Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #17

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Possumheart...which side is this. IMO this looks too high to be washed downstream..the water was quite low yesterday - although the rain hasn't been heavy in my neck of the woods this week. It would have to have been a torrent that weekend before she was found to end up there. IMO
I have had a lovely chat with Alison Sandy. They were unaware of the release of the Prado but are taking a drive out today anyway so will check this info and may report it in tomorrows CM. The earlier report of the release of the cars in mid May was incorrect and the family called her to advise. So it may be in tomorrows paper...just have to wait and see....
Please ignore this post if you so desire....I really am busy today with my housework so don't really want to reply to the haters on this forum (minority)

Nicely done! Citizen journalism at work.

SHOWS THE RECOVERY POSITION, note: she was found higher up under the bridge and moved down for recovery.

to me, it looks as though the body was found on the opposite side of the road to the enclave. if you look at the large white end-posts of the bridge, the side that is closest to the pipes has one extra span of posts.
Oh my....Is that her? Imbedded in the bank, with mud all over her? Oh :(

Yes, looking from a different perspective, from behind the pylon looking down, the area that has tarpaulin in it in other picture it does look like it! I wonder what day this photo was taken?
Would you explain to me what being a verified local has anything to do with corresponding with Alison Sandy please? Her phone number and email address are freely accessible on line for anyone (not just locals of the Brookfield area) to contact her. Her articles are available to read on line for anyone in Australia and the world for that matter. I am not a local but I have corresponded with Alison Sandy and have a hard copy of that correspondence but I'm not prepared to post it here unless I have her permission.

Perhaps it's only the locals who should be putting forward opinions, speculations etc on this forum? I'm sorry but I find your statement discriminatory.

Of course, anyone from anywhere can correspond with Ms Sandy.

However, any WS poster who posts information about this case that is based on that poster's personal interactions with Ms. Sandy should consider becoming a verified local, or else clearly mark their posts about such interactions as unverified rumor.

No discrimination here, as [ame=""]these same rules[/ame] apply equally to all members of WS.

In the future, members should be aware of using the alert feature in order to most swiftly and discreetly answer such concerns. This will leave the threads open for fact-based case discussion.
interesting also is the fact that whilst a Prado is a 4wd 'proper' and the Captiva is not (SUV), the Captiva in fact has more space in the rear than a Prado. Seats in fact also release back far easier and quicker in the Captiva than the prado for when you want more room in the back (i.e just the two front seats being used and all else in the rear is full deck space - and alot of it in fact, probably just under 6 feet)

The prado also has options for the entire vehicle to be 'seated' up which takes it from a 5 seat car to a 7 seat car. Making it a virtual impossibility to transport something like a body (sorry :( ) Perhaps the prado in question has this 7 seat thing already happening (perhaps one of you may try to blow up a picture of the car to have a look and see if this is visible.) I am thinking not with only 3 kids but you never know.

Either way, a captiva offers a quicker 'rear space making' option than a prado.

Probably worth noting also that the white 4wd was spotted 'tailing' the other car with just its park lights on. Witness is saying blue car but a silver car can quite easily look blue in the dark as you drive by at 50km per hour.
If we assume it was a silver captiva I guess in many respects it would also make sense that people carrying out such an evil act would possibly have the front lead car as the car with the body in it. In this case, a silver captiva.

In this case the car that still appears to be impounded (allegedly)

Yes, they would be mad to take the car with the C21 logo at the back. Makes sense to take the Captiva.
What it shows is where the body was located when that footage was taken, after police etc had arrived. It doesn't necessarily show where the body was found.

The footage was very early footage which was taken very soon after the body was found when police were still there and some had not even approached the body. As far as I understand it the body wasn't moved until a range of things were done, especialy police photographers taking photos etc. I am not sure but i dont think they just move the body into another position when they find it. IMO most people know not to touch a body if you did happen to come across one. And in police investigations it's very important not to disturb anything. Perhaps an expert could come and clarify this regarding procedure. I didnt think they moved the body until they actually removed it.

Also in the photos it looks like a police officer is pointing to the body to those who are above on the bridge - basically pointing it out to say - it's here. That's my impression - what do others think?
Possumheart...which side is this. IMO this looks too high to be washed downstream..the water was quite low yesterday - although the rain hasn't been heavy in my neck of the woods this week. It would have to have been a torrent that weekend before she was found to end up there. IMO

It would have been a torrent yes and water rat activity as well sorry to say.
hoping I have my sense of direction from this aerial shot..

left hand side of the bridge is heading west - towards ipswich?
pipes seen next to the bridge are closest to the brisbane river?
body was found on the bank right hand side in this pic, closest to pipes?

so IF the body was thrown from the bridge, the car could have
a) stopped ON the bridge (facing towards ipswich), quickly disposed of the body, then proceeded to do a u-turn at Bunya St to return back to Brookfield.
b) pulled across and parked in the clearing on the side of the road, disposed of body, returned to Brookfield.
c) drove over the bridge, did a u-turn at Bunya St then pulled off to park in the clearing on the side of the road, disposed of body, returned to Brookfield.

If the body was thrown from the bridge, which side could it have been? In the aerial shot of the forensic photographer taking pictures of the body, to me, it seemed as though it was directly below the edge of the bridge.

Do you think water flow moved it from one side of the bridge (closest to the clearing where the car possibly parked) to the other (closest to the pipes/Bris River). Or do you think the body was thrown over the edge closest to the pipes and hasn't moved?

Looking at this photo (thanks, incidentally!) reaffirms my suspicion that they wouldn't have stopped on the bridge, opened the back of the car and heftily thrown the body over the side. Even at that time of night, Murphy's Law might prevail and a car could drive past during that 30-second exercise. I think maybe they drove off the road into that little dirt side track (looking at photo - to the top right of the bridge), maybe even just 50m or so, enough to be shielded by bush, then carried the body through that 15m of bush edging the water and left it there, possibly submerged, possibly not. The rains have then carried it maybe 20m until the raised dirt surrounding the bridge pylon stopped it from travelling further downstream. IMO. Thoughts?
The footage was very early footage which was taken very soon after the body was found when police were still there and some had not even approached the body. As far as I understand it the body wasn't moved until a range of things were done, especialy police photographers taking photos etc. I am not sure but i dont think they just move the body into another position when they find it. IMO most people know not to touch a body if you did happen to come across one. And in police investigations it's very important not to disturb anything. Perhaps an expert could come and clarify this regarding procedure. I didnt think they moved the body until they actually removed it.

Also in the photos it looks like a police officer is pointing to the body to those who are above on the bridge - basically pointing it out to say - it's here. That's my impression - what do others think?

very true. They do need to take 'in situ' photos of the body, where exactly its located, position etc. I did see arial shots on news when the body had been discovered and they had blurred out what obviously was the body. It was yet to be moved or placed in body bag(no, not a nice thought). MOO
I dont know what I dislike most.....the infamous pash (lets not turn this into a discussion on the pash, just using it as a comparative)...........or the photo of GBC on that dancefloor with his fingers hooked in his pants ringers....At current, the latter has invaded my mind and not in a good way.....NONONONONO.....Get out of my head!!!! lol

Hahhaa!! Classic body language in that dance photo. Hands are pointing were the thoughts are flowing.
The footage was very early footage which was taken very soon after the body was found when police were still there and some had not even approached the body. As far as I understand it the body wasn't moved until a range of things were done, especialy police photographers taking photos etc. I am not sure but i dont think they just move the body into another position when they find it. IMO most people know not to touch a body if you did happen to come across one. And in police investigations it's very important not to disturb anything. Perhaps an expert could come and clarify this regarding procedure. I didnt think they moved the body until they actually removed it.

Also in the photos it looks like a police officer is pointing to the body to those who are above on the bridge - basically pointing it out to say - it's here. That's my impression - what do others think?

That's what I thought at first too itsthevibe...but now I think the officer is pointing where to drop the stretcher.

In the two photos posted just section is blurred out...the other photo shows her body by the water's edge....this is below where the officer is standing.
Looking at this photo (thanks, incidentally!) reaffirms my suspicion that they wouldn't have stopped on the bridge, opened the back of the car and heftily thrown the body over the side. Even at that time of night, Murphy's Law might prevail and a car could drive past during that 30-second exercise. I think maybe they drove off the road into that little dirt side track (looking at photo - to the top right of the bridge), maybe even just 50m or so, enough to be shielded by bush, then carried the body through that 15m of bush edging the water and left it there, possibly submerged, possibly not. The rains have then carried it maybe 20m until the raised dirt surrounding the bridge pylon stopped it from travelling further downstream. IMO. Thoughts?

We initially pulled up there to plan our strategy and realized we could pull up on the left before the bridge and have access to the bank of the creek:blushing:.
I agree,yes he does.
Someone(perhaps radster) claims he was a non drinker. I haven't had a reply to the question I asked how they knew this.

Sorry, I only log on once a day and probably miss lots of stuff. When I worked in the same industry as GBC several years ago, he did not drink ... maybe one or two at functions. He was wired on adrenalin - didn't need much else. Also, it would be hard to be a drinker when you're out most nights until 7 or 8pm signing contracts etc (when buyers/sellers have finished work). I was not surprised, therefore, to read on here that his wedding had been dry. He could have had just 2-3 drinks at that GC conference and been plastered. Some of us need a tad more. :)
I remember these posts of Keyboredom...he is I think very familiar with the area describes the way the water swirls around those pylons.


here's a lot of swirling backwash around bridge pylons under flood. I've found large animal carcasses in very similar situations (which again is an awful comparison) following heavy rain and flash flood? Dead bodies after a week or more are likely to be floating and at the mercy of the water flow.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6[/ame]

I still (IMO) believe the version I got from someone interviewed out that way - the police believe Allison's body was dumped near the Scout ground, regardless how it ended up under the bridge (the only likely way was the swollen waters). The creeks here were super-flowing those few days - they'd have carried a car away in the right circumstances, let alone a lifeless body. I can't be sure that swirling round pylons is what caused Allison to be there, but I've found dead animals in similar positions / circumstances, it's just natural. I think all canoeists etc would confirm that's where flotsam ends up post flood. Terrible thought

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12[/ame]
very true. They do need to take 'in situ' photos of the body, where exactly its located, position etc. I did see arial shots on news when the body had been discovered and they had blurred out what obviously was the body. It was yet to be moved or placed in body bag(no, not a nice thought). MOO

There is a video showing the police officer down lower where the body was retrieved and he was standing in thick mud looking up a few metres higher to where her body was.
There's a science to water flow and tides, forensics can predict where an object can land.
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