CA CA - Ember Graham, 7 mo., Happy Valley, 2 July 2015 - #1

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It's called a black out. If he really blacked out why not agree to the polygraph? There wouldn't be deception about something a person has no knowledge of because they forgot.

I don't for a second believe he doesn't know. I think he was likely so intoxicated/wasted he was beyond capable of caring for a child and an accident happened out of negligence. I haven't seen anything to indicate he has an anger issue.

He has anger issues. SM from April. Bad really bad.
One of JG's photos said something like, "Excuse the face." I had to squint, but her lip looked swollen and face bruised (make-up).
Nobody broke thru two gates, moseyed past guard dogs and stole the baby from the literally crappy trailer. This case does not remotely resemble Polly Klaas or the Smart case and the only POI named is the father.


Most likely the father did it, either intentionally or accidentally. The only other remote possibility I could imagine would be an ex girlfriend, upset about him getting back together with the wife. An ex would know how to get into the trailer, and might not alarm the dogs. She would also be aware of his sleeping/drug use patterns and might be able to plot the best time to sneak in.
It looks they are focusing near the North Fork Cottonwood Creek and surrounding areas. The Redding Landfill is also out there, but the landfill my daughter mentions is further down Happy Valley Rd. The Anderson Landfill. The area they are searching makes sense, too.
Most likely the father did it, either intentionally or accidentally. The only other remote possibility I could imagine would be an ex girlfriend, upset about him getting back together with the wife. An ex would know how to get into the trailer, and might not alarm the dogs. She would also be aware of his sleeping/drug use patterns and might be able to plot the best time to sneak in.

ITA although I don't know how an ex-girlfriend would know he had the baby that night.
I did say it was impossible and I'll repeat it. He was an unsavory person yet you want to blame it on a mysterious also unsavory person? He can certainly try that as a defense and see how it works out for him.

Nobody broke thru two gates, moseyed past guard dogs and stole the baby from the literally crappy trailer. This case does not remotely resemble Polly Klaas or the Smart case and the only POI named is the father.


Peace. There's no sense in arguing - in my opinion - when neither of us knows what happened. I always deal with shades of grey, not black and white - because I'm mid-50's, and I've seen too many cases turn out completely different from the way the public viewed them. Too often to think I always have all the answers just by what "seems" to be true to the public.
Depends on what his normal is. Some people don't restart the vehicle just to pull a few feet closer to the door. Some people park the furthest away from a store. There's no physical reason for him to park at the door to the store. He is young, obviously able to carry the baby carrier with Ember in it, and able to walk that short distance. A non issue IMO

i think he might have wanted to NOT draw attention to the vehicle. Suppose a cop pulled up and noticed his absence of license plates? I also think he might've incorrectly assumed that surveillance cameras, if any, would be focused more on the store itself and the front of the store, and not the entire lot.
Was there any other entry to the property?? Is it all fenced in?? Surrounded by woods or is there neighbors?? I can't see maps and Google street as well in this phone, nor search as well. Got to get another laptop..

If his camper or trailer is behind the other ones in that property, then most likely someone else would have heard his truck or any other vehicles. Those with multiple dogs don't always react to barking. You hear it so often that you kinda tune it out, IMO.

I'm trying to completely rule out an abduction in my mind. What purpose would someone have for abduction? I realize human trafficking is real. Are babies often trafficked?

Sometimes the simplest answer is correct. In that thought a fussy baby and high caretaker isn't a good combination. Sometimes a body is left in an area known to the perpetrator. Unfortunately in this case there is ample places to leave a baby's body. Plenty of woods, most likely areas locals use as dumping on the side of the roads, maybe county dumpsters, etc.
ITA although I don't know how an ex-girlfriend would know he had the baby that night.

Anyone who saw him in the store would know he had the baby. Anyone he'd talked to and told that he was getting back together with the wife -might- know, depending on just what he said. Also someone could have seen the wife without the baby and asked where she was.
Was there any other entry to the property?? Is it all fenced in?? Surrounded by woods or is there neighbors?? I can't see maps and Google street as well in this phone, nor search as well. Got to get another laptop..

If his camper or trailer is behind the other ones in that property, then most likely someone else would have heard his truck or any other vehicles. Those with multiple dogs don't always react to barking. You hear it so often that you kinda tune it out, IMO.

I'm trying to completely rule out an abduction in my mind. What purpose would someone have for abduction? I realize human trafficking is real. Are babies often trafficked?

Sometimes the simplest answer is correct. In that thought a fussy baby and high caretaker isn't a good combination. Sometimes a body is left in an area known to the perpetrator. Unfortunately in this case there is ample places to leave a baby's body. Plenty of woods, most likely areas locals use as dumping on the side of the roads, maybe county dumpsters, etc.

Very thoughtful post. I'm also interested in whether it's "fenced in". It's a low-end trailer park road. It's HARD for me to believe it's a gated community. But I don't know. There are lots of neighbors - other trailers - from what I can see on Google maps.

Here's what I've come to know. He tried to get his girlfriend back, and was excited she was coming back to him, and he adored his baby girl (or at least the idea of her, he hadn't been around her much). The woman was coming back to live with him the next day, and so he had the baby girl the night before. This is ALL RUMOR, facebook stuff. He clearly seemed to want them back.

I wish I had better recall of names, of kids missing because people creep in during the night and steal kids. While adults are either sober and asleep or drugged or drunk and just can't possibly give information about what happened.

For those who are better at recall:

a 4 year old girl, Denise, in Canada, First Nations community, who knows what happened to her
a 3 year old girl near Galveston, Dannariah Finley, taken from her house, who knows what happened to her, she was found dead on the beach
Jessica Lunsford, kidnapped by John Couey out of her trailer while grandparents slept and her dog slept on her bed

This does happen. To rule it out automatically seems premature.
The parents of Ember are married, aren't they?
Anyone who saw him in the store would know he had the baby. Anyone he'd talked to and told that he was getting back together with the wife -might- know, depending on just what he said. Also someone could have seen the wife without the baby and asked where she was.

Which would mean that it was someone he knew or else a stranger who followed him home to see where he lived. Either way he certainly would have told that to LE - IOW if he ran into a friend at the store or if he noticed someone following him after the store stop. But in the second case the person would have to have followed him for about an hour.

And I imagine JG has told LE everyone she spoke with on the day Ember disappeared. And wouldn't MG's family be blasting it all over msm if there was a viable suspect other than MG?
First time poster here! please be patient haha
Did anyone else see that the search has been suspended, too many inconsistencies from the Dad.
Was there any other entry to the property?? Is it all fenced in?? Surrounded by woods or is there neighbors?? I can't see maps and Google street as well in this phone, nor search as well. Got to get another laptop..

If his camper or trailer is behind the other ones in that property, then most likely someone else would have heard his truck or any other vehicles. Those with multiple dogs don't always react to barking. You hear it so often that you kinda tune it out, IMO.

I'm trying to completely rule out an abduction in my mind. What purpose would someone have for abduction? I realize human trafficking is real. Are babies often trafficked?

Sometimes the simplest answer is correct. In that thought a fussy baby and high caretaker isn't a good combination. Sometimes a body is left in an area known to the perpetrator. Unfortunately in this case there is ample places to leave a baby's body. Plenty of woods, most likely areas locals use as dumping on the side of the roads, maybe county dumpsters, etc.
Quoting myself to provide images to answer your questions.
That was a map of the wrong store. Sorry to mislead. So, here we go, with maps to raise questions and plot possible search areas.

First, this is Noosha Lane
View attachment 77874

This is the Happy Stop Market. Matthew was parked somewhere in the red box, farther up than the white truck shown in my image
View attachment 77875

In the surveillance footage, he is seen driving TOWARDS home, on Cloverdale Road.
View attachment 77876

However, look at the road options. Did he take some wacky route home? Seems like he would have turned 'right' at the Happy Mart to actually go home.

Now........ where did he come from, allowing him to drive down Cloverdale right past the Happy Mart (shown as a marker in the bottom right of the picture):
View attachment 77877
First time poster here! please be patient haha
Did anyone else see that the search has been suspended, too many inconsistencies from the Dad.
They have suspended the search for the evening & cordoned off the area that they were in all day.

HAPPY VALLEY, California - UPDATED AT 7:30 P.M.

Investigators have cordoned off the area, and sheriff’s deputies have been assigned to keep an overnight watch. The search will resume in the same location early Saturday morning.

Earlier this week, Bosenko said his office would submit a case to the Shasta County District Attorney’s Office recommending charges against Graham “sometime soon.”

Asked how close his office is to submitting the case, Bosenko wasn’t so firm on a date. He said it will depend on what happens during this new search, though it would not change the charges his investigators were planning to recommend.
Wow they arrested him because he will not disclose what meds he is on. Nice father material...
This is hitting too close to home for me. My daughter is 34 weeks pregnant with her husband. She just let him move back in, they've been separated 6 months this time. He's a two time felon, theft and habitual prescription drug abuser. Not his prescriptions either. They've been together 8 years and married for 3 years. When she kicked him out in January he had pawned items worth thousands some of the stuff he'd stolen from employers. He can't keep a job and will spend every dime he can get on prescription drugs.

This case is my nightmare every night, I dream of this happening to my granddaughter and she's not even born yet. My daughter is 26 years old, a college graduate and makes 30k plus working in Behavorial Health. But I can't convince her that this does and can happen to anyone. It's always one more chance, he promises he will do better.
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