Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #3 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I remember kids getting killed for their michael jordan sneakers or their gold chains,,,, so i dont condone taking this stuff to school JMO

I don't think there are any gangs at MH high school that are going after any of those things. This is a pretty middle class environment.
I wonder if mom worded things a certian way and said certian things to make sure that they treated this as a serious missing persons case and not a runaway.

Ex. That she was last seen heading to school when in reality no one would have seen her leave.

That she knew what she was wearing/ it was texted to her.

I understand that they're not revealing/clarifying all details to the public, but the hesitation about books could be because the mom noticed that she didn't take any to school - indicating that she never planned on going (unless the confusion is just reporting's fault or them not wanting to reveal too much).

The way mom keeps saying "find your way back to us" almost makes me feel like she's wanting her to choose to come back.

Also I think that if this was gang related, it's not that Sierra got involved with gangs, but that she somehow wound up in the crossfires.

Kinda off topic, but her sister mentioned taking drugs from some random guys in a car once. I think a lot of teens feel invincible and are quick to trust people who seem "cool".

Something that I think is odd is that her driveway is gated and looks long enough so that she would have had time to see someone waiting for her if she had been taken against her will. Unless it wasn't out of place for that car to be there or they got into her driveway and we're waiting for her right outside of her doorstep.

And whatever happened, happened fast right? If she got in the car with someone she trusted they would have had to show their true colors right away to take her phone and toss it.

Especially if they made her change clothes or whatever, it's likely she put up a fight, so they probably would've had to stop the car or drive around in circles before tossing her stuff.

True about the gym clothes, I know if I had PE first period I would likely wear my gym clothes and just change afterwords. Not my underwear though. That's odd.
he maybe made her ditch the clothes herself .

Then why move the bag?
Why put them in a bag even?

This presumes he has her at a secluded location already.

Then drove back to her neighborhood to drop them off.

I do believe they were put there at a later time however.
Were these roads being surveilled or had LE officers in the neighborhood
from Friday night on?

Mom's story changing is leading me further away from a stranger abduction, though.
I still wish we knew more about the BF even though he has been cleared.....He just seems to be flying under the radar.

Well who was home or was anyone home when she left for school?
And did Mom and BF leave the same time they do every other day?
I wonder how long mom and bf have been together,
I still wish we knew more about the BF even though he has been cleared.....He just seems to be flying under the radar.

Another thing to consider,they are cleared because they have alibis for that morning.No polys were taken.Remember Mom was the only witness to see her that morning.That's it no other witnesses.Anyone could have texted from her phone or tweeted.When was the last time anyone else saw her? At school the day before.
If she was in the perp's car, it doesn't have to be his DNA that is on her body or on the clothing. Microscopic fibers from the upholstery in the vehicle can be transferred, so can plant material that might have been on someone's shoes.

I don't think a 15-year-old girl is going to comply easily if told to take off her clothes. In an abduction where rape is one of the motivating factors, you would generally find clothing that is damaged in some way (i.e. ripped, cut, etc.) So, if it were truly "neatly folded," that either shows remorse OR it is just the guy's thing.

Also, define "neatly folded." That could just mean it wasn't wadded up and haphazardly stuck in the bag.
Well who was home or was anyone home when she left for school?
And did Mom and BF leave the same time they do every other day?
I wonder how long mom and bf have been together,

There was no one home when she was supposed to leave for school. Everyone else was gone by 6 AM
Then why move the bag?
Why put them in a bag even?

This presumes he has her at a secluded location already.

Then drove back to her neighborhood to drop them off.

I do believe they were put there at a later time however.
Were these roads being surveilled or had LE officers in the neighborhood
from Friday night on?

Mom's story changing is leading me away from a stranger abduction, though.

This is true i remember years and years ago on philadelphia a young student went missing she was an athlete if i remember correctly and her mom was the one that killed her and she had everyone out looking for this girl..
I don't think a 15-year-old girl is going to comply easily if told to take off her clothes.
She could have been ordered to at gunpoint...
There was no one home when she was supposed to leave for school. Everyone else was gone by 6 AM

Ok so then who was the last person to see her?
Did Mom see her?
that morning?
I also wouldn't pay much attention to the actual words her mother/family uses in the press. I am sure LE has advised her about exactly what she should be saying. It is likely meant more for the potential abductor than for her daughter.

For instance, by using terminology that implies she may have run away, the abductor may think if he releases her that people will just believe she ran away and he can get off scott free.
She could have been ordered to at gunpoint...

In that type of situation, you still fight for your life. Who knows, despite her social networking use, maybe she is just a naive little girl who truly believed if she did what she was told, she would be ok.
I do not want to bash Mom, but I have unanswered questions that is coloring my views.

She still commutes to Fremont for work. Why uproot Sierra from her school, why not just take her to school when she goes for work? Dad still lives there, she could go to his house after school until Mom got off.

There is probably more to this move than is being disclosed. If the bf has a daughter, I wonder if her Mom objected to visits to their home because of Sierra's Dad's RSO status? Maybe a little distance eased that situation.
I don't think the perp ditching the phone means he necessarily knows about tracking by pings. He might just know that getting rid of her phone means there's no chance she can use it.

Everyone that owns a phone knows everything there is to know about pings and gps.... JMO

The phone would be the first thing to go.

Im telling everyone to get your daughters 5 star at walmart......
they can hide it on themselves and press the button and it calls the cops and
has a gps in it..... 15 dollars a month............ well worth every penny
I do not want to bash Mom, but I have unanswered questions that is coloring my views.

She still commutes to Fremont for work. Why uproot Sierra from her school, why not just take her to school when she goes for work? Dad still lives there, she could go to his house after school until Mom got off.

There is probably more to this move than is being disclosed. If the bf has a daughter, I wonder if her Mom objected to visits to their home because of Sierra's Dad's RSO status? Maybe a little distance eased that situation.

I know that here, whatever school district the child resides in is where they have to attend school. Since her father obviously does not have physical custody of her, she has to go to school in the school zone where she lives. I know that here, if you try and pull a fast one, they will fine you and potentially charge you with fraud.

A lot of attention is being paid to her father's RSO status, but we do not even know anything about his victim(s). It makes me sick to type this out, but his preference may be for younger children or boys.
Ok so then who was the last person to see her?
Did Mom see her?
that morning?

As far as we know, mom and bf both left for work at about 6 am, and have witnesses that they arrive dat work on time and stayed there.

Mom saw Sierra home in her pj's when she left for work.
Reserving judgement one way or the other right now, but the truth can change as you become aware of it.
Her truth on Friday was that she did not know what she was wearing because Sierra was in pjs when she left.
Then somewhere along the way the police show her a picture of Sierra from her phone from Friday morning in a sweatshirt/shirt/jersey.
Truth then becomes she was wearing a sweatshirt/shirt/jersey.
Both are true but both could look like it's inconsistent because she now knows both.

The mom has consistently said she did not see Sierra leave for school that morning since the mom left at 6 am to go to work.
"But because Sierra's tweet only captured a small portion of the shirt, investigators can't be sure it was the same shirt located inside Sierra's Juicy-brand bag found at 1 p.m. Sunday, according to Sgt. Jose Cardoza.
"Whether it's the same we don't know, but it's similar," Cardoza said.
As far as we know, mom and bf both left for work at about 6 am, and have witnesses that they arrive dat work on time and stayed there.

Mom saw Sierra home in her pj's when she left for work.

Someone could have very well taken her from the house.
Id be so afraid to leave my kids home alone to get themselves to school.
Is search continuing tomorrow? I am 15 minutes away and might drive by again
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