Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #17 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Keeping this one close right now, I have an idea, because this one fits with the attack in 2009 the stun gun attack, if I'm remembering correctly. The only thing that's not usual for him would be the age group, but then how do we know? Just saying. Good find.

This one has been discussed before and turned in to the FBI. I think it wouldn't hurt to turn it in again just in case, but I thought I would let you know that it was discussed previously.
SO TRUE! If we had social networking at 15, I promise you my friends and I would have been terrible. The difference is now, it is public, and kids have no sense. (We didn't either). I refuse to judge SL over her tweets. In fact, many of her posts are quotes of song lyrics, like the Suicide tweet...its a Lil Wayne song I believe. My hubby pointed that out, and pulled the song up on his iPhone. The kids emulate what they hear and see through entertainment. What is socially acceptable has changed dramatically in the 20 years since I was 15. But I DO remember walking down the street with my girlfriends singing Too Short - Don't Fight the Feeling, and 2 Live Crew songs like Nasty Nursery Rhymes loudly. I'm SURE people were CRINGING. Guess what? I am now a college educated, professional, and role model for my kids. Kids grow up. It's terrible SL doesn't have that chance :(

I did all of this too. But not on a public forum where anyone can see private details about my life. This is why parents need to watch their kids more closely on these social networks. It's too dangerous to let it slide. It can mean life or death for a child.
Not sure when they started GPS tracking the vehicles... They identified him as a suspect on the 28th of March but said they didn't seize his vehicle until April 7th (?) IIRC. Could have been any day in between.

I thought it really interesting when I read the mother and he knew they were tracking him when 'they' found the gps under the car. I wouldn't even know what one looked like much less know to look under the car. I personally do not think there are any innocent bystanders in this. I think they are all guilty just by the way they live and have lived. Just the whole history of the family. jmo
This one has been discussed before and turned in to the FBI. I think it wouldn't hurt to turn it in again just in case, but I thought I would let you know that it was discussed previously.

They also should look at the 3 children that were approached!
I think that remark about Chris Brown was a sarcastic remark...I know what it sounds like...she did state earlier that she thinks Chris Brown is fine....perhaps she was watching a ET or something when they were talking about Reinna and Chris Brown.

The mom thing did bother me a little, but she is a young teen and in my days teens would be on the phone talking to friends saying stuff like "I hate my mom, blah blah blah? but in today's society they have twitter and facebook. Her talk is also the street gang talk, this tells me she is clearly trying to act cool. My bet is in reality she was just a sweetheart at home. She even stated she wants to go hang out at the mall, can someone pick her up. This also showed she couldn't come and go as she pleases because right after that she made a comment that led me to believe her parents wouldn't let her go out.

I really read a lot of bravado in her talk. Yes a lot of cursing! She even stated that she cursed to much, so it bothered her that she had that habbit. Shows me deep down she is a good girl.

The one comment that really pulled at my heart was when she stated she didn't want to go to school and would rather die then go to school. Oh My, I so teared up with that one. We all say things that we don't mean literally. As I stated before, my son post song lyric's all the time and the way they read is if he is actually saying it to someone.

completely agree 100%, the point I was trying to make was someone could of been following her on twitter (her account isnt locked) and read more into the tweets than they should have.
She is at no fault at all, I did and said stuff when I was her age and regret it. That is sad about her not wanting to go to school and it doesnt look like she will ever go again. Gawd, I hope I am wrong!
And that might be a good date to look for as well, he was still in high school and if his trigger is anything to do with FS, then she would be upset and he might blow. Saving that date too, thanks.

I personally believe FS is the root of his anger-and it will be clear if they connect him to any of the missing girls!!MOO
My whole family too. A bunch of toe heads.
Thanx for the great visual! ;) tow-heads...I'm amazed that any of us know how to speak and spell our own's so complicated...LOL. That typed, I'm not sure if it's sposed to be hyphenated. :D

I think his trigger is something with High School for sure. Why aren't more high school kids that went to school with him talking out more. Did AGT take shop class, did he get suspended and what for? Did he get rejected or made fun of by girls in school?
I thought it really interesting when I read the mother and he knew they were tracking him when 'they' found the gps under the car. I wouldn't even know what one looked like much less know to look under the car. I personally do not think there are any innocent bystanders in this. I think they are all guilty just by the way they live and have lived. Just the whole history of the family. jmo
The mom needs to answer a question to herself....if innocent why would you even suspect to look for a GPS under your car?
I think that remark about Chris Brown was a sarcastic remark...I know what it sounds like...she did state earlier that she thinks Chris Brown is fine....perhaps she was watching a ET or something when they were talking about Reinna and Chris Brown.

The mom thing did bother me a little, but she is a young teen and in my days teens would be on the phone talking to friends saying stuff like "I hate my mom, blah blah blah? but in today's society they have twitter and facebook. Her talk is also the street gang talk, this tells me she is clearly trying to act cool. My bet is in reality she was just a sweetheart at home. She even stated she wants to go hang out at the mall, can someone pick her up. This also showed she couldn't come and go as she pleases because right after that she made a comment that led me to believe her parents wouldn't let her go out.

I really read a lot of bravado in her talk. Yes a lot of cursing! She even stated that she cursed to much, so it bothered her that she had that habbit. Shows me deep down she is a good girl.

The one comment that really pulled at my heart was when she stated she didn't want to go to school and would rather die then go to school. Oh My, I so teared up with that one. We all say things that we don't mean literally. As I stated before, my son post song lyric's all the time and the way they read is if he is actually saying it to someone.

On her tumbler account it's even worse. Photos of drugs, a woman getting oral sex, a lot of very mature information for her age, displayed for the world to see. I would just die if I saw this on my daughters public blog. I just think she might have been crying out for help in some small way. She looks happy in her photos. I was very confused when I found all of her personal SM accounts. They didn't fit the face I see in the pictures. Poor Sierra...beautiful girl...
I thought it really interesting when I read the mother and he knew they were tracking him when 'they' found the gps under the car. I wouldn't even know what one looked like much less know to look under the car. I personally do not think there are any innocent bystanders in this. I think they are all guilty just by the way they live and have lived. Just the whole history of the family. jmo

IMO the only person who would look to see if they were being in tracked, is someone is guilty of something.
Appalachian Bear Rescue (huh?) is beating out Texas Equusearch! Go vote for TES to get a free truck. See the top of this page.

I have to respectfully disagree with you, this is just my opinion. I do believe that FS was technically speaking a "victim" of AGT. Even if there was only a two year age difference and it was consensual, in the state of California it is illegal for an 18 year old to have intercourse with a minor, a minor being defined as anyone under the age of 18. He was also charged with battery, so surely she was a victim of AGT in that situation too. With that said, regardless of what AGT has subjected her to, there is still absolutely no excuse for her behavior.

I agree. I don't know that she is for sure a victim, but IMOO she could be regardless of age. You don't have to be older than someone to manipulate or break that person. From what I read of FS's comments, I wonder about him manipulating her beliefs about women or even just other people in general. I'm not accusing him of brainwashing her because really I think that's unfair without knowing lots about her and their relationship that I'm not privy to. I agree, comments not excusable, but potentially very revealing and I admit very interesting to me.
Does anyone know AGT's dads initials?

Pretty sure im unable to post where i got this info from but i know earlier when talking about AGT father someone mentioned searching AGT, his moms name and divorce. This to another discussion. according to santa clara county court documents laura torres divorced from her husband 09/02. His initials wer G.G. . so i believe that would make ATG 11 yrs at the time of his parents divorce. This info should def. Be double checked tho... Sometimes i misread things=/
On her tumbler account it's even worse. Photos of drugs, a woman getting oral sex, a lot of very mature information for her age, displayed for the world to see. I would just die if I saw this on my daughters public blog. I just think she might have been crying out for help in some small way. She looks happy in her photos. I was very confused when I found all of her personal SM accounts. They didn't fit the face I see in the pictures. Poor Sierra...beautiful girl...
I didn't see those and I could be totally wrong but also remember friends plays jokes and we don't know who posted it, why it was posted or anything.
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