Found Deceased CA - Fang Jin, 47, flew to LA from China, train to Palm Springs, Morongo Basin, 21 Jul 2023, w/ JohnRoot Fitzpatrick, 55, missing, 30 Jul ‘23

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What I find perplexing is her they’re saying early on that FJ made sure to vet JRF. A simple Google search of his name quickly returned results that show several charges/convictions related to drinking offenses and assault.

I am very curious how the two of them met. Reading about JRF‘s interest in China really makes me wonder about the conversations they had online before they met in person.

Occam‘s razor tells me that they had an accident. Slightly on Occam‘s razor’s radar is he was drinking and became violent.
What I find perplexing is her they’re saying early on that FJ made sure to vet JRF. A simple Google search of his name quickly returned results that show several charges/convictions related to drinking offenses and assault.

I am very curious how the two of them met. Reading about JRF‘s interest in China really makes me wonder about the conversations they had online before they met in person.

Occam‘s razor tells me that they had an accident. Slightly on Occam‘s razor’s radar is he was drinking and became violent.
I’m also very curious about how they met. As for vetting JRF, I think they verified his identity and were impressed by his military background, so they didn’t do much in terms of a criminal background check. Would the average citizen in China be able to do a Google search? I believe they have restrictions on their internet access.
I’m also very curious about how they met. As for vetting JRF, I think they verified his identity and were impressed by his military background, so they didn’t do much in terms of a criminal background check. Would the average citizen in China be able to do a Google search? I believe they have restrictions on their internet access.
Many of the apps like Been Verified, Truth Finder, etc. are relied upon for casual “background” checks. If you look like JRF, this is what is displayed. If you look at the 12 “possible” infractions, they are all traffic. If you don’t know how to search people, it is not super easy to decipher the information.
I also want to make sure it is noted that we only know the charges against JRF (unless I missed the complaints being posted). I don’t believe is it responsible to judge a person based on the charges alone without knowing the background circumstances that resulted in the charges (certain charges such as murder and SA are obviously an exception).
I watch court hearings all day. Two people could both have assault charges. One could have thrown a drink in someone’s face. The second person could have tried to murder someone and pled down to lesser charges. It is important to know the backstory.


  • IMG_5218.png
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Indeed he was not yet convinced to find balance with Chinese culture .... maybe also frustration in his last marriage with another Chinese Woman ?
weird that he has an in-the-works-divorce with one Chinese woman and then has FL come visit- though we all know someone, I think, who has a "type" of person they like, whether that ultimately makes sense or not.... I do wonder if FJ looks like one or more of the wives
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weird that he has an in-the-works-divorce with one Chinese woman and then has FL come visit- though we all know someone, I think, who has a "type" of person they like, whether that ultimately makes sense or not.... I do wonder if FL looks like one or more of the wives


I'm sorry; do you mean FJ?


JRF claims he was a Navy Seal, according to his LinkedIn page.

below is snipped from linkedin...
  • Retired NAVY SEAL​

    Dec 1990 - Dec 201020 years 1 month
  • NSW BUD/S Training center.

    Jan 1993 - Jan 1994 1 year 1 month
    Cold, Wet, and got beat every day. Some of the best times in my life.
Coronado (BBMB) less than 65 miles from Julian...

ETA: This place has a Coronado po box for an address, as well...FWIW
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Just one suggestion—

The Hi-Desert Star News did three articles on Fang Jin, and their reporter Jené Estrada seemed to be instrumental to the Sheriff’s office making further declarations about Fang’s case they otherwise might not have—at least, it seemed that way, in my opinion.

It might be worth reaching out to the reporter to speak on the family’s behalf to give an update to Fang’s case—now 2 months later, and offer their opinion that her disappearance is NOT “voluntary” (as the Sheriff’s office is saying), and also how the daughter is unable to come to the US due this “voluntary missing” status, if I’m correctly understanding the dilemma.

I think most of us feel a status of voluntary missing means less will be done by law enforcement to the search.

If nothing else, another article is good to keep Fang’s name and face in the news, which just may reach that one person or persons who had or has seen her, or JRF, or the pickup truck, and has information that could help find her or narrow down search locations.

Hi-Desert Star articles about Fang Jin

Jené Estrada - Reporter - Jestrada @
Can you send these articles to me since I cannot open your link here in Belgium ? Thx alot for your support
Am I naieve for thinking both of them are hurt as opposed to him harming her?
Not at all. I genuinely think the were in a car accident. He might have even let her drive. Like hey, why don't you try. Driving on dirt roads can be dangerous if you have no experience. Simple fish-tail from ruts and an overcorrection, the vehicle rolls. I have always thought they were in an accident. And he didn't harm her on purpose, though any thing is possible. Eventually a hunter (it is now hunting season) will stumble into the wreckage. My guess is her phone got destroyed in the accident, his pinged a few days before the battery died.
Not at all. I genuinely think the were in a car accident. He might have even let her drive. Like hey, why don't you try. Driving on dirt roads can be dangerous if you have no experience. Simple fish-tail from ruts and an overcorrection, the vehicle rolls. I have always thought they were in an accident. And he didn't harm her on purpose, though any thing is possible. Eventually a hunter (it is now hunting season) will stumble into the wreckage. My guess is her phone got destroyed in the accident, his pinged a few days before the battery died.
Yes, I think this is sadly the most likely. Her phone, like most, probably had a lot off apps, draining the battery within a day. His might've had fewer bells and whistles, the battery surviving longer.

Additionally, they could have succumbed to the elements sightseeing. An early morning hike can prove deadly, as we've seen.

Followed another case her where a hiker parked her vehicle, walked away. Opportunists stole her car, everywhere pitching it.

I think it's possible these two died in the vehicle but also not impossible that they died away from it and someone came across an abandoned truck and it's now in parts.

I would just also note that the cactus photo shows his license plate number very clearly.

Intentional? Just part of the shot?

I favor the latter. However, sometimes when in a place where something seemed sketchy - like in a nearly-empty campground or parking lot, or at a hiking trailhead. I have taken photos of cars licenses just in case I needed to have some way to trace someone who made me feel uncomfortable or when I felt wary for some reason.

I also have photographs of my own car from various angles and it's license plate in a documents folder on my phone.
I agree, it is a strange picture. Though, he very well could have taken a nice picture of her...don't know what's in the background behind her. And in turn she snapped a picture of him. That's something people do especially early on. In a way it's a "cool" picture with the angle and his truck. Like 1070's/1980's action movie photo LOL.
I’ve had thoughts along this line after viewing his postings on LinkedIn. Among his posts, a disproportionately high number are about China. Kind of fits with this theory. Far-fetched, but worth considering.
There is a quote below about him dating Asian women as his type. And there are definitely a lot of pots, but when you have a "type" you tend to do a lot of research etc. When I have dated people from other countries, I definitely try to make a connection. Want to know more. Try to understand and relate.

I’m also very curious about how they met. As for vetting JRF, I think they verified his identity and were impressed by his military background, so they didn’t do much in terms of a criminal background check. Would the average citizen in China be able to do a Google search? I believe they have restrictions on their internet access.

I am sure hey met on a dating site that connected westerners with Asian women. There are tons of speciality sites. Russian brides, Thai brides, etc. In terms of a background check, they wouldn't have search from China. Maybe they could see his LinkedIn there. Usually people pay someone in another country to do a search. The issue is, not a lot will show up unless the person searching is in the US. So, if they paid someone in Europe to check the person out (Unless the person was skilled at changing an IP address, many things like public records won't be available. Same as if you try to search from US to UK etc. Whoever she had check him out might have had limited information. OR maybe they did see the Information but he had a quick and ready excuse, that made sense.

weird that he has an in-the-works-divorce with one Chinese woman and then has FL come visit- though we all know someone, I think, who has a "type" of person they like, whether that ultimately makes sense or not.... I do wonder if FJ looks like one or more of the wives

People definitely have types. No doubt about that. I know what men who only date asian men, women who only date African-American/Black men. Men who only will date people who have "volley-ball" player bodies, women who only date men over 6'3", men who only date blondes or hispanic women. People have types.

The issue with types can be the fetishizing or belief in stereotypes. These can be very dangerous. Asian women can be viewed as ultra-feminine, docile, seductive, subservient to their man, sexy, yet wholesome and duty bound. The "whole package". That obviously can be very dangerous and also oppressive to Asian women. See the link below.

Do we know if FJ knew about the divorce? I will say, depending on how long ago they separated, with the pandemic, getting a divorce was put on pause. If she was out of the country, they delay could be extreme due to travel restrictions. This could be a thing or not. Definitely could be explained away by him and pandemic. Do you have more info?

Even if he did something to her, he cannot make his truck magically disappear……. Where is it?
Yes, I think this is sadly the most likely. Her phone, like most, probably had a lot off apps, draining the battery within a day. His might've had fewer bells and whistles, the battery surviving longer.

Additionally, they could have succumbed to the elements sightseeing. An early morning hike can prove deadly, as we've seen.

Followed another case her where a hiker parked her vehicle, walked away. Opportunists stole her car, everywhere pitching it.

I think it's possible these two died in the vehicle but also not impossible that they died away from it and someone came across an abandoned truck and it's now in parts.

Agree. Depending on the ages of the phones, batteries can drain at different rates. I am not specially talking about my horrible battery on my older iPhone at all LOL. There is that phot of him and he has what looks like a newer iPhone.

I never thought about the vehicle getting stolen when they were hiking. Interesting thought. Kids joy riding or something more nefarious like actual theft. I think they will be found with that vehicle now that hunting season is starting soon. :(
Not at all. I genuinely think the were in a car accident. He might have even let her drive. Like hey, why don't you try. Driving on dirt roads can be dangerous if you have no experience. Simple fish-tail from ruts and an overcorrection, the vehicle rolls. I have always thought they were in an accident. And he didn't harm her on purpose, though any thing is possible. Eventually a hunter (it is now hunting season) will stumble into the wreckage. My guess is her phone got destroyed in the accident, his pinged a few days before the battery died.
Hopefully you still remember we are verifying given facts 1) Her phone last could be traced in 29 Palms on 21st of July around 22pm , 2) Some official camera took picture of car in Thermal at 22nd of July 3) Johns Phone was last traced in Julian on 24th of July ..... Lets hope that they are still together and unfortunately had accident together . In that case it must be in Julian right ?

This post lands at random.

Reminder from The Rules: Etiquette & Information

NOTE: Websleuths does not condone members becoming personally involved in cases by initiating contact with family members, friends, case players, law enforcement, or the media. This does not preclude responding to a request for volunteers, or utilizing proper channels to report valid information, i.e., "a tip", to law enforcement.
LucyOso said;
"He might have let her drive"
Drivers seat & seat belt.
LucyOso said;
"If they were in an accident..." ...
Her phone simply could have drained its battery days
before any accident, maybe she didn't have a car
charger connectable cable for her particular phone?
His phone, may have had charger connection cable, or
(his specific phone type) car charger stand.

The most desireable information we need from Law
Enforcement is the location of the cell tower his phone
last pinged on, the direction from that tower (note, it
would not be unusual for a cell tower to have its
antennae laid out in a 3 by 120 degree configuration,
so out from a tower maybe extend out 3 pie slices of
coverage areas, comms carrier should be able to inform
Law Enforcement in which 'pie slice' in that case), maybe
a direction from that cell tower and maybe a distance
from the tower (which would be only approximate
distance anyway). The 'immediately previous to last
ping' (second last ping direction from tower & distance)
may also be useful (to maybe establish a possible
direction they were travelling, speed travelling, or if

Probably the Chinese Consulate-General of the People's
Republic of China in Los Angeles is going to have to
start making 'pointed enquiries' to the U.S. government
as to why after several months U.S. LE regards this as
'voluntary missing', and if LE cease regarding this as
'voluntary missing' then just what the above ping
information exactly is and why U.S. law enforcement
then does not make this information public.
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Any sandstorms might interfere with towers, yes?

Could it be their phones never separated but hers died first or hers too would've connected with a different tower....

Of course I know less than nothing about which I speak. It just seems like maybe an outside force (weather) may have forced a connection via other towers....

LucyOso said;
"He might have let her drive"
Drivers seat & seat belt.
LucyOso said;
"If they were in an accident..." ...
Her phone simply could have drained its battery days
before any accident, maybe she didn't have a car
charger connectable cable for her particular phone?
His phone, may have had charger connection cable, or
(his specific phone type) car charger stand.

The most desireable information we need from Law
Enforcement is the location of the cell tower his phone
last pinged on, the direction from that tower (note, it
would not be unusual for a cell tower to have its
antennae laid out in a 3 by 120 degree configuration,
so out from a tower maybe extend out 3 pie slices of
coverage areas, comms carrier should be able to inform
Law Enforcement in which 'pie slice' in that case), maybe
a direction from that cell tower and maybe a distance
from the tower (which would be only approximate
distance anyway). The 'immediately previous to last
ping' (second last ping direction from tower & distance)
may also be useful (to maybe establish a possible
direction they were travelling, speed travelling, or if

Probably the Chinese Consulate-General of the People's
Republic of China in Los Angeles is going to have to
start making 'pointed enquiries' to the U.S. government
as to why after several months U.S. LE regards this as
'voluntary missing', and if LE cease regarding this as
'voluntary missing' then just what the above ping
information exactly is and why U.S. law enforcement
then does not make this information public.

I agree the phones could have died for any reason. And pings from towers is a general triangulation. I am also not certain if a overseas phone, perhaps with a SIM, would ping on same towers.
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