GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #6

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I am not sure it would be so possible for a young person to vanish these days and be alive, as it was some years back. Most do not even seem to know how to do basic things, unless they are doing them on their phone. I can't see going from a smart phone or an ipad to nothingness. She has not used her atm, apparently, would not be likely to have had much cash. I guess anything is possible but I am not seeing it here. Not with the huge motive, imo, and the inconsistent stories from CL to LE and remarks from NL. It all sounds pretty sinister. But jmo.
Here is a task that someone could volunteer for... lol. I admit I don't have the time nor the stomach to do it... but here goes. Someone mentioned that it could have been a 3-way affair where EC was brought into the CL NL marriage. I wonder if adult dating sites were searched... if anything in that immediate area would show up. Then again it could be like finding a needle in a haystack.
Then again... I'm not really sure what that would prove other than more deception by NL and CL...
Thank you! In your opinion, may I ask what leads you to feel that might be what's happened in Erin's case? I soooo want her to be alive and well.

NaturalSelection View Post :

The question is: how likely is it that she is alive, and hasn't contacted her mother, used her cellphone, used credit cards, etc. She has no car.

I am not saying this is the case with this young lady, what I was referring to is it is possible in general for someone to just walk with nothing or next to nothing and go on with their lives. It does happen. In this situation to be honest I am not so sure. One could only hope for the best case scenario being that she did walk away. I actually do have some thoughts on this situation and it is quite different than anything I have seen thus far.
I hope not to upset anyone but it could be possible that she is alive and has not contacted her Mother, or used her cellphone or credit cards, etc. Yes it is possible even without a car. I am speaking from experience here yes it is possible. For that matter add on to the things already mentioned no ID, social security card, medications, birth certificate, money, clothing and things we would think one would need to survive. I first hand know for a fact this is possible and has happened. But I am not saying this is the case but possible yes.

I always thought this was the scenario until the admission from the horse farm woman. (Regarding the discussion she had with the L couple). At this point, it just a matter of getting a confession from one or the other. MOO
NaturalSelection View Post :

The question is: how likely is it that she is alive, and hasn't contacted her mother, used her cellphone, used credit cards, etc. She has no car.

I am not saying this is the case with this young lady, what I was referring to is it is possible in general for someone to just walk with nothing or next to nothing and go on with their lives. It does happen. In this situation to be honest I am not so sure. One could only hope for the best case scenario being that she did walk away. I actually do have some thoughts on this situation and it is quite different than anything I have seen thus far.

I agree with you about people going entirely "off the grid." It is absolutely possible and it does happen. I don't believe that is the case here, but if you have some insight as to how that may be the case with Erin, I would really love to hear your thoughts.
Why on earth do we let people join the service at eighteen?

Based on the scientific theories presented, I'm guessing it would be because their frontal lobes are not developed, so they are easily convinced to run into dangerous situations. I am not a fan of the frontal lobe theory, myself, even with pictures. :worms:
I hope not to upset anyone but it could be possible that she is alive and has not contacted her Mother, or used her cellphone or credit cards, etc. Yes it is possible even without a car. I am speaking from experience here yes it is possible. For that matter add on to the things already mentioned no ID, social security card, medications, birth certificate, money, clothing and things we would think one would need to survive. I first hand know for a fact this is possible and has happened. But I am not saying this is the case but possible yes.

Anything is possible. The question is is it probable?
I am going to jump in here and share another point of view. Could it be possible that CL and EC truly are in love. Set the affair aside a moment and think of two young adults that have an attraction to each other that is stronger than what they previously had with their respective mates. It is a given that CL is scheduled to move but CL & EC desperately want to be together. Is it possible that the so called JT trip was a planned ruse and that CL met with NL and they cajoled up a method to send EC ahead to the location that CL is moving to? Without NL or EC being in the know? Perhaps CL has family or friends whom he has confined in about the situation and had requested their assistance with housing EC until his arrival? Never taking into consideration how far the situation would go? And it is possible that NL is making these harsh statements that are not necessarily true but based on her anger, hurt and pain at both CL and EC for anguish they both have caused her? (All speculation here of course). Just a different spin on things.
I am not sure it would be so possible for a young person to vanish these days and be alive, as it was some years back. Most do not even seem to know how to do basic things, unless they are doing them on their phone. I can't see going from a smart phone or an ipad to nothingness. She has not used her atm, apparently, would not be likely to have had much cash. I guess anything is possible but I am not seeing it here. Not with the huge motive, imo, and the inconsistent stories from CL to LE and remarks from NL. It all sounds pretty sinister. But jmo.

I agree. Plus, she's in a hot, desolate area, with limited means to reach more hospitable surroundings. I don't see her living "on the streets" as it were, under those conditions.
I have known several people (one is my sister) who have been unsuccessful in getting child support across state lines. (former husband is a physician and has moved from state to state several times to make tracking him down as difficult as possible) Also, Bush's budgets woefully underfunded the agency, and there were terrible backlogs. I've heard things are better under Obama, but establishing paternity would be onerous... I've read that only about 8% of children with out of state fathers get child support from them. Finally, we know that AK is different from many other states in that it has many remote areas where disappearing is easier than it would be in S. California. Of course, CL's perception (NL's too) is more important than reality. This could have been motive enough, but I'll bet NL's part in this was significant. Hopefully, time will tell. The important thing is that he/they get prosecuted. It may be LE has enough to indict now, and are taking their time to gather as much evidence as possible. The goal is a conviction, and waiting months, a year, two years, to get one is the right tack if they can make a stronger case.

Another fallout from the Kelli Bordeaux case (near Fort Bragg) was the owner of the neighborhood bar she was last in was arrested because he owed a large sum of child support to two different women. I imagine the women tried to collect the child support over the years to no avail. I don't think the collection system is efficient or easily available to all women. Especially when the irresponsible person goes off the grid.
The guy was 'hiding' in NC and managed to elude court for DUI charges and not paying child support. He was arrested and sent back east and did time too. After that I lost track of him.
I am going to jump in here and share another point of view. Could it be possible that CL and EC truly are in love. Set the affair aside a moment and think of two young adults that have an attraction to each other that is stronger than what they previously had with their respective mates. It is a given that CL is scheduled to move but CL & EC desperately want to be together. Is it possible that the so called JT trip was a planned ruse and that CL met with NL and they cajoled up a method to send EC ahead to the location that CL is moving to? Without NL or EC being in the know? Perhaps CL has family or friends whom he has confined in about the situation and had requested their assistance with housing EC until his arrival? Never taking into consideration how far the situation would go? And it is possible that NL is making these harsh statements that are not necessarily true but based on her anger, hurt and pain at both CL and EC for anguish they both have caused her? (All speculation here of course). Just a different spin on things.

I am always open to a new theory.
In this world - you just never know.
I wonder if the Lee's are reading this website. :jail:
I am going to jump in here and share another point of view. Could it be possible that CL and EC truly are in love. Set the affair aside a moment and think of two young adults that have an attraction to each other that is stronger than what they previously had with their respective mates. It is a given that CL is scheduled to move but CL & EC desperately want to be together. Is it possible that the so called JT trip was a planned ruse and that CL met with NL and they cajoled up a method to send EC ahead to the location that CL is moving to? Without NL or EC being in the know? Perhaps CL has family or friends whom he has confined in about the situation and had requested their assistance with housing EC until his arrival? Never taking into consideration how far the situation would go? And it is possible that NL is making these harsh statements that are not necessarily true but based on her anger, hurt and pain at both CL and EC for anguish they both have caused her? (All speculation here of course). Just a different spin on things.

But that spin on things requires that we discount the texts to her friend about the affair, Chris being concerned about his wife divorcing him, and the special day away. Plus, why on earth would CL (or anyone really) choose to have LE breathing down his neck and remain clearly under suspicion of murder, rather than just fess up to them that EC's fine and has simply left her husband? She's an adult and can go where she pleases. There's no need for her to be spirited away like she's going into the witness protection program. Unless she wants to remain married to JC forever, or leave her family thinking she is dead, she would eventually have to surface.

If we confine ourselves strictly to the facts as presented so far by LE, I sadly think there is really only one reasonable explanation for what has happened to Erin. She is dead. How it happened, and exactly who was involved may hold a few surprises before all is said and done, but I don't think the facts leave a lot of room for doubt as to her fate.
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What a mouthful!
I do not know if it has changed but when I joined (1979) you were allowed to join at 17 with your parents permission.

To be honest, and jmo...seventeen-year olds were much "older" back then than now. I know that graduating around that time, we were mostly pretty mature, had held jobs for a few years ,owned cars we paid for, and were either going to college or into full time work at "real" jobs. Now, imo, it seems like people are considered "kids" unless they are over twenty-five by most people. Yet the laws and guidelines for adulthood stayed low...the idea of most sixteen-years driving now keeps me virtually off the road, lol.
To be honest, and jmo...seventeen-year olds were much "older" back then than now. I know that graduating around that time, we were mostly pretty mature, had held jobs for a few years ,owned cars we paid for, and were either going to college or into full time work at "real" jobs. Now, imo, it seems like people are considered "kids" unless they are over twenty-five by most people. Yet the laws and guidelines for adulthood stayed low...the idea of most sixteen-years driving now keeps me virtually off the road, lol.

IDK about them being more mature. My FIL joined the Air Force at 17 - lying about his age. Honestly, he just wanted off the farm. He spent 27 years in the A/F, married and raised three kids, and did two tours in Vietnam. He has plenty of ghosts to this day and he'll be 75 come November.
Here's a thought...

What if CL truly wanted to 'celebrate', picked her up for some 'celebration' I mean after all...if it's true...the barn door didn't need to be locked... and what if...
NL found out and followed them...and she handled things and then told 'her dumb husband' to deal with what she perceives as his mess up...she goes to Erin's car(?seen by neighbor) looks over the car or in the car for whatever and goes back home to wait...
Yup, I know tons of holes in that theory but she has made several references about 'her dumb husband' and 'dumb LE(didn't search the garage, no body, prove it thing)'
The rest of it actually, while printed in MSM, is a whole lot of he said/she said
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