CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 Nov 2016 - Media, Maps & Timeline NO DISCUSSION

[h=1]Think Sherri Papini kidnapping story doesn’t add up? Experts say keep an open mind[/h]
Experts say the skeptical response isn’t so surprising given that the details sheriff’s investigators and family members so far have relayed about Papini’s account don’t fit patterns typical for kidnapping scenarios. But they also caution that while many elements of Papini’s story are admittedly odd, that doesn’t mean detectives – or the public – should assume it doesn’t hold up.

“I’ve had some pretty bizarre but righteous cases, where people look at it and say, ‘That didn’t happen.’ Well, it did,” said Mary Ellen O’Toole, a former FBI agent who specialized in criminal profiling.

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[h=1]Tearful husband of Sherri Papini reveals how she once rolled up a piece of cloth and rocked it like it was her daughter for comfort while being shackled in captivity for 22 days[/h]
This was just one of the emotional moments Papini's husband Keith shared during an exclusive interview with 20/20 that aired Friday, a week after his wife was found.
Keith revealed new details about how his wife was held captive by two Hispanic women who kept her shackled in a basement, starving, beating and branding her.
He said guns were involved, and that he believes the two women pulled over while Papini, 34, was out on a morning jog as she prepared for a Thanksgiving Day race.

20/20 - 12/02/16: Sherri Papini's Alleged Abduction - Full Episode

Sherri Papini's Husband Recalls the Day He Discovered She Was Missing; 'Kidnapping Ransom Consultant' Offers Help Finding Missing Mom; Sherri Papini's Husband Describes Wife's Emotional Reunion With Kids


At one point during her horrifying 22 days spent in captivity, Sherri Papini tried to find a moment of peace from just a piece of discarded cloth.
The mother-of-two rolled the cloth up and pretended it was her two-year-old daughter Violet, rocking it as if it was her baby girl.

He said guns were involved, and that he believes the two women pulled over while Papini, 34, was out on a morning jog as she prepared for a Thanksgiving Day race.

'It makes more sense that Sherri approached a vehicle that pulled up with to women inside, asking for help,' he said. 'That makes more sense to me'.
Keith said the women drove Sherri for two-and-half hours straight that day, speaking Spanish most of the time.
Papini was then shackled in captivity, and Keith said she revealed that guns had been involved.
She had little to comfort her, pretending to tuck her children in at night to feel closer to her family.
Papini's head was covered with a hood the entire time, making it hard to see anything but the women's eyes as they abused her.

[*Article very long - also includes Timeline and KP's Statement]
Redding celebrates Sherri Papini’s return, dismisses her doubters at welcome-home party

A friend of Sherri Papini said on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016, in Redding, Calif., speculation that Papini's ordeal was somehow fake or untrue is "sick." The friend, who is joining others preparing for Papini's return home, said Papini is "the sweetest, most warm-hearted person." Sam Stanton The Sacramento Bee

A few miles south of Redding along northbound Interstate 5, a large sign still stands alongside the highway pleading for help in large, red letters – “Missing: Sherri Papini.”

On Saturday morning, more than 200 Redding-area residents gathered for a joyous celebration of the fact that the 34-year-old mother of two no longer needs help from missing posters, signs and rewards.

In a show of support for the family and for Papini’s recovery from injuries suffered during what authorities are investigating as a three-weeklong abduction, friends of the family and people who had never met them gathered to pose for a “welcome home” photograph to be presented to Sherri Papini as a surprise gift.

More at link
Papini's former husband, David Dreyfus, defended her, saying it must have been written by someone else.
"People are bullies, and it's easy to poke at people online," Dreyfus told The Sacramento Bee. "With as diverse of a friends group as she and I had, that's not her."

Another curious part of the story has been the role played by a self-described "international kidnap and ransom consultant" named Cameron Gamble. Gamble posted a video offering an undisclosed amount of money as a "ransom" for Papini's safe return.
Then, when he got no response, Gamble posted another video offering the money as a reward for information leading to the kidnappers. He said the sum was put up by a concerned person who wanted to remain anonymous.
Papini turned up free the next morning, with Gamble claiming that his reward had put pressure on the kidnappers. Police said they don't believe it had anything to with her release.
Still, police have been upset by some of the husband's actions, including contacting Gamble for help and divulging details of her injuries to media.
Think Sherri Papini kidnapping story doesn’t add up? Experts say keep an open mind

Kenneth J. Ryan, a former police officer who teaches criminology at California State University, Fresno, said the branding allegation – the notion of kidnapping someone to “send a message” – is also rare. He equated it with retaliatory behavior typically associated with motorcycle gangs.
Ryan also was struck by the efforts Papini’s abductors apparently made to shield their identities. In general, he said, kidnappers who hold their victims for a protracted time, intent on assault or sexual crimes, don’t go out of their way to hide their identities.
“I know of no other cases like this,” he said. “That doesn’t mean that it’s not legitimate.”
Reminder: This is a "NO DISCUSSION" thread.

MSNBC video with CG 12/05/2016

CG states in this video that the Reverse Ransom was KP's idea.
Posted Dec 7, 2016 @ 8am EST

Of the branding, Travis says it was “almost like they didn’t want her to be beautiful anymore.”

Investigators continue their search for the two women Sherri says abducted her (reportedly the only two women she says she saw during her captivity), but they have said no one is ruled out as a suspect. A motive has not been disclosed.
From People Magazine:

Dec. 9: In a story in this week’s PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday, Sheriff Bosenko says authorities have no reason “not to believe” Sherri. But he says investigators are still looking for anyone connected to the capture — and they are still looking for a reason why. “Abductions are rare in themselves, especially adult abductions,” Bosenko says. “On top of this, being two women [who Sherri described as her captors] is even more unique, so there remains a number of concerns that we have.”

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