Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sep 2014 - #71

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BBM - If those photo's existed from a previous visit, they would have to show that the clothes they were wearing, items the kids were playing with etc., were present at the time. I imagine that their clothes etc would have been examined by the Police. Even so, you would think that the Police would notice if FGM and daughter were wearing different clothing when they arrived.

How could that be explained if even one item was missing?
Good points ....
So does everyone believe that the Foster Grandmother walk through video is basically useless in the storyline of what happened to William?

If her times of when the MFC left (she said before 8.00am) and her other odd sayings seem out of whack.

_ She didn't know who was sleeping with who in each of the bedrooms?? Weird to me.
_ She mistakenly says just us 3 have breakfast before correcting to 4 having breakfast- with the MFC leaving to do his errands before they had breakfast. Ooops slipup?? Can't count?? Feeling stressed talking to Policewoman (who doesn't seem intimidating to me - policewoman appears quite chilled)
_ She said the MFC left before they had breakfast and needed to get a script filled at a chemist and saying he left early - but the reasons she is saying (chemist tend to open later and phone tower pings suggests he left after 8.00am closer to 9.00am)
_ She doesn't mention the bike riding out the front - seems to jump from them finishing breakfast to spending a hour doing, dice, colouring etc on the back patio then he jumps off roaring around the corner. No mention of cups of tea.
_ Odd saying about him jumping out of his skull? Can't find the correct word possibly?

Possibly that's a shortened version of her whole version of what they did that morning?

But do you think that police, and us should dismiss everything she has said as patchy recall and maybe nervousness that she didn't recall exactly when the MFC had actually left - time wise??

I don't know what to make of that whole walk through. Its true they did have breakfast, they did play dice, they did sit on the back patio but its not syncing up with the other people's timeline. MOO
So does everyone believe that the Foster Grandmother walk through video is basically useless in the storyline of what happened to William?

If her times of when the MFC left (she said before 8.00am) and her other odd sayings seem out of whack.

_ She didn't know who was sleeping with who in each of the bedrooms?? Weird to me.
_ She mistakenly says just us 3 have breakfast before correcting to 4 having breakfast- with the MFC leaving to do his errands before they had breakfast. Ooops slipup?? Can't count?? Feeling stressed talking to Policewoman (who doesn't seem intimidating to me - policewoman appears quite chilled)
_ She said the MFC left before they had breakfast and needed to get a script filled at a chemist and saying he left early - but the reasons she is saying (chemist tend to open later and phone tower pings suggests he left after 8.00am closer to 9.00am)
_ She doesn't mention the bike riding out the front - seems to jump from them finishing breakfast to spending a hour doing, dice, colouring etc on the back patio then he jumps off roaring around the corner. No mention of cups of tea.
_ Odd saying about him jumping out of his skull? Can't find the correct word possibly?

Possibly that's a shortened version of her whole version of what they did that morning?

But do you think that police, and us should dismiss everything she has said as patchy recall and maybe nervousness that she didn't recall exactly when the MFC had actually left - time wise??

I don't know what to make of that whole walk through. Its true they did have breakfast, they did play dice, they did sit on the back patio but its not syncing up with the other people's timeline. MOO
You can see there are a lot of cuts to that footage. You can't really tell what she didn't say. You might draw some conclusions about what she did . . . allowing that maybe she changed her mind on some things and said so, but the revision wasn't shown. What police can or can't conclude from the full version is another question.
I'm curious about what other people's theory is in relation to why the FFC may have changed the metadata on the pictures. My thought would be that she has told her story to the Police about sitting outside on the decking and taking photos at 9.37am to back up her story about William only being missing for approx. 5 minutes before she noticed. The Police would have wanted to see the photos so FFC would need to change the time to match her statement.

Personally, I'm not convinced that she did and until I read an official outcome on whether the pictures were altered, I'll likely remain on the fence.
My problem with all that is, that I think, MFC wasn't involved (because he cried so much while fanatic searching for little W), and if the pics and story weren't true timewise, it doesn't fit with this theory of NOT involved.
Afaik, the MFC is a proven specialist in IT, so he could have done easily some altering with the data, one could think. But WHY should he have done it, if he didn't know about plans to disappear the living little W?
I don't know,
if FGM/FFC were "a team" or
FFC/MFC were "a team" or
FFC and an unknown person were "a team" or
FGM and an unknown person were "a team" or .............

So, I remain on the fence as well. Something seems to doesn't make sense in each version. :(
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You can see there are a lot of cuts to that footage. You can't really tell what she didn't say. You might draw some conclusions about what she did . . . allowing that maybe she changed her mind on some things and said so, but the revision wasn't shown. What police can or can't conclude from the full version is another question.
So I am left wondering what the point would be of the FFGM walkthrough being released to the Public?
So I am left wondering what the point would be of the FFGM walkthrough being released to the Public?

IMO - it's only been released by DM, maybe the others know why it isn't important. There could be a reason why it wasn't published by others and it could be the same reason she wasn't put on the stand at the inquest. JMO
BBM - If those photo's existed from a previous visit, they would have to show that the clothes they were wearing, items the kids were playing with etc., were present at the time. I imagine that their clothes etc would have been examined by the Police. Even so, you would think that the Police would notice if FGM and daughter were wearing different clothing when they arrived.

How could that be explained if even one item was missing?
Also, the daughter was interviewed to see what she remembered about that morning. If he had died at 7;30 am, and they never rode bikes or played outside, I don't think she would have lied to the detective and said they had.

I am pretty sure they would have asked her, 'what did you see when you and your brother were playing outside? Did you see anyone else there?' , etc....
So does everyone believe that the Foster Grandmother walk through video is basically useless in the storyline of what happened to William?

If her times of when the MFC left (she said before 8.00am) and her other odd sayings seem out of whack.

_ She didn't know who was sleeping with who in each of the bedrooms?? Weird to me.
_ She mistakenly says just us 3 have breakfast before correcting to 4 having breakfast- with the MFC leaving to do his errands before they had breakfast. Ooops slipup?? Can't count?? Feeling stressed talking to Policewoman (who doesn't seem intimidating to me - policewoman appears quite chilled)
_ She said the MFC left before they had breakfast and needed to get a script filled at a chemist and saying he left early - but the reasons she is saying (chemist tend to open later and phone tower pings suggests he left after 8.00am closer to 9.00am)
_ She doesn't mention the bike riding out the front - seems to jump from them finishing breakfast to spending a hour doing, dice, colouring etc on the back patio then he jumps off roaring around the corner. No mention of cups of tea.
_ Odd saying about him jumping out of his skull? Can't find the correct word possibly?

Possibly that's a shortened version of her whole version of what they did that morning?

But do you think that police, and us should dismiss everything she has said as patchy recall and maybe nervousness that she didn't recall exactly when the MFC had actually left - time wise??

I don't know what to make of that whole walk through. Its true they did have breakfast, they did play dice, they did sit on the back patio but its not syncing up with the other people's timeline. MOO

JMO - Nightrider, you have listed relevant points on which to pomder. The walkthrough was conducted six days after William's disappearance and no doubt FFC would have discussed the details with FFGM. There would be aspects of FFC's description of what had occurred that morning that she would have related to FFGM in their discussion of the morning's events. It may well be that in her walkthrough FFGM may have had some difficulty reconciling what she had remembered with what FFC had told her (Variations in what they each wanted to say about their recollections). Close examination of the differences (if the full details of the individual walkthroughs were known) in an endeavour to establish the truth about the events of that morning, could be worthwhile.. MOO (Edited for clarity)
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Thanks - Couldbe - you have cleared things up for me.

The walkthrough appeared to me very disjointed compared to other recollections from the MFC and FFC some weird inconsistencies - but like you said earlier - the video was stopped and restarted and perhaps not the full video.

I appreciate that being 6 days after the disappearance conversations with others may have tainted her recollection.

I just wanted to understand if her testimony was not used at the inquest for a particular reason maybe it was dismissed prematurely.

Especially the part where she said she met AMS on the road out the front when she decided to find where the FFC and William were and next minute the MFC is driving up. Maybe AMS can clear that up.

Maybe they have dismissed her testimony for a very valid reason - but I feel conflicted. MOO
Maybe they have dismissed her testimony for a very valid reason - but I feel conflicted. MOO

We don't know what illness FGM was recovering from, what medications she might have been on, or maybe she was recovering from a round of chemo at the time. These things are capable of affecting recall.

All we really know is that the media were aware she was recovering from an illness. It was printed many times.
A good journalist(s) might have dug a bit deeper to find out what FGM's health situation was, and then decided to leave her alone.

Whatever it was, it was enough that her family felt it was important to be there to assist.


I wonder who edited her walkthrough video, who chose what bits to publish?
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JMO - Nightrider, you have listed relevant points on which to pomder. The walkthrough was conducted six days after William's disappearance and no doubt FFC would have discussed the details with FFGM. There would be aspects of FFC's description of what had occurred that morning that she would have related to FFGM in their discussion of the morning's events. It may well be that in her walkthrough FFGM may have had some difficulty reconciling what she had remembered with what FFC had told her (Variations in what they each wanted to say about their recollections). Close examination of the differences (if the full details of the individual walkthroughs were known) in an endeavour to establish the truth about the events of that morning, could be worthwhile.. MOO (Edited for clarity)
Another comparison that might be made is between FGM's walkthrough and her statement made two days after the disappearance: mentioned here: One of the last people to see William Tyrrell alive finally speaks
I wouldn't expect the average 80+ year old to have a perfect memory and the ability to recall events in a detailed, concise way.

By the time the inquest came around, her ability to do so could be even more limited. Being questioned in any kind of legal matter would be difficult for all parties involved. JMO
I wouldn't expect the average 80+ year old to have a perfect memory and the ability to recall events in a detailed, concise way.

By the time the inquest came around, her ability to do so could be even more limited. Being questioned in any kind of legal matter would be difficult for all parties involved. JMO
I’m friends with an 88 yr old man who has a better memory than myself at 51. So I don’t think it’s that unusual anymore these days. Btw I also worked as a med nurse for 17 years and lots of older people are mentally with it. Especially with all the new meds that are available to strengthen their memories. Moo
I’m friends with an 88 yr old man who has a better memory than myself at 51. So I don’t think it’s that unusual anymore these days. Btw I also worked as a med nurse for 17 years and lots of older people are mentally with it. Especially with all the new meds that are available to strengthen their memories. Moo
Thank you for sharing that medical experience Mauig'ma.
At least they had FFGM's earlier LE Interview(s), and she may have been given the opportunity to provide information relating to the Inquest into William's disappearance .... behind closed doors, where they could have saved her the stress of appearing in public .... I am remembering that it was an Inquest and not a Trial.
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