Identified! AR - Whitehall Motel in El Dorado, WhtFem, 81UFAR, 18-21, Jul'91 - #1 - Kelly from VA

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NAMUS has this as the ruleouts list as of today (8 August 2010):

Melinda Creech 1900 Indiana
Tricia Kellett 1973 Illinois
Kim Leggett 1962 Texas
Staci Madison 1970 Arkansas
Michelle Mulcahy 1961 Florida
Lisa Sexton 1966 Ohio
Sherri White 1964 Alaska
Lisa Wilson 1960 Texas

One of the interesting things I notice is that despite what was said earlier, Kelli McGinness isn't on it. Nor is Emma Vaughn.

NAMUS lists our UID as between 20-30, which is somewhat older than previously thought (18-21).
NAMUS has this as the ruleouts list as of today (8 August 2010):

Melinda Creech 1900 Indiana
Tricia Kellett 1973 Illinois
Kim Leggett 1962 Texas
Staci Madison 1970 Arkansas
Michelle Mulcahy 1961 Florida
Lisa Sexton 1966 Ohio
Sherri White 1964 Alaska
Lisa Wilson 1960 Texas

One of the interesting things I notice is that despite what was said earlier, Kelli McGinness isn't on it. Nor is Emma Vaughn.

NAMUS lists our UID as between 20-30, which is somewhat older than previously thought (18-21).

... nor is Lori Julian, and I know that she was ruled-out on fingerprints.
NAMUS has this as the ruleouts list as of today (8 August 2010):

Melinda Creech 1900 Indiana
Tricia Kellett 1973 Illinois
Kim Leggett 1962 Texas
Staci Madison 1970 Arkansas
Michelle Mulcahy 1961 Florida
Lisa Sexton 1966 Ohio
Sherri White 1964 Alaska
Lisa Wilson 1960 Texas

One of the interesting things I notice is that despite what was said earlier, Kelli McGinness isn't on it. Nor is Emma Vaughn.

NAMUS lists our UID as between 20-30, which is somewhat older than previously thought (18-21).

AFAIK, they're still working on Emma Vaughn. Her family has since relocated from FL to AR and the investigators were checking to see if Emma's family had ever submitted DNA.

Time for me to follow-up with the caseworker again!

Just wanted to notate on this thread that I had a converstation just now with a detective at the El Dorado AR about a missing person-Thwana Darrough.

During the course of that conversation she mentioned that she is currently working Ms. Wick's case, an UID Jane Doe.

She didn't make any other reference and I am not knowledgable about this particular Jane Doe so I asked no questions other than about the other missing person.

Just wanted to let everyone here know that this case is being actively worked. HTH.
Ok guys her killer was again arrested on October 16 2010 for slitting his cousin's throat in union co. AR ( El Dorado) just thought you would like to know WTH, when is enough , ENOUGH - He knows who she just drives me crazy! I met her , she was nice , thats all I remember because it was so brief but this just makes me sick!!!!!
OT: So the guy who killed this woman and then sexually assaulted another is due for release in 2010... WTH?


I did the updating for this, I have been tracking him, he was due to be released into my neighborhood in Irving tx he was told to get out of texas, so again after this new arrest oct 2010 hopefully he wont ever get out, but I am sure Im just being optimistic!
Wow, he committed another crime right after James served his sentence for the murder.

Sloane, sorry about your cross path with the victim & get know her little bit before her untimely death. It's too bad she chose to use so many alias names which is why nobody ID her and her living families/relatives never report her missing. I wish there's closure for her. What's the best describe about her that you like us to know?
Wow, he committed another crime right after James served his sentence for the murder.

Sloane, sorry about your cross path with the victim & get know her little bit before her untimely death. It's too bad she chose to use so many alias names which is why nobody ID her and her living families/relatives never report her missing. I wish there's closure for her. What's the best describe about her that you like us to know?

That knows her name! He seems to find it some kind of sick joke not to reveal it.

Maybe the AR detective working JD's case should speak to some of the roommates James has had over the years.
If this a repeat of info, my apologies.

Cheryl Ann Wick
DOB 11/13/1970
K400001295 (court file #)
00603514 (case #)
DWI-Alcohol or Controlled Substance
WASHINGTON CO JAIL (Woodbury PD) Arkansas

Shannon Wiley
DOB 10/13/1968
Texas DPS Record
No information available

Shannon Wiley
DOB 1/30/1982
Arkansas Criminal Record
No information available

Shannon D/Dale Wiley
DOB 9/28/1974 and 9/29/1974
23 criminal records in Virginia
No information available

Shannon R Wiley
DOB 7/19/1969
2 Oklahoma DOC records
No information available

Shannon Rene Wiley
DOB 10/13/1968
Texas DJC record
Texas DPS record
No information available

What strikes out at me is the 10/13 and 11/13 DOBs with 1-2 year variations. Safe bet these are all the same person. The others I am not so sure about.

Not much info for Kelly/Kelli Karr/Carr. Quite a few records in Florida/Maryland, but DOBs don't seem right.

FYI (I live in North Texas. About 15 miles west of Wylie, Texas. If you need something checked out, let me know.)
Name: Chris Edwards
Agency: Arkansas State Crime Laboratory
Phone Number: 501.227.5936
E-mail Address:

Case Information
Status: Unidentified
NamUs-UP #: 2813
Case Number: 475-91
NCIC Number: U504897578
Date Found: 1991-07-10 00:00:00
Date Entered: 2008-11-20 14:08:00
Date Modified: 2009-08-06 07:57:00
GPS Found: Whitehall Motel RM 121
Address Found: 840 West Hillsboro Street
Eldorado, AR
Union County

Demographics and Circumstances
Estimated Age: Adult - Pre 30
Minimum Age: 20 years
Maximum Age: 30 years
Race: White
Ethnicity: N/A
Sex: Female
Weight (lbs.): 162, Measured
Height (inch): 70, Measured
Condition: Recognizable Face
Probable Year of Death: 1991
Est. Postmortem Interval: N/A N/A
DNA Profile Status: Complete - mtDNA & nucDNA Profile available - FBI NMPDD
Circumstances of Death: This victim was found inside room 121 of motel.

Body Details
Scars And Marks: Anterior abdominal wall is flat with a remote scar present. Piercings: 3 in right ear and approx. 2 in left ear.
Body Parts Inventory: All Parts Recovered

Clothing On Body: 1 pair white ankle socks, 1 pair acid washed blue jeans, 1 black belt, and white T-shirt. Footwear: 1 pair white tennis shoes
Jewelry: A gold-colored chain type bracelet present on right arm. Head Hair: Measures 9 inches, frosted blonde with pony tail and 2 holders present.
Eye Color: Blue
Dental Comments: #11 shifted buccally and #27 shifted lingually

Depending on this the exact location of this scar (not necessarily directly below the breast) it could possibly be from surgery.

I know some of this has been posted. Just trying to keep it fresh. :Justice:

EDIT: Came across this article. Did someone from here write it? Interesting information.
Welcome GypsyPrincess-- nice to have you here. (My in-laws live in Wylie :) I'm glad you are keeping our Jane Doe postings fresh here! :)

Everyone has worked so hard to find out this woman's identity-- thank you to everyone. I have a good feeling we will ID her soon!
Wow, he committed another crime right after James served his sentence for the murder.

Sloane, sorry about your cross path with the victim & get know her little bit before her untimely death. It's too bad she chose to use so many alias names which is why nobody ID her and her living families/relatives never report her missing. I wish there's closure for her. What's the best describe about her that you like us to know?

I agree using alias names complicates things alot. I do background checks as part of my job (work for a police department) and often times if someone has used an alias, they have also used a different birthday but the same ss# so they come up in our database (or some other combo, same birthday different ss#, fingerprints match, hopefully you get the idea). Sometimes the only way to establish identity is to do a figerprint challenge, which we do two times a week (half never come back). If someone has used an alias even forty years ago it complicates matters enough that the background check takes way more time, at which point the customer gets angry, why so long. Why did you use so many aliases. Your most serious crime is prostitution. I had one his most serious crime was sous gambling. If they werent' even alive or didn't show up to do a record challenge their true identify would like this Jane Doe be a mystery.
Welcome GypsyPrincess-- nice to have you here. (My in-laws live in Wylie :) I'm glad you are keeping our Jane Doe postings fresh here! :)

Everyone has worked so hard to find out this woman's identity-- thank you to everyone. I have a good feeling we will ID her soon!

Thank you AnnieO. I truly hope she is identified soon. Such a rough life. It would be nice to know her name and hopefully give her family closure.
If this a repeat of info, my apologies.

Cheryl Ann Wick
DOB 11/13/1970
K400001295 (court file #)
00603514 (case #)
DWI-Alcohol or Controlled Substance
WASHINGTON CO JAIL (Woodbury PD) Arkansas

Shannon Wiley
DOB 10/13/1968
Texas DPS Record
No information available

Shannon Wiley
DOB 1/30/1982
Arkansas Criminal Record
No information available

Shannon D/Dale Wiley
DOB 9/28/1974 and 9/29/1974
23 criminal records in Virginia
No information available

Shannon R Wiley
DOB 7/19/1969
2 Oklahoma DOC records
No information available

Shannon Rene Wiley
DOB 10/13/1968
Texas DJC record
Texas DPS record
No information available

What strikes out at me is the 10/13 and 11/13 DOBs with 1-2 year variations. Safe bet these are all the same person. The others I am not so sure about.

Not much info for Kelly/Kelli Karr/Carr. Quite a few records in Florida/Maryland, but DOBs don't seem right.

FYI (I live in North Texas. About 15 miles west of Wylie, Texas. If you need something checked out, let me know.)

Im in Irving now, Im from Washington Co , Thats where I remember her from ,
Do you have a date on the Washington Co Arrest?????
Wow, he committed another crime right after James served his sentence for the murder.

Sloane, sorry about your cross path with the victim & get know her little bit before her untimely death. It's too bad she chose to use so many alias names which is why nobody ID her and her living families/relatives never report her missing. I wish there's closure for her. What's the best describe about her that you like us to know?

She was very nice! But she had a deep fear you could tell!
Im in Irving now, Im from Washington Co , Thats where I remember her from ,
Do you have a date on the Washington Co Arrest?????

Very strange. Today when I went to look up the case to see if there was an arrest date, the case does not even show up.

However, not sure if this info has been posted. Found a marriage and divorce record on file.

WICK,CHERYL A n/a TX Report of Divorce Index [1968-2003, 2005-08]

Going to see if there is any more info out there.

EDIT: Oops! Disregard that arrest. Apparently that is the REAL Cheryl A. Wick. Court Disposition date is listed as 10/23/2000. Not our JD. ;)
I know there is at least one person here who had contact with 81ufar. Anyone else? Even the slightest detail might be the key to finding her true identity. Does anyone know if she had an accent? If she seemed to have a "deep fear" why do you say that?(That could be an awesome clue, btw!)Was she very quiet? When she spoke did she ever use the wrong word for things, or unusual expressions(EX: If I want to order a sandwich,do I say I want a hoagie? a grinder? a sub?)
Did she giggle? Was she serious? Mature or immature? Smart? Kind? Did she have any specific interests you can think of? Unusual food prefences ? Anything?
This might be a long shot.... but what about this young woman?

I know her lifestyle was very different from our Jane Doe, but, what if Sharon was kidnapped the day she went missing and forced into a life of prostitution, etc? Her conservative former life might explain why she didn't contact home so many years later? Could a conservative upbringing have something to do with Jane Doe having a bible in her possession?

Being from Ohio, she may have known the Cheryl Ann Wick from up north?

Similarities: Brown hair, blue eyes
Sharon was already 5'7" at age 13- certainly reasonable that she could have grown to 5'11" by adulthood.
Her age puts her just within the upper range of our Jane Doe- although I recognize that the alias birthdates that JD used all imply that she was born in the late 60's/early70's, she could have been lowering her age?

The name Sharon is very close to "Shannon" which appears to have been a frequent alias that JD used (the name Cheryl is also similar) (Sharon/ Cheryl Ann) (Sharon Lynn/ Shannon)
Having been abducted at 13, there was ample time for her to be dragged all across the country to the east coast, CA and wherever else JD may have been.

As I said, I know it's a long shot... but I think of Jaycee Dugard and I just wonder how many other missing girls have been in a similar captive situation...
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