Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #1

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I'm finding a twitter where she is a website market and SEO specialist. ?
I'm surprised that they issued an Amber Alert, as they don't have a suspect and don't have a vehicle. Or do they? Is the grandparents' vehicle missing?

This doesn't sound good! :(

Please please please let this family be found safe and sound!
Damien Wood ‏@SUNDamienWood · 26m ·
Same neighbour says he saw missing granddad Alvin Liknes playing with grandson Nathan O'Brien, also missing, at park yest, seemed fine. #yyc

Damien Wood ‏@SUNDamienWood · 31m
Estate sale at home, last weekend.
Neighbour says missing grandmother, Kathryn Liknes mentioned going to US, maybe Mexico with husband. #yyc
When did he see them at the park? It says mom dropped Nathan off at 10pm. Tia
I'm surprised that they issued an Amber Alert, as they don't have a suspect and don't have a vehicle. Or do they? Is the grandparents' vehicle missing?

This doesn't sound good! :(

Please please please let this family be found safe and sound!

All cars accounted for.
I'm surprised that they issued an Amber Alert, as they don't have a suspect and don't have a vehicle. Or do they? Is the grandparents' vehicle missing?

This doesn't sound good! :(

Please please please let this family be found safe and sound!

All vehicles are accounted for from the Grandparents residence. Amber Alert was issued solely on the descriptions
To answer a articles indicate they recently sold their home. According to their Kijiji Ads for their (living) estate sale Jun 28/29, the ads indicated they were selling everything in the home, all house contents. Not a bit strange to sell EVERYTHING? ...unless maybe moving out of province/country or planning to spend months traveling?

Why would the Medical Examiner be called to the house if reportedly no body/bodies found inside? I've never heard of this before but maybe am just unaware of what situations an ME would be called to such a scene?

The scary thing about about putting Ads on Kijiji is that you never know "who" is going to show up or what their intentions are. Case the place to rob later? Look for potential victims?

Did someone come by for their sale then hide out in the house somewhere only to reappear in the middle of the night?

Surely you'd think neighbors would have seen or heard something?

In one of their Kijiji ads is a black dog. Was it their dog? Is the dog gone too? Nobody heard dog barking?

Their ads:
When did he see them at the park? It says mom dropped Nathan off at 10pm. Tia
Could have gone as soon as he got there at 10pm. Sun just starts setting at that time so it would be light enough for a bit.
Nathan's dad just changed his FB profile pic to one of his three sons. It appears Nathan has two brothers. Praying for this family.
Could have gone as soon as he got there at 10pm. Sun just starts setting at that time so it would be light enough for a bit.

Yes, it's been typical for kids to be playing out at our neighborhood park until dark (10:30ish) lately, especially now that school is out. Last night was cool and very windy here in Calgary though. In my part of the city we had drizzle through the early evening and then just this unrelenting wind blowing 40km/hr. until midnight at least (one of the rare nights I had to shut all the upstairs windows as the wind was just whipping through the house).
The kiijii ad with the dog states location as Canmore but item can be seen in Calgary during the estate sale. Her daughter? Other relative? Who lives in Canmore? In any case they probably had family members present during the estate sale to help them out. Who was the last person to see them besides the family I wonder?
To answer a articles indicate they recently sold their home. According to their Kijiji Ads for their (living) estate sale Jun 28/29, the ads indicated they were selling everything in the home, all house contents. Not a bit strange to sell EVERYTHING? ...unless maybe moving out of province/country or planning to spend months traveling?

Why would the Medical Examiner be called to the house if reportedly no body/bodies found inside? I've never heard of this before but maybe am just unaware of what situations an ME would be called to such a scene?

The scary thing about about putting Ads on Kijiji is that you never know "who" is going to show up or what their intentions are. Case the place to rob later? Look for potential victims?

Did someone come by for their sale then hide out in the house somewhere only to reappear in the middle of the night?

Surely you'd think neighbors would have seen or heard something?

In one of their Kijiji ads is a black dog. Was it their dog? Is the dog gone too? Nobody heard dog barking?

Their ads:

BBM Could it be they found the dog deceased and that is why the ME was brought in to determine cause of death?
Something is not sitting right with me about this 10pm drop off time. At first I thought maybe mom was going to work - an 11pm shift maybe- and needed childcare. Now I see there are two other sons. Does anyone know why just Nathan stayed over? Are the other boys significantly older?
The kiijii ad with the dog states location as Canmore but item can be seen in Calgary during the estate sale. Her daughter? Other relative? Who lives in Canmore? In any case they probably had family members present during the estate sale to help them out. Who was the last person to see them besides the family I wonder?

Wonder if their estate sell was put by them or one of the many estate sale companies who will come in and organize everything, price everything, etc. ?

Given that they were, according to Kijiji Ads, selling ALL contents of home, wonder if they had a 2nd home elsewhere? Where would they have been living if ALL of their house contents actually did sell? (beds, furniture, kitchen appliances, etc............things you'd still need to be using).

If Grandma was a realtor, did they maybe have a rental/investment property (or properties) somewhere in Calgary?

Hate to say it but wonder if they have passports and where their passports found in the home?
BBM Could it be they found the dog deceased and that is why the ME was brought in to determine cause of death?

A human medical examiner, I'm pretty sure, wouldn't perform any forensic type work or assessment on anything other than humans.
Something is not sitting right with me about this 10pm drop off time. At first I thought maybe mom was going to work - an 11pm shift maybe- and needed childcare. Now I see there are two other sons. Does anyone know why just Nathan stayed over? Are the other boys significantly older?

From Nathan's parent's FB pages, looks like he's the middle child.

I wonder whose idea it was for a sleepover..........grandparents asked for him to come over, Nathan asked to go there for sleepover or ? It is a rather late time for a child his age to be going out, IMO.
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