AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #18

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Do homeowners in your area read their own meters and fill it out the readings each month on their bill? IF not, then a meter reader has to have access to that yard to read the meter which can indicate the front courtyard gate in not locked.

I can't help chortling!

I live out in the country and we're used to being way behind the times. But in meter reading, we're apparently ahead of some places!

Our meter has a wireless thingie on it and when the meter reader comes around, all they have to do is drive by slowly and their car has a receiver doo-hicky that receives and records the information from the reader.

The meter reader doesn't even have to stop!
I have seen that you have a link where LE got on tv in front of the media and said his statements are inconsistent? I have seen that posted and I have seen some of the talking head say that but I must have missed where LE themselves have said this in one of their PCs. Did they say it on one of NG or JVM show because I dont watch either of those shows and would have missed it.

CV said just last week I believe when asked about the Celis obtaining a lawyer that he was not aware of any attorney and he also said he speaks with both of parents on a daily basis.


You are correct, obe, the comments that Sergio's statements are inconsistent can only be attributed to unnamed "law enforcement sources" as reported by a TH.

The same source also produced the statement that ". . . child protective services first visited the celis home back in december, though a law enforcement source tells nbc news the incident was minor, and did not involve isabel."

Same msm link, same interview clip, same unnamed source. Both statements should carry the same amount of trust, right? So it follows that one shouldn't refer to the CPS contact as minor in one post and yet ask for a link from another poster for a direct quote from LE for the other, right?

There are no links to either statement from LE. We should all be careful to take them all with a grain of salt ~ even those that seem to support our own personal views.
ok...but come we really think that a dectective is going to tell their big mouthed untrustworthy wife a key piece of evidence taken from the scene of a crime????



Did I say I believed it? I simply said I saw it someplace else, not that blog.

As far as Rebecca...she said he loves "those boys, loves my daughter" that kind of sounded odd to me and is JMO.
lol. There was a case on WS once where some creep was hiding under a girl's bed. Creeped us all out. I decided to throw dog treats under the bed to make them go under there and check it out before I got in bed. Creeped me the heck out to even think someone is under my bed.
Wow, I think I know that case, was that the one in Scranton PA or near there? I live only 45 minutes away, and the creep was caught and arrested, the father held him there until police arrived, what he did to the child was deplorable. I would have killed him Im sure.
I haven't seen a window in the guest house/room where the neighbor could look out on that side. Is there one?

You're right. The guest house is much farther back on Alicia's parents property, but she was showing HER window was directly across from Isa's. I guess she moved up front?
You are correct, obe, the comments that Sergio's statements are inconsistent can only be attributed to unnamed "law enforcement sources" as reported by a TH.

The same source also produced the statement that ". . . child protective services first visited the celis home back in december, though a law enforcement source tells nbc news the incident was minor, and did not involve isabel."

Same msm link, same interview clip, same unnamed source. Both statements should carry the same amount of trust, right? So it follows that one shouldn't refer to the CPS contact as minor in one post and yet ask for a link from another poster for a direct quote from LE for the other, right?

There are no links to either statement from LE. We should all be careful to take them all with a grain of salt ~ even those that seem to support our own personal views.

I think another posted listened to the PC again and LE said the TPD calls were "minor"...did not comment on the CPS calls at all. And that media got it wrong, imagine that. JMO
I can't help chortling!

I live out in the country and we're used to being way behind the times. But in meter reading, we're apparently ahead of some places!

Our meter has a wireless thingie on it and when the meter reader comes around, all they have to do is drive by slowly and their car has a receiver doo-hicky that receives and records the information from the reader.

The meter reader doesn't even have to stop!

I think that is so cool. I still have to deal with a meter reader and he and I do NOT get along. lol.
Last year PG&E installed "Smart Meter's", so no one reads our meter anymore. Have they been installed in AZ yet?
When we get down to the nitty gritty of this case, the abduction theory is not fairing well. When you back to square one and start dissecting how the perp/s entered and exited, the theory breaks down.

I will assume the back gate was locked when LE arrived...if it wasn't the dogs may have escaped. So we have a locked back gate that can only be locked by someone on the inside of the property.

We have locked doors inside the house. If this is not true and a perp got in, he had to walk past Sergio x2. as there are three doors in the back:

1. at the master bdrm
2. at the den
3. at the family room.

The main door was locked to the best of my kge...but even if he came in that way, he had to walk past sergio x2. Sergio is sleeping right in the middle of the whole house.
ok...but come we really think that a dectective is going to tell their big mouthed untrustworthy wife a key piece of evidence taken from the scene of a crime????



I think you'd be surprised what information is either outright shared or hinted at. I know I was.
Last year PG&E installed "Smart Meter's", so no one reads our meter anymore. Have they been installed in AZ yet?

Yup. From TEP: For more than a decade, Tucson Electric Power has been installing electric meters at homes and businesses that can be read remotely through low-energy wireless communications equipment.
Ever since the FB poster mentioned the CPS involvement in December a week before media reported it...while still taking most comments with a grain of salt, many now leave me wondering if they could be right.

The Internet has made it a lot harder to keep a lid on stuff.
From the facts we have, there were two male voices heard. That gives two perps at the window, not one, for those who believe a stranger/family/pedo took her.

We have one ear witness who heard some voices at 6:30 am
The time frame is actually between 11 pm and 8 am...
The voices could have been coincidence or a dream for all we really know.
I don't believe anything at this point, but her account for me does not put two perps at the window.
The perp could have come at any hour...
You're right. The guest house is much farther back on Alicia's parents property, but she was showing HER window was directly across from Isa's. I guess she moved up front?

Maybe that guest house part is only the front of her section of the house, it may have access to more rooms on that side of the house. When I was a kid we had a similar setup for my grandmother. Separate entrance with access to a bedroom at that end of the house. Who knows?
I can't help chortling!

I live out in the country and we're used to being way behind the times. But in meter reading, we're apparently ahead of some places!

Our meter has a wireless thingie on it and when the meter reader comes around, all they have to do is drive by slowly and their car has a receiver doo-hicky that receives and records the information from the reader.

The meter reader doesn't even have to stop!

Ours is all done remotely. We don't even have the drive by guy lol
I cant speak for anyone else Whisperer but I do discount it.

I dont think the men talking above the barking dogs when it was already daybreak had anything to do with Isa's disappearance.

The neighbor said the men werent talking loudly but yet she was almost sure they were speaking English........that makes me pause because I know how hard it is to hear someone when my dogs are barking up a storm close to me.

I just dont think anyone would be taking a child out of a home at daybreak when dogs were barking loudly right at them to drawn attention to them.

There was nothing preventing the neighbor from getting up and seeing everything that was going on.


I agree with all said. Walls must be very thin, and/or men must be right outside the window to hear soft talking over frantic barking dogs. I can't see an abductor or abductors hanging around to chat if dogs were barking so loudly.

I can sleep through hurricane so I understand going back to sleep, but not all the specific details concerning such a brief, insignificant at -the -time awakening. Maybe she was just trying to help, but sure would be nice to hear same from other neighbors, but maybe their statements were to le only which we don't see.

All the above is MHOO and all paraphrased as I remember the interview.
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