MOO too.... And I even hate to think/type this.....
I just wonder how accurate the gun part of his story is and when it happened... Was he planning to kill her from the get go? If yes, my thoughts are moot. If not, why didnt she "play possum" just a little bit longer and let him dump her in the cane fields? Her injuries from the stab wounds may have still taken her but she had a better chance than against the gun. . .
I do not want to take anything away from her fighting to take BSL and putting him away. I just cant help thinking of the what ifs...
I've thought about this too. My idea is Mickey was afraid he'd shoot her once she was dragged to the field to make sure she was dead so she decided to try to get the jump on him. OR BSL is full of it and she stabbed him while he was in the process of trying to rape her.