CA CA - Karlie Lain Gusé, 16, Mono County, 13 Oct 2018

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How do you know this? What is your source? Mono County Sheriff's department doesn't have officers btw. They have deputies. Although it appears an officer Scobie left the Mono Lakes PD to become a deputy with MSD in 2013.

But how do you know that's who is heading this very important investigation?
I feel OK in linking this letter as it is a typed up image of an official letter sent from the BM to the National Sheriffs Association detailing a complaint about the sheriff. There are four pages in total.
Lindsay Fairley

BTW, how do you contact a mod nowadays? I was away from the site for a while and there used to be an easy to find "Contact Mod" link. I can't seem to find that anymore.

ETA: This might be a better link as it is an online article about the complaint.
Update: Mom of missing teen Karlie Gusé files formal complaint against sheriff, claims she ignored valid tips & mismanaged case [Exclusive]
I directed you to the officer in charge of Karlie’s case. What more do you need? It’s a lot of work for me to go way back to retrieve that information that you can find for yourself in an article? Officer scobie not being a true detective and the one assigned to Karlie’s case is well known?

It's not well known. And yes you have to do the work to provide a source for such a definitive statement.

I looked and found nothing connecting him to this case at all except he's a deputy with the same investigative agency.

I wouldn't have a problem if someone leading the investigation was a parole officer though. That area is not highly populated. It's remote and rural. Lots of land to cover. Government officials are likely to have many different titles and responsibilities.

I don't know why LE would make statements indicating how important they think this case is and everything they've done working it but not really care. I don't believe in conspiracy theories for the most part. If they were uninterested they could just relay "No comment." Or they could say, "We believe the minor ran away. We ask people to be on the look out and ask Karlie to come home."

Instead, they've said they're folllwing all leads and are looking at all angles. They don't know what happened.
Looks more like this who is in charge of Karlie's case

Lindsay Fairley, mom of 16-year-old Karlie Gusé, shared a letter with CrimeOnline that she sent to the California Sheriff’s Association and the National Sheriff’s Association earlier this week. Fairley addressed several issues on her mind, specifically problems she said she’s been having with Sheriff Ingrid Braun of the Mono County Sheriff’s Office; Fairley claimed Braun has been negligent in handling Karlie’s disappearance and “unsympathetic and argumentative” with her.

Update: Mom of missing teen Karlie Gusé files formal complaint against sheriff, claims she ignored valid tips & mismanaged case [Exclusive]
Looks more like this who is in charge of Karlie's case

Lindsay Fairley, mom of 16-year-old Karlie Gusé, shared a letter with CrimeOnline that she sent to the California Sheriff’s Association and the National Sheriff’s Association earlier this week. Fairley addressed several issues on her mind, specifically problems she said she’s been having with Sheriff Ingrid Braun of the Mono County Sheriff’s Office; Fairley claimed Braun has been negligent in handling Karlie’s disappearance and “unsympathetic and argumentative” with her.

Update: Mom of missing teen Karlie Gusé files formal complaint against sheriff, claims she ignored valid tips & mismanaged case [Exclusive]
<modsnipped no link to substantiate information>
It's not well known. And yes you have to do the work to provide a source for such a definitive statement.

I looked and found nothing connecting him to this case at all except he's a deputy with the same investigative agency.

I wouldn't have a problem if someone leading the investigation was a parole officer though. That area is not highly populated. It's remote and rural. Lots of land to cover. Government officials are likely to have many different titles and responsibilities.

I don't know why LE would make statements indicating how important they think this case is and everything they've done working it but not really care. I don't believe in conspiracy theories for the most part. If they were uninterested they could just relay "No comment." Or they could say, "We believe the minor ran away. We ask people to be on the look out and ask Karlie to come home."

Instead, they've said they're folllwing all leads and are looking at all angles. They don't know what happened.
It is not a conspiracy theory and I never stated they do not care about the case. They are ill equipped to handle the case and have not accepted help from neighboring counties who have publically made known their willingness to assist.
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I feel OK in linking this letter as it is a typed up image of an official letter sent from the BM to the National Sheriffs Association detailing a complaint about the sheriff. There are four pages in total.
Lindsay Fairley

BTW, how do you contact a mod nowadays? I was away from the site for a while and there used to be an easy to find "Contact Mod" link. I can't seem to find that anymore.

ETA: This might be a better link as it is an online article about the complaint.
Update: Mom of missing teen Karlie Gusé files formal complaint against sheriff, claims she ignored valid tips & mismanaged case [Exclusive]
Very informative. BM does not like Sheriff or SM. I didn't see any specific wrong doing by the sheriff that would be actionable.
Some answers with links to some of the questions asked:

Braun says they have one deputy assigned to the case full time. Other deputies assist with leads and other follow-up investigations.

Still no sign of missing Mono County teen three months after the 16-year-old disappeared

Melissa is an escrow assistant at a title company, and Karlie works there part-time. Karlie’s father Zachary Gusé, 43, works in construction. Zac and Melissa have two sons, ages 10 and 9, who live with the family.
In August, Zac and Melissa bought their dream house, a three-bedroom modular in Sierra View Estates.
Melissa decided to make a recording on her phone, so later she could replay it for Karlie as a teaching moment about drug use.

At one point in the eight-minute audio, Karlie says, “I really messed up today,” and Melissa tries to soothe her by saying, “We all do things in life that we regret, drugs especially.”

A tearful Karlie thanks Melissa and says, “I love you.” But when Melissa gives Karlie a salad, the teen blurts out, “This the devil’s lettuce!”

After Melissa urges Karlie to get some sleep, the troubled girl responds, “No, I don’t want to go to sleep. You’re going to kill me.” Melissa tries to reason with her. “Why would I kill you? That’s preposterous.”

“I’m just thinking all this demonic stuff,” Karlie sobs. “I can’t help it.”
Search continues for California teen Karlie Gusé
Tens of thousands of children go missing every year & LE doesn't immediately throw up crime scene tape & polygraph the parents. If posters think they should, I'm open to that argument.
Tens of thousands of children go missing every year & LE doesn't immediately throw up crime scene tape & polygraph the parents. If posters think they should, I'm open to that argument.
Except they did search the house 10 hours later AND polygraph the parents (considering time to get a warrant and it being the middle of the night, 10 hours is not unreasonable, just unfortunate). Maybe I misinterpreted your inference?

I appreciate your viewpoint and willingness to stand by it in the face of disagreement. It is important to have opposing ideas represented here.
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Except they did search the house 10 hours later AND polygraph the parents (considering time to get a warrant and it being the middle of the night, 10 hours is not unreasonable, just unfortunate). Maybe I misinterpreted your inference?

I appreciate your viewpoint and willingness to stand by it in the face of disagreement. It is important to have opposing ideas represented here.
They searched for Karlie, like she may be hiding under a bed. They did not collect evidence.
why was she strolling if she was in a panic to find her and wouldn't she have already had a rough idea how long it would take

Good question. I keep hearing from her how they searched endlessly (she and dad), and never stopped and pounded the pavement. But a meander? Dr. Phil made a huge point of getting her to describe hat casual stroll.
From the video transcript posted upthread:

50:53 LINDSAY FAIRLEY When Karlie was picked up by stepmom, Karlie was scared to get in her car and said she was scared she was going to kill her.One point Karlie reached to the front seat and grabbed the steering wheel.
Why was Karlie in the back seat?

There is no data to support overdose/death related to any of these drugs put out as possibilities so far:

Marijuana (THC)
Marijuana Overdose: Is It Even Possible to Die from Cannabis?
Why overdose may be the wrong word when it comes to cannabis | CBC News

Of note is the potency and effects of marijuana edibles, as you can take in a very high dose of thc versus smoking over a short period of time. This can easily make you sick or feel like you're going to die while not being caused by real physical toxicity(I've had this experience).

The way LSD interacts with the body makes it extremely unlikely to die as a direct result and there is no known overdose or toxicity level (you might jump off a cliff while hallucinating, but it is the fall that kills you)

Other potential psychedelics like shrooms, MDMA or its derivatives also have no overdose evidence.

I personally conclude from this that she did not die of an overdose if she indeed was under the influence of one of these, or if she did, that she was on meth, K2 or bath salts. I can't see her doing these when marijuana is readily available. If she s dead, it is because she was killed IMO.

Really great points. To me her behavior sounds like someone who ingested or smoked waaay too much pot and is exhibiting paranoia and mild hallucinations, which can happen. Like you I have experienced it.

However, whether to much pot or hallucinogen you don't OD from that.

You can OD from heroin though. A dear friend of mine did OD a few times. He lived behind me and then with me at various times and I remember him coming over and saying. "I'm scared I think I'm going to die." (He eventually did die in ny house, ironically while detoxing). But there's no paranoia or hallucination with that.

I wonder about MDMA/Molly. I'm not that familiar. I know some kids die from dehydration or too much water.

It doesn't sound like what happens with too much meth either. That would be rapid heart rate. Super pale. Shock. Heart pain. Racing pulse.

No one is lying down with that or eating salad.

Of course if a person has an underlying medical condition like a heart issue, anything can trigger a sudden episode maybe? So a person could get super high and maybe die because they get scared or whatever and their heart can't take it because there's a defect maybe?

I don't know.

Something in my gut tells me these parents were very angry about her lying and getting high. I have the instinct that they've used or do use and some people who do so can react super harshly to that behavior in their kids for some reason.

It's kind of like, "See, I may be an alcoholic or drug user but don't tell ME I'm a bad parent! I KNOW how to discipline MY kids." And hen they punish them harshly to tu to prove that their own failings don't make them a bad parent.

I don't know how to explain it. It's like those sort of crummy parents in the store or restaurant who make a big, loud show of "parenting" their kids because they want everyone to think they're great parents. And it's always horrible. "What did I tell you Dylan Lee! Get your butt over here!"

I'm not explaining well. Sometimes people with personal faults are the harshest with their own kids. It's like they feel they have to prove they're not crummy.

In any event, there were several things that indicated to me that the parents were very angry with Karlie. One, how the SM pointedly stated "Karlie LIED" about going to a game. She practically sneered that word. To me it showed an antipathy about Karlie. Negative feelings toward her step daughter.

For an admitted liar herself, she seemed to really relish calling her step daughter out, IMO and was very offended by the lie.

Two, the parents discussed how pot smoking had become an issue with Karlie and she was undergoing counseling or some kind of school discipline because of it. So this wasn't a random or one time thing.

Three, Karlie reportedly sat in the back seat when her SM picked her up and expressed fear that her step mom would "kill" her.

Four, according to people who had heard t, Karlie repeatedly apologizes in the tape.

Five, IIRC, (and correct me if I'm wrong), dad said at some point that during the evening, Karlie was standing in a corner either saying she was sorry or saying she was scared of dad and SM.

Six, the SM secretly recorded Karlie to "show" her how she had been acting. I feel like she was gathering evidence to punish her. It's a theory and opinion only.

Seven, while the SM felt the incident was serious enough to want to record it in some fashion, she didn't take Karlie to the ER. She wanted to handle this herself.

Eight, the lies, changed stories, duper's delight, laughing and giggling and nonchalance of this couple about the disappearance of the kid they had custody of, is disturbing and makes no sense. Unless they were super angry, and something happened.

The theory that she was kicked out and something happened is a good one to me. It would explain a lot and match up with what we know.
I feel OK in linking this letter as it is a typed up image of an official letter sent from the BM to the National Sheriffs Association detailing a complaint about the sheriff. There are four pages in total.
Lindsay Fairley

BTW, how do you contact a mod nowadays? I was away from the site for a while and there used to be an easy to find "Contact Mod" link. I can't seem to find that anymore.

ETA: This might be a better link as it is an online article about the complaint.
Update: Mom of missing teen Karlie Gusé files formal complaint against sheriff, claims she ignored valid tips & mismanaged case [Exclusive]

That is great. Thank you so much for that.
The dad and step mom complained on Dr. Phil about the investigation so at least they're pretending not to be satisfied.
When Dr Phil asked them if they feel investigators are doing all they can they said yes. Which was the opposite of what they said in the beginning of the show, they stated she was being treated as a runaway
I feel OK in linking this letter as it is a typed up image of an official letter sent from the BM to the National Sheriffs Association detailing a complaint about the sheriff. There are four pages in total.
Lindsay Fairley

BTW, how do you contact a mod nowadays? I was away from the site for a while and there used to be an easy to find "Contact Mod" link. I can't seem to find that anymore.

ETA: This might be a better link as it is an online article about the complaint.
Update: Mom of missing teen Karlie Gusé files formal complaint against sheriff, claims she ignored valid tips & mismanaged case [Exclusive]

Ok. I read it. She is not suing the department. It's a letter complaining about the handling of the case.

It isn't a request to e allowed to sue either, which is required before suing a governmental agency.

So mom is upset and has made allegations about the handling of the case which the MCSD has denied.

It is interesting. Thank you for this link!!
Good question. I keep hearing from her how they searched endlessly (she and dad), and never stopped and pounded the pavement. But a meander? Dr. Phil made a huge point of getting her to describe hat casual stroll.

Really great points. To me her behavior sounds like someone who ingested or smoked waaay too much pot and is exhibiting paranoia and mild hallucinations, which can happen. Like you I have experienced it.

However, whether to much pot or hallucinogen you don't OD from that.

You can OD from heroin though. A dear friend of mine did OD a few times. He lived behind me and then with me at various times and I remember him coming over and saying. "I'm scared I think I'm going to die." (He eventually did die in ny house, ironically while detoxing). But there's no paranoia or hallucination with that.

I wonder about MDMA/Molly. I'm not that familiar. I know some kids die from dehydration or too much water.

It doesn't sound like what happens with too much meth either. That would be rapid heart rate. Super pale. Shock. Heart pain. Racing pulse.

No one is lying down with that or eating salad.

Of course if a person has an underlying medical condition like a heart issue, anything can trigger a sudden episode maybe? So a person could get super high and maybe die because they get scared or whatever and their heart can't take it because there's a defect maybe?

I don't know.

Something in my gut tells me these parents were very angry about her lying and getting high. I have the instinct that they've used or do use and some people who do so can react super harshly to that behavior in their kids for some reason.

It's kind of like, "See, I may be an alcoholic or drug user but don't tell ME I'm a bad parent! I KNOW how to discipline MY kids." And hen they punish them harshly to tu to prove that their own failings don't make them a bad parent.

I don't know how to explain it. It's like those sort of crummy parents in the store or restaurant who make a big, loud show of "parenting" their kids because they want everyone to think they're great parents. And it's always horrible. "What did I tell you Dylan Lee! Get your butt over here!"

I'm not explaining well. Sometimes people with personal faults are the harshest with their own kids. It's like they feel they have to prove they're not crummy.

In any event, there were several things that indicated to me that the parents were very angry with Karlie. One, how the SM pointedly stated "Karlie LIED" about going to a game. She practically sneered that word. To me it showed an antipathy about Karlie. Negative feelings toward her step daughter.

For an admitted liar herself, she seemed to really relish calling her step daughter out, IMO and was very offended by the lie.

Two, the parents discussed how pot smoking had become an issue with Karlie and she was undergoing counseling or some kind of school discipline because of it. So this wasn't a random or one time thing.

Three, Karlie reportedly sat in the back seat when her SM picked her up and expressed fear that her step mom would "kill" her.

Four, according to people who had heard t, Karlie repeatedly apologizes in the tape.

Five, IIRC, (and correct me if I'm wrong), dad said at some point that during the evening, Karlie was standing in a corner either saying she was sorry or saying she was scared of dad and SM.

Six, the SM secretly recorded Karlie to "show" her how she had been acting. I feel like she was gathering evidence to punish her. It's a theory and opinion only.

Seven, while the SM felt the incident was serious enough to want to record it in some fashion, she didn't take Karlie to the ER. She wanted to handle this herself.

Eight, the lies, changed stories, duper's delight, laughing and giggling and nonchalance of this couple about the disappearance of the kid they had custody of, is disturbing and makes no sense. Unless they were super angry, and something happened.

The theory that she was kicked out and something happened is a good one to me. It would explain a lot and match up with what we know.

There is a whole new type of odd drugging going on. Spice and K2 is a tame in comparison. Sometimes pot is laced with all kinds of stuff. Dipping a joint in whatever is handy under the kitchen sink, or garage. And smoking it after it is dry is one way it is done
If Karlie made it to the 6 & disappeared what can Mono county do. It is my feeling that most posters feel the parents are guilty of something. So, where is her body. When did they remove her from the house. Will further searches find her. How did she die.
From what I've read I think Karlie made it to the 6 & was picked up by some one. Don't know if she left the house by choice or kicked out.

It is not a conspiracy theory and I never stated they do not care about the case. They are ill equipped to handle the case and have not accepted help from neighboring counties who have publically made known their willingness to assist.

So just in general that they can't handle it? That's possible. But the FBI and NCMEC were involved fairly early on.

Clearly mom foes indeed feel the investigation is being handled poorly.
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