarm, since he was only 15, not yet 16.

If they thought praying for their child would prevent him preying on a child, they obviously have no grasp of the seriousness of his behavior.
These young ladies are being victimized because of their parents. No one else to blame. Why turn this into a two part mini series, whose idea was that... Imo ratings, exploiting these girl's experience fox news is a for profit co. Serve the girls up but no Josh. Are they hoping for spinoff shows... This whole Duggar mess needs to fade from view so that they can take care of the mental health of their family. Jmo


They have had a really fabulous life with the money. The thought of giving it up must be tearing them up.

They may be in the stages of grief. Denial and bargaining.

Trot the girls out like circus ponies to,capture the hearts of the people.
Can anyone tell me what the older Duggar daughter (don't know if it was Jill or Jessa - I couldn't tell them apart) was saying at the end, during her cameo-type thing?

Jessa said what her brother did was "very wrong" but added, "I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying. I'm like that is so overboard and a lie really, I mean people get mad at me for saying that but I can say this because I was one of the victims."

&#8220;They don&#8217;t have a right to do this. We&#8217;re victims. They can&#8217;t do this to us,&#8221; an emotional Jill, 24, told Kelly of the widespread media attention after the claims were made public.

&#8220;The system that has set up to protect kids &#8211; both those who make stupid mistakes or have problems like this in their life &#8211; and the ones that are affected by those choices, it&#8217;s just &#8230; it&#8217;s greatly failed,&#8221; 22-year-old Jessa said.


basically, it's all OUR (the media and the general public) fault that this occurred. They can no longer "look sweet" but really want to because they want that spin-off show! Let's watch Jill blanket train Izzy and watch Ben watch paint dry.

TLC get these people OFF THE TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two things I'm curious about. During the robo call and transgendered questions segment of the show. JB said this ( almost ) verbatim "" What Josh did IS inexcusable but it is NOT unforgivable"". Is JB implying that transgendered people are unforgivable?
How is it no one can make themselves eyecatching but Michelle can wear a ton and mean a s*** ton of make up and not be Jezebeling herself?

Because hair and makeup (and neck scarves) draw attention to "the countenance" and away from the "naughty bits".
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