Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

We all can, but you can't remember exact details. What colour shirt, boots or shoes, flashlight? Memories remain, details go by the wayside.

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Probably not those specific details, but the pertinent ones should still be there unless there has been so much gaslighting that he truly believes the R propaganda -- which I don't believe is true, but it's what he tried to imply on the Phil show when Phil asked about his voice on the 911 call and he said, "​I definitely don’t remember that unless someone erased my memory or something." Baloney.
I could answer all those questions. He certainly isn't going to admit any kind of conflict, he'll say he didn't recall eating anything, he'll say he went down and put the toy together then went to bed. His story is simple, no prep required.

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And how believable do you think he'll come across if he claims he never fought with his sister?
We all can, but you can't remember exact details. What colour shirt, boots or shoes, flashlight? Memories remain, details go by the wayside.

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True. I often thought though if he snuck down after he went to bed he wouldn't be wearing boots. Maybe pj's and slippers.

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Dr Phil did not cross examine him. He gave him some difficult questions with very little follow up. No questions about poo and candy for example. DP was clearly an honorary member of Team Ramsey. Remember its preponderance of the evidence, so if the jury just comes to the conclusion it is more likely than not, burke loses. It is my opinion the lawsuits are just meant to intimidate and perhaps get a nice settlement. Even if BR is innocent, he will creep the jury out on the stand. I have always been a PR did it person until I saw clips of the interview. Still not a BDI person, but those interviews were terrible for him. Really a bad idea.
I pointed this out once before. In John Douglas book, The Cases that Haunt Us, page 377, Douglas says John went to tend to BR meaning put him to bed, but Burke insisted on putting a toy together. John waited for him to finish, and then put him to bed. So I have wondered if BR does not remember his father was with him when he put the toy together, or he came back down even later, or if JR told Douglas that for some other reason. If there was no pineapple out when JR went to bed, JR or BR will have to explain that. The jury can draw its own conclusion if they fail to explain it.
Mr. Ramsey - what do you remember about your sister? Did you get along well? Ever argue? Have physical fights? Please describe them for us. Did she ever take your toys? Break anything of yours? Do you recall an incident with a golf club some time before the murder? Please explain what you remember. Your father is on record saying he but you to bed on Christmas night, but on the Dr. Phil show you indicated you remember being downstairs after everyone else had gone to bed. Do you recall why you did this? By "downstairs" what exactly did you mean? The basement or the main level of the house? Do you call how long you were down there and what you were doing? No? Okay so you specifically remember being downstairs after everyone had gone to bed but nothing else? Did you eat anything while you were downstairs? Were you joined by anyone while you were downstairs? Did you enjoy pineapple and milk? No? Did JonBenet? Have you ever seen this photo before? Would you please listen to this 911 tape and give us your thoughts as to whose voices you hear? Could you have been in the room when the call was made? You have stated you pretended to be asleep that morning. Why did you do that? Were you instructed by anyone to do this? Tell me about your school days, ever get into any fights....

He'll be bombarded with everything. But I'm more interested in John Ramsey's deposition.....

Do you think he should be asked "Did you ever smear your feces on a box of candy"?
Do you think he should be asked "Did you ever smear your feces on a box of candy"?

Of course he should be asked, but my guess would be that he'd answer "No". Ask him if he smeared it on the walls first. Use the housekeepers testimony to show there was a behaviour pattern, then ask about the chocolates. Follow up question would be "who do you think did? An intruder?
I pointed this out once before. In John Douglas book, The Cases that Haunt Us, page 377, Douglas says John went to tend to BR meaning put him to bed, but Burke insisted on putting a toy together. John waited for him to finish, and then put him to bed. So I have wondered if BR does not remember his father was with him when he put the toy together, or he came back down even later, or if JR told Douglas that for some other reason. If there was no pineapple out when JR went to bed, JR or BR will have to explain that. The jury can draw its own conclusion if they fail to explain it.

Who knows? John specifically said he helped Burke with the toy before putting him to bed. Burke seems pretty sure he snuck down after everyone was in bed. Same toy? Different toy? These people need to be questioned thoroughly for once.
Of course he should be asked, but my guess would be that he'd answer "No". *snip*

Really? You think he should be asked "Did you ever smear your feces on a box of candy"?

From Kolar's ama-
From /u/Fr_Brown:Where in JonBenet's room were the feces-smeared pajama bottoms "thought to belong to Burke" found? If they were in plain sight, is there a crime scene photograph of them? Were they collected?
Was the "feces-smeared candy box" collected? If not, do you know why not?
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[–]jameskolar 15 points 1 year ago
It is my recollection that the pj bottoms were on the floor but I didn’t see that they or the box of candy were collected. It was an odd observation noted by investigators, but I don’t think they grasped the significance of those items at the time. Interviews were still being conducted with family employees and friends during and well after the completion of the execution of the search warrants.


Was the box of candy ever collected for testing, yes or no?
I tried getting access but no luck! Can anyone offer any insight?? Thanks!

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When I tried to get in earlier, I had trouble; but I was able to access just now. Tried to post a screenshot, but it didn't turn out worth a hoot. Unfortunately, a direct link won't work unless you have already jumped through the hoops.
When I tried to get in earlier, I had trouble; but I was able to access just now. Tried to post a screenshot, but it didn't turn out worth a hoot. Unfortunately, a direct link won't work unless you have already jumped through the hoops.

Finally got it- thank you.

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A grand jury heard a lot of evidence and moved to indict the family. No intruder. A civil jury will hear even more

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A grand jury heard a lot of evidence and moved to indict the family. No intruder. A civil jury will hear even more

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And most interesting to me, Lou Smit (by way of going around AH) got to present his intruder theory to the GJ. Dismissed- no intruder, let's indict JR and PR.

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And most interesting to me, Lou Smit (by way of going around AH) got to present his intruder theory to the GJ. Dismissed- no intruder, let's indict JR and PR.

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And not just Lou Smit but John Douglas. This book excerpt will never ever stop making me laugh. From his book that came out a few months before the truth about the grand jury came out:
Lou Smit and I both testified before the grand jury, and we were among the last witnesses. He went before the panel on March 11, 1999. My own testimony was heard on April 26 and 27. Smit had requested he be allowed to testify, but his participation was rebuffed by prosecutor Michael Kane, who also ordered him to turn over all of the material he had gathered. With the help of other prosecutors he knew around the state, who respected him and agreed that the grand jury was not listening to all relevant evidence, Smit got both rulings reversed. It was my impression that it was not the prosecuting attorneys but the grand jurors themselves who wanted to hear from both of us.

Since grand jury proceedings are held in secret, I don’t know what Smit testified to or whether it conformed to what I said. But a number of media sources wrote of a general consensus that what we both told the grand jurors focused them to their final result.
Bryan Morgan had called to tell me the grand jury wanted me to testify and to bring any notes I had.
“I told them you didn’t have any notes,” he said.
“I do have notes,” I said.
“You do?”
I did bring them with me; and when I got in the grand jury room, they let me read my notes pretty much verbatim into the record, including my candid observations on many of the key players.

Two of the grand jurors had backgrounds in science, so I knew it would be important to explain to them what I did and how we had developed the discipline. I recall one member asking me something like, “What if we told you there was evidence that two people were involved in this crime?”
“I’ve investigated and testified in cases in which I thought there were two people involved,” I replied, “but I don’t see it here.” Then I added, “But if you actually have the evidence you mention, then why am I here? Why are you talking to me? Go with your evidence.”

He backed off.On October 13, 1999, the grand jury and Alex Hunter announced they had found insufficient evidence to indict anyone in the murder of JonBenét Ramsey. Since Colorado law specified that a true bill of indictment must be signed by both the jury foreman and the district attorney, it remained ambiguous which party had led the way in not indicting the Ramseys or anyone else.
Law and Disorder, John Douglas, pages 206 - 207

I'd love to know if this part was included or altered in any subsequent editions of the book, if it ever was reprinted. [emoji23]

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EXCLUSIVE: JonBenet Ramsey’s brother storms back to court after crime expert who accused him of murdering the pageant princess defends his claim as ‘free speech’

  • In October, Burke Ramsey filed a $150 million defamation lawsuit against forensic pathologist Dr Werner Spitz
  • Spitz had said during an interview with CBS Detroit that he thought Burke killed his six-year-old sister, JonBenet Ramsey, in 1996
  • On Tuesday, Burke defended his lawsuit in court, saying that Spitz is 'seeking to avoid responsibility for his false accusations'
  • Burke's reputation was also rocked by a CBS special that hypothesized he hit his sister over the head with a flashlight and killed her
  • Despite the high-profile nature of JonBenet's 20-year-old murder case, and the many theories about her death, no killer has ever been identified
By Amanda Ulrich For Dailymail.com
PUBLISHED: 11:06 EST, 1 February 2017 | UPDATED: 14:46 EST, 1 February 2017

For the Daily Mail to say Burke "stormed back to court" implies more passion for justice (or proactiveness) on his part than any member of the Ramsey family has ever exhibited. I was not at all surprised to see it was just another empty, predictable, bombastic soundbite from Woody. Yawn.

"True Crime Tuesdays with Dr. Oz:
  • Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey with Aphrodite Jones"

Shocking new insight into one of the biggest unsolved murders in American history. It’s been 20 years since 6-year-old JonBenét Ramsey was murdered. Today, we take a closer look at new theories surrounding her death."

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