CANADA Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #19

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Absolutely. You can imagine a qualified hit man capable of committing these murders at the behest of the sponsor. If that were the case, he must have been able to stage the bodies after they died: this suggests that he was a real professional. Of course these are only personal guesses.
Wondering if and how long the Shermans may have been followed around town?
It would be interesting to know if strangers had coincidentally booked on the same planes as the S's for the various trips they had already taken and the ones they were preparing to take.

Not suggesting that Russia is involved, but maybe similar hitman techniques were employed ? .. imo speculation. fwiw rbbm. lengthy article.

''Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shadowed by an agent linked to a political assassination team for almost a year before he was shot dead, an investigation has found.

''Bellingcat, The Insider and the BBC found evidence that Nemtsov was shadowed on 13 trips before his murder.''

''Seven years later, the BBC - working with the investigative websites Bellingcat and The Insider - can reveal evidence that in the months running up to the killing, Nemtsov was being followed across Russia by a government agent linked to a secret assassination squad.

Using leaked train and flight reservation data, the investigation shows that Mr Nemtsov was followed on at least 13 journeys.
The last time the agent followed Mr Nemtsov was on 17 February 2015, just 10 days before the assassination.''

''All flight and train reservations are recorded in an FSB database called Magistral. But the database not only captures the movements of people Russian agents might want to track, it can also be used to reveal the movements of the agents themselves - people like Mr Sukharev.

This kind of information is often leaked on to the black market and ends up in the hands of journalists.''

''One trip in particular reveals just how closely Mr Nemtsov was being tracked. In the summer of 2014 he travelled to Siberia. Mr Nemtsov booked his flight online on 2 July just after midnight. Exactly 10 minutes later, Mr Sukharev bought a ticket to the same destination, Novosibirsk, arriving on the same day as Mr Nemtsov.
An FSB agent could use Magistral to track a target with this degree of precision, according to Mr Grozev.
"If you're an FSB officer, you would just be able to log into that database and see, for a particular person, all of the tickets that they're purchasing, have purchased, or are buying at this very moment," he told the BBC.''

“Big Pharma doesn’t take out hits on people, at least not in North America,” Robinson said. “They’ll plant a kilo of cocaine in the trunk of your car or embed kiddie *advertiser censored* on your computer but they won’t murder you.”

Russian and Chinese organized crime syndicates, on the other hand, play by different rules. Robinson said some Russian hitmen “fly in on Monday, do the job, then they get on a plane and disappear on Tuesday morning.”

Another possibility that the writer entertains is that it was Honey Sherman who was the real target.''
Define professional.
Do you mean...
The crime was done at a behest of another person?
Someone got hired and paid?
The crime was done with a high level of expertise?
The actual killer(s) had previous experience?
There was little evidence that pointed to any suspects?

Of course there is the 'Up close and personal' aspect of ligature strangulation. However there is a history of hit men, receiving specific guidance and instructions how the crime should carried out.
Yes, that is exactly what I meant.
Thank you.
Wondering if and how long the Shermans may have been followed around town?
It would be interesting to know if strangers had coincidentally booked on the same planes as the S's for the various trips they had already taken and the ones they were preparing to take.

Not suggesting that Russia is involved, but maybe similar hitman techniques were employed ? .. imo speculation. fwiw rbbm. lengthy article.

''Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shadowed by an agent linked to a political assassination team for almost a year before he was shot dead, an investigation has found.

''Bellingcat, The Insider and the BBC found evidence that Nemtsov was shadowed on 13 trips before his murder.''

''Seven years later, the BBC - working with the investigative websites Bellingcat and The Insider - can reveal evidence that in the months running up to the killing, Nemtsov was being followed across Russia by a government agent linked to a secret assassination squad.

Using leaked train and flight reservation data, the investigation shows that Mr Nemtsov was followed on at least 13 journeys.
The last time the agent followed Mr Nemtsov was on 17 February 2015, just 10 days before the assassination.''

''All flight and train reservations are recorded in an FSB database called Magistral. But the database not only captures the movements of people Russian agents might want to track, it can also be used to reveal the movements of the agents themselves - people like Mr Sukharev.

This kind of information is often leaked on to the black market and ends up in the hands of journalists.''

''One trip in particular reveals just how closely Mr Nemtsov was being tracked. In the summer of 2014 he travelled to Siberia. Mr Nemtsov booked his flight online on 2 July just after midnight. Exactly 10 minutes later, Mr Sukharev bought a ticket to the same destination, Novosibirsk, arriving on the same day as Mr Nemtsov.
An FSB agent could use Magistral to track a target with this degree of precision, according to Mr Grozev.
"If you're an FSB officer, you would just be able to log into that database and see, for a particular person, all of the tickets that they're purchasing, have purchased, or are buying at this very moment," he told the BBC.''

“Big Pharma doesn’t take out hits on people, at least not in North America,” Robinson said. “They’ll plant a kilo of cocaine in the trunk of your car or embed kiddie *advertiser censored* on your computer but they won’t murder you.”

Russian and Chinese organized crime syndicates, on the other hand, play by different rules. Robinson said some Russian hitmen “fly in on Monday, do the job, then they get on a plane and disappear on Tuesday morning.”

Another possibility that the writer entertains is that it was Honey Sherman who was the real target.''

Shadowed for a year and 13 trips?!

And the theory that HS may have been the real target… I remember one profiler pointing out they felt the killer may have felt more respect or empathy towards BS than HS, based on how they were staged.
Is there a link or any info about H and that profiler? Thanks in advance. And also about the staging differences. I mean further to the link given above.
Sorry, I did a search for that profiler and I couldn’t find it. It may have been CTV or CP24 that had the expert on discussing the case. If I find it, I’ll post it. (I’m pretty sure he was American.) We posted the video here years ago. IIRC, he said finding out why HS was targeted and killed may be the key to solving the case (she had no known enemies, while BS had made some along the way).

KD wrote about the staging and how it may have indicated how the killer felt towards each victim. (approximately pg 300 of his book):

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''Private investigators also believe that Honey struggled with her killer or killers. She had cuts on her lip and nose, and was sitting in a pool of her own blood when she was discovered. However, there was comparatively little blood apparent on her upper-body clothing, suggesting that she had been face-down on the tile, bleeding, for some time before being bound to the handrail in an upright position, the source said.''
''Private investigators also believe that Honey struggled with her killer or killers. She had cuts on her lip and nose, and was sitting in a pool of her own blood when she was discovered. However, there was comparatively little blood apparent on her upper-body clothing, suggesting that she had been face-down on the tile, bleeding, for some time before being bound to the handrail in an upright position, the source said.''

This is said often, but you’re so good at finding quotes and proof. I looked and didn’t come across that.

Thank you for finding it!
This is said often, but you’re so good at finding quotes and proof. I looked and didn’t come across that.

Thank you for finding it!
It was not quite what i was looking for, but just posted that bit to show what may have led to speculation that HS was the target, especially as BS appeared to have been treated a little more respectfully, ie glasses on , legs crossed as posted in link upthread.imo
ps ty, many here great at finding links!
It was not quite what i was looking for, but just posted that bit to show what may have led to speculation that HS was the target, especially as BS appeared to have been treated a little more respectfully, ie glasses on , legs crossed as posted in link upthread.imo
Did H usually wear her glasses constantly or just on occasion? In fact, did H even have glasses? If so, were they found in the house somewhere?

ETA - Honey Sherman did not have a will at the time of her death. Could H have been the only intended victim?
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IMO, HS may have been killed just because she got home before BS and the killer did not want any witnesses as to who he was. Also, it appears that HS may have tried resisting and getting away from her killer, but failed.

I agree that HS likely resisted.

Just my opinion as well, but Barry was home without HS when she went on two trips prior to the murders and she was set to fly off to Miami on the 18th. Barry would have been alone until he flew out to join her a few days after that. LE also said they were both targeted, but I don’t know if that simply means it wasn’t a random act of violence or a robbery gone bad etc.(although no reports yet that theft was involved.)
I agree that HS likely resisted.

Just my opinion as well, but Barry was home without HS when she went on two trips prior to the murders and she was set to fly off to Miami on the 18th. Barry would have been alone until he flew out to join her a few days after that. LE also said they were both targeted, but I don’t know if that simply means it wasn’t a random act of violence or a robbery gone bad etc.(although no reports yet that theft was involved.)
IMO, if HS was the only target and she was killed first then the killer would have left without waiting to kill BS later.
His documentary on his book should also bring in a few bucks….coming out in 2023.

I googled it, but only found an upcoming February 20th, 2023 CBC podcast.

THE NO-GOOD, TERRIBLY KIND, WONDERFUL LIVES AND TRAGIC DEATHS OF BARRY AND HONEY SHERMAN is an eight-part investigation into the Shermans’ incredible rise and mysterious end. The podcast shines a light on what extreme wealth does to people and their families. It's a peek into the lives of Toronto’s rich and powerful, reported and narrated by veteran podcaster Kathleen Goldhar. Each episode unveils a theory about their deaths, pulling the audience into a dark puzzle of murder and intrigue.”

But it doesn’t mention Donovan, I couldn’t find anything about a documentary based on his book. Do you have a link?
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